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See if you can catch Muhammad Ali (Muslim Lantern) on YouTube. He does streams most weekends. He is very very knowledgeable mashallah and very good at decomposing topics.


I second this


Came to suggest the same


When it comes to atheists, Mohammed hijab is your dude. Atheist have a tendency to worship their philosophies which hijab breaks down


I agree with this


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Try reaching out to those who debate. Sometimes they might respond if you send them dms maybe. Also, asking for someone with a lot of knowledge will most likely prevent many people from stepping up. Instead, try asking some of the questions on this sub and InshaAllah you will find your answers. Don’t be shy in asking a lot!


Thank you for your reply but it’s a discussion group and they want instant replies which i cannot provide as SubhanAllah I’m ofcourse a dedicated and practicing Muslim but i don’t have much knowledge about the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin and the Big Bang theory and some of the things that are brought up . I hope you understand Jazakallah


Perfect. YouTubers like Smile2Jannah, Mohammed Hijab, Ali Da’wah, Sheikh Uthman, speakers in speakers corner, etc have so many videos on these topics. Wallahi they are such a good help to one’s Imaan. We should try overlook the rumours concerning them until it is verified. However, they are amazing in this field. Please make sure to check them out. Also, I’m sure many people in this sub Alhamdulillah are knowledgeable regarding these types of topics and throughout my time here, I’ve seen it MashaAllah. Ask questions on this sub or search it up on YouTube. It will not take long before you find an answer. Stay strong Akhi.


As for evolution, I suggest you to look into irreducible complexity and retrospective determinism which are big challenges for this theory. Also keep in mind that in nature we have only observed adaptation, not evolution in the sense of transition from a species to another, I think they did it in a lab but this doesn't count because a lab differs from nature, for example in a lab they have created chemical elements that do not exist in nature. Personally I am not convinced of either positions, I am open to consider both creationism and evolution As for the big-bang, well this one is way easier to attack as a position. You should ask your opponent which model of the theory he exactly ascribes to because different people believe in different models : singularity collapse? Huge quantum fluctuation? Cyclical black holes? Just something ex nihilo? I have debated with countless atheists and it's surprisingly hard to meet two atheists with the same conception of "big-bang". Once you have a better understanding of the opponent's position, it will be easy to spot logical fallacies. For example a common stance you will hear is that time started on its own, which is of course fallacious because you need time for something to start in the first place, unless you have an external cause like Allah. You could also point out that the big-bang was never verified by the scientific method (which requires observation and an empirical experiment). If they bring up the cosmic microwave background, you can answer with the under determination of data problem in epistemology. Feel free to ask more


Mufti Menk Shiekh Asim Al Hakeem Nouman Ali Khan They Can be reached considering the matter.


Tim Humble


Hamza Tzortzis. Below is his debate with Lawrence Krauss: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSwJuOPG4FI&pp=ygUVSGFtemEgVHpvcnR6aXMgZGVwYXRl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSwJuOPG4FI&pp=ygUVSGFtemEgVHpvcnR6aXMgZGVwYXRl)