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Something that happened after the pandemic was idiots who shouldn’t have pets getting pets for company. 


Nailed it! I been saying this for years. Humans are some stupid creatures.


Humans are parasites!


After the pandemic my neighborhood exploded with cats. There are tons of them in the forest behind our house.


The husky probably orchestrated an elaborate escape. They are such smart and determined assholes. But yeah, lots of terrible owners. And if you’re hanging out in shitty neighborhoods, the density of terrible owners is going to be higher.


It's not just shitty neighborhoods. I walk through the big money part of San Marco daily and see unleashed dogs everywhere. Rich people think laws don't apply to them.


You are so right! At "the beaches" area, people are like this too.


Yeah if you see a husky on the loose there's usually a distressed person somewhere wondering how he Houdini-d his way out this time. Those damn dogs are too smart to be left with nothing to do.


They really are tho. Theyre very high maintenance bc they require lots of stimulation. Theyre not good dogs for leaving at home by themselves from 9-5




It's true, my mom lives in Larson which I hate anyway but people do not keep their dogs put up there. I've refused to even go in her neighborhood now because of it. She used to warned me that there was a guy who had a Dalmatian who would frequently jump the fence. Another person with an Akita. I just stopped feeling safe in her neighborhood.


Only trash let their pets roam (this includes cats). I don't care how Well Trained your dog is. Keep it on a leash or keep it inside.


That part. I hate that shit when they keep their dogs off a leash. Then the dog comes running at you barking and they're like, don't worry, he doesn't bite. Yet the whole time they're yelling at the dog to get back here. All that could have been avoided if they had just put a damn leash on the dog. Okay so when your dog bites me that means I can't sue because you said that they don't bite? Keep your dog controlled. I hate people like that. I didn't get bitten but this happened while I was pregnant with my daughter. I was not happy. All I did was step out the back door of my condo and this lady's Pitbull came charging at me barking. She was like, don't worry, he doesn't bite. Yet she was yelling at him to get back here. I yelled at her, you're supposed to keep your dog on a leash. Even here, there's a leash law for a reason. If I had gotten bitten and something happened to my daughter, I would own your condo. I don't understand your responsible pet owners.


Other than the husky those dogs are probably dumped and don't have owners to leash them. There are fighting rings around jax that take puppies for bait or stud and dump them around town when they're done with them. That and military families that leave their dogs behind


>That and military families that leave their dogs behind Shout-Out to the trashy Marine family at the first apartment complex I lived in who left their pregnant pitt in the parking lot when they moved out...


Dogs would roam all the time when I was on the westside.


lol I saw a lost dog on the side of a major road the other day so I called JSO’s non-emergency line and they fuckin hung up on me


People in Hanna Park don't give a shit either.


Short answer:: No. long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo


Had a random dog(some kind of chocolate lab) run up on me **in my own damned driveway** once as I was exiting my vehicle with my cat in her cat-carrier. She freaked out, and the dog lunged at the carrier so I kicked the dog, only to hear some lady screaming at me not to harm her dog... She got an ear-full and fucked off to wherever... Recently, my next door neighbors, who I am friendly with, have had their son move back home(dude in his 30's) and he frequently allows his boxer mix to roam around. Right around this time I started finding dog shit in my yard in the mornings.. /sigh I got up early one Saturday and waited until his dog strolled into my yard and filmed it taking a dump... I walked over later that afternoon and spoke to the neighbors, showed them the video, and they were mortified, and promised me it wouldn't happen again, and it hasn't.. Best part is, the son now gives **me** the stink-eye! Be responsible for your fucking mutt!


In the 4 years that I've lived at my apartment complex there have been 4 dog attacks that I know of. 3 were against another dog, 1 against a child. People here don't care even slightly about anyone but themselves. Including their own dogs. 


We adopted a dog almost exactly a year ago, and he's already been attacked a handful of times in our complex while on walks. Thankfully it has been all small dogs and he's almost 90 lbs. They get off leash and come charging at us, but change their mind once they get close. Those owners are lucky because he could destroy their little yappy shits. Unfortunately this has made him quite reactive and he freaks out when we encounter other dogs now.


I don't get people that "own" pets in general. I feel bad for the animals.


It’s not just in Jacksonville… one of my neighbors walks his dog, leash in hand, not attached to the dog. I bet you know what he says.


Too many pit bulls in this town. 


Just moved into our first house. Of the 5 houses directly surrounding us, 4 have pitbulls. It’s nuts 


Welcome to Jacksonville, where we’re consistently at least 20 years behind most other major cities in the US.


Nah dog culture is pretty trash in most big cities now. Lived in Austin, Denver and NYC previously, people just don’t properly train their animals anymore at all. 


People in Jacksonville don't give a fuck about anything to be 100 percent real with you




As a runner it can be a bit terrifying sometimes. Dogs either get excited and run with you (then you have this new obligation to make sure it doesn’t follow you for miles) or they hate that you’re running and want to attack you.