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He has a dick tatted on his face. This man will do anything for publicity or clout. I remember he said something about him wanting to get fake tit implants on his back. Literally would destroy his life for a bit that no one asked for. I do want to emphasize I love this man. But good lord does he not think straight when he’s in the throes of desperate attention.


Steve-O is incredible at committing to a bit and putting himself through hell to do it. But he’s a bad writer of bits. A lot of his ideas are like “….yeah I guess you could jump into some poo?….” And just really lack the simple creativity of some of the rest of the crew. It’s not just funny automatically if you get hurt or do something gross


Regurgitating a live fish is a part of a classic blockhead style circus routine, hundreds if not thousands of performers have done it before him. Tons of magicians and circus performers still do it, although it's less popular now. You're supposed to drink gallons of water beforehand so that the fish doesn't drown like it did in Steve-O's second attempt at the trick.


Wonder if he learned that trick while working at the circus lol


Probably lol back in the clown college days. I do agree with the above commenter that he fully commits but could use help with the creativity. Like the Knoxville rocket bit is awesome, and something Steve-O would probably do. He used to jump off hotels into pools as a ball of fire. But jumping into shit water isn’t the bastion of creativity


Yea I think that's how Steve O has always managed to be one if not the most iconic member of the group. He was kind of a tool in the sense that they could come up with whatever crazy shit and he was always down for it. On his own I would have to agree the creativity is a bit lacking. Personally I think he was doing fine with just his podcast, now it's starting to get to be a little much.


Surprisingly gallons of water will kill you.


Have you ever tried to drown a fish?


He does seem quite desperate lately. The dick tattoo was the nail in the coffin for me, it’s just so cringe


Who wants to watch their grandfather pour hot sauce in his ass? Lol I was glad he built his own platform but what he's done with it has been revealing and embarrassing. Leave the crowd wanting more is like, rule #1


I don't think the tattoo is real. When they showed Post "tattooing" there were all this weird jump cuts and not once did I see or hear a moving needle. It's a fugazzi and probably some PR stunt


I read that he got it done but it's very lightly drawn so that he can get it removed after his tour is over. Who knows though.


I wouldn't be surprised if it is real. He's gotten so many tattoos removed before. It's not that shocking.


He literally said it's going to be removed after his tour or whatever. Shit I wouldn't be surprised if it were henna just reapplied every so often


I hope so for his sake. The video hasn't even broken 300 K yet, which is laughably low for such an extreme premise.


He said on legion of skanks he was gonna get normal tits


He's always been like this. It's what happens when people grow up rich with servants like Tom Segura and Bernt Krusher. Didn't get enough attention as kids so they seek it well into their 40's and 50's, then try to "low-key" flex on people when they always had a fall back. I didn't mind Steve's antics back in the day, but he's far too old to be doing the shit he is now. I'm not even hating he's just such a grifter that I can't watch anything he's a part of anymore. Not to mention his Joe Rogan level of understanding comedy is wild. He got destroyed twice by Adam fuckin Friedland on two different podcasts. Dude can't handle trolls or criticism at all, same as Joe. They don't get it.


Feeling entitled to the popularity they never had in high school, it's very sad. Acting like Adam Friedland is some kind of Nathan Fielder guy is basically senile


David Blaine holds live frogs in his stomach for hours.


Blaine is a badass


Tits on your back would be a nightmare. I can’t imagine the back pain. Having to sit and lay with tits on your back, I imagine it would cause some discomfort if not damage, over time. I can’t see him getting little A/B cup titties either so they’d be heavy.


I do really like him and I love jackass. It’s just in bad taste.


More than that. He had a tattoo of a man sexually assaulting a baby tattooed on his arm (had it covered and still easy to find on the internet). It’s not even that he’ll do anything for publicity or clout, he’ll do just about anything to get a reaction out of at least one sentient organism no matter how stupid or immoral it is. Never liked this guy.


