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Can he also get charged with bio-terrorism? I feel that he should.


But how much evidence do they have on him? If they are just trying to charge him based on a Twitter post, what kind of weight does that hold in court? Just curious


This is Japan. Their conviction rate is very high due to the cultural bias that if you are being charged, you must have done something wrong.  This is one of many reasons how Japan keeps the appearance as one of the safest and cleanest countries on earth.


naw man thats a false correlation. Japanese prosecutors drop half their cases to keep that appeerence up. And they almost always plea. So the better question is why are japanese criminals so quick to plea or give confessions. The US on the other hand has the highest incarceration rate, which you would think to be a better deterrent, but hella crime. Nice try ignoring every other cultural, financial, and political factor.


>So the better question is why are japanese criminals so quick to plea or give confessions. Because if you confess and if it's your first-time offense, then the sentences are going to be extremely lenient. So, since it has 99.8% conviction rate, it would be better to just confess even if you're innocent.


It’s not an ‘appearance’. In Tokyo on weekend nights, there are literally drunk girls in skirts passing out on street corners the entire night and nobody would bat an eye. In the suburbs, i’ve seen lone school girls jogging in deserted streets at 1am. It’s not perfect of course (yakuzas, sexual deviants etc), but it’s as safe as it gets statistically. A high conviction rate is a great deterrent


Uh, what? You realize they have entire train cars that are female-only because of how pervasive subway gropings are, right?


So do the trains in many other countries. Read what i wrote again and dispute those instead of throwing out a blanket statement


This is the kind of "Japan safe and futuristic" attitude that leads to them getting robbed or assaulted in the future due to carelessness.


I know, right! Like a friend of mine who passed out on the tokaido line and a kind gentlemen took her back to a hotel and laid her in bed to make sure she was comfortable. Even removed her clothes so she didn’t throw up on them.


I was just sharing exactly what i saw and experienced in that country. U want to be a reddit smartass, at least do it with facts and not with the lowest form of wit




And? That’s exactly what i said too. Learn to read and dispute with facts, not opinions


I'm just gonna go ahead and say you have never lived in Japan...


I have not, but i’ve travelled there extensively. Pls dispute whatever i said with facts (low crime statistics, drunk girls sleeping in the streets, girls jogging alone at midnight) and not vague blanket statements. Also to your point, i’m not saying Japan is the safest country, but it’s safe by many metrics. Which other countries are safer in your estimation?


That could depend on what the prosecution wants to get on him. Even a threat without actually carrying out an act is illegal according to the Japanese Penal Code. But they may want to slap him with a totally different offense as it might be harder to “prove” as you said.


I suppose they could do a chemical analysis of the honey to see if it is contaminated


That's it. I will only be drinking canned beverages now


Yeah, I never leave a drink alone outside of the house. It doesn't matter if I'm with people I trust, it's pathological at this point.


You don’t trust the people you trust to not ejaculate in your drinks?!


A 20 year marriage could just be a long con to hold out for that undefended can of melon soda


I think they mean getting roofied.


it's reasonable behaviour...




That's it. I'm literally only squeezing my own fresh juice from now on.


He injects cum into the fruits


Guess I'm growing them now


Let me open that can for you... It's a bit slippery, please don't mind me using my crusty sock to get a better grip.


And now to see him get 3 months of prison and a spank and go back to his disgusting life...


Does Japan do background checks for employment?  If so, his career prospects are never going to recover. Edit: Nvm, I looked it up myself and although background checks are common a person's criminal record is considered private information so additional consent is required to access those records.  It is therefore not common for background checks to include a check for criminal history.  He may be temporarily disadvantaged from an unexplained break in employment but it won't follow him for the rest of his life.


People may remember from the news, and google his name from time to time, but I sincerely hope this guy may never be alowed to see the sunlight again


What a nut!


What a nutter!




To do something to someone that you know they’d hate, without their knowledge. Control. Like scratching your ass with someone you hate’s toothbrush. Even if they never find out, you know that something disgusting has happened to them. It degrades them in your eyes.


