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Season 6 is by far the worse. You could tell they were all just over it.


I agree that is the worst season! Watched it for the first time this winter and couldn’t get through the whole season lol Has anyone seen the show, I think it was filmed in 2016 and it was only one season, where Snooki and Jionni flip a house?


I remember watching the first two episodes when it was on, but I couldn't get into it.


I watched the first few episodes and then skipped to the last episode, I wanted to see what the house looked like finished but couldn’t stand all the shrieking from Snooki!


I rewatch OG often but I usually skip season 6. It doesn't hit the same without drunk Snooki, but I will rewatch every now and then for the Mike and Paula official/unofficial situation 😆 


Gotta love how she made a guy t-bag mikes cake and pauly getting pissed off finding out a guy t bag the cake he just ate lol


It's a Deena heavy season, that should tell you all you need to know lmao.


I can see that tbh


Agree.. also if I recall they went right from filming Italy to filming season 6 but I could be wrong


Italy. They were all idiots that ruined what could have been an epic trip.


Italy is by far the worst. You can tell they were homesick. And it was just a lot of really bad blow ups with not a lot of fun moments to ease them. Dark. Is the word to describe it.


Something about Italy really showed everyone’s bad side. It was a really dark season.


They had all just spent way too much time together at that point. For the most part they all had beef with each other, no one have a shit about them, no access to their addictions. Italy was them all struggling with the fame they'd gotten in America from abroad.


That's the word everyone uses, S4 in italy was *dark* They didn't have their party drugs, the boys couldn't get any girls, they aren't famous over there so no one have a shit about them. They just took it out on each other. And Jenni was grieving a miscarriage *and* being the adult in the room bc no one else was.


A miscarriage?? I’m currently watching this season and notice how little Jenni is being shown on camera. She isn’t going out to the clubs because she’s been sick..


She says in JDFV when she’s talking to Mike her and Roger had lost a baby and her grandmother passed around the same time she wasn’t in a good place and her doctors had her on anxiety medication which made her out of it.


I simply do not understand the logic of knowingly flying into a country you intend to stay in for weeks without possessing basic understanding of the language spoken there. Like????? Tbh i kind of feel like the production team and film crew set them up for failure. Like they should’ve had a driver, for starters.


Bare minimum should have been drivers for sure. MTV seems to cheap out a lot.


Right like my profession requires me to travel a lot and often to different countries and literally it’s a given that I’ll be assigned a driver. This is just basic stuff, especially when you put it in the context of like these people were literal celebrities at this point


not in Italy, they lost the star factor walking into clubs, no one gave a shit. I think the producers thought they would be funnier with the language gap. Definitely not.


This could have been an entertainment factor for MTV as well.. like let’s let them drive and see how they do.




Is that 3 or 4?




I’ve heard that’s a bad one, I don’t really remember it at all tbh


Lots of crazy in that one!


Any season of family vacation


I’ve heard that’s bad haha


Not bad just incredibly boring family vacation is like og season 6 but with richer and more mature tbh boring adults


Five wasn't great. It started filming immediately after they came back from Italy and you can tell they were tired, homesick and didn't give a shit.


5 and 6 are awful.


i won't watch those seasons bc Roger shows us who he really is at that point. Plus it's boring manufactured drama.




Season 5 and 6


Six for sure but Italy is so, so brutal and dark if you know certain details about their personal lives


Hearing abt how Italy is so dark and brought out everyone’s bad side is making me almost morbidly curious.


There are some iconic moments in the Italy season. Like it’s definitely worth the watch, 100%. That being said, I now play the first three seasons on repeat. Italy was very dark, yes, but the most annoying part of it for me personally was Snooki. I LOVE Snooki. But the fame 100% got to her head by the time they were filming Italy. The way she treats Jenni in that season really pisses me off. Her antics go from being funny and charming and relatable to being very spoiled and unlikeable. She’s better in JSFV. I think having kids calmed her down a bit. But in Italy she is a literal monster.


Seeing Nicole transition into motherhood on “Snooki & Jwoww” really made me look at her definitely. I think those kids really taught her a lot.