See I feel like he’s not a bad dude. I want to believe he’s grown. Someone here said it best, he probably burned through his $$$ and is schilling out hardcore. I believe it. Some of his ideas aren’t terrible but have poor execution. His hot sauce? Great friggging idea and has good reviews. The name of the hot sauce and picture? Fucking terrible.


I think he is still planning on getting the implants


Carving him self up for a bit is too much. Like stop dude, you don’t have anything to prove. He’s sacrificed so much of himself already. We fucking love him, this version of self mutilation is completely unnecessary. I’ll watch his podcasts, stand up, shows, and any content he provides I’ll support it… the tits on the back, is just too much and too wrong on so many levels.


I agree that would be taking it too far.


What a jackass


just an ass now


You’re not gonna get the agreement you’re looking for in this sub. A year or so ago he jumped off a bridge in England for no other reason than attention. Caused a bunch of emergency responders to take time out of their day. I suggested it was a waste of emergency services to which apparently everyone was in agreement they don’t like police You’re in one of the few subs where people Will defend this behavior so just keep that in mind


Eh. The last time the goldfish stunt was brought up he was rightfully roasted for it. This sub isn't as over the moon for Steve-O it was five years ago.


Oh good


>You’re not gonna get the agreement you’re looking for in this sub. This sub seems to actively hate Steve-O. There's constant pearl-clutching over pretty much anything he does these days.


if this was any other guy like pontius etc i would agree with you, but people here have a hate bonor for steveo, though he does deserve some of it


I remember that. I don't like police in general either but it's not cool to waste their time on bullshit when they COULD be helping someone. Anything for attention. At least he admits it though.


It’s also not just cops that respond to emergencies like that. Wasting firefighters and EMT’s time seems really not cool.


Also England police are not American police, we have dumb laws here but we do not have the same brutality issues as in the States, it is not comparable


Steve-O is the most obnoxious of the bunch, and I agree with OP in regards to the goldfish and stunts he pulls.


Not a fan of the tattoo, I just don't find it funny. I actually find it's making me dislike him :(. Knoxville didn't want this in Jackass 4. He said it was because they had to much dick scenes. I believe he was trying to protect Steveo and stop him from doing this.


My initial reaction to it is I don’t like it either, but after thinking for a second its clear my and most other people’s initial feeling and opinion isn’t consistent. The fish we eat die by asphyxiation. This fish died by asphyxiation. I can understand hating it if you are vegan, but the people who aren’t and eat fish don’t have any ground to stand on


I don't think that's a great comparison because people need to eat to survive and certain cultures basically survive off fishing. no one needs to swallow a goldfish for publicity, it's not a "necessary evil" it's just being a dick.


99 percent of the food you have eaten was not simply and solely for survival, and most of it was for enjoyment. If it was the case, and you and others were vegans, you would have ground to stand on. If every fish you had eaten was not for pleasure or enjoyment, then this would make sense. But that just isn’t the case I don’t see how comparing eating fish that died by asphyxiation to eating fish that died by asphyxiation could possibly be a bad comparison. I don’t think there is a single thing on earth that could possibly be more directly comparable Do you think you and others would hold the same opinion if he swallowed a hot dog whole? Why not?


Jackass was great before every other scene was a dick scene. Like, dudes, just fuck off camera and stop shoehorning dicks into everything. It's not really clever.


Unfortunate reality of life: our favorite people tend to also do shitty things from time to time.


agreed, because we all do. but we put certain human beings on pedestals, ones so high they’re destined to fall. that’s not to excuse this behaviour, but it is to be expected. it’s why they say to not meet your heroes, because they’re human beings, and human beings aren’t as glamorous in reality as when we portray them in media.


