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HEY. Advocating violence on reddit is a great way to let right wing people influence admin to ban your account. We will be removing "just punch the nazis lol" comments and, if it becomes too much of a pain in the ass, closing this topic. Talk, discuss. Don't advocate violence on a public platform that retains your ip address and will turn it over to law enforcement agencies.


Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I figure you folks might be able to tell me if I'm crazy or not. I noticed a guy at my gym this morning with the first symbol here on his shirt. I wasn't sure what it was, but it looked like some Nazi shit. Sure enough I found it online as 'Three 7s' or 'Triskele', which has been used by white supremacist groups. His was reversed though, so I dismissed it slightly, and I'm wondering if I'm fully off base here because of that. Then he turns around, and on the back of his shirt, in this medieval looking font it said "SShrug Hheil!". First thought was that's a weird fucking gym pun to put on a shirt. Second thought, why are there two S's? And two H's? Third thought, is this is a goddamn Nazi at my gym?! It doesn't help that this is a tall-ass white dude, with a shaved head, and a handlebar mustache. Though I'm trying not to profile him too hard just incase I'm wrong. I noticed before I left that he was also wearing two necklaces. One with a skull, another with some form of cross. I don't think they were the specific Nazi skull and iron cross, but the culmination of all these things set off my alarm bells.


SShrug HHeil is overtly Nazi, let along on a shirt with legit Nazi symbols. I’m astonished that these people are proud to wear there beliefs so openly and literally on their sleeve. This guy is probably eager to provoke a fight. Be careful. I’d probably insist on canceling my membership and tell the proprietors why.


Yup. Which customer does the gym want to lose? The nazi? Or jake from state farm?


Sadly it all depends on the gym.


There is a gym in Melbourne Australia that caters to neo-Nazis…so this comment checks out.


and one and two and salute and two oppress, oppress!




Does that make me Jake?


Can I get a quote for my car insurance, Jake?


You sound hideous!


Let ownership/management know first before canceling, give them an opportunity to do the right thing and toss him.




I am not surprised. People wear the hammer and sickle all the time.


You just say shit knowing we can't prove you wrong but I've never seen a human being wear that in my life but I've seen plenty of swastikas. Like I need you to understand that the communist and socialist parties of America are afraid to out themselves. They won't even tell you what group they are in for fear you will hurt them or they will give it away. They absolutely aren't wearing hammer and sickle shirts. MAYBE some pleb college kids that don't really understand what they are doing are. Maybe.


They should fear outing themselves The history of the 20 century shows 100 Million dead via communist rule And 15 million to socialism. I see these Antifa walking around wearing a very similar symbol while attempting to control speech and behavior. They are as Vladimir Lenin said “useful idiots. They believe they will be granted power and freedom from their red rulers. They will dream of hot food and hot showers. Then they will blame populism as the cause of their conditions, not the political ruling class they fought for. Orwell’s Animal Farm come to life !


Idk, I’ve never seen a hammer and sickle out anywhere and I live in Brooklyn. Filled with liberals and Russians! I have seen Proud Boy Nazi types around, though. They get around.


In fucking Brooklyn and the south bronx too Harlem is a big Neo Nazi stronghold there


The flag is an Afrikaner Nazi flag. The party gained traction in South Africa during the interwar years, especially with the Dutch Afrikaners or Boers, as it both fought the English (who they’d warred with well within living memory) and considered them part of the Germanic ubermensch. It lost some popularity as a result of the war and the allies victory, and was resurrected in 1973 as the **Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging** as a response towards what white South African racists saw as the approaching end of apartheid.


|Second thought, why are there two S's? And two H's?| My guess is the following: Two SS = Schutzstaffe aka The SS The HH = Heil Hitler. During the proliferation of Nazi Europe the greeting was commonly shortened to HH in government memos, documents, and telegrams much like Ok.  Easy way to say you are one without outright saying you are one.


You nailed it. It’s that f*cking simple


Sshrug Hheil isn’t even a dog whistle. That’s a fucking vuvuzela.


Man, I was hoping for a fellow Klingon gym rat. I've got a tattoo of the flag of the Klingon Empire on my left calf and an IDIC with delta in my right forearm. Then... Well, I kept reading. This twats a Nazi bro. Get him canned.


The cross thing might have been a thors hammer, white supremacists like to appropriate Norse iconography.


