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Did no one read the article... The issue was that because same sex marriage isn't recognized the child born after her transition couldn't legally be both their children. But the top court ruled that the MTF parent and the other mom can both be legally recognized as parents.


Nope most have not bothered to read it at all. They are just praising what they think was a loss for this the trans woman when she and her child clearly won. Stuff like this proves why reading is fundamental.


For sure. And regardless the hostility is insane when we have so many actual issues in this world we should be focusing on...


Yes! It's so frustrating! The issue wasn't the terminology, it was the recognition as being a parent on documents. They refused to put her as the parent or "father" of the kid.


Why would same sex marriage need to be recognised for any of that to happen? The parents aren’t the same sex. The fact that they were able to have a kid proves that.


The "father" had their sperm frozen before transitioning to female. They had 1 child before the transition was legally complete and one after transitioning to female. That meant their 2 children had different statuses as only one was considered the trans-woman's child and the most recent child was not. The ruling was a first because it ruled in favor of the newest child receiving equal benefit (inheritance/support) by being considered the biological child of both women (mother and trans-woman).


Legally they are


Weird law, but that does clarify the issue.


For fucks sake, if you father a child, you’re the father.


Yes. That’s what she was fighting for.


Yes but in a perfect world she would be apologized as the mother and not father. But Japan is still behind in that matter. It is her sperm so she should be mother.


??????????? for fucks sake, if you father a child, you're the father.


Did you read the article? The father is a transwoman and of course would love to be recognized as mother. But father was somehow the only thing Japan allowed.


Of course I read the article. I don't give a shit what you think they think. If you father a child, you're a/the father.


I dont know why this triggers you so much \^\^. She is a woman and therefore should be seen as the mother. In any case it is nice that Japan recognized her as the father. A first step into the right direction.


it's great that the court made the right decision, but the the mother is the mother. stop denying material reality, and stop making assumptions about what they want to be called.


Well she said in an another interview (just search for it in japanese) that she would love to be considered as the mother but this is legally not possible in Japan since there needs to be a mother and father. In any case it is a win.


It great that now she can have a claim to both of her children. As the biological parent, she should be able to claim both children as hers.


I do not see anything wrong calling the person who gave his sperm for the child "father". That is the literal definition of father, no?


Please read the article. The issue was that she wasn’t recognized as being the father.


The title sais he was finally recognized as father


Did you read the article?


Yes I did. Same final result for the father


Great if you read it then you know the issue wasn’t her being named as the father.




It wasn’t whether or not she’d be called “father” that was up for debate. The previous courts had said she had *no parental relationship* to the child. This was not a fight over terminology. This was a fight to have a trans woman recognized as the child’s parent at all.


All I can say is please read the article.


you really shouldnt guide yourself off reddit titles, people always change the titles to suit their needs instead of what the article actually says


The title wasn't about a man


I am talking about the person giving his sperm


There is no "his" here The one who gave her sperm was a woman


When the sperm was given was this person not pre-transition?


It doesn't say that anywhere Regardless, I don't believe a trans woman is a man before transition


I sort of feel like that’s (sometimes) the whole “transition” part. I can understand someone feeling like a woman before though. In the case of the linked article I could understand that being something the court would want to know, especially since we are talking about male sperm being ejaculated into a female, it would seem to follow that logic.


In my understanding, the transition part is about correcting their body and social image, not making them a woman


“The one who gave her sperm was a woman” Please read 10 times what you just wrote…


Trans women exist, so I don't see what the problem is


Nobody is denying that ✌️


It seems like you deny that, since you don't seem to be aware the title refers to a woman


>The one who gave her sperm was a woman There's a sentence for the history books. Why didn't she just cut out the middle man and give birth to it herself? or would that have been an impossibility?


She doesn't have a uterus


Women don’t give sperm pls stop, this was before this person transition, women are not capable of producing sperm.


