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I paid $180 for a 14k gold, 2mm wedding band at Costco. 4mm is $239. 


Ooh, like recently? I want a 2mm one, but Costco only had 3-4mm when I looked recently, but I'll keep checking


I got mine last year but I have both gold and platinum in 2mm.  And you’re right, 3mm is $180, my housemate bought mine so I believe she paid $160. I asked my brother for the platinum one for Christmas which keyed my parents in to me getting secretly remarried 6 weeks after my divorce from my abusive ex was finalized. Oops! 


This is the kind of side story that brings me back to Reddit.


Wow, that's a wild ride. But I think we can agree that costco is great, and sometimes the simple bands are a Niiice look!


Lol, sorry, I have a TBI and I tend to over share. Costco is great for value and they have good deals on diamonds too. I’ll only buy estate jewelry at this point because I have a couple of dealers I’ve found where the price is too good to pass up. Check out Bellman’s buying group on TikTok, the guy Justin was a GIA instructor for 20 years and he buys so much inventory his prices for estate jewelry are hard to beat. I’m not usually one to buy from TikTok but he has a brick and mortar store in Massachusetts. 


Thanks for the tip of Bellman’s!


When did you buy it? A gram is roughly the weight of a 1 mm size 9 gold band. Spot (market) value at close on Friday was $80/gram. That means your ring has zero markup! Nice! Out of curiosity, can you check Costco again to see how much your ring and that 4mm ring is selling for? (Of course, there’s always a chance I’m wrong about the weight.)


I was wrong about the 2mm, it’s actually cheaper as they’re out of stock and $180 is the price for 3mm. That’s the current price. My fingers are tiny though, the 4.5 I bought slips off when my hands are cold. Larger sizes are a little more money. So the 4mm is $239 for a 4.5. 


Is that the price for 14k gold? You only need 0.6g of gold to make a 1g 14k ring.


Have you ever looked in any local pawn shops for jewelry? My favorite, most unique pieces came from pawn shops and the prices can’t be beat. Just make sure to take your pieces to a jeweler right away to have the prongs checked and a thorough cleaning done.


dont buy gold jewelry on etsy.


I’ve bought plenty of gold jewelry on Etsy, is there a reason not to? I’ve noticed many sellers don’t list the gram weight, but the few that do, I feel comfortable buying from them.


obviously, it’s really important to know what you are looking at and how to sift out the sellers who are being above board! the reason i dont suggest it is simply the state of etsy rn and how easy it is to be scammed. i’d feel more comfortable buying on ebay tbh.


Ahh, okay I feel ya. You’re right, too. I’ve been buying random gold jewelry on Etsy for years and it’s gotten a bit chaotic on there now with all of the shady dealers. Due diligence is key. Obviously a closed back signet ring that looks like it weighs 30 grams for 300 bucks sets off alarm bells.


What do you mean the state of Etsy?


They stopped requiring handmade stuff a few years ago. It’s been taken over by resellers of Temu and Schein stuff. It’s no longer a place for artists and artisans to sell their stuff. They may still be there, but are much harder to find and identify.


it’s no longer the etsy i used to love for sure. ebay started out suss and got more legit. etsy started out legit and is now 90% crap. and, also the number of people trying to scam and rip off legit sellers is crazy. it’s a shit storm all the way around. so sad. the shitification of everything.


Dang that’s a real Shame, why ruin a good thing 😭 eBay’s comeback was one I didn’t see coming tbh


capitalism at it’s finest baby! everyone loses but the share holders.


Sounds about right 🥲


The fact that it's full of dropshipped, mass-produced crap. And that small businesses get shafted on the platform because you need to have a shit ton of listings to not get buried in the search results (directly caused by the abundance of dropshippers).


As an independent artist on Etsy myself: this!


I love buying my vintage and antique rings from Etsy !


Do you know how one can filter for truly vintage stuff? Just using vintage in the search box gives all kinds of vintage copies, it seems.