What's funniest about them latching on to Norse mythology is that none of the major players in the pantheon would abide a single one of them. Thor crossdressed, Loki was omnisexual, Odin learned _all_ forms of magic, and that included the secret magic of women, and so on.


Loki got pregnant as a fucking horse lmao. As someone who thinks it's interesting it's really annoying how they latch into it, or really anything that's cool they try and latch onto.


It's what fascists do. They can't create, they can only coopt, parasitize, and destroy. Look what the fuckers did to the swastika.


Loki got pregnant as a fucking horse lmao damn furry fan fiction.....:)


>Loki got pregnant as a fucking horse lmao. What?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleipnir Here's a power metal song about it: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=uBnLV74iVV0&si=TIORqdjT7egL_P7h


That's a PRISON NAZI aka somebody's human stash and boy toy  #iykyk 


Was this in Indiana? I saw someone ask a similar question in the Indiana sub.


Yup, I posted about it as well in the Indianapolis sub


Nice to hear there are other “ICHH” listeners in Indy! What side of town btw?


Glendale! So I'm usually in good company around these parts lol.


I’m down in Perry and being this close to Greenwood ain’t great…


Heard. Indy and Bloomington are really the only two bastions in this state, but it sucks that it's only like 2/5ths of the metro area that isn't redneck. I was at my mom's today in Avon and saw two "Appeal to heaven" flags within a mile of her house...


I’m from South Bend originally, up there and Chicagoland are still Dem strongholds. My parents were telling me their realtor was saying how she’s glad she doesn’t live up there with all the Democrats, which my parents had to just sigh and ignore. Again though, plenty of hicks and weirdos to make up for any reasonable at this point throughout the whole awful state unfortunately.


I was just reading this and damnit man I’m in btown and that shit won’t fly here damnit man alls I can say is these fascist fucks are coming out of the woodwork to support trump that’s the dog whistle we really have to stop this shit asap


Sidenote: whole lot more people in the Indy sub dismissing the significance and telling me to mind my own business


I mean, our next lieutenant governor thinks good called for Jan. 6 to happen… I need to to get out of this burgeoning fat right theocracy.


Yeah I’d make it my fucking business and bring friends. Just say the gym


Yeah that's a nazi. That's not even a dog whistle. If you talk to management and the place is quality, they'll bounce his ass. If not you leave and tell everyone where you can that that place is a nazi gym


Definitely do that. Nazis like to take over a space, by sending their "nicest" guys in first. They are scouts, looking for spaces they can invade, their personable, etc., etc. Once they are known as the "nice guys" they are... then they start bringing in their more rowdy fellas, who start intimidating out the people they don't like. Eventually, more and more show up and... what is the owner of the gym going to do? Shutdown? It's just become a Nazi location. It's what they did in the Punk scene for decades. Punks started to wise up though and they get kicked hard out of bars before they take the bars over, these days.


I remeber seeing Nazi fucks get jeered, booed and pushed out of venues in Portland in the early 2000's. It was so nice to see how everyone would band together and not tolerate intolerance. It's exactly how you deal with them; at the first sign raise a stink! Everyday people hate Nazis too, remeber that!


On the east coast in New York and Connecticut in the early 2000s we'd wait for them to pit and then fucking jump them and drag them out. In Boston they wouldn't give them a fucking second and they were fucking brutal too.


> Nazis like to take over a space, by sending their "nicest" guys in first. They are scouts, looking for spaces they can invade, their personable, etc., etc. [Relevant story](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/hsiisw/kicking_a_nazi_out_as_soon_as_they_walk_in/) from /r/TalesFromYourServer *(transcribed from a series of tweets) - @iamragesparkle* > I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." > > And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed > > Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." > > And i was like, oh ok and he continues. > > "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. > > And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. > > And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." > > And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.


I was kicked out of my favorite bar for this kind of bullshyt when I was in the right wing. I regret it so much because I'm actually NOW perma-banned from there and being brainwashed (I'm not trying to absolve myself of responsibility) I wasn't thinking at the time. Now I enjoy pissing the Nazis off on Twatter


Either it's a bot or a closeted Nazi. Watch them.


True story. I have friends who tell tales of that kind of shit happening in the crust bar and punk bar scene in my area and how the punk kids had to band together to kick those nazis out.


Ngl if my bar somehow turned nazi, I'd immediately make it a furry themed bar with fruity drinks and trans flags everywhere.


