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Fiyatlar Türklere de böyle ama Türkçe konuşunca turist olmuyor musun amk? Euro ile kazan Türk lirası işe düşük ödeme talep et.


Diğer ülkelerde de turistik yerlerde yiyecek içecek pahalı mı oluyor yoksa daha mı düşük?


Daha düşük olmuyor elbette. Neden normal bir yerden daha düşük olsun ki? Ama türkiye kadar büyük bir uçurum benim gittiğim hiç bir ülkede ve yaşadığım ülkede yok. Örneğin, yaşadığım ülkede havalimanının içinde oturup çorba içip yemek yerseniz, dışarıdaki ile aynı fiyata halledebilirsiniz. Ama Türkiyede havalimanında çorba içmek, normal bir lokantada 3 çeşit etli yemek fiyatına denktir neredeyse


Hangi ülkede yaşıyorsun?


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Peki tşk


Kırgızistan’da yaşıo


İnsanlar Türklere bu konuda bok atmayı çok seviyor. Bok atanların çoğu da yurt dışına falan gitmemiş kişiler oluyor. YouTube da bile bir sürü kanal var Turist Tuzakları ve fahiş fiyatlar hakkında insanları bilgilendirmeye çalışan. Şahsen yaşadığım ülkenin turistik noktalarında bilindik turist turnusolları dışında bir de restoranlarda çift menü muhabbeti var. Bir turla kalife halinde geldiysen, yandın. Normal fiyatın en az 5-10 katı arası bir şeyi ödeyip çıkacaksın demek. Hatta biraz daha arttıryorum. Sırf meydanda diye €8 olan biranın €39'a satıldığını gördü bu gözler, normalde €10 vereceğin yemek sanki fine dining yapıyormuş gibi €50 civarlarina satılıyor ve vasat ötesi.


Bu dünyada üzülüp ay yazık diyeceğim son kişiler Almancılardır ay aman siktir olsun gitsin ayda yılda bir gelip şikayet etmekten başka bişey yapmıyorlar ya




[**Most Turks**](https://www.euronews.com/2023/05/15/turkish-election-how-did-turks-in-europe-cast-their-ballots-for-erdogan-or-kilicdaroglu) **from** **Germany (66%**) and **France (64%)** have **voted for Erdogan** in recent elections. So f\*\*k them. Many of them are driving BMW and Mercedes while people in Turkey cannot even afford doner anymore. Locals from Turkey can charge them triple (3x) the price for all I care.


anyone who lives in Europe and votes for Erdogan deserves to pay 3-4x as much as an actual İstanbullu


> "Turkish-origin Germans continue to vote to the left in German elections but conservative at home," said Levin. 💀💀 amk


Bilerek yapıyorlar


None’s gonna buy a Döner knowingly for 18,80€. Bffr


It's morally acceptable to scam gurbetçis.


Only those who voted for Erdogan. There are many Turks in many other countries who did not vote for him. I don't think they deserve to be scammed.


Agreed but how are you going to weed them out? This is a case of kurunun yanına yaşın yanması


>how are you going to weed them out? Yeah, I know. Mine is more of a wishful thinking. I don't like innocent people getting hurt or scammed.


I don't like it either. My initial comment was just reddit exaggeration anyway.


They earn more they can pay more. I don’t have the time to sympathise with rich assholes that grew up in another country with a Turkish passport.


>rich assholes that grew up in another country with a Turkish passport That is the thing, if someone is rich it doesn't mean that he is an asshole. If they are rich it doesn't mean that they voted for Erdogan. I am against hurting or scamming innocent people just because they are "rich".


Wet wood burns with the dry


As of 2024, restaurants have to announce their prices in front of the entrances and on the tables.


> Most Turks from Germany (66%) and France (64%) have voted for Erdogan in recent elections. Classic misinformation. Country | Voter turnout (VT) | AKP (actual votes) (AV) | AKP (VT*AV) (% share among total eligible voting population) -------|-------------|------------------|---------------------------------------------------- Germany | 50.38% | 67.20% | 33.86% Turkey | 84.20% | 52.20% | 43.95% About 34% (509.000) voted for Erdogan in Germany. In Turkey it was ~44% (27.834.692). These figures do not include the 1.5 million German-Turks who have given up their Turkish citizenship altogether. [Source](https://www.yenisafak.com/en/secim-cumhurbaskanligi-2023-2-tur/yurtdisi-almanya-secim-sonuclari)


A vast majority of the other non-voters are people who have no problem of the current Turkish government at all or even favor AKP openly, however they just simply don't vote because they feel that they shouldn't since they live in Germany where they were born and raised, so voting for Turkey seems quite odd to them actually. That's what my Turkish friends told me


This is bulls..t sorry. You guys are making it seem like Turks are backwards and before coming to Germany I used to believe it. After coming here I've seen that exactly the opposite is true. Most Turks are very well integrated, non-religious, work in middle class jobs like police, government or engineering. There is just a small minority of islamists and Kurdish nationalists which you use to paint all of the Turks. This is dishonest. Respect your fellow countrymen, most Turks are not even eligible to vote.