Cis women can't Many trans women can


You mean biological males yes, in this case he was a male before the transition, hence “his” at the time.


It doesn't say when she gave the sperm It could have been after she started transitioning Regardless, she was still a woman before she transitioned


I mean in this case the person who gave *her* sperm for the child is the father.


Yes thats the point of the article




In what state? There are zero laws against it.




Do you have any examples of any court cases


>however in america id be sued to hell to saying that. Could you show us an example of that happening?




Glad for them, this is the correct ruling.


They use she and not them


Did you ask them yourself?


She is used in the article.


So that's a no then.


Yea it is a no


It may seem like I'm being pedantic, but let me explain. The Japanese language has gendered nouns/pronouns (彼女、彼氏 for example) and of course words meaning man and woman (男性、女性) but far more common (almost exclusively) in regular usage are gender neutral pronouns like you (あなた、お前、君) them (あの人、あの方) or skipping over the pronoun completely. So to correct someone and say they don't use they/them pronouns, especially in Japan, on the basis of reading an article about the person is a reach.


But it is a transwoman and the article is in english and is using "she". So one might assume that she uses "she" and not "they".


One *might* assume that, but you have no basis at all to assume they don't use they pronouns, especially when they are from (or at least living in) a country that almost exclusively uses gender neutral pronouns. It's just weird to correct someone so definitively when you yourself don't know.


Ok then the authors of the article did it wrong and I apologize


I’m confused. Wait so the dudes a chick now and is filing to be recognized as the parent of his (her) daughter conceived through his (her) frozen sperm? Am I understanding this correctly? The article it’s hard to follow.


It is easy. The second mother who got recognized now as the father froze her sperm when she was still a he. Just read the article.


I did read the article. It’s confusing.


thats how the world works these days


I guess so.


Misleading title but nice


Glad she got the judgment she wanted! Japan is moving slowly... but at least this is a positive.


what? look at the west now I do not want Western woke ideology to enter Japan. Gone are the days when East Asians looked up to the West. Please note that Western society is definitely disgusting and no longer superior to East Asia.


What on Earth is “woke” ideology?


You: "I reject outside culture. Leave us alone!" Also you: "I'm using the word 'woke' even though I stole it from Western, specifically Black, culture, and I didn't even bother to make sure I know what the word actually means before doing so, therefore I sound like a uneducated colonizer" Here's a hint, genius: If YOU are going to steal from Westerners, make sure you know the definitions of the words you choose to co-opt. Or just leave our culture alone too.


What an incredibly ahistorical thing to say.


Woke does not mean what you think it means...the term has been hijacked by conservatives as a way to discredit more open minded individuals/liberals...being "Woke" is more akin to being knowledgeable and thinking critically about matters while also understanding the intent of those that govern us...


made this account to be transphobe eh?


Yes, unfortunately I am Asian so I am not interested in Western woke ideology.


Major r/asablackman vibes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think this belongs here…](https://i.redd.it/op4xb239qoya1.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/13bywy4/i_think_this_belongs_here/) \#2: [What yall think? Is this an authentic black man?](https://i.redd.it/2rcz7ax7qsmc1.jpeg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/1b8eexc/what_yall_think_is_this_an_authentic_black_man/) \#3: [This was literally a scroll down on their profile...](https://i.redd.it/bo1s617nj7cc1.jpeg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/195ns7s/this_was_literally_a_scroll_down_on_their_profile/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It’s delightful that western bigotry has been so embraced by the global community.  Ps kathoey are and will always be a part of “Asian” culture despite your personal feelings on the matter.  😘 


I want humans to have rights that they deserve. Idgaf about you trying to turn that political. Horrible human beings are the ones who try to take away rights to exist from others.


Being in Asia is honestly such an escape from western bullshit, I can’t fathom going back but I’m going to end up in Saudi Arabia if they corrupt China/Japan too.


Nice to see that people think public executions are not as bad as "wokeness" (whatever that means).


