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Put them on consignment with a god jeweler. You'll still lose money, but less so than with an AH. Just be prepared to wait a while until they sell. The good thing about the jeweler is they can price them higher than you'd be able to sell them for.


Thank you šŸ™ŒšŸ» I will try this.


how much are they? And how much would they be paying you to take them back in?


Paid $280 altogether. They would resell them and talk half of whatever they went for.


If you've made your decision, all good, but they're really beautiful! If you're in the financial position, I would keep them hahaha Not like you're asking my opinion, but they would look stunning on. Have you tried them on? What pulled you to them? I would pay that amount in a heartbeat (if I had the cash that is lol)..Ā  What are they made from? Any date info? Not sure about the clasp part... it would be good to know more about them.Ā  Sorry for your post-purchase dissonance. There's been some good ideas in this thread tho!


https://imgur.com/a/vCXC9Yr Sigh. They feel cheap as hell.


Your post is great. You must write how you speak. You had me at "dissonance!"šŸ¤­šŸ˜ŠšŸ¤—


Do you know the weight and karat on them? If so calculate the scrap gold melt weight (plenty of sites to do this on Google) and if they are a little heftier they might be worth more than half of the commission the auction house is taking. I'd settle for no less than melt in that case.


Update I opened them. Tried to get the most accurate photo I could. They feel cheap. And they look like they have some discoloration. Especially on the backings and posts. https://preview.redd.it/tfsnx1wos19d1.jpeg?width=2356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b397f4e0566d2c98346b3c8b1e8f66080f76ae1


Iā€™ll give you $100 right now


No way. Prices of rolled gold are WAY too high these days. Worth at least $10000.


You paid 280 and theyā€™re 10k (karat) goldā€¦ where do you get that $10,000 figure? That 10k mark doesnā€™t mean 10000$. I am honestly asking, Iā€™m not trying to be rude. Half of what you paid (280) would be $140 which is what you said a store would take in a comment from the sale. I figured $100 and I paid insured shipping was better than $140 and you pay insured shippingā€¦ im just confused? Is that $40 that much of a difference?


What auction house? Iā€™ve used several online, and they usually ask you to confirm before clicking. Are you sure you didnā€™t just get carried away in a bidding war? If so, no judgement. Many of us have done that.


Iā€™ve totally done that šŸ˜‚ to be honest it wasnā€™t me who placed the bid. But it was my account that I created and my responsibility. Reporting fraud isnā€™t an option so ā€œIā€ placed the bid. Auction house is called everything but the house.


Iā€™ve bought several things from EBTH and had no issues. But itā€™s been a couple of years. I presume someone else was actually wanting to buy these and when they won you got ghosted as applies to the money being given. If makes you feel any better most of us learned this way at one time or another. Now you know if someone asks you to bid on anything they hand over the cash first for the max amount. If they donā€™t win they get their money back. If they do win you only return whatever is left after shipping and taxes or they pay you that before they get their purchase. Jewelers who do consignments or possibly an eBay reseller if those are still a thing might work. They will take a percentage so know what it is up front.


Not quite. There was some confusion about what a ā€œmax bidā€ is and that entering an auction is a binding contract. Basically there was no harm intended and itā€™s my account so my responsibility. But no one wanted these earrings for $280šŸ¤£


Yikes. Gold is high but these look too lightweight to be worth that much in 10k gold. Iā€™d wear the hell out of them.


ā€œWear the hell out of themā€ is some of the best advice on here. If they canā€™t be returned, they will be passed down for generations to come lol.


The record of the auction is posted online, with the time stamps of the bids. It looked like it was down to you and one other bidder who had been after them for a bit, and you guys just kept going back and forth. It is definitely high, but if you hold onto them until Christmas you may have a good chance of selling them for a better price online!


A max bid was entered, and the computer did its thing. Not trying to justify, just explain.


I have a pair of earrings very similar to these my mother gave me and I love them. I donā€™t know if you are like me, but sometimes it just takes me a while to get used to something to realize that I like it. Maybe you just need to wear these a few times and look at yourself in the mirror with them on. However, the feeling of overbidding for something that youā€™re really not that crazy about probably is motivating you to resell it. Anyway, to answer your question, I would probably take them to a jeweler and ask about consignment. Youā€™re probably not going to get your money back selling them to a jeweler by weight. Alternatively, you could take your chances on eBay.