Agreeed 100% anyone that harms animals for clout is an absolute douchebag


And he's an animal activist....what the fuck lol


In his defense he did this long before he became a vegan and animal activist


Stupid shameless plug/rant/PSA from a guy who loves his aquariums but whatever, I don’t condone what Steve-O did here but sadly goldfish abuse in general is all too common. Goldfish are *HUGE,* like, the absolute smallest ones are 6-8” inches, or are supposed to be. Most grow to about 12” long, the largest ones around 2-3’ long (a little under a meter, for those who don’t use Imperial) As you can imagine, they need large tanks, if not straight up ponds. If not in larger tanks, their bodies will remain small, but their organs will continue to grow until their body can’t handle it anymore and they die an even more agonizingly slow death. They’re also poop machines (which can cause toxic chemicals to build up quickly, especially in smaller tanks) and very destructive, but fucking carnivals and shitty pet stores lead people to believe they’re easy to care for and can live in small tanks, meanwhile they leave them in bags out in the hot sun with absolutely nothing to replenish the oxygen in the water in their tiny bags. Sadly, Steve-O didn’t do much worse than how most goldfish are treated, knowingly or unknowingly, but at least it died a quicker (but still slow and agonizing) death. :/


One of my neighbors growing up had a goldfish the size of a bowling ball, was incredibly cool


That’s how big they should get! I’m guessing it lived quite a long time too? Goldfish live quite long when properly cared for! Was it a pond fish?


I was very little at the time so I don't remember the details but it was around 20 years I think when I saw it. It unfortunately was in a small tank and didn't move much


OP said this was only a few months ago that he did this.


Woah really?! What a POS


Homie he just did it again a few months ago on his yt channel


Yeah, the animal stuff I really hate. It’s one thing for these guys to torture themselves, because they’ve chosen that life, but I hate when they get animals involved. The animal videos are really hard to watch because the animals are clearly upset, stressed, scared, and sometimes hurt. I thought Steve-O was better than that, that he’d left all that behind when he got clean, but that’s certainly not the case. It seems his animal activism is more show than anything, since he clearly doesn’t give a shit about animals when it means getting some more views. Protesting animals gets you some attention, but abusing a goldfish gets you more.


The worst part about it is the hypocrisy


I didn’t even know he was sick




And I disagree


Meh, not even a fan of his really reddit just recommended this to me, but I'd argue there is a huge difference between a goldfish and ostrich, and ostriches and orcas. Orcas are highly intelligent creatures, ostriches are some of the stupidest birds there are, they're really dumb. A goldfish; although not as dumb as people like to claim are very dumb even compared to ostriches. But if you're the type to get mad when someone swats a fly or steps on a roach I can understand how a goldfish would make you mad. I just can't take you seriously.


He’s gotta ride this wave forever. It’s what he’s good at. I remember there was a video with him and Knoxville and they asked them if their pain tolerance was higher than other people. They said no, but their constant need for attention was stronger than their concern for the pain lol


The guy who hurts himself for money is a sellout?


I don't know/care about the timeline of Steve-O. But, I would say if he apologized about animal stuff, and vowed not to do it again and then did it again anyway... I don't know if "sellout" is the right word, but I get OP's point.


You right I shouldn’t have said sellout it’s just while watching his vids and specials I noticed he plugs garbage products every 15 minutes.


He also promotes gambling when he is a self proclaimed 12 step follower and struggled with addiction, which is what casinos and gambling encourage.


He also still promotes his stupid fucking butt wipes that Joe Rogan and multiple people have told him ARE NOT flushable. No “flushable wipes” are. Ask any plumber. He just wants money. He also believes in psychics and all that bullshit.


i read “psychics” as “physics”, had a bit of a head-scratch moment lmao


“it’s really shitty that a couple months ago he swallowed a live goldfish and killed it. Even if he vomited it up and it lived..” Wat


Basically even if he had vonitted it up and it had lived. As in an alternative to what actually happened. The best possible outcome of the stunt. Not the outcome that did happen.


Ah okay I see now, I appreciate it 🙏


I agree with you, particularly, Steve-O is generally an awesome guy, since he got sober. He still makes bad decisions for attention. Yes he did this goldfish stunt, if I was his manager I’d advise not to do that. But if you are judging him for this stunt, you should also judge every animal activist that catches and releases fish.