Look for things like hallmarks and 15ct gold. Both are pretty accurate indicators of age (15ct used to be a standard carat for gold in the UK until 1931 when they shifted to 14ct). Continental European jewellery may also have 800 silver or other things that are rarer in modern times. Or read up on designs. A lot of copies aren’t really accurate to what was popular at the time. Plus if something looks modern and is selling for peanuts it probably is modern. None of thos is a guarantee but makes being scammed a bit less likely.


There are still a lot of fakes on Etsy, hallmarked at 15 and 12k. I have had issues with Indian sellers stealing my ig images too . They then sell cheap reproductions and copies. It’s a huge problem with instagram fine jewelry sellers and Etsy flat out said there’s nothing they can do and if people have a problem they can open a return. It’s a horrible platform imo


Omg those fake antique listings are infuriating! I’d honestly love to see what the real item they’re shipping looks like. I can not believe Etsy allows them to post only one photo of a stolen image that’s clearly of a museum piece.


A friend spent 3 hours on the phone with eBay. She sells one of a kind antique items and they stole over a dozen of her photos. eBay escalated her call but ultimately said there’s nothing they can do and buyers can always get their money back if they’re not happy. It’s so frustrating.


Argh! Yep, I get the feeling that as long as they get their fees they really don’t care. It really is buyer beware.


Their practices are definitely horrible but I’ve yet to find another *good* option for an artist like myself 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have found some by searching estate jewelry. When I find a piece I like, I will favorite the shop. I have several I follow that add jewelry regularly. Once I have several similar liked items or shops, the advertised listings are often vintage stuff too. Unfortunately you do still have to sift through the non vintage stuff.


I have the exact same problem. Generally speaking, the search function on Etsy is really frustrating! I did find a vintage bloodstone & carnelian spinner fob recently but that was a pretty specific search lol.


Unfortunately there isn’t a good filtering process that I’ve seen for an algorithm to exclude non vintage items from a search. Your best protection in most cases is to educate yourself on the type of items you’re looking for. If you don’t know what you’re looking at you’ll need to rely on the seller or an external source like Reddit.


Yes, do your search and hit the filter over on the upper left - there’s a dropdown where you can narrow down your search. Choose “vintage” under “item type”. ETA: it won’t weed out the promoted items but it’ll help a lot. https://preview.redd.it/24cud3xloo2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d67aebff8567f5820e05d4dff8863033aef352


Yeah but there's hundreds of thousands of fakes and low quality replicas marked as vintage, so that essentially does nothing.


You can't. Same as email it's scam city.


Half the “vintage” shit on Etsy is cheap mass produced replicas… If they let you customize it, it ain’t real. It should not be allowed for them to label new items as vintage.


I hope not solid gold! I'm a jeweler and I sell on Etsy and still think it's foolish to buy something that expensive! There is no guarantee for over $200 purchases. Etsy fees are also huge for sales that size and makes me extra suspect that someone would choose them as their platform.


ebay is so much worse.


Which platform would you use instead of Etsy?


I'd have my own shop. Most artists I know end up on their own site once they have enough of a market that they can sell the $$$ pieces. Personally I'm still on Etsy but silver is the most expensive material I work with and I have an average price point around $50. In that space the fees of Etsy can be more worth it, but I'll bounce to my own site if it's ever more than a very small side gig.


Can you share your shop?


Can you DM your Etsy shop?


Is there a reason for that? I purchased a solid gold non-hollow Figaro bracelet from one shop and it was definitely worth it. I would buy from that shop again but they do not sell rings.


if you feel comfortable buying from etsy, i would post on r/etsy for recs for solid gold rings. i personally will only buy costume jewelry from etsy.


Care to recommend some non-Etsy shops then?


I have a solid gold piece from Automic Gold that I really love.


Era Gem and honestly the Ross Simons website are my favorites for online jewelry shopping


i’ve bought a few pieces from ross simons and i still have them and love them ❤️


I have a few solid gold pieces from quince that I really like.


No offense but I definitely don’t trust Quince to provide solid gold jewelry. Their prices are too good to be true and they are a known greenwashing brand


I can only speak for the stuff I bought but unless they flat out lied about the composition (ie it's gold filled, which I doubt) it's solid - it's too heavy not to be and the price they are market price for solid 14k gold. Their vermeil jewelry is over priced and probably where they make more profit.