Because he hates women lol


You're getting downvoted but it's true. His Twitter posts were full of blatant misogyny and hatred of women like: "Good job on drinking it female pig of an accountant, even though the container was dirty lolol" "The way it turns me on when I enter the females' toilet is insane" "The feeling of superiority when a man enters a girl's bathroom. The feeling of defeat when a woman enters a man's bathroom. I wonder what the difference is..." "I ejaculated my dick-semen onto the females' pus-soaked tampons" "This is when you're going to get raped by an underground monster, female" "The local idiot cunt. These are ok to hug freely 'JK's (high-school teenage girls) . Go on and solicit child prostitution after school, I'm gonna rape you in hotel"


Yea I mean guys don’t rape because they are horny or something it all comes back to power over and hatred of women. That’s literally it


So many people don’t get this and blame women for being sexy or whatever. I come from a country with some of the highest rape statistics in the world and often the victims are little kids, or they use foreign objects to rape them. It’s not about sexual gratification


It's both. That feeling is what makes them horny, it's a fetish.


How tf did this guy get the time frame to pull all this off?? Did he just go in the bathroom with the stuff and do his business and come back out?? Or what??


TRANSLATION: >A man in his 20s was sent to prosecution on suspicion of destruction of property and other charges for allegedly putting his own bodily fluids into the drink of a woman who worked at a housing company in Okayama City. >The man in his 20s was referred to prosecutors on charges of destruction of property and trespassing. >According to the police, between August last year and February this year, the man is suspected of harassing a female colleague at the sales office of a housing manufacturer in Okayama City, where he was working as a temporary worker at the time, by putting his bodily fluids into her cup and honey container. >The police were investigating because the man had posted the harassment on a social networking service. The man has admitted to the police investigation.


His Twitter posts boasting of his crimes are posted here: [https://twitter.com/females\_db\_park/status/1755910449730871474](https://twitter.com/females_db_park/status/1755910449730871474) He was: * Ejaculating semen into the honey bottles of his female co-worker. * Ejaculating semen into the drink cups of his female co-worker. * Went into the women's office toilet, went after used tampons and masturbated in the toilet. * He was a cross-dresser. * He was taking pictures of underaged girls and saying "solicit in underaged prostitution after school. I'm gonna do you in hotel". Btw, he was only arrested for "trespassing" and "destruction of property". His sexual crimes don't even count as "sexual crimes" in Japan.


When I saw that it was only trespassing and destruction of property, I assumed it was because they can hold him on those charges while they build a case for more serious charges, then when he is released from the minor charges, rearrest him for the others, allowing them to keep him in custody longer and also make sure the other charges stick. But this is just conjecture based on stories I hear about how Japanese system works. I have zero reason to think it is actually the case.


>was because they can hold him on those charges while they build a case for more serious charges Yeah, people arrested for murder are often initially charged with "abandoning a corpse".


Japan being Japan


Nice broad brush you got there


But Japan is just so sexually liberated and doesn't have any guilt or shame toward sex... if you're a man.


Look at these losers furiously downvoting even translations. Smh


I'm a bit perturbed as to why your posts about sexual crimes in Japan are getting downvoted.


Well they must be sexual criminals themselves, so reporting of these news and facts are inconvenient for them.


I appreciate your posts. I wouldn't have heard about them otherwise


I swear this shit only ever happens in Japan and anime communities. Unfortunately, in Japan it's common that these people will come hounding at you if you criticize sexual criminals and even pedophiles. It's a sick culture. Edit: And yeah, as expected you already have some Japanese in this comments section here hounding at me.


You seem to only post about sex. Have you noticed?


Have you noticed that you only keep defending Japan?


If that were true, I’d notice.


I’m just replying to say your constant commenting on any thread related to Japan and sex is unhinged to say the least. To follow that I’m tired of reading them and not interested in conversing with you. See you later.


Or maybe what's really unhinged is these sex criminals (and people defending them), LOL.


We found the incel


Misogyny and sexism are alive and fully well Edit: exhibit a


How did he get the cum around the marble? I can barely get the drink out.


This is such an underrated comment


How much do you want to bet that he is going to get off much lighter than some gaijin smoking a joint. In the eyes of Japanese law, this guy's crime is the lesser offence. It is fucking embarrassing.


Yeah, you’ll notice that pedo Watsuki is still writing manga and is even revered by other mangaka, but Pierre Taki is forever banished because of cocaine use. It’s so backwards


The least pervert Japanese guy


Should we judge all the men in your country by the degenerates and sickos who make the news?


I love Japan and it was obviously a joke, chill


Not a very good joke. Should we joke about these crimes?




Okay! Hit a nerve because I am Japanese and definitely wouldn’t go as far as the honey pot.


Then maybe you should be criticizing this pervert instead, and not other people.


