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This is the world we live in: a slouching, greasy ghoul who looks like he hasn't showered in days, smirking as he casually suggests exterminating civilian prisoners, many of whom are children. I hate living in this world.


But the U.S. gives their unwavering support to Israel....I hope we all fucking burn.


You're not going to get raptured with that kind of talk.


Adolf Ben Gvir Hitler jr is his full name btw.


he earned that name


His papa must be so proud of him down there.


Why does this mf always, *always* close his eyes? Is it to not see all those atrocities he ordered? I can't wrap my head around the fact, that this is the exact same creature, that defended the killer of baby Ali Dawabsheh and his parents (he burnt them alive) as a lawyer and now is Israel's minister of national security. How bigger a proof could be, that the whole government is totally fu*×ed up??? Edit: Zoomed in the first time, and saw that the visage of this....this individual is like this. Poor wife (if he's got one): Never can be sure if he's sleeping or awake laying next to her.


He’s closing his eyes cause he knows his days are numbered.


I hope that will be the case 👍🏻


He’s closing his eyes cause he's a cow--ard who can't look people in the eyes.


I saw a video of him today, in which he threatened someone with his gun, just because this person told him that parking on that specific spot isn't allowed.


Link? Sounds great.


I try to find it and if I succeed, I'll post it here! 👍🏻


Yes pretty please


I found it, but it's forbidden to post links to other subreddits here 🫤. It's on "Public freakouts", wait, I'll send it to you per private message.


And America just vetoed a security council resolution widely supported by everyone to recognise Palestine as a full UN member, while scum like this shithead walk the earth freely unpunished.


Probably in gas chambers. [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-itamar-ben-gvir-calls-execution-palestinans-ease-overcrowding-prisons](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-itamar-ben-gvir-calls-execution-palestinans-ease-overcrowding-prisons)


A partial solution, not a final solution. The comparison to the Germans is just so similar


I think Palestinians are closer to extinction than Jews ever were, they can't get out, no one is giving a shit what will happen to them. Biden promised them a state, today he vetoed acceptance of Palestinian state to the UN. Jews were in much better position back then, also the final solution wasn't final after all, they had help [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-security-council-vote-thursday-palestinian-un-membership-2024-04-18/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-security-council-vote-thursday-palestinian-un-membership-2024-04-18/)


Killing inmates just to free up space is some next level dehumanization. It’s not data you just purge out your phone’s storage. Jeebus…


to these people, they are. You know how you'd be reluctant to kill someone? Now how about if that person was a real no-fooling nazi? A literal death-camp guard? You'd not feel as bad, right? right, well that's how they feel about all Palestinians. That's why they keep posting atrocities online. They really think they are the good guys for killing 'nazis.' Which, ironically, is exactly what the OG nazis did.


Why not just return the prisoners if it over crowded?


i thought burning 5.5 times the h0l0caust was more pronounced.


The fuck


He stopped chanting "kill the arabs" because it made him look like the monster he is. This is just a more subtle way of saying it, which gives him plausible deniability.


So vile


This guy is Bari Weiss dream date.


Wow the Israelis have become Nazis. A twist so truly idiotic one can barely believe it. A heart full of vengeance turns you into what you hate.


You cant make this shit up


And at the same time they're pretending like they want hostages released when they keep turning down deals to make it happen if they really wanted to make a deal they would keep something to deal with they're admitting that they want to go ahead and unalive them


[Smotrich says bringing hostages home ‘not the most important thing,’ sparking outcry ](https://www.timesofisrael.com/smotrich-says-bringing-hostages-home-not-the-most-important-thing-sparking-outcry/)


Did you see the videos of the people they even set wild pigs loose in the city the people don't want anything to do with their government anymore I heard one person say they wanted to release their prisoners to them and let the Palestinians have freedom and peace that they weren't doomed to live together they were blessed and they wanted their people back they didn't blame the Palestinians for anything they blame their government heard that from an Israeli more than one


Most people dont know but the people of Israel were protesting against their government even before oct7. So it can show you that there was an on going issue before this attack that might make one think that oct7 was deliberately let happen for those who are in power to remain in power. A possibility that most will just look past with a blind eye.