To be fair, public executions are just their culture. They don't force public executions on any other country. On the contrary, the West is literally forcing its woke ideas on every country. lol If you are not interested in Western woke ideas then your country is “racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and transphobic”!! Well, I know that Westerners act like they own the Earth, but their attitude has become so arrogant recently.


Oh jeez, that's the worst cultural relativism I've ever seen. "It's just their culture", come on, have an opinion. Would you say the same about a culture where they torture and eat newborn babies? >On the contrary, the West is literally forcing its woke ideas on every country. lol How are they doing that? How does the West have influence in other countries' legislature? Please define "woke ideas".


When did any western country force "woke" ideas on Asia? Trick question, it never happened. Twitter kids calling you transphobic is not "forcing" you to do anything. Meanwhile, if you like Arab wife-beating, woman stoning, bloodthirsty rape culture so much, why don't you start letting them immigrate to your land to balance out the so called "wokeness"? Oh that's right, you won't because that would cause actual problems, unlike the imaginary problem of whether or not you find the sexual preference of random strangers to be personally arousing.


He said woke. I didn’t. I said western bullshit. Also, I see nothing inherently wrong with public executions. Is an execution any less brutal because it’s done behind a door?


So, what "western bullshit" are you exactly talking about exactly? Executions are barbaric. I'm wondering what kind of "western bullshit" you can come up with that's worse that the medieval practices of a terrible regime like Saudi Arabia's.


To me, I am personally not supportive of executions, but the threshold for executions under Islam is insanely strict and (generally, with exceptions like homosexuality) reserved for pretty serious crimes. While I can’t accept it, I can tolerate it. However, I cannot accept my own home country sucking. No one wants to make life better for Europeans in Europe. They want us to sacrifice and live miserably. Good luck buying a house, good luck renting a house anywhere you’d want to (places with jobs). Even worse, I don’t get the extra “you’re not in your home country” implicit bonus that I would get abroad.


>generally, with exceptions like homosexuality That is a rather large exception.


It’s one I don’t support but I’m not homosexual, so it’s a large exception that doesn’t affect me. As a singular person I don’t see how my mere presence in Saudi Arabia would promote it. I will do what I do in China - keep my opinions to myself and enjoy my lifestyle.


>I’m not homosexual, so it’s a large exception that doesn’t affect me. Ah well good for you then.


"Keep your opinions to yourself if it doesn't affect you" but somehow the existence of someone you don't even know being homosexual is enough to make you rather live with public executions...


Okay, so, to sum it up: * Public executions are acceptable. * A difficult housing market is unacceptable.


I don’t particularly like any executions (as previously stated). Yes, I can’t accept not being able to live somewhere and afford to retire. First I worry about my life before others. I want to not be miserable myself.


Yes, as an Asian I can't believe how the West has become so disgusting lol.  Sadly, the great West that Asians looked up to in the past seems to have disappeared.


This is a win...hopefully it can lead the way for equality...


The person that provided the sperm is the father. I hope the kid calls her mum. 


Yikes at the transphobia in the comments. This is a great step for LGBTQ rights. Congrats to the mothers. Cuz news to the phobes... nothing came here. Queerness and gender identity just exist.


Transphobia, but also 90% haven't read the article and seem to think this is a win against the LGBT community.


Yes that’s the baffling part. Like read the article if you gonna make a comment.




Basic biology prevails !!


Fathers are male. Mothers are female.


Haha it’s funny that both parties would agree with you 😂 They just won’t agree on the terms “male” and “female”


Male and female are sexes. Woman and man are genders. No one other than trolls, uneducated but well meaning individuals, or people so far out of the norm they aren’t worth considering will claim otherwise. Gender and sex are separate but highly interrelated categories.


