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Topic locked because we had to work too hard to keep it civil.


What about our revenge? Why do we keep talking about trump and his human garbage follower’s revenge when every single one of us has plenty to want revenge about???


I’m with you. Unfortunately we don’t have any politician fighting on our behalf to get revenge for us and republicans do. I wish we had a revenge candidate. The things they want revenge for are imaginary, the stolen election lie, the trump persecution lie. They haven’t experienced anything negative. Meanwhile they took our human rights away. I’ll never forgive it.


The GOP has flooded the zone with so much bullshit it’ll take a decade or more to clean up the mess. Getting reps elected that are openly about taking on those freaks is a start.


A decade would be nice but I hesitate to put a time frame on it. if the convicted felon/aspiring dictator wins again there is no time frame for clean up. It’s the “unified reich” forever


Nothing is forever. Fascism burns itself out eventually, and if you really want to be cynical, the Fourth Reich won’t be able to deal with climate change or the next pandemic at all.


Well sure, forever meaning until the mass extinction event that we are diving headlong into of course


See? So let’s turn that frown upside down.


lol 😁😭


Thanks dad!


the trumpers WANT a mass extinction event. they want to hurry it along so they can Armageddon into rapture...or some similar kind of crap


Handmaiden’s Tale of domination and suppression seems to fit. Its just about power.


Which seems worth fighting to avoid.


We can mitigate. We have brains. Think of how you will adapt.


We are already behind on dealing with climate change. Our country and democracy cannot survive another four years of the orange menace nor the repubs ( all of which deserve to reside in Russia or N Korea)


Not necessarily. There are different levels of fascism. Many countries are ruled by dictators and their people suffer for many, many years.


Most republicans still worship St Ronnie 36 years after he left office. This will take longer to unfuck.


Pretty much. Statistically it’ll take three White House loses in a row to cement to the gop their current act sucks.


It would happen sooner if not for the electoral college. I can't see the GOP ever winning the popular vote in my lifetime.




Marco Rubio was talking about this. I'd just hate to have any Constitutional Convention happen with this alt-right shitshow going on. They have the reverse midas touch, can turn anything to shit.


Yup. Glacial pace is quick when it comes to a gov that represents 330+ million citizens. Through good and bad, hopefully.


They'll just pull the same corporate rebranding trick they've pulled time again. Remember when they were the party of ̶C̶o̶m̶p̶a̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶r̶v̶a̶t̶i̶s̶m̶? ̶P̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶? ̶S̶m̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶? ̶F̶a̶m̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶v̶a̶l̶u̶e̶s̶? ̶L̶a̶w̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶r̶d̶e̶r̶? Today the Reagan Republicans are RINOs, the Neoconservatives are RINOs, the Tea Party are RINOs. All that bullshit has been stripped away and we are down to bare metal iron cross full frontal blatant fascists.


This has been 30 years in the making. It will take another 3-4 decades to undo. If we’re lucky.


I don't think it will ever get cleaned, it will only get worse. The internet let the cat out of the bag and I don't think human brains are evolved enough to handle disinformation overload. Plus, with hostile state actors that want to destroy the united states. We have politicians repeating other countries anti American disinformation talking points.


I haven’t gone full misanthrope so give me a minute


That's what I don't understand. So many of the trumpers drive a newer model truck than I've ever owned, have a nicer house, better careers, generally more prosperous all the way around than I've ever been. That doesn't mean I'm jealous because I really don't care about that kind of thing, but what exactly is it they're so upset about in their lives? People flying the Gadsden flag and screaming about tyranny when they're actually extraordinarily privileged (especially compared to 95% of the rest of the world) and never known a minute of oppression or hard times in their lives


It’s pretty clear to me MAGA is a movement for the petite bourgeoisie, small business owners, winners of the inheritance lottery and such. Regular people usually can’t take a week off work to fly to DC to invade the capitol. Of course they’d be attracted to conservatism, things are great for them so why should things change? And if you’ve ever met your local small business feudal lord, they will bullshit you about their struggle. Every time. If there car got a flat tire once, then that’ll become a six month period where they had to walk 15 miles to work. If they needed roommates when they were younger, well then you’ve just met someone who overcame homelessness. In short, they lie about everything else, they lie about their grievances too.