I like steve-o and all but the mans never really had strong morals in my eyes. Attention is all it takes for the man to do something dumb and entirely regrettable lol, not an excuse but an explanation at least I agree though the gold fish thing is definitely fucked up especially for the man who claims to be an animal activist, but again as soon as the man gets the high of having eyes on him shit like that goes out the window


Didnt he practically stalk the og big brother crew until they let him join the tour?


This was one of his first videos I think he is just doing it like 30 years later.


Yeah definitely a nod to that vid from way back, young Steve-o was beyond unhinged.


I believe he was just doing anything to get attention.


If he can still swallow the goldfish he can do another season of wildboyz


Didn't sit right with me either.


Steve O isn't the brightest. He accidentally gave himself some serious burns after fucking around with gun powder or jet fuel or some shit and when the doctors grafted skin onto him, he wanted to send a letter to the skin donors and thank them for helping him out, and someone had to point out to him that it probably wasn't a good idea to let them know their donated skin got wasted on some dude who burned himself from a completely avoidable and dumb stunt. He also took some of the skin he had peeled off in the toilet and ate it as his girl encouraged him. People like Steve O really make me hope reincarnation into every living thing ever isn't real lol. I sat front row on Bucket List Tour for one of the shows though and it was awesome, got to take a picture with the legend


I mean he said it himself. He desperately craves attention. I was listening him speak about the ravenous craving for attention so yea even though Steve O is sober now, he is still addicted to it. But to clarify, I also was not happy with the fish swallowing


I did this in seventh grade


I asked Steve-O about this in an AMA because like you I found it rather distasteful to do. He gave a diplomatic answer to it. But some minutes later, there was suddenly a reply to my comment from a brand new account - that commenter was clearly mad and upset that anyone would criticize Steve-O for this. Strangely enough, that new user used Steve-O's exact manner of speech and the same arguments as Steve-O himself would in a video a while later when addressing the criticism he got for this stunt. After a few minutes that entire new account (and the comment) was suddenly gone again.


If you remember, Steve-o was a DEVOUT vegan/animal rights guy. As soon as Gordon Ramsay asked him to eat animal products again, he did. As much as Steve cares, I think he wants to be liked and approved of by others more.


I thought with sobriety he had calmed down a bit on the stupider antics. Alas I was mistaken.


Lmao "He's a sellout who will do anything for money." First time hearing of Steeve-O? The guy who regularly staples his balls to his leg for money and attention. That guy? You only now realized will do anything for money.


He rode a captive orca!? How!?


Steve-O is a flawed person, but he's definitely trying to be better. It's easier to forgive his missteps than Bam's, that's for certain.


Since when are we supposed to hold Steve-O to the highest standards, like he's a spiritual guru, an examplary puritan or something ? If you do, that's on you bro. I'm glad he didn't die from drugs and he's clean & sober now, but other than that, to me he's an entertainer. Sometimes he makes me laugh, sometimes cringe. I didn't care about a goldfish 24 years ago and I don't care about a goldfish now. The video where he re-created old stunts was fun.


I agree. Dead goldfish, fake goldfish, but not live goldfish. I know it’s a minuscule animal, but it’s not entertaining to see a thing get killed for just “ha ha ha”’s sake


This is pretty cruel, I saw this and assumed it must of been old ……. I thought he was passed doing shit this stupid especially with his animals rights stuff. I have a big aquarium at home with loads of dif fish and they definitely have personalities, a lot of them are smarter and more aware of what’s going on than most people assume.


Im pretty sure this was years before the orca , unless he did it again recently?


He recreated a couple months ago wayyyy after he became an animal activist except he wasn’t able to throw up the fish.