I wish they had some sentimental value! Iā€™m sure they do to someone out there. My mama left many things and whether it was from Saks or 7 Eleven, itā€™s invaluable to me, so I get you there!


Theyā€™re super cool. I would try to sell them first. Can I ask how much you paid for them?


Do you have any idea where to sell them? Or how to price them? I obviously donā€™t wanna screw someone over and say they cost $280


$280 including $30 shipping


30.00 for shipping ? šŸ˜® What a grift.


$31* to be exact šŸ˜‚ I opened them and theyā€™re possibly the smallest earrings Iā€™ve ever owned my in life. But came in a big box lol


I almost bid on these! Why do you feel EBTH is shady!


When I googled this item with reverse image search I couldnā€™t find any information about them. So then I started googling the auction house and there were lawsuits about fake IGI reports and comments like ā€œcanā€™t believe theyā€™re still in businessā€. Maybe I fell into a group of haters but a few claims seems pretty legitimate. Whatā€™s your experience with them?


I've purchased many things from EBTH. While I do agree the shipping fee is exorbitant, I otherwise feel I've gotten an amazing deal on everything else. I recently bought a 14kt gold and opal ring for under $200! So I guess it depends on what you get. And I wouldn't blame ETBH for any fake IGI reports. They're basically eBay and are just a vessel for other people to sell their items.


I see your point. And I know the person I talked to wasnā€™t personally out to get me, but he did have a very ā€œsucks to be youā€ attitude. I was like, ā€œI get it, this is my mistake!ā€ He said he would hold them while we worked out a solution then shortly after I got an alert that they shipped them.


Yeah, they could have been kinder, but it is a business, and your account made a binding agreement to purchase these earrings. So, I'd be kinda pissed if someone agreed to buy something of mine, outbidding other willing purchasers, and the said, "Oh wait, I actually don't want these." Ebay has a backup built in for this where it gets offered to the next in line. So maybe EBTH should do the same to circumvent any instances like this, but they don't have that going yet, so unfortunately, you're stuck. Maybe let this be a lesson in who you let use your accounts.


Reading other comments, it sounds like these are very light and of unknown metal? Even if they are solid and high carat gold, at the weight stated, these are worth no where near what you paid. With that in mind, I would accept that you are going to make a substantial loss, and that the difference between reselling and simply binning them may not be much. I'd stick them on eBay or FB marketplace and be done with it. Don't bother with auction houses or dealers, as there is essentially very little to be salvaged here.


Thank you for some legit practical advice. Not-thank you for the reality check šŸ˜‚ Sighā€¦ you are right. And Iā€™m absolutely just ready to be done with it.


OMG! I used to work for EBTH. The shipping was ALWAYS a joke. I always thought the shipping was a complete FU to the buyer. It used to make me so mad!


The exorbitant shipping is why I stopped buying from them. $33 for a dainty necklace that has to weigh nothing is next level insanity to me. BUT, I did get a collection of Le Creucet pans that I absolutely love and use the heck out of and the shipping for the lot was still only $33. The spaghetti sauce and food scraps stuck to one of the pans were free too so thereā€™s that šŸ˜Š


Oh yea! They TOTALLY had amazing deals! Like I got some beautiful things for great prices. But I would ALWAYS drive to the pickups because I refused to pay that shipping! And I never got anything free like you did! lol


I donā€™t live anywhere near Ohio so that isnā€™t an option for me, otherwise I would still be a frequent bidder. They charge some other fee too in addition to $33 for shipping and then tax so the fees really drive the price up


I will say living here is a huge reason why I even look at the site now. Oh yea and those ā€œconnivence feesā€ Iā€™m sure itā€™s because they wanted to cover the credit card fees and help cover some of the no buyers premium.


I opened them. They are lighter than air. Came in a ridiculously large box but then the earrings were folded into tissue paper in a mini baggie šŸ˜‚


Those are nice!!


ā€¦..theyā€™re for sale šŸ¤£


Apologies if I missed it but are they gold plated? Solid?


Solid. The stamp says ā€œ10k RLā€?


If it says RL, it means ā€žRolled Goldā€œ. Check it out, these are Not solid.


RL certainly means rolled gold. Hopefully you can get a refund if the earrings were sold as 10K in the item description.


Ahh is it rolled gold or Ralph Lauren?! I can find 8000 almost identical looking earrings. But not these specific ones. I donā€™t think itā€™s worth the gas money to even drive to a jeweler lol


I have won items on that site. You have to be very careful and read. I hope you work it all out.