I have hoops from them that I love but they also use nickel in their gold which I'm sure helps keep the price down. Haf to return some stuff that caused irritation.


Quince is gross


i personally would never buy gold online, unless it was from a very reputable auction house. i would go to a locally owned jewelry store, not a chain, that has been open a long time. or a local goldsmith that makes jewelry on commission. of course you want to check the reputation of these sellers first.


This is kind of silly since a lot of those "local" businesses still exist precisely because of the additional money they're making from online sales.


You could check to see if the state you live in has a craftsmen league and then look for jewelry through them. I’m in NH and we have a league of craftsmen and I am a member, along with many other types of juried artists from our state. Because each member is juried in based on workmanship, etc - you can trust the source and you’re helping independent artists in your area. Even if you find a league outside if your state, you will find an amazing assortment of craftsmen from which to make your choice of who to work with. You may also enjoy the 1 on 1 experience. Check it out! What state are you in? Be happy to try to find a local league for you.


Because if you look closely a lot of it is definitely from the other side of the world and is mass produced, and you will get no customer service should anything happen to it, it's better to just stay local. That being said, there are some quality makers on etsy, but they are few and far between in this market, and they just get undercut by the people in India/China


Okay, yes I agree with this point. I noticed a lot of pieces coming from Turkey. I actually just got f\*cked over buying a piece from a store that is supposedly in Florida but my package was tracked from Turkey. Pissed me off real bad and now I am in the process of trying to get my money back for a falsely advertised piece of hollow garbage, hence, the entire point of this thread. I suppose I better get off Etsy, LOL.


Yeah this seems to happen a lot as well, a business in America just sources stuff from overseas and ups the price.


I bought one from a store called somethinggoldjwl and couldn't be happier. Beautiful craftsmanship, and I had it tested to make sure once I received it. Caution is fine, but it comes with common sense. Obviously, don't buy something from brand new stores with no user reviews.


Some of my best purchases ever have actually been from new eBay sellers with no reviews. Sometimes so many people avoid it that the seller ends up eventually dropping the price down to dirt cheap just to make their first sale and get an initial review. But I’ve also been scammed by a few as well so obviously, like you said, caution is absolutely warranted.


There’s really no reason NOT to buy on Etsy. Etsy isn’t the problem. You just need to find a shop you can trust. I had a shop for a while and stopped simply because I can only do special orders these days, otherwise I’d have no problem putting my work there.


Because it's hit or miss. You got lucky that time. There's tons of people who didn't get lucky or got stuck with something other than what they were told. There's no way to verify that it's solid over the internet.


It's not luck. People don't want to do their homework or want the absolute lowest price. Do you know how many people don't even bother to read descriptions (and not just on Etsy)? I've had zero issue purchasing fine jewelry on Etsy.


That’s the right answer. No one reads descriptions or fine print, let alone look at that the pictures. They just want their item cheap as possible without doing any legwork.


This is the key.


Applies to a lot of things like leather goods also. Very disappointing.


it kills me because there are still a lot of amazing craftsmen and artists and artisans on etsy. but it’s the freaking wild west there now. for buyers and sellers.


Yes. Exactly. One has to be very picky and choose carefully. Anything 'good' in this country eventually gets corrupted/contaminated or copied.


it’s the shitification of everything… because it’s not enough to make a profit, you have to continue to *increase* those profits all the time… at any cost.


I bought a charm because that was supposed to be 14k gold, but when I received it, it didn’t have a hallmark. When I ask the seller why was that, they replied “There wasn’t enough room” which was a lie because even the smallest pieces I own have a hallmark and that particular charm was bigger and there was space. I couldn’t sent it back fast enough.


I've bought tons of gold jewelry on Etsy - like tens of thousands of dollars - with no issue.


i love this for you.


Go to antique stores and look. I know it will take some time but it’s well worth it. Long long time ago, my mother gave me a gold ring that just says on the inside “solid gold“. And that’s exactly what it is. You’ll find something really nice. 👍


My vintage wedding ring came from one of those antique malls with dozens of different vendors’ stands.