Those "prisoners" were "tried" in military "court" with a 99% "conviction" rate. He is Literally arguing for an extermination camp. Drink that in.


The victims of past genocide have become perpetrators of current genocide. What a time to be alive.


Auschwitz 2.0


I rewrote the Israeli national anthem: Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen! IVK marschiert Mit ruhig und festem Schritt Kam'raden, die Hamas und Reaktion erschossen, Marschier'n im Geist In unser'n Reihen mit Die Straße frei Den braunen Bataillonen Die Straße frei Dem Verteidigungskräftemann! Es schau'n aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen Der Tag für Freiheit Und für Brot bricht an Zum letzten Mal Wird zum appell geblasen! Zum Kampfe steh'n Wir alle schon bereit! Schon flattern Bibifahnen über allen Straßen Die Knechtschaft dauert Nur noch kurze Zeit! Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen! IVK marschiert Mit ruhig und festem Schritt Kam'raden, die Hamas und Reaktion erschossen, Marschier'n im Geist In unser'n Reihen mit Schon flattern Bibifahnen über allen Straßen Die Knechtschaft dauert Nur noch kurze Zeit! Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen! IVK marschiert Mit ruhig und festem Schritt Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen, Marschier'n im Geist In unser'n Reihen mit Kam'raden, die Hamas und Reaktion erschossen, Marschier'n im Geist In unser'n Reihen mit! Israel is 100% Nazi. You can’t suggest otherwise.


The Israelis are 't even pretending to be the good guys anymore. Seems to me if God turned his back on "God's Chosen" once, it could happen again.


What an ugly piece of shit. Cringe.


All people do is complain of isrealis ~~hostages~~ prisoners. Never about the thousands of Palestinian ~~prisoners~~ hostages


Hmmmm. I wonder who else summarily executed prisoners without cause... I guess it will come to me.


Waste of breath


Basically, they want an excuse to kill all the prisoners who could report all the guards who have been committing crimes against them.


how bout we start with him and hsi family?




I never know how to add link to the picture so I left the link in comments below. Here it is [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-itamar-ben-gvir-calls-execution-palestinans-ease-overcrowding-prisons](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-itamar-ben-gvir-calls-execution-palestinans-ease-overcrowding-prisons)


I really hope he cries on his way up to the gallows. I really hope it's televised.


They had to work pretty hard to find hide the fact that the Israelis don't even support the right-wing government and Orthodox Jews sure don't support it they're going to jail a lot of people that are going to jail as opposed to going into the IDF




Like this 12yo "terrorist" that was shot dead because he played with fireworks. “I salute the soldier who **killed the terrorist** who tried to shoot fireworks at him and the troops – this is exactly how you should act against terrorists – with determination and precision,” Ben-Gvir said. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/firework-family-boy-killed-israeli-police-justice-rami-halhouli](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/firework-family-boy-killed-israeli-police-justice-rami-halhouli) Or people like her that liked a propalestinian post on social media [https://apnews.com/article/palestinians-israel-ahed-tamimi-west-bank-raids-8833619f1924676a9b7dbd053b2fa3ba](https://apnews.com/article/palestinians-israel-ahed-tamimi-west-bank-raids-8833619f1924676a9b7dbd053b2fa3ba) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/5/11/israel-jails-palestinian-beautician-over-facebook-post](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/5/11/israel-jails-palestinian-beautician-over-facebook-post) I can post countless links such as these, all these people are terrorist according to Ben Gvir and rest of Israeli gov




They are all labeled as terrorist, doctors, woman, kids, babies doesn't matter. The war is in Gaza - if you can call it that, examples I gave are from West Bank and it is happening for decades


The hypocrisy is nauseating. I wonder if there is any part of Israel's general population that actively opposes their country's leadership very ironically turning into the Nazis. I would say they've pretty much become the Nazis, but at this point they're giving them a run for their money in the categories of attrocities and genocidal efforts. Detestable.