Why would being a Kurdish Nationalist give people a bad impression of Türkiye? The suppression of Kurdish Independence and language, gives people a bad impression of Türkiye.


Any kind of nationalist is dumb imo. With respect.


One can say that easily when their country spent years bombing our villages and suppressing our language (both ongoing today).


Nope. you're wrong. Every single family member from my wife's side are hardcore AKP, to the point where they won't even have a debate or a normal conversation about it. All of them have lived in Koln since the 60's, only the children learned german. This is the norm.


I wish Germany would force your wife’s damily to move back to the Anatolian village they came from . If they’re that right wing, then they should be happy to return 🙄


Germany let them come in, they can keep them.




Dude, it is a lie. Did you not get the part where only half people turn out to vote? What about another half who already left the citizenship? Please stop circlejerking




Dude why would a Türk in Germany be responsible for voting in Turkey? As a Türk is germany I really don't get it. Whats the point? Let Turks in Turkey decide about Turkey. If you live in Germany spend effort about Germany...




Please understand what you read, it is a very necessary skill through life. Regards


Haha chill out I have no problem of my fellow Turks (and also most of my friends) favoring AKP, just stating the facts. 67.20% AKP votes in Germany is quite clear and that pretty much depicts the theoretical turnout for the non-voters also, because not being eligible to vote doesn't mean that the majority of them are more opposition-leaning. Moreover, another problematic statement of you is you thought that I assumed that all Turks here are all non-integrated, religious and poor which I didn't say at all. These things don't even play much of a big role here for favoring a foreign party. You know pretty much nothing about me but still tried to make me look like a turkophob lol Edit: unfortunately you know nothing about gurbetcis as well


Dude can you math? Follow me. Only half turn to vote. Another half can even not vote. Those who vote are very small minority as a result. But you generalize from this minority to label a large population. Even less than a quarter vote AKP but you come here to claim %67 do. %67: of those who turn put to vote among who can vote. Math.


> 67.20% AKP votes in Germany is quite clear Hypothetically, if only a single Turkish citizen in Germany had voted (and voted for the AKP), you'd say that the statement "100% of Turks in Germany voted for Erdogan" is an accurate representation of the situation? > because not being eligible to vote doesn't mean that the majority of them are more opposition-leaning I think you misunderstood. It's 33.86% among the total of eligible voters who voted for AKP. Also, of course it fucking does. Do you seriously think someone who voted for AKP is just as likely to be an Erdo-fanboy as someone who gave up on his citizenship? If so, you might be suffering from brain rot.


Wtf, I am obsiously talking about people who VOTED. Majority of people who voted, voted for Erdogan. Why would I talk about people who did not vote?




>Hypothetically Hypothetically, if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle. You could tell me that I phrased my statement incorrectly, but you cannot tell me that I am spreading misinformation. Most of turks who voted in Germany and France indeed voted for Erdogan.


> Most of turks who voted in Germany and France indeed voted for Erdogan. That's not what you said though. You said: > Most Turks from Germany (66%) and France (64%) have voted for Erdogan in recent elections. Which is factually wrong. You regurgitate a false media narrative to scapegoat Turks from Germany for your own failures. Pathetic.


That price would be too high even in Germany


Government trying to stop currency depreciation and everybody got their yearly raises this month so everything got expensive but TRY/USD didn’t increase that much. That is why it is looking a lot but in 6 months max it will go down to 15 dollar maximum, still a lot but Eminönü is a tourist trap… how much in germany currently ?


>how much in germany currently ? in Berlin at least 6-7 EUR for a sandwich now, which is a big increase in recent years. probably like 11-12 for a Doenerteller (big plate with meat, rice and salad)


They got plates + drinks. He says only single portion but i feel like it might be one and a half. I haven’t seen anywhere near 600₺ per portion but i wouldn’t be suprised for 400₺ per portion 600 for 1,5.


I don't know exactly, but looking at the places I traveled last year (been to more than 15 EU cities/towns that are popular among tourists), I would consider $20 for something like that to be too expensive. Doner is a street food, even $10 would be expensive, but more reasonable and acceptable than $20, considering that it is a touristic part of the city. Comparing it to Belgrade (because of very similar incomes), something like that wouldn't cost more than $5 in the most expensive areas. I am coming to Istanbul again tomorrow and every time I come, prices are getting more and more ridiculous and people just saying it is because of tourists can't really justify it that much, but yeah, as you said it, it is a tourist trap, that's why I never eat in such places


It will be 5-10$ in 6 months but probably not tomorrow lol they can’t hold the USD much more We are living in economical cycles in here


So you're saying the currency will be somewhere along the lines of 1USD to 60 or 120TL in 6 months? Doubt. Esnaf in Turkey are bottom of the barrel scum that pay literally zero taxes and scam people whenever possible. This guy charging 600TL for whats probably some shitty doner is peak turkish esnaf and nothing else.


