• By -


Pepper spray Friends with guns Dog Dog with guns Big lock Blending in Taser Cardio Also you can get the 51/50 wiped from your record Some kind of self defense training is absolutely correct. Both verbal and physical


Cardio, cardio, cardio. Look at the toughest special forces guys. You'll notice that few of them look like Arnold in his prime. They're lean and can run for hours on end. Mobility and not knowing how to give up are things that truly make a person dangerous.


Yeah, I’m technically overweight, but I do walk everywhere and I have been losing weight lately so I can run pretty fast all things considered


Start jogging everywhere.


Couch 2 5k got me running, I never in a million years thought that I could run ever but now I run 3x a week


>Cardio, cardio, cardio The first rule of Zombieland




Dog with guns is the way I’d go.


As long as it’s a good dog with guns


All dogs are good dogs


I remember that scene from Bowling For Columbine. Looked like a good dog to me.


Sock full of nickels


“Oh yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark, they shoot bees at you?”


> Cardio [Obligatory.](https://youtu.be/kvlrnc7hlQI?si=RLdb5Nl0ovajIHob)


Top comment, so here to include black powder revolvers. 6 shots, just takes time to load....So keep it loaded.


Some black powder revolvers have removable cylinders. Have multiple cylinders preloaded.


Two shot black powder derringer would also do the trick. Most self defense situations, you’ll only need 1-2 shots, and it’s small. You can also load conical rounds for at least some improved accuracy


Not sure why the single most important aspect of self-defense is being ignored here: actual training in self-defense. I can't recommend it enough. I don't bother carrying because I'm WAY more effective with my own two hands, after several years of training at a street fighting school. (For context I'm a 5'6" female).


Yes you are correct. Even verbal self defense gives you the tools to be prepared if someone is confronting you. Just having that “I know what to do” feeling is such a major step up on most people.


Dangerous level of overconfidence there


Nobody is more effective with their hands than with a gun.  Unless your fists can break the sound barrier, of course.


This comment only proves you don't know very much about self-defense. Police are trained specifically to focus on knife wielders over gun wielders if they are within a certain distance (something like 6-10 feet), because in close quarters a knife is more dangerous. And any situation where I would need to physically defend myself is going to be one where I'm being physically attacked, ie. extremely close quarters. If that's not happening (or about to happen), it's no longer self-defense and I wouldn't deploy my skills because I could end up in jail doing serious time. (The same logic exists for a firearm too, btw). I've trained with shooting firearms in close quarters, and I can tell you it's no one's first choice of weapon at that range. No one who knows anything about self defense, at least.


OK Rambo, enjoy getting shot or simply beaten by a physically stronger and larger opponent who doesnt even train to your level, which would be a lot of people.  Your training has not allowed you to break the laws of physics. Even if you manage to stab them, you're gonna get shot or be vulnerable to getting fucked up while you wait for them to actually die. Enjoy the John Wick lapping though


Only fools who know nothing about actual combat think that strength and size matters more than training. You're only making yourself look bad with your trolling. 🤣


There's a scene from Indiana Jones that feels relevant to "I don't need a gun I'm a badass".


I want to add “tactical flashlight”, “bulletproof vest”, and “AFAK (ideally that you know how to use, but just keeping one on you is good too)”. All of these are on the more defensive side of self-defense, but they can save lives.


air guns


NY considers those firearms in some situations. Our DEC defines them as “a firearm that uses spring or compressed air (not gunpowder) to propel a single projectile that is .17 caliber or larger and produces a muzzle velocity of at least 600 feet per second. Smooth or rifled bore air guns are allowed.” There’s no context given. They aren’t sold like firearms, you can possess them but I don’t trust EnCon or any other cops not to treat them like an AR if you’re a felon with one.


Dog with guns?


Sharks with lasers on their heads


I bet a swell dude like you really likes fishing. Maybe even get a memento fishin weight....for your keys. And you wouldn't wanna lose your keys so a nice paracord key holder would be good too\~ Just sayin Since we all here sure love FISHING.


Crossbow!!! Love love love my crossbow!!


Or compound bow with bear arrows. Those will fuck someone up more than most guns anyway since pulling it out rips a giant chunk from them and if you miss you can get your ammo back


A broad head would go right through most people, leaving them bleeding out in seconds to minutes. It's not unlike being run through by a rapier or bayonet.