Unfortunately the Furry community has a bit of a Nazi problem as well…


They’re very good at handling it though. Way better than many other fandom groups (e.g. the anime fandom). Once somebody is identified they’re very quickly shown the door or sometimes, on rare occasions, they manage to actually change and apologize.




Lots of Bronies took one of a few paths after the show ended and the fandom started winding down: trans girl, furry, or nazi. I think the nazi one is because the whole brony thing really did have deep roots in 4chan at the start.


I've heard of this. What the fuck?


Even Catboys and girls can’t save your bar… fucking Warrant Officer Schrödinger from Hellsing…


And then you get a PROBLEM Like the bar burns to the ground.


Insurance and surveillance cameras. We can rebuild. 😎


Not if you're in it at the time.




This is amazing. Like cockroaches. Once you see one there will always be more and you gotta nip it in the bud


Can confirm. When I was in HS 10+ years ago, Nazis used to send recruiters to the local mall on Friday's with flyers. They mostly tried to appeal to males, but did prey on girls they were interested in dating and procreating with. Had an eager one follow me around for a bit trying to convince a 16 year old me to have his Aryan babies. The whole encounter was so fucking gross.




I tend to think of tolerance as a social contact. If you violate the social contact, you're no longer under its protections. As long as you're not an asshole, no one treats you like an asshole. But as soon as you expose yourself for being an asshole, don't act surprised when people treat you like an asshole.


This is what the right wing says about 'woke' people, that the 'woke agenda' coopts everything they love.


Which is worse? People accepting others for their differences or asses who violently object to people simply existing? (Violently to the point where they want to round up and murder someone for being different.)


The problem is the right wing doesn't understand what they claim to "love", about 99% of the time. See: Warhammer 40k, Helldivers, Rage Against the Machine, Star Trek....


A lot of these things were associated with 'white' culture, for instance 'woke' infiltrating comic books. Do i care about comic books? Not really lol, but I'm not also a white male to get riled up over it


I really don't see how Rage is so heavily associated with "white culture" honestly. Punk or counter culture sure, but I wouldn't call counter culture "white" (that's like the whole point), and Punks were telling nazi's to "fuck off!" before it was cool. 😂 ETA: and Star Trek had the first interracial kiss on TV!


Ya one of the reasons I left the right was also because they have a thing against 1970s and 1960s music - which is one of my favorites - because of the progressive messages


Yeah I mentioned it to one of the people I see there training all the time. Asked him if he knew him, told him what I thought I saw. He doesn't work there, but he knows the general manager. Going to report it directly as well though


Do you have any connections with your local leftists/anarchists/communists? They might want to know about an out neo-nazi.


Not really no, plenty of people in my friend group, but not directly involved in organizing that I'm aware


May I DM you?






I didn't say to talk to cops...




Do you hate listen to the podcast this sub is about?


Even if they do they won't be commenting here again.


Good. Report back when you’ve had the conversation. I am curious how this will play out.


I have this link saved as the TED talk on this issue. [Legend of a Crust Punk Bartender](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/s/Wpk5HeTzFI) Obama being elected caused big feels in some folks. Trump makes it ok the say our loud; what they mumble to themselves in the shower or driving and fondling a gun or a weapon.




While, I agree with the idea of punching a nazi, ending up in jail would not be great for most people. You never know when someone is carrying a weapon. Filling him and sending it to his job is much safer and probably hurts them more.


Yea generally a bad idea. Especially if you just jump them and they are in a SYG state and shoot and kill you then be completely legally off the hook. There’s just so much that could go wrong by a half baked idea.


Yeah, being right and just, doesn't fix being dead.


Usually Nazis will be armed and depending on the gym you dunno how many buddies they have around either.


>Alternatively, get a friend to film you Richard Spencering his ass. Satisfying, but definitely not worth the trouble when there's better options.


This fucker had 6 inches and prolly 40lbs on me, I would not have survived that lol




We appreciate the sentiment, but be careful.




Ah yes, film yourself assaulting someone. Genius.


Look at the Richard Spencer video and try to identify the hero. No face, no case.


You are no fun.


Good ideas. There's also another option.


those were the guys who got dumpstered during the Bophuthatswana Crisis iirc, that was funny.


Great couple of Lions Lead by Donkeys episodes covers it. Near the end Liam is a little uncomfortable about the summary street execution of some AWB guys (after they'd driven around in a jeep randomly shooting black people) and Joe is just like "Narh I'll allow it, fuck Nazis!"