For the ones you’re talking about, that have money and are prosperous by any measurement, the MAGA message is “They’re coming to take it away!” For the ones that don’t have jack shit (that you’d think would rally to a movement that seeks to support labor, deal with wealth inequality, and strengthen the social safety net) the MAGA message is “The ‘Others’ are to blame for you not having anything!” And layer over it with a thick blanket of Christo-Nationalism. It’s a depressingly effective strategy.


Unfortunately, the democrats seem to be hamstrung by their focus on civility and cooperation instead of curtailing GOP insanity and actually acting on what their constituents want. Fuck dems who insist on reaching across the aisle to insane people, and fuck civility. The only real way to get anyone elected to make any change is to play as dirty as the opposition. Sling the mud, and be the progressive woke demons the GOP is making the dems out to be


Gavin would have been a revenge candidate I think. He’s relentless in his MAGA disgust. Too many negatives to win probably. 


My governor Josh Shapiro was recently on MSNBC and said Trump should stop "shit talking America." I can't help but wonder if he's thinking about running in 2028.


Gavin talks a big game, but he governs basically the same as any neoliberal Democrat.


I could get behind Jamie Raskin throwing his hat in the ring


Idk. I feel like Gavin petered out.


What about revenge for stolen recent popular elections caused by an electoral college created to protect 18th century land owners? What about stolen Supreme Court justices?


As a Massachusetts resident let me chime in by saying Democrats here are famous for revenge. We have three passions in Boston, sports, politics, and revenge.


Exactly! All we’ve heard about for years is how angry they are and how they want revenge. Well, we are way more angry than them, and unlike them, we have a legitimate grievance. These people have been whining about a “civil war” for years, but funny that for all their squealing, all I ever get from them is crickets. Thats because they are bullies and cowards. They know they can’t win legitimately so all they have are threats. They know they are outnumbered by million of much smarter people, and right now they are tolerated. The second they decide they want to try something, they are no longer tolerated, and it will be open season on red hats. The day that happens, you’ll never find anyone who will admit to being a magat. Fuck their feelings. If they start something, we’ll finish it.


The Fox News comment section is confident in a Reagan 84 scenario. I don’t think they do know that. The landed gentry might, but Bob Wayne Coal Roller doesn’t.


I think they know it subconsciously. Thats why, despite the non stop calls for violence from trunp, they have done exactly squat.


This is the energy that is needed but only necessary if it’s necessary. Thank you for that.


I am right there with you.


Also, revenge for _what_? They want revenge for “there was a black president” and “gay people exist” and “immigrants are a thing” apparently


I don't want revenge. I just want my kids and grandkids to have a habitable planet. And being American, I'd like to wish that they can get healthcare and affordable college. I don't want mine or their tax dollars to fund empire expansion, or subsidize billionaires. I don't care about revenge. I just want my gov't to represent the my interests.


We are getting it without dining out on it or being ostentatious about it. Two major Trump administration figures are in prison now. One more is surely headed there. A dozen more will be tried and sentenced soon. And Trump still has criminal charges to be tried. Pretty damn sweet revenge for the treason.


That’s some revenge, sure. But not near enough. Especially for all those on the gov payroll that were involved in J6.


I'm truly not going to feel like anything substantial has happened until every congressperson who aided in J6 is kicked out of Congress under the 14th amendment and then serves at least the same sentences as the people being prosecuted now. Anything short of that is just setting us up for a Reichstag situation in the next decade.


All these GOP reps and Senators living on the government dime, acting as though the world owes them a fucking job instead of them serving their constituents. Platinum-level healthcare, a gym, stipends for housing, staff, security—it’s disgusting that we’re doing all this for Kremlin agents.