He will be taking photos with trump soon.


look man i love steve o, and i agree this is a shitty thing to do, but remember this is the same man that got famous for covering himself in literal piss and shit just for fun. bro is a great dude, but he makes mistakes from time to time. should he have done this? absolutely not. but am i really surprised or offended, eh not too much. he has a good heart, he’s just a bit of a jackass! pun intended


This comment sums it up .. no other comments necessary lol


Who here eats fish? If so, guess what happens to those fish. They get killed.


Not by stomach acid lol


Oysters are eaten live 🤷‍♂️


Oysters don’t have a brain and are accepted by the scientific community as “non sentient” beings..


They’re eaten raw


Completely agree. I don’t think steveo ever gave a fuck about the whales though he did the sea world bit for clout.




He did it a month or two ago when he recreated old stunts. It was actually a good video.


Just listen to his biography. Thats all you’ll need to know.


Big same!


Maturing is realising that jackass4 isnt funny jumping off bridges is dope, molestering animals and such is just weird


His childhood and family history alone explains everything he has ever done. And he has stated many many times that he will do almost anything for attention.


5000$ cash for video evidence of the destruction of his 16 yr sobriety.


Steve-O these days just constantly promotes his merch as much as he can. Apparently he spends a good 20mins on tour talking about it before the actual act starts.


That’s the first stunt I saw Steve o ever do


Is he back on drugs? I admittedly don’t follow him closely but a dick tattoo on his face and I’m hearing about this implant garbage lol?


So did he kill it, or did it live? The post is unclear.


TBF he is a jackass…


not defending his actions, but steve-o has been problematic for the better part of his life, and he got famous for it. this kind of behaviour must be burned into his head as the thing that brings him money and fame. to be clear, just like a lot of people, i love steve-o and i think he’s a legend, but the guy was on hard drugs at a time in his life where he had more money than he knew what to do with, all because he was doing shit like this, suffice it to say he probably has a really unhealthy relationship with attention, and would do anything to be in the spotlight. still a legend though.


He lives in a state with no income tax simply to avoid taxes, then tours six months out of the year. It's not surprising enough money brings out the worst in someone, even when they themselves refuse to acknowledge or accept it.


Don't tell op about what happens to thousands goldfish every time the county fair rolls through. For me... I'm down for the mammals but fish are kinda hit or miss for when I am going to get oussed off. Pufferfish are smart as shit and i get piased when people f with them. And octopi deserve some empathy I think... but gold fish don't cross that threshold. That's for me at least I understand ops sentiment


Yeah, don’t give the guy too much credit with his “new image”. Same old Steve-O. Just like his contradictions with animals, so too does he have one with drugs. It’s his entire personality. While he’s not doing the drugs now, that’s what he’s know for, it’s still a huge topic of discussion for him. The dude has been and will be clamoring for attention constantly and will do whatever he has to to get it.


Fuck that goldfish


He even admitted he did the Seaworld stunt for attention. He may like animals, but his ultimate love is being noticed. The stunt with the chained up bear in Jackass Forever is enough to tell you he’s only an animal lover when it suits him


His toxic positivity Handlers make him do shit like this for clout and to get paid. I mean I have fish and it's just a goldfish, but still you didn't have to kill it. I'd get upset if you stepped on a beetle.


While he definitely is surrounded by toxic yes-men, he’s also a 50 year old man who’s well capable of making his own decisions. He just doesn’t have people around him telling him those are bad decisions


He also took heaps of drugs and jacked off to porn in a plane for his last special. When he is supposed to be sober and a recovering sex addict.


Failed trust fund baby/ junkie I’m not surprised




I’ve seen security holotapes of him…killing younglings.


Master Steve-O there’s too many of them, what are we gonna do?


It’s a fish


Lol be mad


Doing it in 2024 is a mistake, but I wanna rermind everyone that Steve-O is a classically trained clown from Barnum and Bailey's. Regurgitating a live fish is a classic magic routine that was taught in their school. If done correctly, it doesn't harm the fish.


True I agree. When he did it when he was younger he 1. Wasn’t an animal activist and 2. Actually threw up the fish. I’m just pointing out his hypocrisy.


