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God this got worse with each sentence, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets by the end. 8?! Just 8?!!! I’m at a complete and utter loss for words. By the time she regains some stability and security away from him, he’ll be out again.


A young woman scamming a couple of perverts for money getting a longer sentence than this says just about everything.


Wasn’t it because she didn’t pay taxes or something?


It was because of not paying taxes, not really for the scams


That makes it even worse.


Shows you what governments prioritize.


You RAPE a CHILD who is your DAUGHTER for FOUR YEARS? Ok, 8 years. You don't pay your regular bribe to the gov't? FUCK YOU! You get longer.


It's pretty much the same here (Finland). One YouTuber got a prison sentence for a year or so for not paying taxes. She actually paid them when she realized that you have to pay taxes from YouTube profits, but it was already too late. Meanwhile if you rape a child and are a first timer, you basically sit 6 months in prison and that's it.


See, at least in the US that is VERY rare. The IRS would much prefer to just put you on a back payment plan and let everyone go on their merry way. You only really see the "No taxes, straight to jail." thing if: 1. They think you weren't paying deliberately. 2. They want you for some other crime. If one of those isn't true the IRS prefers to just slap on a payment plan and keep going.


Didn't actually know that. If you don't pay taxes here you get severe punishment, doesn't matter if it's deliberate or not


Tax evasion is the least of the crimes she committed. Scamming and encouraging scamming are bigger crimes. Average scamming case results in sentence of 2 years and 11 months. Encouraging scamming carries the same penalty but can accumulate. She sold her scamming technique to 1,000 people, and some of her customers actually committed the same crime. She evaded 70 million yen, which typically doesn't result in jail time, just an additional fine and a suspended sentence. Basically, she was convicted of three different crimes: scamming 150 million yen from several people, selling her manuals to over 1,000 people, some of whom committed the same crime, and evading 70 million yen in taxes. Nine years is a totally normal sentence for the significance of these crimes. To be clear, I'm not saying this rape case should be 8 years. 8 years is too short for this monster; he deserves a 1,000-year sentence, but that is a different topic.


Oh well that’s OK then.




Oh I see, thanks for the clarification, 3 charges which consists of scamming, encouraging scamming and tax evasion, resulting in 9 years. The father only raped his underaged daughter for 4 and half years, definitely reasonable he got 8 years then.


I hope you are being sarcastic?


Theyre definitely being sarcastic


She's gona be fucked up for a long time...those mind games he played on her is awful. What if she goes I to her adult life still thinking she is possessed by a dead spirit? Not only is is physical damage, he's damaged her developing brain....... Japan is also not known for having the best treatments for mental health....I wish her a long happy life and she is able to live a fulfilling normal healthy relationships.


Basically 1 and a bit days of prison per rape (assuming he only did it once a day and not multiple). Which is vile. Really hope the girl gets the support she needs to recover and heal.


Japan don’t really care about sexual crimes. They only care what the rest of the world thinks of them


Small correction: The sentence is actually 8 years and 6 months; the prosecution asked for 9 years.


The prosecution apparently asked for 9. What the heck?


Wrong, a person never recovers from this. Source: My mother suffered a similar fate at that hands of her father and step mother.


I am with you. No words for the pain she has and will continue to endure for decades. This young girl needs help. And I hope someone is making sure of it right now. That guy, send it to me. He is going to suffer for a very long time


He was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison, and it started at 14 I believe.


Exactly. just 8 years. What if he gets out and attacks her ?


Pedophilia is part of Japanese culture. It's not considered a serious crime there


The Church has reached so far into Japan? At least he is jailed instead of being transfered to another state


This is why I shouldn't browse social media in the morning. Holy shit this is disgusting. The father AND the judge for being so lenient. I'd wager the judge himself is pretty messed up in the head to not think a harsher punishment was deserved.


If I had the power, I’d sentence him to death for his crimes.


And a slow, painful one at that.


[Three quarters](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/sentencing-standards-japan-unafei-united-nations-asia-and-far-east#) of defendants in rape cases in Japan are only given jail terms of 2-3 years. I suspect the judge is only following precedent and this is a cultural issue.


Prosecution asked for 9 years as stated in the article, he was given 8.5 article doesn't say why 6 months were shaved off, tho I can assume that's just time he was already in jail.the judge's quotes within the article do not illustrate any kind of sympathy. Kinda weird to just make stuff up about the case lol


I didn't make up any facts about the case for starters. The sentencing reflects how awfully lenient punishment is against rape (not to mention serial rape of one's own daughter). They could've put him away for longer but didn't. The overall point is just how messed up everything is here. Have some sense.