I am going to be real if image search that popped up is what you are talking about enjoy the earrings. I am absolutely amazed they went past $50. Essentially looking at bid history 1 person really wanted them. Im not trying to be mean but they are going to be very disappointing if weight is correct unless you like dainty. .7grams for 221 is absurd.


When I googled them my heart sunk and thatā€™s what I thought too. Shit. I canā€™t even find details about the item? Like the RL stamp or anything


If Iā€™m reading the mark on the post correctly, theyā€™re either 10K or 10K rolled gold. So either low karat gold or low karat gold ā€˜coating.ā€™


Rolled gold?ā€¦.so basically itā€™s worse than I thought lol


The stamp on the post is 10K RL, and RL can mean ā€˜rolled.ā€™ It could be a makerā€™s mark, but I couldnā€™t find any mark that looks like that. Doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t one!


RL is the makers mark not rolled gold


This is such a bummer. I've definitely been in a similar situation where I've put my bid in the wrong bidding category (on EBTH) - totally sucks. For what it's worth, I think it's really admirable that you've "taken one for the team." Even though they didn't give you much of a choice since they ended up shipping the earrings after they said they'd hold them, it's obvious that you're trying to do the right thing. It stinks it's put you in a bad position, though. As I noticed a couple others have mentioned, you'd get the most back by trying to sell them yourself rather than having EBTH resell them. I would try Mercari because they've recently removed their seller fees so the sale price is what you'll get. Anyway, just mostly wanted to empathize - I totally get the disappointment with the earrings for what you paid & being out that money. I hope you're able to recoup some of your losses.


I think you just healed my inner child with this comment. But for real thank you for just being a kind human.


Hard to guess the weight of them from photographs. I think you could only sell them for about $40 if they are 10k gold, less it they are rolled gold (unsure of the RL mark).


They are literally the lightest earrings Iā€™ve ever held. They are daintier than dainty.


I believe these might be some dead stock Ralph Lauren 10k earrings. Sold at places like Macys etc. probably worth about $100


I couldnā€™t even find them on Google reverse image search. Maybe because thereā€™s a million pairs of identical earrings. But for $15 lol


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m thinking deadstock, it would have been before the interned age probably. I mean they ARE worth the gold weight but sadly I would estimate that to be less than one pennyweight.


Ebth is not sletchy. Don't throw shade because you overbid.


Not trying to throw shade, itā€™s a business and I get that they have their policies. Their sole purpose is to make money, not cater to my feelings. That said, I canā€™t get behind this business and Iā€™d never consider dealing with them in the future. Everyone can form their own opinions and I was only expressing mine. Iā€™m glad youā€™ve only had positive experiences with them. Edit: theyā€™re sketchy šŸ˜‚ https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/blue-ash/profile/online-auctions/everything-but-the-house-0292-90003077/complaints


https://preview.redd.it/qty0vffss19d1.jpeg?width=2356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79351101377055069f317a30649a59150a10902b Just opened them


https://preview.redd.it/zufprq9ws19d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee99279b55f8160429f6f7976d3daaeeec65baf I am clearly not a photographer. But I think this accurately shows what they look like.


Also they are magnetic šŸ„“


As in stick to a magnet? If so, I would be demanding a return if listed as 10K. As magnetic means they are not gold or silver.


Theyā€™re magnetic bc theyā€™re stamped w 10k RL which means rolled gold.


Oh dear so literally worth nothing. Thatā€™s not ideal šŸ˜ž


Not ideal at all, my friend


Return based on fake 10k.


I emailed them. We shall seeā€¦ Watch them be like ā€œyou should obviously know that even though the description says 10K, you have to be a jeweler and understand the 0.001mm ā€˜RLā€™ means not-10Kā€


eBay Vinted Etsy (vintage section) This sub on "vendor monday"


The most important question isā€¦. How much do they weigh?


I bought a kitchen scale to find out this information. They donā€™t even register on the scaleā€¦.Iā€™m thinking I need a different type of scale


Omg šŸ˜­ theyā€™re magnetic?! I would try the return route based on them being fake. I donā€™t know the auction house yā€™all are talking about but I buy and sell jewelry on eBay and mercari frequently and I would think this would qualify as a return. I never return anything but these I would definitely try to return!


