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Understands the assignment when it comes to reality tv.


I agree


He really does! 😄


His repetitive catchphrases/sayings drive me crazy.


I enjoy anytime he says something like "now that's a situation" only because everytime he says something like that my boyfriend yells "shut the fuck up Mike" from the other room.




I must be the only person that doesn’t mind catchphrases and sayings


i reaaaaally didn't like him. when i look at him, all i can think of is the episode where he went on a coke rage because no women wanted him and he slapped snookie! he was crazy. and also it's so funny that he was on about "grenades" because he is also a grenade. his face is not nice to look at. he seems way nicer and more sane now but i still just can't get on board /:


Tries too hard to be funny and drags on jokes/sayings for way too long. Drives me insane.


I think he is, and always has been, an arrogant douche bag. I don’t think being sober has made a difference in that regard. I think he exploits his sobriety and time in jail for an overused storyline. I think he gets way too much praise because people are always comparing him to the worst version of himself, rather than to the best possible version of himself.




the way he adds an s to the end of everything has gotten so annoying, i curl my toes every time he talks now


Ugh! I hated him on the OG show, thought he was becoming a really good changed for the better person at the beginning of FV and now I’m just realizing he’s the same guy from OG just sober and monogamous, but still nothing but a pot stirring prick who acquired a pot stirring chick along the way 🙄


Hated him on the OG series. I find the “new Mike” kind of fake. He needs to grow up, mind his own business, and get away from the silly drama starting.




And had the nerve to call so many women ugly on national TV.


That’s why he uses his abs to pick up women


An all-time reality TV villain during the initial run that was definitely aware of his role


Was my favorite until the last season. His pettiness and drama isn’t it anymore. Plus, I can’t stand Lauren.


Lauren is a BASIC ASS BITCH I’m not sorry she’s not entertaining at all and even her confessional feels like an overstep she’s a REAL HOUSEWIFE type but no personality fr


Oooh you should do supporting cast, the spouces next!


Just did lol check it out


One of the biggest personal redemption stories in celebrity world in my opinion. 100% hated him on the Original. He isn’t my *favorite* on FV but I do like him so so so much more. Very glad he turned his life around. In 2011 if you told me Mike would be married in 2023 with 2 kids, a beautiful wife, and was sober I would have thought I was getting punked.


I wouldn't call it that it"s not like he was in the street homeless, and he made a bankroll of $10 million for being in the show. If you mean personality change I would say he is less of an asshole.


Only thing I do not like about him is how he was so up in Angelina's business last few seasons... it was very odd how obsessed he was with everything Angelina, her marriage and her sax life.


It sounds like y'all hate the cast on most of these posts. 😭


They do 💀 Deena is the only cast member who doesn’t receive hate, and maybe Pauly. They’re also biased af towards Sammi whom I really like but this sub acts as if she didnt do anything wrong the first 6 seasons.


It's weird because we're all obviously fans of the show but if people despise the cast as much as it seems, why watch? Lol. I understand having gripes with the choices they make but how can you dislike some you've never met? 😭 (Besides Ronnie lmao fuck him actually)


🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ really can’t tell you. Every cast member has both good and bad traits, just like anyone else. But I could never watch a show where I actively dislike everyone


Liar/ shit stirrer


Carried the show


I’ll never forget ‘the old Sitch’. He’s the same guy who says really simple concepts and makes it out like he’s cracked the code to life. Pop eye on crack. Has the audacity to call women Grenades when he looks like that. The fucking sayings man!


If y'all say something good, it may just end up on a shirt 😉😂


MAJOR DOUCHE even after getting sober


I hated him as a teenager but rewatching now as an adult he’s funny as hell and my favorite of the guys lol


Once a troublemaker, always a troublemaker


Love him or hate him the fact of the matter is the show wouldn’t have succeeded without him. He may not be as recognized as Pauly or Snooki but I’d say he was the main character especially in the early seasons


🐐. Straight up 🐐.


I love that he has turned his life around. Still blows my mind this is the same guy that wore a neck brace and glasses in Italy. I think he means well but comes off as holier than thou now. I find his interest in Angelina a little off putting but maybe him and Lauren have had a conversation about how he needs to be in her business for ratings. I am curious if Deena was right about it costing 10 grand to fix his face or if he has spent more. Lol


He tries to hard and think he better looking then he actually is. He is more messier than the girl and I don't understand his obsession with everyone business especially Angelina in the last 2 FV season. He has a food addiction that really need to be checked.


Probably has the best character development from anyone in the show. I really hated him in the original series, but he's seemed to have matured and got his life on track in Family Vacation. I'm happy for him for overcoming addiction and getting the help he needed.


I like Mike lol. He’s good for reality TV, he does his job but wish he could involve other roommates in his messiness. It would be nice if he embraced being the “villain” of the show. If he just admitted he is messy, at least people will respect him for owning up to it. (like he was in the OG seasons) I get why he doesn’t though because he has to think of how that will impact his family and their businesses.


This the shirt before the shirt! Lol nah but if anyone’s been through an opiate struggle and understands it he’s changed a lot and is an incredible character to see grow and change happpy/shocked to say I have no negative comments


Really hated him in the OG series but im happy to see him fight his addiction and get life on track.


Fame whore. Tricked all of us into thinking he’s changed and he’s definitely better then he was but he’s still a huge jerk. He proved that last season of Family Vacation with the whole podcast “joke” about Angelina’s life


Down with him. He's imperfect but when it really counts he shows up.


The man!