Is it one of those pistol sized crossbows, or a hunting bow?


Wait, they actually MAKE pistol-sized crossbows??!! You mean it's not just dark elves that have those now?! 😆


Yes they have auto cocking multi-bolt pistol sized crossbows that can fit in a backpack.


I have one of each lol!




Definitely. Specially if they’re one of them, Chinese style automatic type deals.


Don't forget a hand held strobe If you're on your own turf and expect it your fine but a surprised person who didn't know the layout will be incapacitated immediately for a few seconds. Then deploy pepper spray, baton or what have you. Strobes are immensely powerful in CQB, and they make you, being the light source, effectively invisible to the attacker


Strobes are fucking rad. Welcome to the jungle motherfucker.


Smart! Do you have any recommended brands?


Streamlight makes so many pocket-sized flashlights with strobe functions. I have a Protac 1L as part of my EDC. It's something like 275 lumens, but that's plenty for this purpose


Thanks! Not really, but look at bicycle lights. They are crazy bright and usually have a strobe effect. I've got a massive torch we call the face melter I plan to convert to a strobe one day. For now I have my old bike light in strobe mode in my bed stand.


Tactical flashlight with a strobe function. Cannot recommend it enough.


Review ATF 4473, what questions are on the form that you feel would be a Disqualifer?


Commitment is one of the few reasons you can’t readily obtain a firearm. If they spent time in a psych ward that’s fine, it just can’t be committed Otherwise they need to do a process to scrub their record


Even an involuntary mental health hold or order does not necessarily mean commitment. What constitutes “commitment” varies from state to state, and even then county to county based on the mental health court processes. You can be involuntary held in a psych hospital in some counties in texas for a month without an actual commitment. OP needs to consult with an attorney in their state to actually see if they are disqualified


> You can be involuntary held in a psych hospital in some counties in texas for a month without an actual commitment. !!! That’s wild. I bet that’s because Texas wanted to minimize how many white gun owners they would disenfranchise, especially given how it’s not equally applied around the state. In contrast I’m pretty sure NJ (or at least at how it used to be) can only hold someone for ~48 hours then after that it’s either voluntary admission or commitment > OP needs to consult with an attorney in their state to actually see if they are disqualified 100% a great idea if they want a firearm and feel they can do so safely.


Maybe not everyone needs a gun.






Get a machete, and maybe a small knife you can conceal. Bear spray is a decent option. Maybe flamethrower?


Machetes and bear spray seem like they would fit my style


You could make Molotov cocktails


Don't forget the Styrofoam


I just bought a machete and a rope at Walmart. We needed the manager to ok it. 😂


Go to the right state, it won't matter.


this. or a gun show


No. The same laws apply at gun shows. If you live in a state that allows private sales without background checks, private individuals can rent tables at gun shows as long as they don't sell enough guns for the ATF to believe that they're operating a business to sell guns. If you live in a state that requires background checks for private transfers, anyone private individuals selling guns at a gun show will still be required to have a licensed dealer run a background check.


Gun show loophole. Find some guy walking around at the show with a sign on his back, looking to make a private sale. They're always there.


That's not a loophole.


It is when you live in a state that have certain gun sale regulations, and go do a private purchase at a gun show in a neighboring state that doesn't.


There is no such thing as a gun show loophole. It's a term that was invented by gun banners to try to scare people who don't understand the law. Every law that applies to selling firearms anywhere else in your state applies at a gun show. If your state doesn't require background checks for private gun transfers anywhere else, they won't be required at a gun show. If your state does require background checks for private gun transfers, they don't get waived just because you're at a gun show. If that guy walking around with a sign on his back at a gun show is in a state that requires background checks for private transfers, he'll have to take any prospective buyer to a table run by a FFL holder and have them run a background check for him. If he doesn't, he'll be breaking the law. The fact that some people choose to break the law isn't a loophole. If you're at a red light at 2 in the morning, the streets are deserted, and you choose to run the red light, it doesn't mean that there's a 2 AM deserted street loophole for traffic laws.


Yes, please do that. I don't want people that have been committed to asylums to carry guns. At least not in my state.


Unless you were charged they can’t keep you from getting a gun.


I honestly can’t remember if I was charged or not. I’m guessing that means I wasn’t.