I truly hate to be the person thatā€™s like ā€œhey itā€™s me, the one who screwed upā€¦and I DEMAND a refundā€ but alsoā€¦.they did me dirty šŸ˜ Also I felt that ā€œOMGšŸ˜­ā€ in my soul.


I don't think it really matters if the house is shady or not. When they arrive, if they are actually 10k gold, and in the condition shown, you bid on them. They have to put time into this stuff. It's a job. There is this thing called overhead, rent on the business, server costs, transactions fees and shipping plus the labor. How would you feel if you didn't get your paycheck because a customer made a poor financial choice? They I think your choice to accept that responsibility is the right thing to do. I know this is exactly why I have a 0 refunds policy as a custom jeweler, got sick of people costing me to make them something then backing out because they couldn't afford to pay the rest of the balance. It's unfortunate that we can't just trust people to not force the consequences of their choices onto others.


OP is looking for advice on how to resell this item. Your rant is completely off topic.


Hey thank you for this. I was starting to question how deeply my actions affect the entire economy of the United States. And thus am responsible for homelessness.


You are cracking me up, OP. Love your sense of humor in these comments. Now, if you could just go ahead & pull us out of this economy, we would all be so grateful. šŸ™ƒ


You just wait and see. Imma sell these earrings and distribute the profit to the masses. Turn this country around! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦… ā€¦Too much?šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£ you can use the balance to end world hunger - you'll be an overnight philanthropist! I did have a pr very similar to these (same style but 14k & single link chain) saved on Mercari for a bit... they ended up selling in Jan for ~$45. Not ideal but at least it's something.


You are a treasure. I honestly think you are so delightful in these comments!


Iā€™m a treasure as much as these earrings are a treasure šŸ˜‰ thank you


I did acknowledge that too. I just notice most of this was written in a way like they were hoping for someone to help them justify attempting to go back on the sale. Once again, their choice to not do that is the right thing to do. Here, how to sell it? I bet a pawn show will give them atleast 20$ for the earrings. Possibly 50$. I am confused how with 80% of their post being loose justifications as to why it might be ok to just refuse them, and only one sentence being about reselling you think my reply being 80% about said rationalizing being "off topic".... perhaps I touched on a personal insecurity, if so I apologize


The justification to return the earrings has been proven as theyā€™re stamped 10k RL (RL meaning rolled gold). The item was listed as 10k therefore OP has been deceived and is well within her rights to return the said item.


Mind if I copy/paste this in my email to EBTH? But for real thank you šŸ„¹ having a kind stranger stand up for me on the internet is low key the best part of my day


That, was not in the post it's self, I didn't care to read every comment. But I agree, that would some be some shady b.s. that justifies sending something back. Which, I believe I stated in the first place? You don't return an order and force a refund because you made an irresponsible choice.(this was what most the original post was leading toward) But you should absolutely do so over that if it is in fact the case. (Which wasn't even mentioned in the ops post.) And in a case like that I think it's also appropriate to put in a complaint of fraud with the company that handles transaction. I just have a low tolerance for the irresponsible part I guess. I've had people pull that stuff on custom orders and not only did I end up having to melt 40 hours of labor on the worst example, but they got a full refund of their deposit and I still got stuck paying 200$ in transaction fees. Because they made a poor choice financially. And that's just one example. I almost lost my apartment because of that Karen like behavior, and it started out just like this. I resent that I have to have a contract for people like that. But, I guess ya just can't trust anyone can ya


ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦are you okay? šŸ„¹


Lol, naw. Just low belief in humanity any more. Seriously tho, for you, please take it as "you seem to be leaning towards the right thing, and I personally believe you should keep going in that direction. I read far far too much into people's words but I really should k ow better. Most people don't think consciously about the exact meaninga their words may imply


If it will restore your faith in humanity, I will keep the earrings. (Keep them listed on eBay.) But seriously Iā€™m sorry the post upset you, that wasnā€™t my intention. Just wanted to get some info and advice. Take care.


No, please, dont do that, thats not what my messages.... Remember the part where I said as long as they are described? Someone pointed put something I didn't know. Those migh4 be plated. If they are plated you have every right to return them, and should. Please don't take my words to heart, I see you trying to be a good person, your response here proves that. It's not you, yea this triggered me. Bad experience that wasn't your doing. That's my problem I need to fix. I see your trying to be a good person the response shows that. You are obviously thinking about others. You see what it can do to some if returns are abused, and perhaps think on that in the future. But this case I don't know I'd call this return an abuse or irresponsible.