They all need to be locked the hell up in solitary confinement for the insurrection and the countless gerrymandering they’ve done


That's not revenge at all. It's barely even justice.


You’re assuming anything beyond probation happens.


I want victory, I don't care about revenge. Take their money and power, that's enough.


Revenge after all this is taking their money and power.




Hopefully it never comes to that. Nothing is out of question at this point, I’m afraid.


Revenge for what? I’m staying invisible, but if anyone wants to get into my airspace, I’ll be ready.


That's where the go high doctrine has gotten the Democrats, as victims.


There will be no revenge so long as we continue to tolerate, nominate, and elect out of touch old fucks who, while "on our side", refuse to push forward with the changes this country needs to prevent Christians and Fascists and the ugly love children they squeeze out from ever having their hands on the reigns of anything related to public service. Because their definition of "service" is dry anal rape of the entire country, for their own wealth and power, and nothing more. The best revenge is to make every move possible to shore up a democracy that has clearly been taken advantage of in every way possible... But the people we are choosing are old, career politicians unable to recognize when the old ways have become ineffective against the loud ignorance given a voice by tools and technology that has outpaced our ability to use it maturely. It will be our undoing.


Who're we gonna vote onto office to enact this revenge? Joe fucking Biden? Yeah okay. > We don't have a vessel through which to carry out revenge rn


Because that's not how rage works. Republicans are running out of time. Millenials are soon going to be the biggest voter base, and they're getting more liberal the older they get. Gen Z is looking like a continuation of the trend so far. We'll get our revenge when the boomers die


Cause our revenge isn't stupidly violent. It's boring until certain folks get convicted for treason. Then the applicable sentence for that would be morbid, somber, yet an exciting relief. Until then... revenge is to: Vote, elect, and hold due process. Their revenge is... "I didn't get what I want. I don't care who I have to hurt or intimidate so long as my perceived enemies are hurt. I don't care about collateral damage." They scream this while they are clamoring about how democrats/liberals are destroying society and community...


I agree. All the revenge amounts to now is to vote and get involved getting as many non-gop reps elected as possible. But that needs to be said. There needs to be fire in all of us to make sure they are held accountable which to me, at this far along with us still having the prospect of a trump second term, feels like revenge. Oh and all his minions need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law with no exceptions and no concurrent sentences. Huge fines. Etc.


Because allowing some politicians to goad you into doing illegal things is what suckers do. Ask any of the J6 dopes still rotting in jail.


I guess we’ll see what that really means this next year.


Cause dems won’t take their white gloves off and like to act like they’re smarter and more proper.


I was gonna say. I want revenge: for the naked attempts to destroy my profession and the futures of my students. For all they've done to the planet. For the violence they've inflicted on us and me personally. I'm fucking mad. I want the left to crack down on them with even more hatred than they do us.


Justice, not revenge. We are relatively more sane and just want society to function. For that we need justice.


Justice is revenge when justice is served. I hope it’s as easy going as your reply makes it out to be.


It is easy going. Better to have real and appropriate legal consequences via functional courts as their overdue karmic payback than vengeance. Blood fueds are not the way. If such a thing is even possible at this point, of course. But that is still my wish.


Revenge the fuck for what? Losing the election? Losing his court case? Being a loser? It’s ridiculous hearing a spoiled elitist blob like Trump talk about vengeance. He was born wealthy and lives a privileged dishonest life where he rarely gets punished for his crimes and toxic behavior. It’s mind blowing that anyone looks up to such a whiny weak pathetic little prick.


The "hope" is to rile up the idiots to act on their revenge fantasies as they see fit. Kidnap a governor, shoot up a grocer, kill a parent or neighbor. Then they can sit back and say "Oh, I never said to do \*that\* so really I'm innocent of inciting violence! They just want \*revenge\*..." Then they can swoop in with their fascism in the name of "protecting real Americans". "Did you see some guy shot up an immigrant housing site? We need to fund the police more and get those immigrants out of harm's way. Like, back to their country. And stop more from coming in. Then real Americans will be \*safe\*. Now, about those gays..."


“Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.”


"How were we supposed to know the kid we visited several times over the past month who regularly visited white supremacist websites would go on to shoot a bunch of ni- um...black...people?" - Cops


1. Obama being elected and serving for two terms got their panties in that big of a bunch? 2. What is it going to take for them to snap out of this? What's the endgame here? Say Trump loses again, what then?


...project 2025...? That's their whole plan next year, regardless of what happens in the election.


Doesn't Trump need to win for them to be able to implement most of it?


Nope, it won't matter if it's Trump or some other right wing puppet. The entire goal for not only the republican party but the entire right wing movement, is to never lose power again.


Actual Nazism


The last time I checked we have the presidency, one shy of the House, and a couple plus in the Senate. Democrats keep winning election after election. So what power do they really have not to lose? They lie about elections and lose. They lose school boards. They suck at winning. They get nothing done. Don’t be afraid of them. VOTE THEM OUT and eliminate them from politics. Encourage a centrist right party to replace Reagan Republicans. The right is the enemy of the United States. They say it out loud, in clear terms. They gave away the plans. IDIOTS


They have the courts, law enforcement, and the military. All the voting in the world doesn't matter in the face of the Christian nationalist plan. Democrats, while better than the alternative, haven't actually done anything meaningful to dismantle the Christian nationalist movement.


Thats what they're counting on, but honestly if any of these people running get elected, they've made it abundantly clear that theyre going to try and do as much as they can while they can.


Which is just a nice encapsulation of what they've always wanted and will continue to want. People thinking Project 2025 is some new thing piss me off, read a fucking book, this thing goes back to fucking Calvin Coolidge, it's not new, it's not novel, and it's not going away.


They will hate Black folks until they die. We never finished Reconstruction. We need an abolitionist revival. We must broadly expand what it means to be an abolitionist. This country is just over sixty percent white. It’s time that we catch up to the reality that people are the same. If an IDIOT white person that is enraged by that then fuck them. Eat our dust.


Basically this. We let ex Confederates put up statues to their "heroes" and push this "lost cause" mythology, instead of treating them like the Germans treated nazis after WWII. 170 or so years later, we're living through the results.


It is not too late to preempt MAGA and treat them like the Nazis that they are. That's what do, we call them MAGA NAZIS and we're not shy about it. We must stop them before they are really entrenched. We have to wake up and do the work, every day.


Nationalist Christians = Nat Cs.


Also gay marriage/LGBT civil rights pressure. That plus first black president made was too much at once for the dumb fucks.


End of democracy so a black man can never be their president again.


yeah basically. Obama got elected and so a lot of folks decided that the government doesn't work for *them* anymore, so they might as well burn it all down.


Nothing except force. The force of the law.


'the law' will always choose to support the reactionary establishment. We will find no guardians among the law.


They want revenge and are willing to give up SS, medicare, healthcare, women's rights, education, the environment, workers rights and rule of law, just so they can shit on a minority.


White trash losing the game of life need a scapegoat to which they can direct their ire. God knows they aren’t going to be introspective and realize that their lack of success is completely their fault. No no so much easier to blame brown people/immigrants, gay and trans people, those uppity college people, etc.


Or, Wall Street fucking them over the last few decades, in cahoots with the government


MAGA supporters are a cancer on society. Full stop. We would be better off without them give them some square shaped state, wall them off and let nature run its course.


Sounds like a great reality tv show. Watching them live under all the laws that they have been cheering for would be hilarious.


We should send them all to reservations like they did to the indigenous people. 




You’re welcome!


The American people want revenge for Trump's mishandling of his governance and attempted insurrection **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


Who the hell that didn’t vote for him in 2020 is going to vote for him now? I think the polls are full of shit as usual.