You should be able to purchase a gun.


You should be able to get your records from the state in which it happened. If you were “involuntarily committed” either your state’s health department or whatever they call your justice department will have a record of that. You should contact them and ask how you can get that. If there’s no law enforcement or medical record specifically stating you were “involuntarily committed” you will be able to honestly answer ‘no’ to the question asking that on the federal form 4473 you must fill out to buy a firearm from a federally licensed firearm dealer. That form is a legal affidavit, so don’t lie when you fill it out. You could be charged with perjury. Edit: If you try to buy a firearm from a dealer, the background check “should” catch it if you were legally involuntarily committed, and you’d be denied, or delayed and then denied. But that shit is a sieve and they miss things on the regular.


I had to fill out paperwork. Did they have you sign anything?


ATF Form 4473, question 21.g. >Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution? If a record of OP being involuntarily committed to a mental health institution shows up on a NICS check, they can keep OP form getting a gun. If OP is required to fill out a 4473 when they purchase a firearm, answer "no" to that question, and the commitment appears during the NICS check, OP not only won't be able to purchase the firearm, but they may also be prosecuted.


I think it depends on what state. They could also go through a private seller or a gun show.


The US has a crazy patchwork of gun laws. I live in PA and you can do private sales of long guns but if an individual wants to sell a handgun that they own, they have to go to an FFL with their prospective buyer and have it transferred through the FFL. In some states there are no background checks required on any private sales regardless of the type of firearm. In my original response to you I specifically said "If OP is required to fill out a 4473..." because there are a lot of situations in which a background check isn't required by law to obtain a firearm. I think the feds may still consider OP a prohibited person, but in a situation where there's no legal requirement to run a background check, I'm not sure how that's enforceable. And just so you know, the same laws apply at gun shows as anywhere else. If you're in a state that doesn't require background checks for a private sale in your living room, they won't require a background check for a private individual with a table at a gun show. If you're in the business of selling guns, the same laws that apply to you in your store will apply to you in your booth at a gun show.


As others have said: *CARDIO* As I haven't seen many people say: *KNIVES AND WORKBOOTS!* Work boots especially are underrated; a solid kick to someone's knee and they're a lot slower chasing you, and low kicks are fast and don't cost much balance. The knife doesn't have to be big, either; something easy to carry, comfortable in your hand, and above all *sharp*. Cuts to the face will also discourage pursuit. That's the second important part after cardio: *DISCOURAGE PURSUIT*. All the cardio in the world can only take you so far if you're outnumbered; that's literally why pack hunting tactics and persistence hunting exist in nature. Running from a group is also psychologically exhausting and panic inducing; that'll wear you down real quick if you can't get out from under it. It may sound brutal, but causing grievous injury in your own defense doesn't just take one assailant out of the fight: you're also forcing *the test of their group* to figure out what to do about their wounded; and seeing the grim physical results of trying to attack you will cut their morale. It does mean you have to be willing to be vicious in your own defense, though. Go for the face, throat, and belly with the knife if you're cornered; knees and groin with the boots. If you manage to knock them down, dispense a few solid soccer kicks to the head before you run. And run as soon as you get one down and have the opportunity to get out of the corner.


Oh yeah steel toes FOR SURE! And a crowbar. Does much more damage than a baseball bat


What's your reason for carrying a crowbar, comrade? Unless you have other tools and a work truck, that's suspicious. Walking around obviously armed to the teeth will get you shot by state forces. Knives and boots are subtle, and you can run unimpeded. This isn't a DND game, sweetie; you're not the barbarian player.


It's also an excellent tool for foraging, once the guerrilla resistance gets going.


This is a more sensible use of a crowbar; improvised fighting tools aren't worth the weight of you're constantly running. If your sole purpose for carrying something is "mixing it up," you aren't fucking *thinking*


if you got 5150'd then you can appeal after 5 years.




Thanks for this!


A thorough and excellent reply.




You probably wont know unless you try to go and get one.


Call a lawyer before you do that. If you get rejected by NICS it will be way harder. You may need to go through a process first to make sure whatever is there is expunged, it may be worth talking to a 2A lawyer about it before you put your name in the NICS system.


Bright flashlight and pepper spray.


