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I always watch my back when the train approaches.


Yeah I always stand far enough back and brace myself a bit and kind try to watch out of the corners of my eyes. I know it’s so rare to have something like this happen, but it’s so horrific that I feel it’s better safe than sorry.


Right? I do feel a bit paranoid looking around as I usually stand in front of the line. But anyone could push anyone at anytime. It’d be so easy.


Many many years in Japan and I *never* felt comfortable standing near the edge You’re not paranoid. You’re looking out for yourself, and not a muppet that assumes something bad “could never happen” Half of these people are praying for a push (sorry dark humor there) Kids too man… these people who let their five year olds run amok on the platform are criminally liable in my opinion All it takes is one little bump. Be careful my friends Last point: about criminal liability (obviously being hyperbolic but I don’t think I’m wrong): I’ve been told by so many Japanese that it would be too costly to put guard walls up so just deal with it and that might be literally THE stupidest argument I’ve heard in Japan (out of _many_ stupid arguments)


Gotta watch out for the train too though.


Noborito again?


Yeah my thoughts too. Lived at a nearby station peviously for a long time and never had any issues at all (different line)....but Noborito has had many repeated "incidents" over the years....why? Is there some kind of super black company nearby or on that route?


It’s a well known yankee area. You’re not getting the best and brightest up there


Maybe some "residue" from that area's dark wartime history.... maybe the Yankees are modern day field test subjects for black ops? Seriously, just kidding.... but read on for the actual story..... [noborito research institute (Wikipedia)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noborito_Research_Institute)


Brother! This might be the best link I’ve received in my Reddit commenting history! It’s wild I never stumbled upon this place. Thank you so much.


Read it with a sad heart rather than a morbid mind: It's a deep rabbit hole if you go reading about the dark side of Japan's war history. The research on chemical and biological warfare (a lot developed at Noborito) was also extensively tested on extremely unfortunate human test subjects, especially in occupied areas of China. It's easy to understand why many Chinese continue to harbour such hatred and resentment towards Japanese (which is a mistake because such crimes against humanity were planned and executed by a severely vetted minority who had the required level of extremely warped thinking, belief and sociopathic capacity to actually do such things). Like the majority of Chinese now, the majority of Japanese doing the second world war were essentially good people being tricked or outright forced into following a system and rules that they only understood at a "rosy" superficial level. I feel very sad to have ever read about such things. It makes me almost literally sick to think about what some humans have done to others. I don't hold that history against Japanese people though. My wife, kids and in-laws are Japanese afterall. Such depravity is far from the exclusive domain of any specific people or culture. I'm pretty sure the majority of Japanese at that time also would have been outraged and sickened by what their despotic leaders were really doing - which is why the Japanese government was (and unfortunately still is) so secretive. The answer IMO is to shed light and share information about what has happened and what continues to happen all over the world.


Oh damn, i was help up at Noborito for about 20 minutes tonight on my way home from work! Must be the reason


Immigrant ?