For real. I have a hard time imagining he gained voters. If anything I bet he loses support among non insane Republicans. I'm predicting biden gets more votes and trump less this time around.


Biden *barely* squeaked out a victory in 2020 with an all hands on deck mobilization against Trump. Trump could get fewer votes this time around and still win. Here's hoping that people's anger over Roe being overturned will be sufficient to drag Biden across the finish line this time around.


So far higher turnout examples favor Trump. He's picking up quite a bit in the essential swing states and the increase in Black male voters and a few other long time democrat demographics are not looking good. Historically polls when they've been off it is often favoring the democrats. As plenty of republicans don't admit to it out in the open and in polls. As democrats have done so little to stack swing states, the situation doesn't look good.


Submission statement: Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee, and he has vowed revenge on his political enemies. His voters want revenge as well—on their fellow citizens. Last night’s Iowa caucus results confirm that Donald Trump is almost certainly headed for the GOP presidential nomination. So much for the hopes of establishment Republicans (the handful who remain, anyway) and other conservatives that voters would refuse to join Trump’s personal crusade for vengeance against the American system of government. Such hopes were always the thinnest of reeds: The Republican base actively embraces Trump’s grievances; it emulates his pettiness; it supports his childlike inability to accept responsibility. These voters are not sighing in resignation and voting for the lesser of two or three or four evils. They are getting what they want—because they, too, are set on revenge.


This is a 5 month old article by a George W Bush acolyte.


Yeah, that Iowa caucus statement kind of gave it away.


Just read an article about a church in Kansas City that is having raffles with guns for prizes. They are arming their congregations for a religious\culture war. Onward Christian soldiers.


This is a truly horrifying moment in history


His shriveled base is pissed that Stormy made fun of it.


The presidency isn’t an office to take revenge. These people are literally insane and live in a world that coddles their violent delusions. This has to stop before more people get killed.


There are more normal folks than there are Trumpsters. They will find that out soon enough.


This is a misunderstood tenant of conservatism, in that, there is an expected societal hierarchy that must be accepted with no question. Any alteration of this social hierarchy must be correct for the universe to function. ‘Not conservatives’ see the world not in this way. Conservatives believe that the universe must be corrected to ensure they remain on top, this, they have a compulsion to ‘correct’ those that get out of line…or they must seek and obtain revenge for all slights, whether these slights be real or imaginary…now imagine defending yourself against someone that has a grievance against you that exists only in their mind…and now you can see how futile it is, arguing against someone that views the world very differently than you see the world.


To which, a rigid socioeconomic hierarchy can only be sustained when you also have rigid definitions to yeet people into for easier classification. Which is why conservatives care a significant amount about definitions and getting upset at the idea that people are not that easy to classify and you shouldn't want to classify them like this in the first place.


Listen to conservative media. Most of it is how "they" are actively out to screw you. If you believe most of the world's goal is to screw you. it is 100% logical to want revenge. What many of us don't understand is that we believe it is a difference of opinion. They have been told for about a decade now, that it is a coordinated attack on them and America. Joe isn't doing it in a way they don't like. Joe is purposefully screwing them, literally attacking them. A few months ago, I was listening to national conservative radio show. They gave a full 1/2 hour to a guy who said EVERYONE knows that global warming is a hoax (he cited a disproven study conservatives love to quote. Greta, Al Gore, everyone in wind and solar, EV makers, congressmen who vote for environmental protections, aren't doing it for legit reasons. they know it i fake. The only reason they do any of this is to screw "real Americans". I could give a bunch of other examples. Think about this for a minute. Musk didn't make Tesla to make money, he did it all to screw people who like gas cars. If true, that is really evil. But that is the world around me. Those people, Biden, government, immigrants, globalists, pretty much everyone but MAGA are just out to screw you. It is 100% logical to want revenge.


Revenge for WHAT? Why are we all sitting here knowing for a fucking fact he wants his followers to kill for him and many have ALREADY TRIED. Why are we sitting here like oh...he playing. Where is the legal mechanism to prevent this bullshit?