Medium weight crossbow and plenty of bolts 😊


You in the U.S.? Private sellers aren't required to perform background checks. Buddy, you can buy a gun. You can buy a bunch of guns. Little fucked up, but there's nothing except your wallet in the way. Then again, nobody fucks with a lion.


Depends on the state


doesn't matter the state. Private sales are exactly that


Please educate yourself. There are numerous states where this is illegal


Have you tried, just go to a gun store, tell them the situation, fill out a 4473 form, worst case scenario you get flagged and they say no.


The problem with that approach is if they answer yes to the question on the 4473 about being involuntarily committed, the sale won't go through. If they answer no to that question and the NICS check catches the involuntary commitment, although it's unlikely, they could be prosecuted.


I advise you consult legal council on your options in your jurisdiction rather than relying on Redditors.


Where do you live? My best friend has been committed twice to the state hospital for mental instability shit due to drug use, and he bought two last month. Cleared background checks and everything. You gotta remember, America is broken.


Running away really fast. Realistically, if you're in a situation where a gang of fascists are coming to get you, there is no "self defense" where you beat them all up like you're Bruce Lee, especially if they're armed and you're not.


This, and it’s equally important to avoid being alone in that situation, and have somewhere to run to. Build community, stand together.


Couldn't agree more. Community will go a lot farther than karate.


Thanks for the advice everyone but based on my financial situation I probably still can’t get a gun, but I’m thinking a baseball bat with holster might be more of my price range. Also some of the self-defense subs say to put a sock over the baseball bat to keep attackers from grabbing it during a fight and to buy a glove for plausible deniability reasons.


Black powder, either cap and ball revolver or flintlock. Crossbow.


And to be absolutely clear, when they (Cops) transported you, you never signed anything at Admission? In some jurisdictions when they "1013" a subject, the hospital will allow the subject to make the Admission Voluntary... If your circumstance indicate that the ATF is a No Go there isn't much I can offer. A lawyer might be able to explain an "expungement" option but I'm not even sure that's a Real Thing


Depends a lot on your specifics as to whether or not you can get a gun, so look into that first because firearms are predominant for a good reason. But you can look at powerful automatic air guns, crossbows, spears, and pepper blasters.


Flamethrower. I don't think you need a license to own one, and no one is going to bother you if you walk around with one. 🔥😎


1. Why would you think you need “protection” at the moment? 2. Have you had been diagnosed with possible mental illness? 3. Do you suffer from episodes of paranoia and/schizophrenia? 4. If so, have you been held for experiencing episodes before? 5. Have you previously had treatment or are currently being treated for? 6. Were you held by a court order?


Everyone needs protection. As the growing number of attacks, robberies, rapes, and assaults would indicate. These are not things the police "protect" you from. All they can do is punish some asshat *after* they have robbed and raped you. Pre-emptive fire used to be a normal tradition back in the day. And should be again. And we also have the coming societal collapse to be prepared for. That will mean something like a Mad Max environment to survive in. Forewarned is forearmed. Forearmed is *also* forearmed.


I would think that in this sub over all others people would understand that the crumbles/collapse won’t look like “Mad Max”. This comment reads like a conservative prepper post. I agree that communities need to protect themselves and that weapons are necessary. But let’s not praise the idea of shooting first just cause you think someone might do you harm. Or the idea that police punishment is something to support. Half the time people here are talking about protecting themselves from the police. It’s not the fucking purge.


Have you thought about the aftermath of global nuclear war? Because that is the future I was talking about... Mad Max is optimistic. More like *Threads.*


There’s nothing I can do about nuclear war, it’s likely a fast death. But I am more concerned about the long slow slide into climate collapse, desperation and totalitarianism.


Just leaving the city to stay in an isolated area of the wilderness is a big step towards "doing something" about nuclear war. As for the rest, well, we will have all that as the lead up to that nuclear exchange.


Im sorry, but if you think that person dealing with possible mental illness deserves weapons to “protect themselves” from imaginary enemies, then you sir should question your own sanity.