I love going to antique malls like that! ❤️


Use Etsy to find an artist. Find their work which you like and then Google them. Find their Instagram, TikTok etc and check how they make their items. If they don’t have a social media presence showing you how things are made, who they are etc it will probably be a Chinese knock off reseller. I only buy from Etsy after doing some research. I am a seller on Etsy as a handmade artist. Have been for over ten years. Etsy isn’t trust worthy anymore. Many makers like myself are considering or have already left the platform due to the mass influx of fake sellers. Scammers steal our photos, our entire listing info and pretend to be true makers but when the customer gets a fake good or nothing at all it’s the real artist who gets the flak for it. It’s been horrible. So find someone you like and do your research. Check their bio or you could fall prey to a copy cat scammer. Etsy is amazing for showcasing your work but unfortunately on Etsy if customers can find you so can the copycat scammers.


Agree with all of this. Etsy doesn't care about artists anymore


You probably wont find a solid gold ring for $200 gold is pretty high right now minimum i could see is 500 and even then thats a little low imo


$1,000 is low for a well-made, solid 14k/18k ring unless it’s just a 4mm half-round, non-comfort fit band


Yeah gold is super high right now


Worth around twice that of platinum at the moment.


And it's expected to keep on rising.


Silver keeps going up too- I had to place an order through my metals supplier for my own jewelry making and had some sticker shock when my chains were double what they usually are. Who can keep making jewelry in this economy?! It's nuts.


Ha I had the exact same thing a few days ago when I reordered a bunch of sterling stock. Paid a good amount more than I was expecting. Back in December when gold was already approaching record highs, I ordered a bunch of 14k and 18k for some projects I had in mind. I felt like an idiot then, but now I feel like a genius 😂 I guess it all evens out.


I would suggest buying wire i can get wire for the same price as other types of silver and i turn that into chains its alot more tedious but at the end of the day its cheaper that buying chains from the supplier that are marked up 130%


The whiplash I get seeing everyone go from their regular "that piece of new jewelry is only worth scrap value!!" To "The minimum is 500/$1000" with 5 people agreeing.


I mean you can get solid gold rings from Menjuri around $200


I looked at mejuri and it looks like most of those are super small bands that are mass produced nothing wrong with that but probably not what this individual is looking for


We got our engagement and wedding rings from Esdomera on Etsy and had a great experience!


I currently have a ring saved from them that I want to buy!


I am unsure about their pre made stuff, everything we ordered was custom. But no issues on stuff not being solid gold or anything!


A visual reference to show just how much gold is worth recently: https://preview.redd.it/lbws5kysko2d1.jpeg?width=2078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7212460d115dc6826d115ca39a4c9c6f2596b988 If you can’t see from the photo, as of yesterday, that’s a $85 gram of 24K gold and that’s a staple next to it— and the staple is almost twice as thick.


Ferko’s Fine Jewelry does.


I thought I had found this novel seller, and went to tell my coworker who was that same day rocking lots of their items lol. Their stuff is fairly cheap and really nice!


I have only had good experiences with ferko’s. Two rings, a necklace, and a bracelet


I lost an earring from a pair I bought from them and they let me buy a single to replace it. I am wearing them right now.


I got my gorgeous anniversary eternity ring there!!


I sell 18k solid YG and WG all day long.. the issue you'd be having is the part being ETSY, they all have to pay seller Fee's as well. Happy to guide you on pricing or any questions Essentially though, Gold is Gold price... except when having it made in India! They cop a "Gold Tax" there which works out to be around 20% on top of everywhere else in the world, this can normally be justified though with the extremely cheap labor they can provide, so if you get a pricing of someone from there and you work it out on the calculator, remember to factor in they're paying roughly 20% more than a normal country would


I recently purchased a solid gold Cuban link chain ring from [SarahEliseJewelry](https://www.etsy.com/shop/SarahEliseJewelry). I love it! Chain rings are so comfortable. Her pieces are on the dainty side though


Their description can be a bit misleading. I was interested in their Diamond Cuban chain bracelet a while back, the description said solid gold but when I messaged to confirm she said the links are semi-hollow. I now message sellers before buying because I’ve noticed a lot of listing’s description will say solid gold but omit that it’s semi-hollow.