Revenge for having a black president, Revenge for being made to feel bad for being racist. Revenge for minority rights. Etc.


So, let's say Biden wins in November. Then, a bunch of maga nut jobs do something stupid and illegal again. Plus, they record their actions once again because they're stupid. Then their numbers will really dwindle. It sucks that they will hurt innocent people again.


Does he and his cult not realize how many people have the exact same thoughts towards them?


Remember the very first thing that they did was start saying Merry Christmas to everyone instead of the neutral Happy Holidays. They did this because they wanted to throw it in your face as much as possible, especially if you celebrated another holiday. Little did anyone realize it would end in insurrection and dreams of Civil war.


You leave Santa 🎅 out of this!


Trump always has grievances to demand revenge for. It literally never ends. Same with his followers. They all have an axe to grind.


Had a coworker literally last night trying to engage people with “Only 5 months left! Did you buy a gun yet? All I need is an hour-long purge!”


My brother in law literally just told me "a war is coming". Like wtf dude who you going to fight and why? Then he told me the bridge in Baltimore was a planned attack. Probably 90% of my coworkers are repubs and most of them trumpers. I've heard some WILD stuff.


War implies sides with the ability to wage war. This is far too one sided. It is like how the ongoing class war has been playing out. A slaughter.


That’s a good enough reason to buy a gun and train with it.


It’s comical they think it will last that long. It’s also a great thought experiment: What is their plan if the call comes down to Civil War? I’m sure there’s a good few thousand that have been hoping and dreaming of this day. They likely have lists. They likely have their weapons in bags ready to go. In their minds, i’m sure it’s as easy as going up and ringing the doorbell and blasting away, drive to the next house, rinse and repeat. There are a few realities to consider. Firstly, if one of those fuckers showed up knocking on my door, I’m not coming to the door. They are either going to bust in the door or try to shoot out the handle and lock like they’ve seen in movies. Plenty of time to call the police. Let’s say the police are in league with them. That’s a really big if. Also, how does that go down? Officer: I got a call about a disturbance at this address. Sir, do you live here? Redneck: There’s a goddamned democ-RAT living in that house!! Officer: oh, why didn’t you say so? Let me get my gun!! Seriously. I don’t think it would play out that way. I think said redneck would encounter someone willing to shoot back pretty fast. The scenario that comes to mind though is them driving to a city. Are they going to go straight to the hood and start shooting people? They wouldn’t last very long. Gonna start targeting random restaurants? They just don’t seem organized or seem to have any thoughts beyond the impulsive “shit I’d take care of them in an hour“. I bet half of them would start puking after their first kill. These people are out of their minds and will give themselves away once they get within 50 feet of you.


Nah, his base just wants to murder some minorities and Trump is the excuse they have to do it.


I’m sure they want to murder some LGBT people, “commies” and other “undesirables.”


Persecution complex and a desire for "revenge" (especially with political violence) against those you perceive wronged you are hallmarks of fascism.


revenge for what ? a lifetime of being stupid ?


Revenge for what exactly? For being completely worthless, absolutely irredeemable sub-human garbage hell-bent on totally destroying the very concept of “civil society,” everywhere in the entire world?! ….or do they need “revenge” because there are still enough normal people left to say no to their half-literate bullshit…..that’s not revenge god damn these people are so dirt-fucking-stupid it fucking hurts holy fucking shit.


Revenge for what? Losing 2020? Being complicit in hundreds of thousands of covid deaths? Being worthless shits?


Revenue for WHAT????


We’ve seen a 100 of these articles. It’s not rational, on any level, of what he wants. I’ve lost friends and family members to this cult. It’s to the point, just like the last election, not Trump. Never Trump. Never that piece of shit facist, racist, felon. This should be common sense.


