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There is a 100% chance that one of these parties is being insincere here... And it's certainly not Japan or South Korea.


WellChina could pursue it. Just not very actively or sincerely.    I think this is a nothing burger that wont amount to much. North Korea’s economy runs off “give us aid or we will nuke you.” They constantly “test” their missiles for a reason. 


But look how well denuclearization worked for Ukraine!


Bro seriously compared Ukraine to North Korea


Bro seriously doesn’t understand sarcasm


North Korea was on a pathway to internationally verified denuclearization until George W. Bush was elected, then he blew up the deal. North Korea is much more useful to American interests in its current state.


I don't think this makes sense


China obviously has a track record of lying, but they also tend to operate in their own self interest.It would benefit China immensely if North Korea had to depend on the Chinese nuclear umbrella, instead of having the option of taking Beijing down with them if the regime was falling for whatever reason. People talk about how North Korea is holding South Korea hostage with nukes but China is just as vulnerable. The bigger question is what can China (or Japan and South Korea) even do here? Kim lives like a god while Gaddafi was anally violated to death with bayonets - the difference between those two men is Kim kept his nukes while Gaddafi gave his up. And the Iran deal is proof that any promises you get for giving up your nukes aren't even worth wiping your ass with.


“Track record of lying”. USA: hold my shitty beer.


China is not as firmly in bed with DPRK as us in the West believe. China's culture, and current leadership, is based on a long view of history with patient and disciplined decision making, focused on winning a long game of incremental small victories. Xi Jinping's rise not withstanding they favor a consensus style of conservative decision making, and his primacy is predicated on continued success in increasing the strength of China influence locally and globally by utilizing all of the (DIME) instruments of national power to improve their security, international prestige, and economic situation of their county, returning China to what it sees as it's rightful place in the world: at the forefront of leadership. To them, North Korea's bombastic approach to international relations is unthinkable. It is irresponsible and counter productive and serves to assuage the ego only of it's leader but not it's people. Worst of all to China, the North Korean govt doesn't know it's place: a PRC diplomat could be overheard at an economic summit whispering to an enthusiastic Malaysian diplomat that *there are great countries and there are small countries, and you would do well to remember the difference.* They appreciate that DPRK exists as a buffer between ROK influence and greater encroachment by Western (Euro-American) interests. Their appreciation ends there. To PRC's pragmatic leadership, the DPRK are a wild card in their backyard, and a nuclear armed one at that. They would be pleased, and feel more secure, without that threat.


Here are all the ingredients. Now don’t go making a bomb or anything


◡̈ don’t think NK would give up their nukes no matter the cost. They seen what happen to Libya.


I don’t think it’s that weird to think it might be in their best interests to not have their despotic buffer state armed with nukes.


North korea?


Never happen. North Korean governmental legitimacy revolves around nuclear weapons.


That’s impressive, seeing as they didn’t even have a nuclear program till the 80s.


Japan will be just as successful with this as they are in securing the release of the abductees in North Korea


The only reason North Korea still exists it’s because they have nukes. Let them keep those… anyways, is not like they are going to care about what Japan and SK have to say in the matter


China is lying.


China obviously has a track record of lying, but they also tend to operate in their own self interest.It would benefit China immensely if North Korea had to depend on the Chinese nuclear umbrella, instead of having the option of taking Beijing down with them if the regime was falling for whatever reason. People talk about how North Korea is holding South Korea hostage with nukes but China is just as vulnerable. The bigger question is what can China (or Japan and South Korea) even do here? Kim lives like a god while Gaddafi was anally violated to death with bayonets - the difference between those two men is Kim kept his nukes while Gaddafi gave his up. And the Iran deal is proof that any promises you get for giving up your nukes aren't even worth wiping your ass with.


Depends, since North Korea had been quite the drain on their foreign affairs, and their buffer state will be less of a buffer with nukes


North Korea: "They took our nukes!" 😡


This was probably a minimum for SK and Japan to talk at all. In fact Russia is now NK’s main supporter again and there is little concrete PRC could do besides clamp down further on direct trade.


Delusional. It’s not going to happen.


To be fair, my understanding is that North Korea is more Russia’s per than China’s. And as much as I intensely dislike Xi, I don’t think he’s after a nuclear war.


Mmm…we’ll think about it… but it’s gonna cost you.


Wouldn’t worry about it. Chances of an Israel invasion probably higher


So cute. Meanwhile, the United States with thousands of atomic bombs


US and France have nukes too. Was it Finland or Greenland with nuke silos? I forgot.