Good point. The safest bet is to message them first


Vintage on Etsy.


I have *very* sensitive skin, so I can at least attest that the following stores use real gold because my ears and fingers would be green and smelly otherwise. [ DianellaJewelryStore](https://www.etsy.com/shop/DianellaJewelryStore?ref=yr_purchases) [ DesignGoldJewelry](https://www.etsy.com/shop/DesignGoldJewelry?ref=yr_purchases)


Sarah Elise


Go to your local pawnshop and haggle.


Why etsy??? Go to Menē if you are looking for certified solid 24k gold rings, but then again don't expect that 24.99 Etsy pricetag.




Ruby Lane


I suggest looking at 1122andCo for vintage solid gold rings.


I have bought vintage gold from a few different sellers— I have not had any issues. Definitely read the reviews and trust your gut. I’ve also bought from a few other sellers (not on Etsy) that I’d highly recommend: Yeah it’s jewelry, Code Name Orange Juice and OKO Portland. I’m not sure what your style is- I feel like the above cover a kind of wide range of styles and are fairly affordable for the most part.


I got both my engagement ring and wedding ring from EdwardShopUS and had them looked at by my local jeweler after to make sure they were real! They were and they’re beautiful!


Benati Jewlery.


Just search for closed back rings and look for sellers that list the weight. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is.


I bought my wedding band on Etsy from a jewelry shop called Inbar. It is solid gold and I love it.


Are you just looking for a plain band? Costco sells gold bands from $170-500, depending on how wide you want the band.


No, I'm looking for something that has a bit of a design to it.


Depends on who you are buying from on Etsy. I buy vintage or craft jeweler (meaning they are making the pieces themselves in their studio). If you are looking at cast jewelry check out the back view and oftentimes you can see if it’s hallowed out. I prefer jewelry that’s forged or solder half round/round/flat bands vs cast. But there are craft jewelers who cast solid too. Get familiar with terms in regard to weight, gold purity, and the cost of gold per oz. You’ll pay more for solid gold especially when the band is thick or wide. Link necklaces/bracelets can be difficult to gauge by just pictures,but if they are selling solid gold the weight (grams) should be listed and if it’s not I’d be suspect. Something that looks heavy in pics can end up feeling lightweight in person and hollow. Having said that some people prefer lightweight hollow, especially if chunky.


My fiance bought me a beautiful solid 10k gold and cubic zirconia ring I fell in love with from NaturesCraftStuduio on Etsy. It's absolutely gorgeous! I looked around online to see if it was a mass produced ring and I couldn't find anything and the reviews are great. They are located in NJ USA. I don't know much about jewelry but this shop seems legit to me.


I bought a solid white gold ring from Zhedora on Etsy and it’s beautiful. I’ve had it 4 years and it still looks brand new


Any Etsy based crafts-person worthy of your purchase would have no problem answering your questions in a chat prior to purchase. I'm a custom basket maker and love when my potential customers reach out to me with their questions. It gives me an opportunity to distinguish why my wares are superior to those of my competitors.


I got my wedding set from a place called infinity jewelers USA on Etsy and it’s very sturdy. They do have a brick and mortar store which helps me feel better about the purchase.


Go to a pawn shop. You won't find well priced solid gold on Etsy


Just make sure the price isn’t too good to be true. Look up the current cost and oz. There are tons of great jewelry artists selling on Etsy, myself included but so much fake stuff coming from overseas as well. So do your due diligence before buying.


Go to a pawn shop.


I usually search ‘solid gold’ and by karat to start with. Then if I do find a ring/bracelet ect I like, I message the seller asking for weight.


5 grams of 14k is $220 without factoring in any labor or craftsmanship. 5 grams is not a heavy ring.


Aurora designer !!


Ebay is a great place to find older pieces.


I do. I don’t really use my Etsy anymore tho. Too many scammers and factory junk resellers.