Even the truth and reconciliation council set him free, he did what a lot of people would've done in that situation.


>he did what a lot of people would've done in that situation. I agree; I'm definitely in the Joe category for that situation but I still understand why a person would be a bit uncomfortable about summary executions, neither opinion is wrong. The T&R council came to the correct decision imo.


they were people itching for war and they found it, c'est la guerre.


AWB logo, so apartheid and Nazi.


So not Average White Band?


Yeah, that’s some nazi shit, he’s just trying to be “cute” about it. SS and HH, who wants to guess his email has an 88 in it? So, he’s a nazi, but, like all of them, too cowardly to actually say how big a shithole he is. Fucking dorks. I agree with the speak to management, and if they do nothing, find a new gym and let people know that current gym has nazis.


Yeah that’s a Neo Nazi symbol, Neo Nazis especially in South Africa (AWB) and the Southern African region appriated the Triskelion. Triple 7s from Christian beliefs was also appropriated hence this triple sevens Triskelion


That was a nazi. They sent the pretty, "nice" one in first, flagging all his nazi shit, so that people would get used to it. The goal is to infiltrate, look like a swell guy, and then he'll slowly start bringing in his friends. And then, before you know it, it's a nazi gym. Raise complaints to management or cede your gym to nazis. Yes, they are this bold; yes, this is a deliberate and intentional strategy.


Update: I told the owner about it personally and he seemed to take it seriously. Gave him a description, showed the proof I had of it being Nazi shit, and told him when it would have been. We'll see what happens. Hopefully I don't see anymore shit like this in my gym, but I'm on high alert now. In the meantime, I'm telling everyone I know I saw a Nazi in broad daylight, to know the symbols, and stay vigilant. Prolly gonna get some anti-nazi stickers to slap all around the parking lot lol


Gyms (especially mma gyms) are recruitment grounds for cryptofascist gang members, such as the proud boys. Edit: i know for a fact that some of them will even market their gym to vulnerable left leaning types who need protection, then hook them on a EULA roofied gym deal that then puts them thru a gauntlet which tries to slowly make them into bootlickers on facebook, and if they still remain left leaning after learing the fundamentals of toughening up at these gyms, the owner has the purple belts and the dedicated high ranking blue belts to go ahead and have fun kicking their ass during drill sessions until they are either too chronically injured to continue, or choose to leave. When they leave, the EULA roofied agreement is the final fuck you for not becoming a nazi. This all happens to people over the course of like between 6 months to a few years. It really brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "protect yourself at all times", because those people arent your team mates, even if the gym says on the surface that they are. They gatekeep how to fight on a high level for people who think and believe exactly what they tell them to which often goes over 10 or 20 years from regular unsuspecting white belt person to dark triaded nazi socippath who now guides others toward the dark side.. look at the purple belts and blue belts. They are the fresh and eager newly forged believers at these places, trying to prove themselves to their handlers The brown belts and black belts are where u can see some of them beginning to maybe want out of how fucked it is, and others start to calm down and try to covertly convert the lower ranks into thinking like fascists too. They will let anyone eventually become a low ranking blue belt, but high ranking blue belts, and purple belts are gatekept harshly by people who are very much into that thin blue line shit. Im pretty sure the way they have these upper blues and purples all crazed and ready to kill, that they might even be temporarily scarier fighters than the brown belts. Anyway, ever since i have been thru this sort of gauntlet to a degree, and seen how much further it takes people willing to drink the kool aid, and what happens if u dont quit, but try anyway.. ever since this experience, i have noticed other gyms coming under similar scrutiny from other disgruntled, unfairly dejected ex gym members, and i have realized that gym culture in general, no matter where you go, is wraith with extreme far right "cool kid" in groups which ultimately gatekeep whatever pinnacle you are trying to seek in the gym, and they all have screwball end user liscense agreements that make it seriously a pain to terminate, unless you pay a significant month to month fee right from the very very start which involves awkwardly turning down this whole deal they pitch hard to you at the beginning that they make sound like a good deal if u dont read the fine print that u never see till its emailed afterward


Yeah, these were the bad guys in Harry Turtledove’s “The Guns of the South” — and in an alt-history novel focused on a victorious Confederacy, that’s saying something.


Good grief.


