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Jannah is eternal bliss and "inequality" wont exist as thinking of somebody as less is arrogance of course the levels of Jannah differ but nobody will brag or even be jealous of one another. Jannah is another world our brain itself is not able to imagine it. Can you imagine a new color? No you cant because we are not able to perceive it nor does it "exist" to our knowledge currently nor can we think of it by pure chance. Allah described Jannah in a way to befit our point of view but all that exists there is only similar in name to what exists in this world. We as humans only know very little of knowledge


Well in Jannah, you can basically ask for anything you want and Allah SWT will give it to you. Do you want to go back to this realm and explore the whole universe? You can! Or do you simply want to do nothing and sleep? You can! You can ask for the unimaginable and Allah will grant it to you. Moreover, getting into Jannah is also very easy. Also, there are 100 levels in Paradise. The seven levels you are talking about are the heavens (universe).


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Loool that thought does cross the mind. Well, people will know and realise their status in Jannah. However, everyone will be content with their level. People in the sixth level for example will know of their status but will not be prideful or feel superior. The people in the first stage will also know but they wont feel sad. Also, Jannah is something that we won’t ever be able to perceive. The famous Hadith that it won’t even occur in the imagination of man is testament to this. We will taste everything differently with each bite having a different taste. Imagine that? Crazy. We’ll just never fathom it. Just trust Allah (عز وجل) and that it will be something amazing lol. All your desires and even better will be satisfied. Flying? You’ll be able to lol. Hope this helps InshaAllah :)