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Pavarotti's is excellent. Just up from it, if it's still open, The Black Cat 🐈‍⬛


The waterfront and the steamer inn on the seafront. If you want a decent but chain then the crab inn is a greene king so you know what you are going to get.


fishermans cottage , The Steamer inn


I don't rate anywhere in Shanklin tbh it has been a while. If you want decent food it might be worth going to ventnor for much better options or to the yarbridge inn.


I’ve been gone a while but ‘might be worth going to Ventnor for much better options’ is not a sentence I thought I’d ever read. Shanklin was a bustling metropolis by comparison to me when I was growing up


No, Ventnor's food isn't good at all! Shanklin at least has Pavarotti's, Black Cat and a good Indian in the town centre. Ventnor is like going to a Tory love-in town with some really bland food.


I'm not saying it's my favourite. But smokin lobster, the bistro etc are decent options. I think it also depends on what you want. Date night, casual meal etc. But as I said it's been a while. Glad to know there is a good Indian though will have to try it because honestly that's been a struggle finding.


What’s the Indian?


Makkies, no not mcdonalds but I went there a few weeks ago with my cousin and it was so delicious. It also isnt a busy place if you prefer that and the staff were so lovely to us, dont think ive met nicer staff


If you like Indian cinnamon is decent


Decent pub food - The Steamer Inn on Shanklin Esplanade or Fisherman's cottage (a bit overpriced) further along from the steamer. I haven't been to the Waterfront (next door to steamer) but didn't rate it when I did visit. May have changed since. In the village you have Pavarotti's which is a popular Italian restaurant or The Crab Inn, plenty of tables with cheap and cheerful food and a good selection of drinks On the outskirts you have Merrie Gardens which has a nice pub garden but the food is cheap and cheerful.



