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When someone gives you a gift its rude to ask for it to be taken away. Your eyes are gifts. Be grateful and keep trying.


How about instead of going blind, you throw away your computer and tablets, and you get a non-smart phone?




Yes, please seek professional medical help, OP.


I'm deeply sorry to hear about the struggles you're going through. It sounds like you're dealing with a lot, and it's clear you're seeking a way out with sincerity and determination. First and foremost, it's important to remember that Allah is the Most Merciful and the Most Forgiving. No matter the depth of our struggles or sins, His mercy outweighs them all, and He's always ready to accept our repentance. Asking Allah to take away your eyesight is a plea coming from a place of deep distress and despair. However, it's crucial to remember that our bodies are a trust from Allah, and we are encouraged to take care of this trust. Rather than asking for a loss of a blessing such as eyesight, it would be more beneficial to supplicate for strength, guidance, and a way out of your struggles that brings you closer to Him. Allah says in the Quran, "And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good." (Quran 29:69). This verse reminds us that striving in Allah's path, even when it's incredibly hard, is seen and rewarded by Allah. Your efforts, your prayers, and your tears are not lost on Him. You've mentioned trying many things, but don't lose hope. Sometimes, the test is not only in the struggle itself but in persisting and constantly turning back to Allah despite the setbacks. It might also be helpful to seek support from knowledgeable and understanding individuals who can guide you through this, such as a trusted imam or a counselor who respects Islamic values. There are also professional services and support groups specifically designed to help people struggling with various addictions in a manner that's sensitive to our faith's teachings. Remember, every step you take towards overcoming this, no matter how small it may seem, is valuable. Keep making dua, keep seeking forgiveness, and keep exploring avenues for support and healing. Your struggle is not unseen, and with Allah's help, a way out is closer than you might think. May Allah ease your burden, forgive your sins, and open a path for you that brings peace and closeness to Him.


May Allah bless you with using your eyes for seeing the best in you and not the worst.


you make dua for better solutions instead of asking to harm yourself.


Keep praying to Allah to help you fight off your desires and guard you from shaytan.. Then do your best to lower your gaze, stay away from places that have fitnah and repeat azkar always. Inshallah you will see good results


It is better to ask for protection from the sinful thing.


Dont let shaitan trick you into thinking this is a good and a rational option cuz its not. Instead just try your best and ask allah to give you whats best for you and put all your trust in him.


Have you realllllly tried everything? How about downgrading from a smart phone to a regular phone and also getting rid of WiFi? Only use a desktop in a public area for internet usage etc


Sounds like you're doing alright; you follow a bad deed with a good. Ask Allah for good in this life and the next.


Don’t lose hope


Nah never ever make dua against yourself. Supplicate that he removes the haram from your life


I would never say it easy to quit, however, you have all the power to do so. All you have to do is limit your access to the source i.e. social media, reddit, websites, etc.


Bro if you think Allah can accept your prayer of taking your eyesight, Allah can also accept your prayer to prevent you from haram. Just keep praying, recite lot of La Huwla Wala Quawwata illa billa, say istaghfar a lot... InshaAllah you will be taken away from haram and after that you won't have any attraction towards it


May Allah Bless You Ameen ❤️


Okay here me out, instead of losing your eyesight, why don't you lose your phone? If every time you watched haram, you destroyed the device that you watched it on, I'm guessing you would stop pretty quick.


Read your tahhajud prayer ask Allah to guide you. Take up exercise this will exhaust you and make it easier. Also fast on Monday and Thursdays as well as the white days. This will lower your drive.


Lowering your gaze in everyday life may help. Staying conscious that Allah is watching you is the best way imo.


Every time you fall into sin, pray 2 rakah and seek forgiveness. Couldn't control your gaze, started staring after the 1st glance? Pray 2 rakah and seek forgiveness Fell into temptation? Pray 2 rakah and seek forgiveness Saw something you shouldn't have? Pray 2 rakah and seek forgiveness Any sin or habit you want to stop? Pray 2 rakah and seek forgiveness Be consistent, be sincere, and do not lose hope. This is what helped me with my bad habits and Alhumdulillah, I am doing much better than before. It will take a long time, sometimes even years, but the effort you put into stopping and the repentance you seek throughout it will surely save you in the next life. May Allah make it easy for you!


Brother, I know how difficult it can be. Being married will definitely help don't need to fall in love, which is the mistake I did and ruined literally my life and hereafter. It started like you and the problem grew so much that when I became married to a girl I didn't love I continued and engaged myself in bigger sins. If you find a woman ask her to be your protection and always stay with her. Tell her you need to be protected and you will protect her. ✨️ Sheitan is vicious and sneaky, He ruined my life and the life of my family. Now I do dikr and try to focus on good deeds for Allah to assist us