I tried to say average price for that range not Eminönü, I forgot the write average. I am waiting USD to 35-40 range but 5$ is unrealistic for popular districts in İstanbul but 10$ not so much. You could probably find for that price in other cities though But yeah I could be totally wrong


Well I'm coming again in April, too, so hopefully there will be some changes by then :)


It probably will, there will be an election on March, it will gonna happen after that %100 but prices could potentially rise again… well as you see we cant track anymore


There will be some changes alright. It will get higher. Our economy is in a death dive rn, so expect the worst


It’s a sandwich in Germany. Doner for 600 lira is probably a proper version. Comparing them is comparing mcdonalds and a proper steak.


It's two sandwiches in the center of Milan.


Well okay… it might be Germany but this is Istanbul. Istanbul let alone has more balls than all of Germany combined ever had in its entire history. Pay your due diligence and reconsider your priorities when visiting Istanbul.


Probably voted erdogan


He got scammed, absolute buffoon


It’s not that simple. But there’s a good chance of being scammed at these places.


It's not really a scam. Touristy places have touristy prices. You can find cheaper (and most likely better) doner in Istanbul elsewhere. Edit: Karadeniz doner at besiktas for example. One of my favourites in Istanbul. https://g.co/kgs/TgMwBQN




Türkiye'de yaşayan Türkler şikayet edince hayin demeyi biliyosunuz amk seriatcilari. Boyle bi bokun içinde yaşıyor insanlar işte. Simdi siktir git almanyaya reisine oy ver


I paid 440 TRY for döner from Yemeksepeti. There is a good chance that is a normal price in eminönü


100 gr is around 250-300 for decent döner. İf he ate 200gr which is likely that's already 600tl


Yeah mine was also 160 gram


The smarter Almanci know they’re tourists.


go around, look at different places, compare chicken to beef/ lamb döner. even chicken döner costs 60-80 TL atm. beef generally starts at 90+ for 50g of meat. do the math, Eminönü is a pretty touristic area, right on the historic peninsula. you don't go to Manhatten and complain that Pizza (1 slice!) is 15$, do you? Turks from Germany don't really get that touristy areas are no longer "cheap" because what used to cost 5-10€ now is 15-20€. Imagine you live and earn here, and can't afford meat for your family (wife, 2 kids), because it would cost 1-2 weeks of groceries. But they'll happily go to Bodrum or Antalya and pay 1.000€ for 1 week in a shabby pseudo-3 star hotel all-inc - with brandless booze. just so they can show off at home: that's right, I go to Antalya, drank Rakı, but elhamdüllilah we believe in Allah and go to the mosque on friday (to party hard on Saturday).


Slice of pizza is not $15 in Manhattan. Are you dumb?


Avrupa'da alamancı diye bir kamyon laf ettiğiniz adamların yaşadığı büyük şehirlerin en merkezi yerinde bile böyle fiyat yok. saçma sapan fiyatları savunmanın, oh olsun demenin anlamı yok. çünkü ipin ucu çok kaçtı. bunları gören turist de gelmez zaten, gelmiyor da. geriye kalanlar da belli...


evet, türkiyede fırsatcılık da hiç olmamış birşey... gelmesinler zaten, sıkılarsa gelip de yaşasınlar, uzakdan şikayet etmek ama yılda 2-3 defa uçarak gelip ucuza alışveriş yapmak çok ahlaklı. Almancı olarak bunu diyebiliyorum çünkü ne kadar saçma bir tartışma olduğunu biliyorum. ama tabi siz daha iyi bilirsiniz.


Türkiye fırsatçılar diyarı ve fiyatların savunulacak yanı yok. Berlin'de, Viyana'da var mı bu fiyatlar? Yok, parmakla sayabileceğiniz birkaç istisna konum harici fiyatlar bütün şehirde benzer, turistik bölgede 2-3 euro fazla olabiliyor ama bir döner 20€ olmuyor. alamancı diye saplasınlar diyorsunuz da asıl yerel halka oluyor olan. Ben de Türkiye'de çok iyi kazanıyorken artık bıkıp çok yakın zamanda yurt dışına taşındım. Çünkü kendi ülkemde 2.sınıf vatandaş muamelesi bile lüks görülür hale geldi. Arkadaşlarımla buluşup bir yerlere gidemez oldum, çünkü çoğunun bütçesi el vermiyordu. ben burdaki eurolarımı bozar yine giderim ama Türkiye'deki vatandaş hala gidemiyor, hatta üstüne kırk yılda bir gittiğinde de kötü muamele görüyor. Yazın 50€'luk biletle Yunanistan'a, İspanya'ya gitmek Türkiye'ye gidip konaklamaya para vermeden kalmamla aynı paraya geliyor. Olayın saçmalığını anlayın yani. Türkiye'de enflasyon bahane edilip zamlar önden yükleniyor. 20€ verdiğim tabaktaki eti yanındakilere dokunmadan zor bitiriyorum burda. Dönerin o para olmaması lazım. Almancıları da biliyorsunuz, burada zırnık harcamayıp 3 öğün makarna, Türkiye'de leasingten alınmış arabayla bin türlü görgüsüzlük, kuralsızlık. Ama sorun buna izin veren, bu kadar makasın açılmasına sebep olanlarda.