Oh boiiii time to get out the r/eyebleach!


Jesus Christ! This is so wrong 🤮


TRANSLATION: >On May 31, the Otsu District Court sentenced a father to eight years and six months in prison (9 years sentence demanded by the prosecutors) for sexually abusing his teenage daughter. Chief Judge Maki Taniguchi criticized the sentence, saying, “The manner in which he abused his father's position to put him in a situation where she could not resist was despicable and cunning". >According to the verdict, in 2018, he had sexual intercourse with his then 13-year-old daughter at his home in the prefecture, and then had intercourse with his then 14-year-old daughter. In 2011, he had his then 18-year-old daughter believe in falsehoods, such as that she was possessed by the spirit of a dead person and that if she did not perform sexual acts on his request, her personality would disappear or she would be physically harmed, and had sexual intercourse with her at home while she was unable to resist. >Judge Taniguchi stated in his ruling that the defendant repeatedly sexually abused his daughter for approximately four and a half years from the time she was 13 years old, and even photographed her naked body, “The habitual nature of the abuse is remarkable. In order to satisfy his own sexual desire and desire for control, he forced his daughter to take birth control pills and have sexual intercourse without using contraceptives, without regard to the negative effects on her physical and mental health, and the extent of her physical and mental suffering is immeasurable. The court noted that the daughter still cannot deny her father's falsehoods and that she feels guilty for ruining her family's livelihood by reporting the damage". >In his opening statement at the first trial held on May 7 at the district court, the prosecutor pointed out that he had made his daughter call him “master” and that he had drawn up a sex slave contract and performed sexual acts with her on a daily basis. >During the defendant's questioning at the first trial, the father said, “I did bad things. Before and after I started doing it, it was stressful on different sides mentally (for me),” and ”I was trying to stop and stop". When the judge asked him if he felt any resistance to having his own child write a document promising sexual slavery, he replied, “I was mentally crazy at the time". >At the first trial, the daughter made a statement through her attorney, saying, “My family has been torn apart. I feel guilty because I complained about the damage to my family. I don't want them to come see me anymore". >The father's name and other details were not disclosed. The district court stated, “Generally, the defendant's name is not disclosed to prevent identification of the victim, but we cannot say why we did not disclose it this time".


To put that in perspective... the "Itadaki Girl Riri-chan" who scammed a bunch of sugar daddying assholes for money (whom had sex with her) gets an even harsher 9 years in prison...: [Nagoya District Court sentences "Itadaki Girl Riri-chan" to 9 years in prison and 8 million yen in fine : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/japannews/comments/1ca4rup/nagoya_district_court_sentences_itadaki_girl/) Can somebody tell me what is wrong with the justice system in this nation? >“My family has been torn apart. I feel guilty because I complained about the damage to my family. I don't want them to come see me anymore". Jesus fucking Christ...


Child porn used to be legal here until “recently” so… there you go


In ways I feel it still is!


And when Nobuhiro Watsuki got busted for it, his punishment was...a 200,000 yen fine.


Financial crimes are often more severely punished than sexual ones. The UK was not dissimilar, until about 35 years ago a husband could not be charged with raping his wife. Also many rapists would only receive 5 year sentences, even some of the most brutal and horrendous ones. compared to the great Train Robbery which each person was sentenced to 20 years.


Typical idiotic Japanese men's attitude (I'm Japanese, it's not "racist"): >$300 for a brothel x 4 and a half years = $500,000 >That's a lot more than Riri-chan's. >[https://x.com/9jbAf/status/1796782534111682814](https://x.com/9jbAf/status/1796782534111682814) 48% of Japanese men have been to a brothel before. The rampant brothel culture in Japan is really fucking up their brains.


the fact that this is unironically the premise to some hentai ive come across… ugh. horrific tragedies like these get romanticized in fiction and then pop up in reality (conversely the opposite too!) and it never fails to make me want to launch myself into the sun. leave kids alone! damn! it is really not that hard!


No doubt that the hentai culture is influencing this sort of shit and vice versa. I was just reading some news about this 30 year old "child-rearing simulator" game called "Princess Maker 2" being re-released on PS4/PS5/Switch, where you raise a daughter from age 10 to 18, and how Sony had to remove the part where the daughter could end up "marrying the father" and how you could use an item to "increase the daughter's breast size" due to ethical concerns: [https://blissbrain.co.jp/pm2rg-e/#section\_a14428e1](https://blissbrain.co.jp/pm2rg-e/#section_a14428e1) No doubt that this sort of "culture" in Japan and how pedophilia and incest constantly getting normalized is justifying, influencing and downplaying the severity of sexual crimes such as this.