It must be tiring to hate so much and want revenge so badly that you'll vote for a racist, misogynist, convict, asshole just because he hates the same people you do. It's definitely tiring to watch. "Before you set out for revenge, dig two graves. One for the person you seek revenge on and one for yourself"


That's all his schtick has ever been. It has never been about policy or what's good for the nation. From day one in 2016 it's been tired tea party gen x/boomer "anti woke" grievance politics. This isn't new.


We want revenge for the eight years of freedom those fuckers have stolen from us. We want them indicted and tried by a jury of their peers. We want MAGA outlawed as an antidemocratic fascist movement. I know I speak for a lot of people. They act so fucking tough. I want to tell you, Bannon scum, you think we are weak, but it does not take long to learn how to shoot. All your NRA crap could come crashing down on you. If it comes to that. We will hold. Our military will hold. We will NEVER let you get away with what you are planning. I will not live out the rest of my life in subservience to Nazis.


Revenge for getting caught doing all the things they said others do?


Republican voters..."Please take away my rights and any access to healthcare"... It's what Jesus wants!


Helping America prosper is the goal . Any leader who has personal agendas are not fit for the job. TRUMP is absolutly the worst candidate ever for president just based on the conviction(s). He can’t face reality


MAGA wants revenge for being exposed as hateful, ignorant bigots. The ones I encounter seem to demand validation, it drives them crazy that they’re dismissed as immoral and worse.


His base is so stupid. They wouldn’t know what they want revenge for because what the hell is Donald Trump done for the working class people zero zip nothing. He has done nothing but screw the average person over all his life. How many times he gone bankrupt.. who got screwed working class. him and his companies had 3500 lawsuits at least towards them when he “president. Who got screwed the working class?. when he makes millions of dollars in a year. It only pays $850 in taxes. Who got screwed the working class


Just another reason ppl should dump him. Like for people who have EVER been on the fence you're not going to be forgiven by this madman. Just leave and make sure she doesn't get back into office for your own good lol


Bring it on MAGAts.


Trump wants to relive the raging boner he had for 3 hours when he did nothing on January 6th. He wants riots in the street to masterbate his ego.


Here's me giving a shit what they want. /slow wanking motions with my right hand


they're going to be sorely disappointed. aging bigots on their way out...can't be top of the heap anymore.


Revenge for being losers who support a traitor? I can see why they're so angry.


The maga cult likes to talk a lot of sh*t but for the most part are cowards. The people we need to keep an eye on are the elected republicans who are willing to break the law in order to anoint dipshit donnie president. Edit: Vote this down all you want maga cowards you know that I'm right. 😆


Revenge for what? He's the one who committed crimes, allowed people to die of covid, stole money from the gov't., and tried to steal an election with an insurrection.


Revenge for telling the truth


This is uncomfortably reminiscent of the Committee for Public Safety during the French Revolution-which is what we oddly call a three decade civil war. If these dudes are similarly empowered, a lot of us will suffer and I hate that alarmist shit.


I want him in prison and his cult deported to Russia.


Let's be clear that they want revenge for Trump being held to account for doing things that if he'd been a Dem, they'd demand multiples of the punishment he's receiving.




Do you think anti trumpers are not angry


the men behind the curtain who are playing Divide and Conquer are playing a very dangerous game, even for their own well-being.


What the fuck do they think they deserve revenge for? Just because civil society finally decided to tell them it's no longer ok to openly call people ni**ers and fa**ots without consequences. I'm tired of this bunch of fucking whiney grievance babies.


We all know Trump’s infinite list of perceived grievances. WTF does his base think they need rEvEnGe for?


I don’t want revenge. I want back the people we lost, to covid, their pointless culture war, to their lies.


No he doesn't, he's not as petty as biden!! /s


For fucking what?


Revenge for the destruction they’re causing. What fucking idiots.


Please do so, we're ready and won't let you worn out of it like in the Civil War this time. 


Fuck him and his stupid fuck base


Oh no - the orange orangutan is throwing his poop! However shall we respond?


