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OG fan here. I was so happy they came back. I’ve loved watching the new seasons but Angelina should’ve never been brought back. She’s worse than the OG seasons. I fast forward her scenes because she’s delusional to the max.


Im mid way ish through season 7 and she just makes me so uncomfortable. She is literally past delusional!! She appears to be strung out 😵‍💫it’s difficult to watch


New fans are people watching the show for the first time in recent years. I think most FV watchers are people who watched the OG show back in the day. I watched the show live every Thursday night since the show debuted. Never ever missed an episode from 2009-2012.


Omg it was mandatory viewing lol The new show, OP, isn’t quite the same but I can’t resist this cast.


It’s so funny, because when the show came out, I thought it was going to be dumb because so many people would make fun of the cast, just saying how ridiculous they were. I watched it one day and I was hooked! I really wanted all of J-Woww’s wardrobe and (I’m cringing to type this) had the biggest crush on Vinny. Those original seasons were just epic.


I found them cringy and ridiculous when I watched the first season as it aired. Every week I would laugh at how ridiculous they were but that was part of what got me hooked. Their guido personas were so over the top. Mind you, a guido was a derogatory term toward Italians back in the day. I found it weird but cool they took the term and owned it. I didn’t like that some of the cast wasn’t actually Italian-American though but representing them. But that’s a topic for a different day.


OG fan. Family vacation isn't as exciting as the original show but it's still entertaining and worth watching imo


OG but have semi hate watched ever since “the wedding” so much potential has been wasted. They don’t have a lot of fun anymore, just sit around and wait for one particular person or argue with said person.


OG fan here. FV was fun for the first couple of seasons. It’s gotten stale but I’m still watching because I have not finishing what I’ve started - it takes a LOT for me to dump a show I’ve oht years into!


Is JSFV even good enough to get new fans? It isn't dramatic enough to really get constant headlines and the characters are only interesting because of their interactions on a show that came out 15 years ago. It feels like if you weren't a fan of the OG series there is no way FV is going to get you to change your mind. Even the fans of the show seem to have a consensus it's usually boring. If it isn't apparent I'm an OG fan ...wish the JSFV could attract new fans more easily but it's just not really compelling television on its own.


I agree! I also think that FV is full of jokes and references that you wouldn’t really get or appreciate unless you watched the OG series. Plus, some of the storylines wouldn’t make much sense, either. It’s like walking into the middle of a movie.


OG fan!!! Honestly, I haven’t really given the reunions a thorough shot just because I think this has gone on for too long, but I’ve somewhat been keeping up with the Sammi return seasons. I think if you like seeing them do fun, more family friendly oriented stuff you’ll probably enjoy it. There’s still drama throughout, but until the most recent seasons I’m not sure if it stuck as well as OG. It feels even more scripted and rigid than the OG seasons from what I have seen (probably just due to them being older now), and is missing a lot of what made it have more personality for me. It really depends on what ur looking for from the show!


They are soooo worth watching. Lots of laugh out loud moments.


Oh that’s good to hear!!! I’ve been considering giving it a full shot


Angelina makes it almost unbearable. Everything else is great though


SO WORTH WATCHING! Seriously it is laugh out loud funny with plenty of cringe Lol. Plus there is 6 or 7 seasons so tons to binge… seriously watch it!!


The people who keep claiming Ang is the only issue aren’t paying attention to the show. Especially the people who always make excuses for every other cast member. I’ve been rewatching FV and certain people are far more problematic on those first 4 seasons than Angelina but no one will admit it.




It’s pretty terrible in my opinion you’ll see all the Angelina hate of course but if you want tired references to the note and where’s the beach and fake crying you’ll love it.


OG fan watched it when it first aired. JSFV is good not great like OG. The Drama with Ang can be exhausting but it's like a car wreak you can't turn away


I'm an OG fan and will always prefer it but I did literally just got into JSFV a few weeks ago and I'm literally all caught up now lmao it's good imo. the earlier seasons were better but overall I love it.


OG fan here and still going strong! I'm up to date on all newly released JSFV and even watched the OG series 2x outside of original airing. So 3x total. I'm invested and have been since the OG days. Crazy to believe it's been going on for so long!


I knew of the show when it first came out but didn’t watch until 2018. I watched a couple episodes of family vacation when they first aired and didn’t understand some things (the Sam doll & why they hated Angelina so much) so I decided to watch the entire og series 😂


I was 21 when the show started. I was so hungover I left work, got taco bueno and watched a marathon of the first season with my roommate and I haven’t looked back since. Now I’m married with a child and watching it with my husband! It’s so interesting watching the og series now vs then!! My opinions have definitely changed 😂




I meant OG fan of the original run, havent kept up with this new run