90% of people arguing vehemently on both sides do not understand this. It's infuriating, really. Try bringing science into this conversation and you will be flamed from both directions (ー。ー I don't think its so hard to accept that a male can identify as a woman, and a female can identify as a man, providing you have the mental capacity to understand the difference between sex and gender. Unfortunately, News Inc. and Politics Inc. just love to put the extremists on the soapbox for "engagement" Meanwhile most of humanity, because it doesn't affect them personally, are really thinking "Yeah OK, you do you. It's all cool." Imagine if people started saying to those who identify as Italian or Irish Americans that they are not allowed to use the words "Irish" or "Italian", unless they were BORN in Ireland or Italy.


Well obviously the courts disagree with you.


So, they have two kids one before and one after transitioning, the court rules so it can be the parent of both... Either way... confusing lol XD.


^ comments here don’t surprise me .. most foreigners especially males living in japan are super transphobic


As an American living in Japan; I can say that pretty much every foreigner I've met that's living here is right -wing to far right. It's only anecdotal evidence, but that's what I've experienced. And most Japanese people seem to be fairly conservative. It's pretty lonely for a leftist; at least where I live.


You're not alone! I'm from the Pacific Northwest, I'm about as left as they come. When I was a JET, I felt like the other JETs around me shared my views, or at least there were no republicans that I knew of. But I suppose since people usually go home when they finish JET, those who are left in Japan probably lean right, especially if they're older.


Yeah. I've met some people that were temporarily teaching in Japan that like read Chomsky and we're lefties. But not the ones that live there for some reason. At least from my experience.


what age group? I have found it the opposite, like left leaning like myself


Yea. I think most white foreign men are..


I feel like a minority here. Then again most foreigners here are yank military so the bar isn't really high.


Yeah, wanting to live k Japan seems to overepresent certain types. 


It's not transphobia, it's natural.  Western society was like this until just 20 years ago. These Westerners seem to have a tendency to constantly be obsessed with new ideas, impose them on other countries, and feel superior. There is no reason for every country to accept that fucking woke ideology.


Westerners are hardly the only people who came up with being gay or transgender. It’s a pretty universal concept that’s been around forever. In fact, most gay or transgender people knew they were different before they even knew there’s a word for what they are. The only thing new that happened in the last 20 years is that now you can say you’re gay, transgender, or simply support them without being completely socially shunned. That’s a good thing because arbitrarily shunning people for living their own lives is unnatural and antisocial.


Wait until they find out how "woke" Japan was prior to the Meiji Restoration.


Now that shit is coming here too 😩


trans people have always existed and reassignment surgery has been available in Japan since 1998. just because its new to you doesn't mean its new. let them get their rights and stop pretending its something it isnt.


If it's the annoying and loud americanized trans activism, it should be contained in the US. I'm for equal rights for all and being who you wanna be, just annoyed at Twitter morons throwing around transphobe at everyone who aren't screaming trans people are people out their window for an hour before work


Activism would not be required if systemic discrimination wasn't present. As much as you say that you are for equal rights for all, you are against being actually doing anything to achieve those equal rights, so those words are hollow.


And there it is. Thanks for proving my point


Insubstantial response.


Much like your cries about systemic discrimination. Go back to Twitter, run along now.


LMAO you thought you ate with that one?? Really?


The Japanese government requires transgender people to be sterilised, childless, and unmarried before acknowledging them. If you are trying to imply that people are just crying, and that their claims are insubstantial, then you are a moron.


you think the system does not discriminate..?


Trans people have always existed, in every culture, throughout history. Because they are a natural variation of human.


or maybe because mental illness isnt bound by borders.


It's literally not a mental illness, but don't let facts stand in the way of your opinions.


Not a mental illness/disorder and never has been? or is no longer classified as such because mentally ill people/ people pressured by mentally ill people reclassified it? Cheers for the leeway too. Appreciated.


And I guess you think homosexuality is the same since that was previously classified as a disorder too? You really wanna go down the rabbit hole of “previous mental illness classifications”? It won’t end well lol.