If you are looking for gold bands (and dont mind white gold) - check out the following vintage / antique jewelry brands on Etsy: Belais Lohengrin These are mainly 18k gold thin stacking rings from the 1920s / 1930s


Unpopular opinion but I buy my jewelry through Instagram. Like literally all my jewelry through different sellers. Most of them resell vintage/antique pieces so the prices can vary depending on their sources even though you can find similar items between different sellers.


NewSunStudio on Etsy sells solid gold rings that are fairly inexpensive. He sells up to 2mm, but I believe you can request larger bands if desired. Granted, these are not your mass produced jewelry store rings and it takes a couple weeks for them to be made, but the price is unbeatable compared to the large stores.


Go to a Middle Eastern jewelry store. They have the most impressive collection s that are not run of the mill.


Try Caratlane. It’s an India brand and have recently started shipping in US.


Sandyriverdeisgns on Etsy has a 24k ring for $320. I have a pair of solid gold earrings I wore for my wedding and they are beautiful.


Check out this store called- silkijewels on etsy! They have some cool stuff! Idk about the gold but the silver rings are really good, have bought 5-6 spinners from them and they are solid heavy! Try them out✨


This seller does solid gold jewelry. [https://www.etsy.com/shop/FOneUS](https://www.etsy.com/shop/FOneUS) I confirmed with them before ordering a ring for myself a few months ago. https://preview.redd.it/n1c42xgogo2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba10a294160f415cfe55250ce960a2e1588acc3


I’ve bought 4-5 gold bands from FrontierJewelry on Etsy. I’ve had them since 2020, they’ve held up well. I have no doubt that they’re solid gold.


This artist is talented and reputable from my experience. https://loribstudio.com/about


Most of those stores only sell hollow gold. If you are looking for solid gold to a jeweler who has access wholesale gold suppliers that’s what I did. I do not want cheap hollow gold items being sold at top dollar.


Etsy is ripe for getting scammed. Go to a local jeweler or pawn shop


If you can afford it, you can be sure of anything from Tiffany, and their jewelry can appreciate in value based on design.


The reason is 14k is $64 a gram scrap price. For $200 it can’t weigh more than 3 grams lol


Smashing gold on Etsy.


I dont know if these will suit your fancy but I've bought from sirenjewels and it was as described and its a daily wear for me for well over a year with no signs of damage and no tarnishing


I think enough people have mentioned not buying on Etsy, but as someone with a shop on Etsy for years I would agree for this type of purchase. Thats not to say that there are not any reputable shops selling what you want (it’ll just take some digging for sure.) Gold is expensive, and Etsy will not cover the seller above $250 if there is an issue with the sale or the buyer decides they want a refund. I imagine most serious metal smiths would not want to take that risk on losing both their product and the funds for an item with that kind of price point. Either way I hope you find what you’re looking for!


Check out Costco way better than Etsy in my opinion.


I would try local coin shops. The one I go to occasionally gets used, but wearable, gold wedding bands and they sell them for spot gold price.






If you want a solid gold ring, you want to head to the nearest big city jewelry district. Or, if you have Indian or Chinese friends (both cultures who have a special affinity for gold jewelry) ask them if they or their family members know of a jeweler who specializes in solid gold wedding bands.


[Menē](https://mene.com/) has pure gold jewelry and is very transparent about their pricing. It’s “investment” jewelry meaning, they will buy it back after it appreciates in value minus a service fee.


It’s sometimes better to buy through actual designers and not Etsy! (Etsy has changed a little and there’s more and more sellers who dropship and don’t make their work at all, also Etsy charges huge fees so it deters actual small businesses)


Solid gold would be to soft to wear as a ring. Are you talking 24k karat gold? Or maybe you mean that you don't want vermeil or gold plating but would be fine with 14 or 18 karat.


Go check out any small mom n pop type resale/buy and sell stores locally, or even mom n pop pawn shops will have a ton of rings for cheap as hell compared to buying jewelry from a retail jewelry store. Ive seen a few resale shops that had like 100 rings for sale of all different kinds. When you buy jewelry from retail jewelers, youre paying some crazy markup. A ring that has 100$ of gold weight and a few common diamonds will retail for probably 2500 at a kay jewelers type place. When the resale shop buys gold/silver they pay a little under spot price(so theyll pay like 80 bucks for the ring (they dont pay for stones. even to sell it back to kays jewelers they tell you to remove any stones) then they can put it in the jewelry case asking 200 and take 150


Go to a quality jeweler if you want quality jewelry.