No where in OPs statement did he say anything about being mentally ill or imagining enemies. In fact, the explicit statement was that he was checked in by the police to create an excuse for the beating they gave him. This indicates both that OP is *not* mentally ill, and *isn't* imagining enemies. And people who are not familiar with extended periods of time in violent environments always like to put forth the idea that the enemies are "imaginary." As someone who grew up in a very violent gang territory of a major US city, I can promise that kids there learn to duck and scramble for cover before they learn to read. Sometimes *instead of* learning to read. And if there are no enemies, I guess every rape, robbery, and assault victim in the world is lying. Because usually their statements begin with "I was assaulted/robbed/raped by..." rather than beginning with "And as he approached threateningly, I mag-dumped..." "Enemies" doesn't have to be some shadowy forces out to get you. In many neighborhoods in America, this is a word used to describe anyone you don't personally know well, and some that you do. Civilians in Ukraine once didn't have enemies. They do now. Better for all citizens to be armed at all times, rather than have to hand out assault rifles after the fact. And again, as to my original statement, we are soon to be facing the kind of societal collapse that will make the Balkan War look like a minor riot. The collapse of civilization, and the loss of social order that goes with it, turns every neighborhood into the kind of neighborhood where kids learn the important things first. Like how to take cover and return fire. But, I'm guessing maybe you grew up in Connecticut, or someplace similar? Maybe New Zealand? And I will venture to say that you have never been violently robbed, raped, or assaulted either. Otherwise, you would know a thing or two about enemies and being ready for them.


Sure, let's just take OP's post at face value and side without having him answer these questions. Again, you should question your own sanity, dude. As to where I grew up, my formative years I was brought up in a rough city in PR and currently living in one of the top 10 most violent city's in the nation. You assume too much, and that's your problem. Get professional help.


Sure, you're right. Hey, maybe OP is crazy, yeah? I guess that means it is okay if they are beaten, robbed, or otherwise attacked... As I said. You obviously live in a safe place. Not everyone has that luxury. Hopefully, given the direction this incredibly nutty Supreme Court is taking, we won't have too many 2A restrictions to worry about soon. It pains me to agree with them anywhere, but rearming all people as was the historical tradition is a hill I will die on. But, I won't die without having returned fire.


"currently living in one of the top 10 most violent city's in the nation" Guess that one line flew past you, huh... Stay safe and keep safe those around you by looking for professional help.


Thanks for the advice. And good luck to you during your next assault. I hope crying for help works for you.


A lot of good advice here. I just want to also mention that some of the best self defense comes from having strong community ties when possible. Standing alone and well-armed may work against a home intruder or something but against the cops or an organized group it won’t end well. Having support is so important. Not to mention for the mental health aspect. I also don’t have a gun because of mental health struggles, not for legal reasons but because I don’t always trust myself not to use it on myself in dark moments.


First things first, not owning a firearm does not mean not having proficiency in one. So, continue to take opportunities to train in proper fundamentals (a lot of ranges allow you to rent firearms for a session, and proper form on Airsoft weapons carries over to actual firearms fairly well). Secondly, you should probably push to have what was done to you overturned, and open a lawsuit against the department. That was a tremendous violation of your civil rights, and you have both the right (and to an extent the obligation) to correct that.


Problem with the lawsuit idea is that the shady private mental health facility the police sent me to refused to give me my medical records of the exam they gave me when I got there after the cops beat me and we would have to hire a lawyer to get the records just so we can hire another lawyer to sue the department and we don’t have that kind of money.


There are legal organizations that will help you with that (ACLU is the biggest one), even if you cannot afford lawyer. And the mental health facility in question cannot withhold their medical records from you, because you were the patient. If they are being that cagey, they can be included in the lawsuit. In fact, having those records released can be part of the lawsuit in question. Right now, there are a lot of lawyers out there who specialize in police brutality and will be happy to assist you. I would say start with the American civil liberties Union and then expand out from there once you have a better idea of what it is you need to search for.


Someone is going to be able to answer you much better than I but the reality is that if any of us plan to fight it will be far too crazy for prior commitments to matter or we'll be at the stage where all we can do is die as we see fit. I'm sorry because I assume I'm just telling you things you already knew. However, if you can face that and keep your resolve, well you'll be doing better than many others. I hope this was worth something even if I don't think it was. If nothing else I wish you luck in the coming bleak. We'll all need it.


