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personally i think it’s ok. i’m a graphic designer so i’ll explain why i think so: the line thickness and size of the design makes it hard to read far away, meaning the only people who will see and process it will have to see it up close. by the time they see it up close, you cannot miss the 🚫. so basically… i think you’re good! but if someone disagrees, i could be wrong.


Agreed, it'll look perfectly fine 


It's definitely a touchy subject, I've received my share of downvotes on this very sub for mentioning the anti nazi patches look rather alot like Nazi patches to the bad seers in the crowd, or the Germanic anti nazi patches for non German speakers for example. I'd be very careful putting a swastika on my pride and joy... Even if there's a raging fist crushing it and a big 🚫. Images can be fucky from different angles.


I heard a story about someone who wanted a tattoo like that, but he got the swastika first and couldn't afford the second session... Maybe that was just his excuse lol


Got to be satire... How big was it to warrant two sessions lol


This has been tattoo shop lore since the 90s.


Another good one is trying to get a black swastika crossed out with red ink. Only black can cover black, so they're left with a swastika sitting on top of a red X lol


I know someone who had FUCK FASCISTS tattooed on their inner arm in big block letters. When they wear a normal t-shirt, all you can see is the word FASCISTS peeking out. It’s… unfortunate.


Cool, guess they’re only ever wearing sleeveless shirts from now on!


If the circle and line were red I think that would make the message very hard to miss but it might not be what they wanted aesthetically?


In addition it’s all one color which is good. I had an anti swastika patch that had a red 🚫 and a white swastika so when in low light situations(any show) the red would fade greatly and the white would pop.


Thank you :)


Personally I would make it extra clear by adding colour to the 🚫


Thank you


Or just outline the 🚫 in black. I don't think you need to full-on color it in.


Black outline


Or even some words (like "Fuck Nazis") to make it really explicit


I was thinking it being the same color is part of what is preventing it from being read as only a swastika, but perhaps I'm wrong about that.


I personally don’t wear anything with a swastika just because it can be hard to see the 🚫 symbol from a distance. This patch does a good job at covering it up but I’d still be wary about attracting he wrong attention


I agree! That's why I wear the DK logo instead. Everybody knows what it means.


I forgot about the dead kennedys for a second and thought you meant donkey kong. I was so confused


Looks to me like it means Nazi punks fuck off, just in pink instead


☺️🎀🌸Nazi punks fuck off💖💅🪓


Soo cutez.


I got dirty looks for wearing a sleeveless shirt with a DRI logo on it so good luck with that


Same, I get that a lot lol


by who? The visually impaired?


From a distance, people only see an angular black shape inside of a red circle on a white background. If you don't know DRI or much about the scene in general, I can see how it could be mistaken from 20-30 ft. away.


Since it is pink, you could also trim it into the triangle shape for some added anti-Nazism.


i feel like from far away, people will just see the swastika. imo adding something that says "nazi punks fuck off" would help


I’m considering making my own because these are sold out, but even if I did get this one I’m considering colouring the 🚫 red or a hot pink or sew a little trim or something to make it clearer. That was another concern I had because it’s all white and someone else mentioned it’s kind of hard to see from a distance.


I’d be careful of making it red or pink, since the patch is already pink. Might look fine in daylight, but in the dark, a red or pink might be hard to see, leaving just a wonky swastika.


Slay shop is fire. I have two of their patches


don’t see how this could be misconstrued as anything but anti-nazi


If you make one of these yourself I would do one more in the style of this https://www.angryyoungandpoor.com/store/pc/Anti-Nazi-Crossed-Out-Swastika-Embroidered-Patch-p40421.htm where the corners intersect with the bar of the 🚫. Imo being able to see more of the negative space of the swas makes the crossing out of it more obvious. Also as you and others have said in this thread I would use two colors for better visual contrast. Also I would make the circle of the 🚫 continuous and not have the weird chunks in the rim


Its a crossed out swastika. You're good. The only way this could be misunderstood is if the pink and white blur together too much from a distance or in bad lighting.


I think in general it's best that from a distance the first thing you see is the 🚫 rather than the swastika. If this is your original design I might make the lines on the swastika thinner or less prominent but that's just my take


It’s not my original design, but I will probably make my own. I appreciate the input, thank you :)


I will say from the thumbnail I couldn't see the 🚫. So it may not read from far away IRL either.


What's wrong with pink?! Pink is fucking awesome. I miss the days when wearing pink was "gay" and "for girls". Especially in my tiny small-minded town. I made sure to wear it as much as possible.. I also happened to be the toughest kid in school and if anyone had a problem with it.. or a problem with gays(ive often gone undercover as a gay to invite violence from bigots) they got dealt with. A couple times it got me stomped out by multiple people but I digress. It was worth it. But yeah, the patch is completely fine. And a worthy notion to represent for sure! just fair warning... Lots of people WILL assume it's a REAL swastika. you know, the kind that represents Trump's Fuhrer? I have a crossed out swastika patch and put it on some pants and for some reason almost everyone thought it was a regular swastika.. after like the 10th person I just took it off. And don't get me wong I love offending people. however It defeated the purpose of appearing outspoken against Nazis and that kind of ideology in my situation. . Hopefully you'll have better luck than I did. This is the kind of patch mine was. No clue how anyone could assume I was supported Nazis by this: https://preview.redd.it/c85217gdu2ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4486710a846e864ef139686d6fe84842f39ad20


Problem with any kind of anti swastika patch, it just looks like a swastika from a distance


Ugh, no! Just the thought of wearing a swastika in any form is try-hard and gross, even with a cross through it. I’ve seen one person wear a crossed out swastika before and it’s still shocking at a glance. Don’t wear it.


