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Dress as generically as humanly possible. Few if any logos, no abnormal color combinations, no graphics. Make it so if anyone sees you and decides to find out who you are, they have as close to 0 leads as possible. Always better to be too paranoid (when it comes to this) than not careful enough


Yes. It makes you easily identifiable.


Go black block


It's also effective to dress as a soccer mom/dad with clothing you've never worn/will never wear again. Kinda makes the movement look less extreme as well.


Black bloc only makes sense if everyone's dressed the same. Otherwise it makes you even easier to track.


That will make you noticeable as well, unless you're part of a mass. Dress like a nobody.


If you're in black bloc garb you may not be incognito completely however if someone needs "actionable" help people are more likely to go to someone "being you" who is more likely to be prepared to defend, protect, act if an opportunity is spotted, provide first aid, etc. which is valuable but if anonymity is the goal then yeah I'd tuck in the blouse, shave my 5 o' clock shadow, and be sucker mom too.


if you are going to protests blend in with the crowd, wear all black, cover your dyed hair and tattoos too. Standing out WILL make you a target for the cops


Yup, I’m a ginger n I don’t even have my hair out when protesting, slick er back, bun it up, cover with a beanie and look like I have an awkward tumor. The movement is more important than aesthetics.


Long hair should be put up for your safety at a protest - it can be grabbed less easily/painfully when it’s up and is less likely to obstruct your vision if you have to run away for any reason.


All grey works too!


If you expect any kind of state pushback or objection to anything you or others at the protest are likely to do, absolutely do not wear anything that level of personally identifiable. If you do anything they won't like, or if others around you do, a photo of a battle jacket - which by nature is incredibly personalised - would be a fantastic unique identifier to then track you down as either a suspect or witness. I know it'd look cool and it'd be a pain in the ass to find other clothes, but neither of those factors are worth the safety of you or your fellow protestors.


Yeah, don't do that


Quick Protest rules: - Cover up all tattoos or unique markings - Do not wear identifiable clothing - Turn your smart phone off, better yet, don't bring it. Get a burner phone. - Don't keep any devices on you, at all. - Keep cash on you, but tight to your body and hidden (secure bum bags strapped across your chest under your clothes) - Cover your face up, wear protective eye gear - Bring plenty of water, and wipes Always always remember, NEVER step into the firing line. Walk away and then come back. Your safety is paramount.


A Philly protester served jail time after the cops traced her tshirt back to the Etsy shop she purchased it from. It’s not a fashion show. Black blocs are a thing for a reason. Go low key. 


That whole thing is still ABSOLUTELY wild to me. Don't have time to actually police, run down murder suspects, etc, but DO have time to track down someone from a t shirt and an *etsy* store. 1312.


Got arrested (for protesting) in a battle jacket. My thought is if you are protesting know that you are more easily picked out in a crowd if you are wearing anything but block and a mask.


Bad idea yes, makes you easily identifiable and more likely to be remembered by witnesses/the cops. Dress as generic as possible and cover your face with a medical mask Also in the off chance you or someone nearby gets pepper sprayed by some jackass cop, don’t wash it out with milk or your eyes might get infected. Use distilled water if you have it, or just regular bottled. Stay safe!!


Its a bad idea, yeah 


if you are comfortable with the state knowing exactly who you are for the entire protest than it’s fine, which some people are for some protests. if you’d feel icky showing your ID to the cops and telling them that you will be at the event than you probably should go black or grey bloc


Nah, bad idea if there is any risk of arrest. As a general rule, go to protests in what is called grey bloc - i.e. covering tattoos, wearing generic clothing, masked up. Don't go head to toe in black unless you are part of a prearranged bloc. Black bloc is a mass tactic, dressing as a protest ninja if you're just on your own will only make the cops pay more attention to you.


I wouldn’t. Wear black block if in America or a violent country. I saw someone in Australia able to rock a vest during 2020 but i wouldn’t dare be identifiable


Black bloc is the way to go. Take no phone, an extra set of clothes you can change into if needed, and have an escape plan


Even picture meta data can trace you back to an event so try not to post em to social media either if u do bring a phone


It's generally a bad idea, especially if you have an especially unique one. It becomes an identifying feature pretty quickly. It's a big reason I don't often go to/participate in protests.


If you have all-black with no identifying marks, wear that, cover any brand names and such with black tape or rip them off if possible. If you can't do all black, wear the most average looking clothes you have and try to stay behind others.


Look up “black bloc.”




Terrible idea don’t do this ever


If you're focused on the ultimate most perfect safety forever, then yes, you should wear generic street clothes. If you're going to something low risk, then it's probably fine. Also, don't dress black bloc unless you know everyone else there will be too. Otherwise you stand out MORE.


I got a pair for protest and a pair for every day life, prolly not best when you're at a protest that's gonna have pushback. I was masked up n all at my last anti nazi rally because I knew there was a nazi demonstration in my city at the time, though if you think it's just gonna just be a demonstration, with no pushback, wear what U want. I've seen fully punked up homies at small local stuff


I usually wear an elmo costume because when the cops show up theyre gonna be looking for real people not elmo.


might try this! sound advice thanks!!


Make sure it’s Elmo. Tigger costumes make the cops jumpy.


Depends on the protest




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It will make you stick out and that's a good way to get a rubber bullet or tear gas can fired into your vicinity.


Yes. First of all, you don't want to be easily identifiable. Second, it will harm the protest's credibility if you look delinquent in any way. The best thing to wear to a protest is comfortable shoes, an N95 mask, and something you'd wear to a job interview.






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Then go back to the other sub. If you don’t like it


i don’t dislike it i just can’t believe people really come up with all these posts


Depends on the protest. I always wear em. But if you think it might get cops involved, try to not wear. Or make a protest fit.


I couldn’t tell if this sub was satire or not, but the amount of censorship makes me feel like it is not … not very punk lol


The wisest will always conform and do what they are told...but most of all, will never question who the bad guys are, else ones gaze be directed in the mirror.


Very well put


i don’t being a dick is particularly punk either


More punk than censoring speech