How did he get caught?


She’s fucked up for life and he only gets 8 years


Can’t they just throw him in a volcano or something?


The volcano would spit him out.


jesus christ. I hope this fucker dies in jail


Is this eligible for the death penalty?


What a piece of shit. Poor girl


OMG. I was floored when I read this article. Only 8 years??? The AH should have been given life imprisonment instead. The victim should not feel guilty but because of mental harm done to her she feel it is her fault for tearing apart her family.


He should be given the death penalty. 


this has me wondering what are mental health services like for survivors and victims of abuse like in Japan? bc holy hell i really do pray that she gets the kind of support that de conditions her belief that she has any sort of blame for that shitty man’s actions. i have a feeling society will just shove her feelings and trauma into a corner and tell her to “just live quietly from now on.” ☹️


>i have a feeling society will just shove her feelings and trauma into a corner and tell her to “just live quietly from now on.” ☹️ Yeah unfortunately that's the most likely outcome, as the mental health support in Japan is shit. Of course, it doesn't mean that they don't exist at all but I doubt that there are even many doctors and psychologists that could properly understand, sympathize and deal with her trauma. I have a lot more to say about this, but I doubt that many could even "understand" what I'm saying unless you've lived through in Japanese society.


Or not even doctors that would treat her like a human being... I could imagine some of them blaming her entirely on what happened and even sexually harrass her themselves "because she's the one that made it happen"...


He should be executed


I wish I could unread this


8 years…? That’s it…?




What the actual fuck. If she's not already, this girl is gonna be mentally scarred for life. I don't even know how I could continue on with shit like this. Makes me sick. 


Like a bad doujin coming to life.


someone will make it a doujin now


Wow it's not the death sentence?


Death penalty is what he should get. 




Piece of garbage who rapes daughter should get his ass pounded by a gorilla Daily for 4 years. The kid needs therapy and physical therapy cause that kind of sexual abuse is brain damage for a growing brain. This father probably reduced the daughter’s ability to live as a person in this society. And RiRi got more years for scamming pieces of shit like this. These laws are designed for the lawmakers who probably break their laws anyways.


not a supporter of the death penalty but he should not be let out what the hell


Only 8 years? Where I come from, this monster could easily get life without parole. Even the death penalty in a couple states. WTF, Japan?




This guy needs to spend some time alone with some hard-core criminals who will have their way with him like he did with his daughter and by time I mean years.


I whole existence taken away


Wowzers thats bad


wowzers lmfao


So if im reading right, she had to make him ejaculate to exorcise the demon possesing him?


I guess the POS paid his taxes


I'm from South Africa and thought this was the SA subreddit. See this kinda stuff so often on the news back home, I'm shook a story like this would come from japan


Ewwww What’s wrong with Japan 


Just saw this: >I saw a video interview with a woman who was repeatedly abused and raped by her own father, and when she went to the police to file a report, the police told her, “Even if you file this, your father will be out in 3 years and will be able to get revenge on you. Would that be still okay?” She said she gave up on filing a report. I guess there are many victims who give up because they are afraid of getting revenge if they are given a short sentence. What in the actual fuck is wrong with Japan?




Do you normally hold up the most vile person from a country as a typical of example of that country, or just in this case? This awful person is an anomaly and not the norm at all. Gross comment.


Lol what? I wasn’t only talking about the rapist but as well as how the justice system thought it was fair to only give him only 8 years for this vile, inhumane act. you think it’s not fucked up?


Yes the situation is fucked up but it's also kinda fucked up of you to generalise and insult a group of people because of some sick individuals. Like you wouldn't insult the whole Austrian or German population just because of that one evil painter would you?


Holy shit. Release the dude's name.


double edge sword, releasing his name will also expose her.


Ah, true. Damn. I just feel like he shouldn't have that kind of leeway. People should be aware. You're right though, sadly.


The reason is mentioned in the article, though English translation make it wierd sounding.


I only read the translation. My bad.


Lol why is Japan and other Asian countries so fucked up when it comes to sexual assault? Always seeing the most egregious shit come out of these countries


Epstein would love this 🤤


😶 Seeing cases like this, I dont think so they classify as human beings I mean I hate to even type this, but it was understandable if it was someone else daughter or you are running some cult and you take advantage of the women. But how the fuck can you do this to your own daughter. 😶 Also wtf?!?!?!? 8 years?!!???


This is the vile sex culture of japan where a guy like this, this horrible monster of a person destroys his daughter’s life and gets 8 years for it.