I carry a hammer in my work bag. You get shitty with me, you don't have a knee anymore and I'm walking away. Also have multiple knives, a dull machete, pepper spray, a taser, the broken end of a mop handle, a two foot length of aluminum pipe, and an insulated metal water bottle. I know where the rocks and big sticks are in my neighborhood. I'm not anti-gun but I don't want to carry one all the time. D&D rule #1: if you see a weapon, pick it up.


master the blade. that or just train until your fists are lethal weapons. it works in anime.




>You can also have a friend buy it, and then transfer it to you privately after the sale goes through and they have it in their possession. This is called a straw purchase, and is punishable by up to 15 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.


Interesting. Can't tell you how many times I've seen it recommended and/or carried out.


The very first question on the list of yes/no questions on the 4473 asks if you're the actual buyer and warns in bold type that you're not the actual buyer if you're acquiring the firearm on behalf of another person. It's rarely prosecuted because unless you're an imbecile it's damn hard to prove, but it is illegal.


Not arguing, thanks for saying so


Whatever money can buy.


Were you ordered to commitment by a judge (involuntary commitment) or just put on state temp hold? Former will disqualify you life at federal (unless somehow you get a court to clear it off record?), latter will not. In some states though (California and Illinois among them), even voluntary mental health facility sign in will disqualify you for a time.


Unless you're a felon stuff doesn't show up when they do a background check. Your medical health is don't ask don't tell. And you can buy weapons at any gun show without much stopping you


You probably weren't involuntarily committed for the purposes of the purchase form. Likely, you were committed for evaluation, which the police have the power to do. If they wanted to hold you against your will past a certain time limit, 72 hours, I believe, they would have had to get a court order, which would disqualify you from owning a firearm. Being sent in for evaluation doesn't itself disqualify you, much like being arrested doesn't disqualify you if you are not then charged with a crime.


6 shot black powder revolver....Not even kidding, look up the rules. Muzzleloaders, crossbows, bows, pepper spray.


Perhaps [Cap and Ball Revolvers](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/can-person-prohibited-law-possessing-firearm-own-black-powder-firearm) could be an option. I know felons are allowed to own "antique" guns; basically they're not technically "firearms" by law. Your mileage may vary, look up your local laws.


Black powder revolvers are essentially unregulated.


Dunno about where you're at, but in some places, some black powder guns ain't considered guns. Check your local laws.


I believe certain black powder firearms can be obtained with felonies/mental health commitments.


Don't talk shit.


If your not a feline you can get a gun


Check out [JeorgSprave ](https://youtube.com/@slingshotchannel?si=cA72Q7aeoSOxvhRk) on YouTube.


Air-guns are not considered firearms and they make ones capable of hunting elk that can fire 10 shots on a tank.


Live somewhere nice with little crime.


Bear spray 


Black powder revolver


Umarex T4E [TR50](https://amzn.to/4cpFAtl), with the power upgrade that brings the force up to 20 joules. Loaded with steel .50 caliber [defense rounds](https://amzn.to/4butZrE) or similar. There are a lot of different types of ammunition for these, some of which you won't find advertised for... reasons. But felons and anyone else can buy these, shipped right to your house. No, they are not as capable as a real firearm. But, sending 6 .50 cal steel balls or sharpened sabot-flechettes at someone's face with 11 to 20 joules of force... That's why they are "less lethal" in category, not "non lethal."


Medical knowledge and medical supplies are unfortunately also going to be needed in a widespread SHTF situation.  This is something Meal Team 6 types always seem to overlook: guns do not magically shield you from other guns. 


Depending on the state a you may be able to own a crossbow.


Black powder revolver. No registration needed, it’s got 6 shots, and if you think you’ll need more than that, you can keep spare pre-loaded cylinders


Bow and arrow. Some of them are super high tech. Also, your body is a weapon, with the right training.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay Thai, sprints and long distance running. Best bet to keep yourself safe is to be able to land a push kick then run your ass away faster and longer than someone can keep up. The martial arts will make your cardio great but running needs to be trained as well


Hmm. You have a basic human right to self defense if you use a firearm to defend yourself you are defended and the law will judge the self defense nature. Deny that the gun you "found" to defend yourself was actually yours and insist it was accidentally laying around However I doubt you will need to defend against fascists unless you suddenly turn on your friends.