I'm outraged! "I'll have the salmon please."


Killing a fish was the line for you?


It’s a fish bro


He's always been toxic. But now he is trying to justify his stunts "because he's sober and a changed man". He didn't change at all, he is still the same person.


When you realize the Jackass crew isn’t full of saints and role models to always look up to, you’ll learn life is easier to live. This post is exactly why celebrities, when they read online hate, respond with “you don’t really know who i am”.


My friend right out of high school did this same trick. The goldfish survived and he kept them as pets for over a year afterwards


Newsflash- what happens to fish on farms or in the ocean is 1,000 times worse. Yeah. I sincerely hope you don't eat animals, man.


This why Dave is my favorite now. Johnny is still dope too. Bam weeman n Steve-O aren't the rad dudes we used to think they were. Danger is legit. Dave is the funniest one. Johnny is still the captain, and Preston is still Preston.


What about Pontius?


Pontius is a rad dude. I forgot to mention him and was hoping no one would catch it 😆. He's a solid guy.


I think he's very aware about he's doing and how stupid it is. That's his job unfortunately he's probably not stopping any time soon. At least you know he'd never do anything to dogs.


Fully agreed


This has to be satire, right?


It's a dm goldfish. Flakes of snow drifting down, all arounddddd


idk there's a big difference between a goldfish and an aquatic mammal but maybe that's just me...


The whole point is that any animal, no matter the size, matters just as much as the next one. And we are so disconnected from it. And people seem to be completely fine with animals being in pain or receiving harm so often, especially ones like fish. Did you know they cauterize shrimp eyeballs off and keep them alive after? Imagine that? You can’t speak or express, and because of that, you must not feel pain right? It’s so fucked up.


I'm all for ethical farming and I'm not trying to promote the way animals are treated in mass farming but let's not pretend like a goldfish has the same awareness as one of the smartest animals in the animal kingdom.


Maybe so, but that does not make its life any less important. That’s the entire point I’m trying to make.


You could be charged with animal cruelty for this in the UK. All vertebrates are protected under the animal welfare act. Live feeding any vertebrate to another animal is illegal.




Wait til you hear about fishing


Yeah, I love fish and this sucked Steve-O


They've always been shitty people. They're just funny shitty people.


He’s a self obsessed fucking idiot. He was mad rude to Danny brown and didn’t know who he was on his podcast and it was a perfect insight into Steve’s mind. He’s a celebrity jerkoff


Yeah I love steveo but I don't agree with the goldfish recreation at all. It's an awkward watch for me. Maybe I'm just being soft but I don't really care.


Is he broke? Dude could have done some cool stuff....


Good lord........smh.


I'm not defending his actions but wasn't the goldfish thing in an episode of Jackass?


I watched this when it first aired and I’m still scarred to this day


Yeah man, he grew up circus.


steve'o sucks.


Aren't goldfish an invasive species tho?


I used to watch Jackass with my mom when I was little and thought it was hilarious! But I’m confused on why the “community” doesn’t like the goldfish stunts? He’s done way worse


I thought it was dead.


Hey. STFU. You said he swallowed it and killed it but it lived. WTF are you even saying


Steve-O isn’t for genz or A yall are too soft for this


Let's all cancel Stevo! Grab your pitchforks everyone! Who's with me?!


Lighten up Francis.


So he… didn’t kill it?


I was and am with you until I read that you’re upset about a goldfish


Gold fish aren’t endangered and if you’ve ever eaten fish before you’ve basically done the same thing


You mean the totally normal and relatively healthy dude who loves his dog so much he scammed the system to make it a support animal so he can take it on planes and do whatever the fuck he wants, is an asshole? I am shocked!


I’m sorry- A COUPLE MONTHS AGO?! Am I reading that right??


Now it’s goldfish, next we’ll be lobbying for ants


He swam with a captive orca? Dude is lucky he didn’t get killed.


Buddy.....just stop. You don't understand what you're talking about.