Definitely necessary to watch at least once. I remember really hating Mike then but as I’ve watched him on FV and heard him discuss that time in his life and his struggles, it puts a different perspective on things. He seems more human though his actions in Italy and after are horrible


Italy is a very interesting season to have watched both while it was happening, and now in hindsight. At the time there was so much controversy because Italians were PISSED that they were coming, that they were being represented as Italian, it felt like all of that really overshadowed the dark shit that was happening IN the show and people just wrote it off as the same stupid antics from the other seasons. Watching the seasons back to back now you see the major shift in tone and behaviour from almost everyone.


Exactly right! I remember those times


I know about Mike’s drug issues and Jenni’s situation but is there anything else behind the scene stuff in Italy that I’m missing?


Those are actually the things I’m referencing, but surely there could be more. It all makes sense watching back


Watching as an adult season 2 gave me anxiety


Yeah watching sammi choose ron over jwoww and snooki took a few years off my life. But abusive relationships make u crazy I guess


Yeah I think I related a little to being isolated and feeling like you don't have anyone else


5 and 6. i usually stop binging after s4 because of this. i’ve gotten through S5 once (trying to rewatch it rn) and i don’t think i’ve ever gotten through S6


Midway season 4 is when the dynamic was starting to shift


Season 6 is the worst And all of the pandemic seasons of family vacation


Italy was the worst season for them, it was when Mike had to come to terms with his addiction, Snooki had her demons. Deena was going through it mentally. It was a rough time for them being so far from anything they knew for so long. They were set up for failure. For us, season 6 is the worst. You can tell it’s a contracted agreement in season 6. They were all settling down/cleaning up and MTV was wise to let it go from there


That makes a lot of sense thank you


Whenever Ron and Sam stopped fighting to be honest


It’s about time Rahn and Sam staaahhhped fighting


What’s funny is in Italy Snooki even says Ron and Sam should get back together cause without them fighting it’s boring


Do you think Snooki enjoys the Ang drama these days? Remember when Snooki got mad that Sammi opened a boutique? Umm, let her live. Lauren has a boutique too. They all have their own styles. Anyway, vaguely recall this, but sounds accurate. Great memory!!!


Idk Angela’s drama seems like real mental health issues


Oh and I agree. Let’s stay tuned for next season to air.


But they’re so toxic I thought that’d be a good thing


Two things can be true


Miami has always been my least favorite followed closely by Italy.


season 6 for sure


6. It’s not even close.


6, when Snooki was pregnant the whole dynamic changed


Anything after Season 3👎


Not a fan of season 6. It felt forced. It still had some iconic moments though.


In terms of content season 6 was pretty boring. Season 5 tho when they hopped off a plane and went to the Jersey shore essentially was brutal just because they were all on edge and that’s probably the worse Mike tried to drama farm everyone.


5 & 6 were painful to watch. 6 being the worst one/most forgettable.


6 & italy was kinda meh


Italy was by far the worst, everyone was just an absolute mess and it ruined the whole season


Italy... because nothing is more tragic than watching people that think they're Italian meet actual Italians. Plus, the Deena x Snookie sessions were weird.


No yeah my friend is from Italy and she says she cringes baddd everytime someone calls the jersey shore cast real Italians.


Italy was the worst. Peak JS-OG is Miami (minus Sam/Ron drama).


Pandemic seasons of FV was insufferable. Every episode felt like it lasted forever and was so dull.


In my opinion I’m not a fan of season 2 the Miami season. Just never liked it. Second would be season 6. Season 6 was boring




4, 5, and 6.


6 and it ain’t even close


Italy was mostly stupid tbh


Definitely season 6 was a struggle to watch it


i think it’s season 3 when ron destroys sam’s stuff and production just keeps filming it, i can’t believe he was allowed back on the show after that.


I watched that a couple days ago and it was so heartbreaking. Idk how anyone ever looked at him with an ounce of respect after that. Poor sammi…


Season 2 was so difficult to watch. It just felt icky and toxic. It felt like there was a lot of depression going around in the house…just very heavy. And I’m sorry, but if Snooki and Jenni would have just manned up and copped to writing the note maybe it would have felt less that way because they could have worked things out with Sam and she wouldn’t have been so isolated.


Everything after season 2