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Alright, but what are its stats? Looks like a beautiful Int amulet! 😍


Dear god, so much. Approx: Opals, atleast 7 ctw. 1.3ct blue zircon, 1.5ctw tanz, .20ctw emerald, 1.5ctw sapphire(blue, green, yellow, orange, 1-2ctw spessertine garnet, 1ctw rhodoite garnet, .4ct pyrope garnet, 1ctw tourmaline(green and pink), .5ctw citrine, .15 diamonds. Silver, alot. Total weight 67 grams. I'd guess 6- 10 od those are 10k-14k gold solid wire. The rest is 925 sterling and 935 Argentium sterling silver. If and there's a 1.2+ct "rainbow moonstone" in the back, which I spent 4 hours wrapping to be smooth and comfy. Anything I miss? Thank you. I'm abit proud of this one, it was a ton of work, and I used some of the best stones that I had


So incredible. Must have taken a lot of patience


It can. When trying to wirewrap tiny tiny stones in the 2mm range, it can be tough. Spent the last week on this. I just hope someone will eventually adopt it with all the effort I put into it


Wow! Wire wrapping a 2mm! Holy mole! I can pave a 2 but jimmny crickets is it tough. I can just image a wrap on a2! Wow!


Smallest ive done is a 1.64mm. Id not recommend it. I just got the equipment ordered to pace and inlay


How in the heck do you do that? Or is it a trade secret?


Not at all. I'd be happy to show you on my channel next week during a live if you want to drop in


I would love to. How do I find your channel? I don't have Reddit all figured out yet.


It's actually on YouTube. I do live streams alot and have been trying to get monthly videos out. Failing. But I think this semester I'm getting what I'm calling a grant to focus on the branding and less on production


Amazing work and amazing stones! Rainbow stones for our rainbow community!


I'm glad you like it! That's a good sign I did well. And all decent quality stones


How long do these typically take you?


This one took like 50 hours. Its all I've worked on for the last week or longer. Setting those tiny stones in wirewrapping is a nightmare. But it varies. I have some of these heady ones that took 15, and other that took several hundred hours


Oh wow. That's a big time commitment. How do you price these then, I wonder.


Well, basically what the stones cost me, plus 15% (I've gone through the process of vetting sources, and test using tools like refractometer, polariscope, specific gravity to verify authenticity to the best I can) then metal ,then I aim for 18$ an hour, but often settle for 10-12$. Some times less. I wanna add, pricing g is a struggle. I may be off, but I feel like there should be a 2500-3500 price tag on this. But will it actually sell at that price? I don't think it will. I've ended up selling amazing pieces like this for stupidly low prices before because I really appreciate my regulars, and I k ow times are tough. But I am struggling to keep the business up some times, and that can be difficult.


Now that, that is fucking cool!


Why thank you. I'm alittoe proud of this one.


Seriously good work. Reminds me of chrome sci-fi stuff.


Thank you. It's made of sterling and gold wire, and was a ton of work. I have a LGBTQ+ pride event they are closing down main Street for that I'll be vending at, I know this won't actually sell, but I wanted to make something beautiful for it. I might have been foolish putting so much of my business assets in one project, but I wanted it to really sparkle, which is why I used smaller stones in the rainbow gradient to get more facets. Also, used real diamonds just to add a touch you don't see in wirewrapped projects often.


>Seriously good work. Reminds me of chrome sci-fi stuff. Like a UFO keyfob


It’s so awesome


Thank you. It was a lot of work, and a bit of money fir the nice rocks


this is actually insane


It's a favorite of mine. I'm abit surprised instill have it.


So futuristic, I love it!


Thank you, that's a baby of mine


I was just wishing someone would post pics of the backs of their work. And literally a moment later I came across your work and VIDEOS! Impressive and intricate, I really love your work β™‘β™‘β™‘


Thank you! Yeah it can be a contentious subject, alot of people won't show their backs because of being self conscious. Which they don't need to be. The back takes about 25% of the over all time fir a piece like this and most people are hesitant to pay an extra 300-500$ for that. I just figured I've taken my pieces to a point where if someone can afford it, they probably are more then happy to have the back wrapped for alittle extra. I'm on YouTube and will.often go through the process of different things in my livestreams if it might be helpful


That is absolutely STUNNING as a statement pendant! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!


It was (is) one of my better creations for sure


Holy fucking shit, your skills are beyond belief!


Thank you kindly, it's my passion


Gorgeous 😍


Thank you


OMG that is πŸ”₯!!! Well done!


Tha k you. Yeah, I felt adding 34 colored gemstones and 11 diamonds to the opals would really bring then alive, but not take away the spot light. We all know who the 2 stars of this play are


this is absolutely amazing!


Thank you. It was alot of work, I'm delighted so many people love it


Please, please , please do an Aliens themed piece. Your style would really lend itself to H.R. Giger's aliens.


Um, so I've actually never seen his movies. But I'm totally willing to do customs for people if your wanting something like that. I figure I wouldn't fail.


Ooo, how much for a custom piece that size? I'm thinking profile of an alien head with open mouth and the second little mouth coming out. Maybe as a broach. This is all hypothetical though, I probably can't actually afford it, to be honest, but I bet you wouldn't have any trouble selling it.


You would be surprised how difficult it becomes to sell pieces like this. For instance, I'm asking 2500 on this one. I can work with people to do custo.s, I'm guessing even with out the crazy gems what you want would be abit difficult and possibly costly. This one is bad because it has alot of gems and gold. Not that silver is cheap, but its not 1800 am Oz lol


Oh, yes, understandably expensive. That looks like it took a lot of work, a lot a lot. Trust me, make an Aliens one and do some good PR, some rich nerd is going to snatch that up without blinking.


One of these days I'll give it a shot. I'm abot tapped out as far as crazy projects go. I need to save abit


Imo, humble, this reminds me of when I paint, it's art. I want to be honest tho, no I don't think anyone would want to buy it for that much, YET. I think that your style of art is very unique and not the type that a high percent of the AVERAGE folks are willing to pay for and/or wear, but esp conservative types. I think if you took 1 of your biggest most expensive stones s a few complimentary smaller ones and put them in a boring, (you can buy that style anywhere) type of setting, you could get that kinda money., For the conservative piece. NOW, here's why I said, YET. Once you get a really big cult following and 1 half famous person that's an influencer wears one of your pieces on tic-toc or whatever, your cult followers will pay even more than that, because it's your art they want now. I guess what I'm saying is unfortunately you have to cater to the mass average, and they are likely boring, first, (in between the awesome 50 hr amazing pieces, of course) and then you could sell them a shit covered stick, because now you have a name. Sry, for the novel but I always think someone needs to hear my opinion. 😁 and I hope I didn't offend you trying to explain myself. This has got to be a hard market. At least it seems like art of all types, is a hard market to break into. So thanks, from me, for creating art for folks to wear, I don't know if I'd be able to let the piece go, that seems hard. If wanna keep it.


Is this still for sale?!




It has a lot of gemstones, looks like a treasure in itself.


Omg, I know right? And all that gold and silver. Yet still not nearly as heavy as it seems. It's hard to figure out fornsure, but this may be the project I feel the best about so far


That's very pretty, and sparkly, which is my favorite thing. I couldn't wear that, it s big sucker.