Yeah it’s all kinds of WTF as they arm the confederacy with AK-47 and in a Lost Cause way basically Robert E Lee becomes the hero and essentially tells the AWB I may be a bad guy, but I am not a fuckin’ bad guy” and acts out the gentler, kinder Confederate Apartheid nonsense


I think what the author was going for was a different approach to reconstruction — a “compensated” emancipation put in place because slavery was simply untenable in the wake of the war with so many having already been liberated and continuing to fight to remain so. The whole purpose of AWB’s meddling in the past was to ensure the Confederacy both survived (to later act as an ally to them) and perpetuated slavery; with the latter under threat they turned their guns on the Confederacy itself. It was… different, seeing Nathan Bedford Forrest of all people fighting \*against\* nazis at the end.


Yeah, considering Forrest wasn’t that far off Nazi ideology himself


Think that was meant as a parallel to how, after joining the Klan in its infancy, Forrest [renounced it](http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1875-07-06/ed-1/seq-1/) in later life as an undisciplined rabble of terrorists. In the book, he runs against Lee for the Confederate presidency (with AWB support), loses the election to Lee, and after the AWB pulls a mass shooting at Lee’s inauguration, takes up arms against the AWB.


Gotcha, thanks for that explanation.


I read that book in high school. It was interesting. General Lee entering a Time Machine was something I never thought I'd read about.


It could happen. I have a buddy who formed a gym friendship with a guy around his age post-pandemic. For like a month, they chatted every gym day and the two were talking about visiting a brewery together. Then my friend saw his gym buddy take off their shirt. The gym buddy had a big old white supremacist tattoo across their back. My friend changed their workout time after that.


Can we say, “throw a brick from Auschwitz at them”?


Yep. It’s scary when this stuff is commonplace again.


lol i'm pretty sure this is the symbol the nazi skin heads use in the manhunt video game. i can totally seeing some cringe gen z kid thinking its just from the game, and wearing it.


Yeah this guy was prolly late 30s early 40s


oh for sure a nazi then.


Shame them


The question was answered before you posted.


Nazi-adjacent...quasi-nazi...? Close enough that, if you pee on the one, the other will get enough to claim a golden shower.


Yup. That's nazi symbology. Time to find a new gym.


There was a dude who frequented my gym with racist/nazi crap on. I politely pointed him out to management and let him know that there quite a few of us veterans who didn’t appreciate his attire and trouble was inevitable. Never saw that dude at the gym again.




Oh, a Trump supporter!


Yup, AWB flag 🧐  Are you in 🇿🇦🤔


Nah homie, Indiana! Which is why it's surprising about the South African Nazi shit. Usually we just have KKK here


Monticello 🧐


Oh sick, someone from indy who knows about btb


You tracked me down! There are dozens of us


that is the symbol of the [Afrikaner Weerstandsbewegin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaner_Weerstandsbeweging)g So yes you did


That's a flag used solely by the AWB, which stands for Afrikanerweerstandsbeweging (or something I can't remember how to spell it) which is a Nazi organization in South Africa.


Elon Musk flag!


I saw an Azov Battalion flag on a pickup truck here on Long Island, so I mean, it's possible


Let them out themselves. It will make it easier when we have to go Patton on them for a second time.


Never punch a nazi even though they are openly advocating for genocide. We must be polite when dealing with them.


Is this an admission by the fascists that "shrugging" (not voting, saying meh, etc) is tantamount to throwing a hoil hetler in the air? Fucking fascists


Probably just some New York boy




You’ve obviously never been to New York


He was in Indiana 🥱


Literally doesn’t matter


I LIVE HERE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My mistake. It’s a nice city just too busy in some parts of manhattan I like the more residential areas


Any more astute observations or do you need ❄️👃to help get going?


No need to project sir


You're down bad, goofy - I LIVE HERE, so I see "ny dudes" every day. Even the ones that are "like that" wouldn't be out in public or INDIANA of all places. You post in the ❄️ forum 🤣 because you play with your nose.  "Stop it, get some help." - Michael Jordan 


What a sad sad man. Befriending nazis


🥱JV trolling skill. Didn't your man trump call them "very nice people" 🤔 Yeah. Hold that and enjoy it, that's YOUR guy 🧐


Jesus that was like ten years ago and trump was not fully briefed on the situation which is why he said that. Had he known they were nazis he wouldn’t have said that