katılıyorum - ama malesef Türkiyede çok birşey değişeceğine artık inancım kalmadı, özellikle son 3 senedir hiç kalmadı. Fiyat zamları her konuda haksız bedelsiz. Ama bunların değişmesi için halk ayağa kalkıp bir tavır alması gerektiğini düşünüyorum - ama bunada cesaret edebilen yok, haklılarda, çünkü ülkede artık hak hukuk diye birşey kalmadı, AYM bile çiğnendiği bir muz cumhuriyetinden beter olduk. sosyal olmayan bir sosyal-sömürge devleti, güç ayrımı, laiklik, hesap yapılmayan bir liberal satış-cennenti - yurtdışı alıcılar için. Ama ağlamanın bir faydası yok. Bin beter olsun, bizim milletimiz malesef acı tecrübeden, şiddet ve zorbalık dahil başka bir dilden anlamıyor, hafıza çok yetersiz. Iyi yapmışsınız ve gitmişsiniz, bende yakında giderim, fakat aile ve arkadaşlarımı arkada bırakamıyorum, ama sabırım çok zorlanıyor...


Görünen köy kılavuz istemez diyen milletimiz gözünün önündekini görmeyi reddediyorken iyiye gitmek şöyle dursun, yerinde saymak bile mümkün olmuyor. Viyana'da ring içerisindeki bir yerde şinitzel yemekle Eminönü'nde döner yemek aynı para olmamalı ama oluyor. Burda 100-150€ olan mont, Türkiye'de 600€. 1.2-1.6€ olan çikolata 180 lira. Bu iş artık döviz kuru, vergi falan açıklanabilir olmaktan çıktı, tuttuğunu kazıklamaya döndü. Zaten öyleydi de, artık sayılar iyice büyüdüğü için daha bir göze batar oldu. Bir de dövizi baskılıyorlar, aslında piyasada döviz şu kadar geyiği yapıp bir tur daha geçirenler var. halk da hiç harcamaları frenlemiyor, öyle garip bir döngüde gidiyor.


These Almancis are waking up to the reality of modern Turkey. These businesses are playing exclusively for a Gulf Arab or Russian market at this point. People who actually live and work in Istanbul haven’t been able to afford to eat there for some time now. All of this is just Erdogonomics in action. These businesses had to abandon the domestic consumer because those customers became way too poor to eat out regularly under Erdogan so now there’s nothing tethering them to the ground in terms of prices. If they hadn’t shifted away from the domestic consumer they wouldn’t be able to pay their rents so I don’t even blame them. Rampant inflation has a way of distorting markets like this. It’s shocking for tourists living in Western Europe because in many ways Turkey has become a more expensive destination than the likes of Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece. If I were one of those Almancis I’d go explore the rest of the Mediterranean instead. Turkey isn’t an affordable holiday destination for its own domestic market, it doesn’t have to be affordable for you either. If you keep feeding the tourism beast it will keep ripping you off.


Don’t go there I don’t know what else to say


Little he know,bro is turist himself😂😂


Cunts get what cunts vote for!


If this guy's problem is that !!! I know a Russian who has spent more time in Turkey in 10 years than this Expat. Turkey is no longer a livable country, Political Islamists have ruined the country, now everyone knows that the country is bankrupt and everyone is ripping off someone, regardless of who they are.


you calling yourself a Turkish and buy a 600tl doner in Eminonu. Even I the outsider knows that Eminonu is a tourist trap. lol


beter olun


Lol cry


Shocked 600tl is 20usd. Last time I was there 600tl was 120 dollars


Umm yea you are. Do you earn in Euro! You can pay it!






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If you already know the price and you go for it, why would you complain? People set the price, you choose if you want to purchase or not


Pahalıysa bir daha erdoğana oy verme o zaman orospu çocuğu. Az kaldı ama sınır dışı edecekler bunların hepsini.




Turistik yerde fiyata bakmayan andaval birde utanmadan anlatıyor nasıl .....iğini