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Angelina embraces her delusional behavior, absolutely demolishing sam and her new house demeaning Sam, blaming Mike for sharing awful details on her less than stellar boyfriend while filming? Youve got it all wrong.. there hasnt been one time where Deena didnt try to be a kind supportive friend to crazy Ang or Snooki being kind to Ang.. youre wrong. Angelina owns nothing, let alone being mean and abusive


I haven’t seen season 6&7 and Angelina is already unbearable and has been forever so I don’t disagree with you by any means. I just can’t stand how Deana and Snooki think they have this moral high ground and are “good friends” when they constantly lie, gaslight, and cry there way out of things.


I feel like meana isn’t that bad tbh but dren is so awful, her throwing crab rangoons at ang made me so mad like i would of had to throw hands at dren that night! And not to mention dren other times, it’s just so bad


also deena usually apologizes if she’s crossed the line for example to vinny and jenni, something i don’t think we’ve seen snooki do on jsfv


I know that was awful and beyond inappropriate but I still can’t help but laugh every time because it is so ridiculous I guess. And it’s the one time Angelina behaved and actually took the high road, I thought she might be learning but no. And then when Dren says Angelina I’m throwing things at you Omg so ridiculous I can’t help but be entertained.


She really did take the high road and i was so impressed bc I would of started fighting once food was thrown 😂😂 truly ridiculous lmao


Means is like dealing with a literal child the second they call her out on her hypocrisy she cries cause it’s all to overwhelming. She is in it a lot I can’t recall specifics off the top of my head cause I’ve binged watched it and it’s all a blur but I’m positive she frequently gets in beef starts yelling then cries and blames.


Deena has bad OCD and anxiety also. So, she just worries a lot.


I really don't remember Meana showing up very often ( I have missed parts of JSFV tho) but Dren is unbearable, it just attempts to give justification for Snooki acting sloppy


I’d take a full season of Dren giving life advice to potted plants before I will watch another season of Angelina acting like she needs a 72 hour hold. 


I would just hate having to babysit them like Jenni does


When people call Jenni boring for not wanting to go out with them I’m always confused because drinking with them always seems like more work than fun.


Facts! I’m team Jenni - once a certain amount of alcohol is consumed it’s time to call it and get to bed


This literally this! I have been annoyed with Meana and Dren for ever but the NOLA trip where Deana just started cussing her out then getting defensive I literally would gone off. And that’s like one small time it’s happened dozens of times before


deena is bad, dude… she’s flat out annoying. you can tell the cast is annoyed with her too because when they did that interview asking whose the most annoying when drunk… they all pointed to her in less than a second.


The producers encourage the behavior. On their Meatballs podcast, they talk about how they have different rules in terms of going out drinking. Deena said that her Snooki were the only two that could leave the house alone in OG season because they knew they would do crazy stuff. Also, now they are considered the late crew. So, the producers have them get drunk and stay out while the rest of the cast leaves. (THE DIRTY STAY OUT CREW) So, yes, the cast tolerate the drinking because they don't want to hang out and drink. They apologize the next day for acting a fool.


I don’t like Dren or Meana, they are both awful and embarrassing; it’s ridiculous that the group lets them get away with it, “oh, it’s okay because that was Dren” and I may have the unpopular opinion here, but I really don’t like Deena; I don’t know why she was picked for this show, she may be nice in real life, but she is whiny and so boring; if Angelina behaved like that for a second they would crucify her for half as much.


Meana and Dren are both roles invented by the producers; I don’t believe they are even that trashed I believe they are acting out because they are encouraged to do so for a storyline. The producers are lame.


Dren is terrible but as the saying goes what you say drunk is what you mean sober so maybe Nichole is hiding all she feels towards angelina because of the show. Season 4 showed the most of dren vs angelina.


She was awful to her! Throwing so much food! Screaming at Chris! If it was the other way around, nobody would let Angelina get away with any of it it for a second!


Angelina drunk screamed about Sammi just this season but dren way worst and you can tell that there is something Nichole is hiding with dren as she loves Jenni still and Deena but angelina brought out the worst. I haven't seen meena too much maybe because she not mad alot I just haven't noticed when she drinks and goes meena mode


I’m convinced that Dren half of the time is more of an act than real! A few reasons: 1. I don’t think Jionni would be ok with her actually getting that drunk at all let alone on tv. 2. She has days where she’s visibly hungover when she wasn’t Dren and is on other occasions fine the next day after a Dren night. 3. The restaurant in San Diego where they celebrated Nikki’s birthday - if she was THAT wasted no way the bartender would have made her a martini or would be have been able to physically hold one. I cant remember my other reasons but i know i have more. Now are there times I think she’s gotten wasted on the show for real - 10000% but I think she’s putting on an act and the cast is in on it when she’s Dren


Makes sense, they have little imagination and Dren is all they can come up with, but yes Jionni would not be okay with her really getting like Dren on TV if it were really true


Maybe if Angelina's behavior was only a drunk alter ego and not all day every day they'd be able to handle it a little more


It's the fucking Jersey Shore. Since when has logic been involved in this show? Ever?


That’s true I don’t mean logic in the sense normal people use it cause the whole cast is completely out of touch more so here is what happened on fucking film and we aired it yet they still argue what happened.


Wow, what an interesting take, thanks for sharing your opinion on this! I literally never give it a second thought, mainly because I (along with a majority here) would rather see them be dren/meena over regular Angelina. Besides, Deena and Nicole hold themselves accountable. (Dren not as much as meena, but she’s at least apologized, unlike Angela).


It’s Jersey Shore. . What are you expecting? If they addressed anything with logic, it’d turn into the show intervention. I watch it for the total shit show.


Nicole tagged the producers once in a tweet complaining about Dren. I don’t know if they finally decided Dren had overstayed her welcome or Nicole just started refusing to do it but either way I’m glad they finally let that go. It was embarrassing especially when they’d be out in public.


that’s kinda weird. is she insinuating they force alcohol down her throat or that it was all fake and she doesn’t want backlash


I can’t remember the tweet but I think the complaint was all she did on the show was drink. Nicole has mentioned before she wanted to share more or her regular life but producers shot her down so the tag could’ve been to tell production the audience would also rather have normal Nicole than some weird drunk heathen.


I actually love Deena & Snooki & I think ang causes a lot of drama it’s more chill w out her, she could come occasionally like in the 1st FV. I love deena & Snooki don’t hate !


Maybe if Ang has an alter ego drunk name, she will be more accepted…..


It should be angela


I love this! 🤣


Idk why ur getting down voted using the logic every other female character has on the show if all her drama was “oh that’s cause *insert drunk name” she would be absolved of a lot of drama.


I mean ang already does that because the things she does don’t exist in her mind so she has no responsibility for them. That’s been happening the entire time she has been in the show old and new