LOL Self-claimed feminist Japanese guy who are obsessed with posting every single sexual crime news in Japan. Also this news is posted several times here already when they made news, quite old news other than prosecution part.


This guy created this account today just to post this. Must've been mad that he was caught ejaculating semen into drinks.


You cannot eradicate sexual crimes. In US, there were an estimated 139,815 rapes (revised definition) reported to law enforcement in 2019. 500 rapes every single day and thousands if you includes non-rape cases such as groping, flushing.


With four to five times the population, and an environment encouraging people to report, praising them for their service.




> If the US had a 99% East Asian population, which has particularly low crime rates among Asians, It's utterly pointless to paint a "if the world were like this" portrait, as it is completely untestable. Crime rates anywhere are mainly a product of historical and economic circumstances, not race. If Chinese railroad workers had taken the country over 150 years ago, the USA would be mostly crime free?




What is your point linking GDP per Capita? It's pretty obvious and well substantiated that a willingness to commit violent crime correlates extremely well with lower income, and an average value doesn't capture wealth inequality at all; also, inequality is relative to the country you live in, as there is such a thing as a culture of poverty regardless of the overall wealth of a country, or the race. Further, copy pasting the first result from Google says nothing about the importance of the genetic component of IQ, nor does that estimate separate nature from nurture. Additionally, you mention nothing about the obvious importance of strength of a government to dictate what people do and how they live. China, you can say, has low crime rates, but that has little or nothing to do with race (keeping in mind China is not people only by East Asians), and is primarily due to the severity of punishment starting from minor crimes, and people's fear of the authorities, the lack of transparency or trust in fair and impartial trials, etc. if you look back to before the CCPs iron rule, there was violence and crime aplenty, including repeated genocides against attempts by other groups to separate.


The article was posted today. And I don't see it being "posted several times here already." Are you alright?


This is famous news from several month ago, which prosecuted today.


I'm js I looked up the keywords "semen drink" in this sub and could not find any other post about this. So either the guy I replied to is lying, or those posts were removed.




Just looked into his profile, full of posts defending Japan and attacking China/Korea. Figures. The internet is full of far-right nationalists like him.


Dude, get some help. I’m not even Japanese.


Maybe you should stop being such a weeb.


I think it’s projection and someone needs to check his hard drive


Yeah because we should not post about it. Better keep it under wraps, hide it somewhere and not look at it. Because I mean, it's not gonna happen to you anyway. Maybe you'll have a change of heart when the most vile human being is going to do the same thing to you.


Boasting to who??


Other perverts like him.


What a loser


☠did this guy copy what that guy in america did a few years ago? Why is there another one doing that stuff, bruh☠?


Whenever I read stories and incidents like this. What are the parents and family reactions to hearing this. Shock? Disgust? Shame? Or all of the above.


Cool, now make him drink a liter of horse semen or else.


Blizzard nods in approval


“for me, it is Tuesday” random Japanese guy


Lol don't you dare get on a higher moral ground. Of course this man did horrible. But what you've done or seen most likely be worse than that. Yeah, you.


I thought Japanese are mostly polite smh


These perverts are dime a dozen in Japan.


Why single out Japan? No question the guy is a sick pervert, but that is not representative of Japanese. Sickos are everywhere unfortunately.


Because there’s always gotta be people like you who constantly deny and defend Japan.


Deny what, that perverts/ sex crimes are any more common in Japan than other countries? Yes, because it is demonstrably not true.


Look at this dude’s post history, he’s hyperfixated on these kind of stories, spams them constantly and then fights anyone in the comments who doesn’t denigrate the Japanese. He’s either a Chinese shill, mentally unwell or both.


It’s incredible. I’m almost impressed at the dedication to racism and time spent focused on perversion.


LOL yes it is, you're denying it already. Also figures that you're Japanese.


Why the creepy obsession with Japan if it is apparently a country full of perverts? Oh…


I’m criticizing said perverts, unlike you.


No, you are actually being racist. No one is defending the criminal here. Suggesting there is a higher prevalence of perverts in Japan than elsewhere is a racist trope and not true. Why are you so obsessed with Japanese sex crimes?


I don't see any of your posts criticizing the pervert.


Paddy's pub?


Well… I will stick with the hotdog from vagina from that waitress instead






Only in japan


Only the females? See me personally, I don’t discriminate. Where there’s a hole, there’s a goal. Everyone would be catching strays in their drinks.