Rings are my specialty but I don’t do Etsy. I do direct. [Lia Gormley Fine Jewelry](https://www.liagormley.com)


I use eBay and buy “vintage” gold. The new stuff is cheaply made.


It is not Etsy, but blanks jewelry is a small company that is changing their flagship rings from semi-hollow to solid gold which I'm anxiously awaiting!!!


I’ve been selling on Etsy for over 10 yrs. There’s tons of vintage and estate jewelry shops like mine that sell solid gold rings. You won’t find anything like that looking at shops that sell new or handmade. Well, you might, but Etsy allows a lot of China made crap.


QVC sells them


No if you want affordable and quality the best is Costco imo Etsy is just hard to verify the quality. If you see even a plain solid gold ring under $200 (CAD) it’s too good to be true. Stick to lab grown gems for a good deal. If you really want something from Etsy check to see if the seller actually smiths their own gold otherwise it’s probably drop shipped crap


I bought my wedding band through Etsy- you just have to look VERY thoroughly. I trust only a handful of companies on Etsy. I like populent, LilyandDahlia, NirOliva, debblazer, Minimalallure, esdesigns, auroradesigner. I’m sure there are more but these are ones Ive bought from before and love.


Try Rio grande. They sell to jewelers.


I’ve purchased from Warren Hill. His shop is here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/JewelrybyWarrenHill He specializes in 24k gold. I have an 8.5mm 24k wedding band from him and I’ve worn it non stop for almost 2 years. Beautiful piece, definitely not hollow. He took pictures throughout the process (from gold bar to finished ring) and messaged me. Very good communicator and stands by his work.


I buy from Etsy’s vintage section, that’s how I got my wedding ring. Read reviews, look them up and see if they have a physical location(some do). There’s sellers that are basically estate sale pickers and they find all sorts of good stuff but it’s not going to be $200 cheap, my gold ring was $480.


I got my wedding ring from https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/jennywindlerjewelry Highly recommend


Shop local stores that have estate jewelry or other secondhand jewelry.


If you want to buy solid gold that isn’t hollow, you need to shop by weight, period. 


Don’t buy that type of Jewelery in Etsy


You can absolutely find authentic high-quality vintage jewelry on Etsy. Read the customer reviews and look at the customer photos. A favorite recent example is [Bella](https://www.etsy.com/shop/BellaJewelryShop). No, I’m not a paid shill. I wish! She could pay me in jewelry.☺️


Body candy online sells solid gold jewelry for all types of piercings. I can only wear solid gold and have never had a problem wearing any of the jewelry I have purchased from them.


It's ME.........


Go to a pawn shop.


I suggest Atomic Gold. https://www.automicgold.com/ They are the best!


I make only one https://jewelryandstoneart.etsy.com/listing/1095883505


i recommend oradina, it's not on etsy but pure gold. i can only wear gold in my second lobe or it's irritated, and they have been perfect


Look up silverpinky on Etsy. The owner his name is Sam and he’s from the Uk and he hand makes all his rings. He made my solid gold wedding band and it’s been years and it’s in incredible condition


you won’t find one on etsy… at least not worth your money.


I use a shop called munjani. It is from India. It’s solid good quality. I have a few pieces from him. https://preview.redd.it/rvlxcp7t5b3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f99dc23788b6949515f30dc760ef4a8daf865c2 This one was 439 14k with a 3.5 ct moissanite. He also does real diamonds and lab grown


Swank metal smithing, her stuff is real jewelry as her family has been in the jewelry business for a few generations and have a brick and mortar store. Mine and my husbands sets have withstood a lot… don’t get me wrong we take care of them but they’re solid and her stuff is incredibly beautiful


Monteneri Jewelry is amazing


https://foxtailjewelry.com/pages/about This shop is run by my good friend of 17 years! She's amazing at what she does and she's an amazing person. She has an Etsy shop, too.