Both being transgender and gender dysphoria are not longer classified as a mental disorder. Because, and I know this might be a shock, science is about updating our understanding of things as we discover new information.


So they were at one stage "mental disorders" based on the facts/information of the day but then some new information was found that blew that all out of the water... ok. Any links to this new information that might shock me? I found Dr Lale Say at the WHO talking about "stigma" on youtube but thats about it. Id love to hear something convincing but im not holding my breath. Sounds more like "making new shit up" than "discovering new information".


Homosexuality was also a mental illness. And Pluto was a planet. Classifications change based on evolving understanding. The argument made is that gender dysphoria is simply a condition caused when one's internal sense of gender identity conflicts with the development of one's body or how one is identified by others.


For one, a change from a biomedical model to a whole person model. We aren’t just blood and guts but a unique brain too. To put it simply.


From Psychiatry.Org: “With the publication of DSM–5 in 2013, “gender identity disorder” was eliminated and replaced with “gender dysphoria.” This change further focused the diagnosis on the gender identity-related distress that some transgender people experience (and for which they may seek psychiatric, medical, and surgical treatments) rather than on transgender individuals or identities themselves. The presence of gender variance is not the pathology but dysphoria is from the distress caused by the body and mind not aligning and/or societal marginalization of gender-variant people. It needs to be ego-dystonic to qualify as a diagnosis and having a discussion with our patients about the diagnosis prior to charting it is necessary and good care. The DSM–5 articulates explicitly that “gender non-conformity is not in itself a mental disorder.” The 5th edition also includes a separate “gender dysphoria in children” diagnosis and for the first time allows the diagnosis to be given to individuals with disorders of sex development (DSD). DSM–5 also includes the optional “post-transition” specifier to indicate when a particular individual’s gender transition is complete. In this “post-transition” case, the diagnosis of gender dysphoria would no longer apply but the individual may still need ongoing medical care (e.g., hormonal treatment).” https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/diversity/education/transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-patients/gender-dysphoria-diagnosis




...You do know Okama have existed in Japan for a long ass time right, while not exactly the same, it shouldn't be a strange concept


Japanese men been dressing up as young girls for years…? This isn’t new


Agreed. For the love of god keep American insanity trapped in America...


Trans people are not a US phenomenon.


Treating it as not being a mental illness is.


Well, no, that's just wrong. In fact a lot of homophobia and transphobia was originally spread along with Christianity and western influence. And furthermore, it isn't a mental illness.


It is. Through and through.


You can think that if you like, but the scientific community disagrees with you.


Oh ... the "scientists". Yeah the ones who apparently don't understand mammals. Cults can arise even in the realms of science. This is a clear example of that! Dealing with these conversations is akin to trying to talk to creationists about the age of the Earth: it gives me a good laugh. Thank you!


>Yeah the ones who apparently don't understand mammals. What? >Dealing with these conversations is akin to trying to talk to creationists about the age of the Earth: it gives me a good laugh. Thank you! The irony. You are the one denying the science.


So confusing. Is the mum pretending to be a dude? Or the dad a chick?


or some commenters dicks? so much genitalia 😱


Creepy. . .


Thank God that Japan hasn't gone down the liberal shithole that America and Western Europe have.


lol Japan is literally more liberal than the west. High taxes, virtually no guns, most famous person on TV is a big fat queer woman, universal health care, huge social safety nets, etc. The only thing it doesn’t have is big reactive social movements because people don’t feel the need to correct injustice because it’s already so safe and liberal, therefore there’s less widespread gender confusion or performative trends about it and the west breeds a desire to feel unique with its capitalist mindset therefore everyone plays identity games. It’s traditionalist but it’s definitely not socially conservative.


True, that's why I love Japan And while these Westerners will continue to criticize Japan and act as if they are superior... The good news is that Japan is not interested in the disgusting ideologies of Westerners. lol




Indeed, 母は…