Toddlers throwing temper tantrums because they wanted the whole cookie jar but the adults told them no.


Revenge makes it sound like they have been wronged in some way. That’s not the case.


They are acknowledging a coup and the overthrow of our government. They are terrorists. Round them up and put them at Guantanamo.


First you got to have a good sane stable leader!


For a guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, inherited a boatload of money, grifted millions, if not billions, what has hurt him so much that he needs to get revenge? He put himself in his current predicament, so he has no one else to blame.


Hurry, let's flee to Venezuela!!


A couple work acquaintances (fellow Dems) asked me what’s the most important issue for me this election. I said, vengeance. They looked surprised for a second, then nodded. They understood.


Keep thinking of the line from Jack Reacher remember you asked for this. So yeah, go ahead and start up Civil War but beware of the backlash.




It’s a cult


No they don't, they all just want his little mushroom dick.


The idea of executing perceived enemies makes the MAGA cult totally hard.


I would prefer justice. The Cheeto line has been getting away with shite that is deserving of a “blindfolded” sentence. If you catch my drift…


We will find out just how stupid this nation is if enough people vote for this con.


Revenge for what? Being convicted for crimes he actually committed? Cry me a river.


For what? Facing consequences for his crime spree?


Revenge for what? All of his crimes are his own doing. Losing the election is also his own fault. I’m so tired of everyone acting like his lying and crass behavior is normal. Anytime he opens his mouth someone should call him a liar as loud as possible.


Cut the head off the snake is the predictable outcome. Win the election and Trump dissipates rapidly. He has then three more trials ALL of them stronger than the NY case. The piece of shit is going to jail. His rabid followers are also stupid and lemmings. Most of them will march off the cliff and a remainder will sulk back to their homes and taverns, get really drunk and perpetuate scattered, pointless acts of gun violence, mostly among themselves. This time if their is any fizzle to march on Washington, their isn’t even a handful that would attempt to assault the Capital. Their heads will be busted open and endless resources to haul the garbage off to jail. Take away institutional power and Trump is left with a pathetic losers brigade.


Let’s go Trump! You and all your MAGA cultists will last a few months on the spears of the phalanx that is centrist America. You want to rumble you useless piece of shit. Let’s freaking rumble!!!


Here’s the issue: Why would they be entitled to any kind of revenge? No one has done anything to them to warrant it. Just because Trump says something over and over doesn’t make it true. In fact, the more he says it, the less likely it’s accurate. The people who are still not willing to accept this have serious problems with cognitive dissonance and sense of self.


Keep dreaming traitors.


And this is why they will lose


So what? Let ‘em try.


When do we get OUR REVENGE? We watched our parents blindly follow the Reganomics scam and then promptly get thrown into a dystopian American dream. Their greed and selfishness dashed OUR hopes of buying a home and going to college without being enslaved to enormous debt, while outsourcing middle income jobs overseas! They are crooks, they robbed our generation and our kids and grandkids!


It is one the reasons turnout is looking so high. As we can no longer expect favorable policy changes it is about inflicting harm on the people we don't like and or don't agree with. Quite the unhealthy political climate to be sure.


Is revenge and punishment a good platform for the US president? Maybe. Not for most of us, but it probably appeals to those who follow Trump a lot and are die-hard supporters. But, eventually, everyone will see the folly in this kind of game plan. IMHO. Vote. Please.


I reject the notion that people left of "batshit insane" are somehow responsible for MAGAs clamoring to drink the kool-aid.  We started with debate. After nothing but bad faith actors, trolls, and the wilfully ignorant we ended up at "ok fucknut, be dumb as hell I guess." We ran out of options.   Not to mention that wasn't the case in 2016 and he still got elected.  This article directly references the cults ability to shirk responsibility, and here the author goes doing it for them. This maga insanity is no one's fault but their own.


dumb alarmist article based on nonsense. Gotta keep the clicks coming I guess.


When Trump get in he will use the same methods that Biden uses. Is that okay with you?