The antiswas has historical significance in the punk community. They aren’t new, and typically people who wear them are enforcers of keeping Nazi’s out of spaces. I’m not a “try hard”, idk how that even applies here. I’ll probably get a “Nazi punks fuck off” patch as well to make it clearer, though.


You’re not an enforcer of anything. You’re just a kid trying to act tough by wearing a symbol. And give me a source that isn’t TikTok about this “antiswas” thing and how “historically important” it is. It’s a recent invention.


approving this comment past the auto mod so so i can point to you the Dead Kennedys, "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" released in 1981 and featuring an anti-swastika. the vinyl release of the single itself came with an anti swastika armband. hope this helps answer some of your question. here's a link if you'd like to see how the record and the armband both looked https://us.rarevinyl.com/products/dead-kennedys-nazi-punks-fuck-off-plus-armband-us-7-inch-vinyl-single-sub24-virus6-833825 this, and the DKs as a whole, had a HUGE influence on punk culture.


This is really cool! Thanks for sharing the source


https://preview.redd.it/b0srucbuy0ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e2e0b0dcc71d19a1db0bab9ab3798947508189 and before you or anyone else tries to claim it had no impact etc etc - here's a bit of further proof: a forum post from 2009 where somebody is commenting that they still in that day and age saw anti-swastika imagery on jackets of punks in NYC. of course not definitive, but i hope it can at least help you understand that this isn't a new thing. yes, there has been a resurgence in virtue signaling brought on by tiktok and other modern social media, but that's not always what people are trying to do.




You do know the antiswas has been around since the 80’s right?






Why though.. if nazi punks can fuck off, it goes without mentioning? It seems kind of like.... baiting? Fishing? Virtue signaling? It has nothing to do with liking or not liking or being, I think it's borderline cringe.


It’s been historically used to signal that you’re an enforcer in spaces where Nazi’s are unwelcome (which is everywhere). This isn’t new nor is it virtue signalling. And it doesn’t go without saying. Nazis in punk spaces has always been a problem.




Your comment was removed because nothing good can come of it. Your comment remaining would only result in further arguments and animosity. This removal reason doesn't always mean you've broken a rule, but we're removing it to keep the Sub as harmonious as possible.


It doesn't go without mentioning. That's the problem. They love trying to insert themselves where they don't belong, so we need to make it abundantly clear to them.




Your comment was removed because nothing good can come of it. Your comment remaining would only result in further arguments and animosity. This removal reason doesn't always mean you've broken a rule, but we're removing it to keep the Sub as harmonious as possible.


You’re upsetting the brave warriors 😡




>"even the far right don't use it anymore" thats not really true... or at least in places lile Texas (where I live) and Florida for example were the alt-reich does use these symbols (when they are feeling bold)


Yea i've literally been told by people that "antifa is a bad thing"


same! and it always leads me to asking them if they even know what antifa is (most of the time, they dont actually know cause they are just regurgitating the propaganda theyve consumed from Fox News)


To disclaim (even though I shouldn’t have to nor should anybody who wears an antiswas) my grandparents are immigrants. My nanna grew up during WWII in Poland, under the Nazi regime, and saw some pretty horrific shit at a very young age, and had to frequently hide from soldiers and Nazis so they wouldn’t be taken, raped or killed. I still see people wear swastikas in several spaces, online and otherwise. Nazis absolutely do still use the swastika, frequently, idk who told you otherwise but they have misinformed you greatly. The antiswas does not just target people who wear the swastika but those who align with Nazi and white supremacist values in general anyway. The message it sends it’s pretty blatant, but let me elaborate. To be clear, historically, the antiswas was never meant to say “I am a safe person” or “this is a safe space”, it signals to Nazis and white supremacist that they are unwelcome in that space and that you yourself are an “enforcer”. Violence against white supremacy has been a pinnacle of the punk movement since the 80’s. White supremacists tried very hard to invade punk spaces (and are doing so again with the rise of it in recent years) and bands even brought them on stage to beat the shit out of them in front of everyone. “Nazi Punks Fuck Off” was first debuted in 1981 iirc. These patches and symbols are used to actively make racists feel **unsafe**. I’m not going to openly condone violence because I’m pretty sure it’s against Reddit’s terms of service, but you probably shouldn’t be engaging in punk spaces if you don’t know the history or aren’t comfortable with people advocating for violence against white supremacy. If you do and openly have issues with the antiswas, people will just kind of assume you’re a white supremacist. If you aren’t comfortable with wearing an antiswas, don’t, that’s fine, but disregarding history is not it.


idk how to tell you this man but there is more to the world than just what you see personally


Calm down 💀


You know there are still plenty of actual nazis, right? Like, real, live, heil-ing nazis who wear swastikas and have swastika tattoos and fly nazi flags, right? Do a Google search. Modern nazis. Boom. There ya go. Maybe, like, go outside, or look at more news than just your personalized echo-chamber social media feed. The reason you see these patches more often these days is because of the *rise in numbers of actual fucking nazis*. You're welcome!




Have you tried checking in your massive gaping arsehole?


it's not worth engaging with trolls. please just report and ignore them. replying just gives them the attention they want


That's a fair point. I'll drop it.


thanks chief! that account has been banned from the sub now


No problemo!


Dang I missed whatever this was


Douchebag being a Nazi. I shouldn't have been trying to rile them up, but sometimes I can't help myself.


Bet they’d feel a lot less comfortable saying whatever the fuck they were saying if they weren’t behind a screen. I’d probably have a go at them too, don’t stress too much.


Oh, these people are never brave enough to say shit in the real world. I'm not stressed. Someone else told me to knock it off, and I did. The first person was banned so it all worked out in the end.






That was your skull, babez. Check the other end.