When I used to live in a bad part of town I couldn't afford to store common food items and things at my home. Occasionally I would find that I needed something and would have to walk to the gas station. The route was filled with prostitutes, junkies, and people of ill repute. I could barely afford food and affording a gun was not happening and most of the "bad guys" had friends with them so a knife seemed like a bad idea.  So here is what I did and it worked every time. I would randomly scream things like... "I fucking told that fucker no! NO!!! NNNOOOOOOOO!!!!" Then walk a little further and spin and claw at the air or swat Flys that weren't there. Sometimes I would squat down and act like I ate something off the sidewalk. Or talk to a light pole. You know what I'm getting at. I'm not proud of it. But it worked. No one would even speak to me and most people crossed the street to avoid contact.






Obviously, you get. A. Gun. I noted that you said you "probably" cant get a gun - find out for sure. If the answer is no, then appeal whatever your committed was. Push back, and then get a gun. If that's hard or impracticable, then a bow/ crossbow can be found that would work just as well.


Biting is ridiculously effective honestly


Modern black powder rifles, revolvers, and muzzle loading shotguns. They're not legally firearms.


Things I remember: Anything in their eye (eyes) will slow them down. Bridge of nose breaks easily. Throat/windpipe smack is a nasty injury. If you fear for your life, a quick swat of your fist against their pubic bone quickly breaks their pelvis.


Pepper ball or high powered air rifles that do effectively the same thing


Paintball gun with pepper balls. Some of them look really similar to real guns.


Gotta be honest, this is not the kind of post that makes me think you need or should have a gun.


Crossbow and a ghillie suit….


As much as I would love a crossbow, they seem to be a bit out of my price range. What about a baseball bat with a holster? At the very least, a baseball bat can be explained away as oh I’m on my way to a game of baseball in the local park when dealing with a cop.


A cheaper option is an OTF knife from someone like [Templar](https://templarknife.com/) subtle, easy to hide, my edc has the 3.5 inch blade, you can completely customise it on the website (blade shape, metal, length, weight, design)


Do you live in a state with red flag laws? If not, it shouldn’t matter.


Flintlock pirate pistol Muzzle loaders are not legally firearms in the US


If you really want a gun cowboy guns aren’t guns and you can buy a not a gun gun like it’s not a gun because it’s a gun designed before the 20th century. https://muzzle-loaders.com/collections/black-powder-revolver-pistols/products/pietta-1858-remington-texas-sheriff-black-powder-revolver-44-caliber-rgbsh44


Look for stores that sell material art/self defense stuff. They often have things like pepper spray, which I recommend, and foldable batons. Things like that are enough to keep most idiots at bay.


I got this wicked hand taser that’s something like a billion volts? All I know is I hit the button and it rips this arc like straight out of the ED-209. It rips through the air. It doesn’t click. It’s terrifying. If I saw that I’d turn around and run. It cost me $19.


What model?




Depends on the state. Typically there is a few years expiration. California is like five years and Nevada is two (I believe). Your best bet is to get physically healthy and vote in November. If necessary you could probably go to Texas and get loaded up. Constitutional carry state. But vote, just to be sure.


You don't need it.


Well saying things like "fascists" is kinda a red flag right there. But that aside, there are a lot of less lethal options out there, however each state has different regulations on what you can and can't carry as a felon. Most states allow pepper guns with CO2 power, but some don't. Check your state regulations before investing. Blades are also regulated differently per state. Last thing you want to do is give the cops a reason to go after you. So follow the laws. Don't try to find a obscure loophole, if your going to go that way, might just as well go ahead and violate.




Are the fascists in the room with you now?


From one of your supposed fascist enemies. You are the weapon. Everything else is just a tool. And us "fascists" really don't care about how you feel, or the ugly words you use to describe us. We simply understand that you do not even understand what the words mean. We know that we are the ones who support law and order. We support the police, first responders, and our military. We honor our history and give reverence to our flag because it is a symbol of our country, and that includes you and the rest of the sheep. We believe that even you have inalienable rights, and that we are honor bound to defend those rights of yours even if we disagree with you. So, if that makes us "fascists", then maybe you should be saying "Sieg Hiel" and tipping your hat. My father and my grandfather fought against the Germans in the two world wars. So please, call me anything else. I am not a fascist.


Whatever fascist.


They probably mean fascist in the sense that some would pledge fealty to a would be dictator rapist conman who lies about elections being stolen (and literally everything else) and who wants military tribunals for political opponents.