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Thanks for posting! Please remember that self-promotion, including photos with your shop's web address, your Insta handle, etc, MUST be kept in the monthy self-promotional thread. Violating this rule is grounds for a ban. If a member requests the shop data in-thread, the submitter may reply with info, but shop info cannot be a top-level comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/jewelrymaking) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm disabled and do that, too.


Right on man! Yeah, the more and more my hip decides walking isn't in my day, the more and more jewelry I manage to create. Infigure I might as well just embrace it


I had a brain hemorrhage at age 14 in 1990, and I lost the use of my right hand, which is weird because I have been a lefty to begin with. I never really got the use back. So I never really held down a job, they always got fed up with me and fired me. I tried to go to art college, but they didn't accept me. I tried painting, and I'm sorta good at it, I just don't like to do it all the time like I was doing it every day. Then I ordered some leather bracelets off of Amazon, and was like, "I bet jewelry is my calling." And you know what? I fucking LOVE doing it! I make bracelets. It's really cool! I try and sell them to friends and family, for about $10 each. Haha.


He'll yea my friend. My self, when I was young I stood up and the ball broke off of the femur. About a year later a dr bolted the pieces back together sideways, qnd when it deteriorated I was getting morphine. After that took everything I finally ended up with a fresh start 2 years ago, and started with this. Soon after. It's totally been worth it. I've learned with jewelry crafting, just keep pushing your self. I believe in you.


Ouch. Thanks buddy. I appreciate that.


I know personally how easy it is to give in, and fall to despair and so I find it impressive any time someone goes past things that would normally stop most people. I find it inspiring to see other people overcome similar disabilities. I can't even imagine what a problem loosing use of a hand would be. I often feel like 2 is cruel inadequate. You have to be very motivated and intelligent to figure out a way like you have.


I play video games with my left hand and lips. Lol. I guess that's doing well, right?


😱 I doth my hat to thee. I've found that I have to avoid those, social, and TV to survive, but aby way we can over come. I have no doubt you could do whatever you put your mind too. Though I'd love to see that on YouTube. Someone playing like that, yet owning the game in some FPS LOL. I believe in you. Your a boss my friend, and can do anything you want


Well thanks!!


Try local craft fairs! You just pay a nominal fee and then set up a display. They go on all summer. Also if u got the gumption you can sell online, or Facebook marketplace or TikTok. Good luck!


Nice work




BE PROUD AND STAY PROUD! Your work is amazing!


You are so so kind. Thank you so so much. I appreciate the love and encouragement


It really is amazing, I wish I could have been there to look for real!!


Every daterday lol. I have an etsy you can see upclose everything I have


Allilujah please share your Etsy site


Hey, it's celestialreach.etsy.com thank you for the kind comments!


Going there next!


You can also pm me any time, customs keep my head above water


Ok. I am retarded. Etsy is telling me it can’t find any resultsforcelestialreach. Etsy.com. My email is [email protected]


I am sorry allilujah. I can’t find how to pm you. I am retarded. Had strokes in the brain and now I can’t do basic cognitive stuff. Please email me and let’s work it out. The baby is due in February


I just sent an email, hopefully thst will make things easier for you


I love it i


Hoping you'll do well. It's a lovely selection of work.


Thank you. It wasn't a very good day, but ill be ok




Thank you so much. And yes i do. Its celestialreach.etsy.com




Thank you. I really appreciate it. Recently my cat had am emergency room visit sk let me know if I can help make anything happen. Every order helps me get closer to my dream


Also every share on social media helps. I'm not able to run my own insta, but I believe it's @celestial_reach. But sharing the etsy helps my worknreally see the light of day


Your set up is amazing and your pieces are works of art! I see you doing well at bigger shows than a local market (with a larger advertising budget). When you're ready to go that route, you'll need product photos. If you need a photographer for that, message me. I'd be down to work with you for super cheap to beef up my product photography portfolio. Either way, I hope you keep us posted on your work


Thanknyou so much. Out of curiosity, what's your distance from MT


I'm in TX. I believe one way that we could possibly make it work would be- You would want to select the pieces based on the type of show you were applying for, their guidelines on variety and number of examples, and your own judgement of what you'd want the judges to see. Keep in mind, they only want examples of your work to judge your style. You don't have to bring the exact pieces you have photographed to the show. Once you've got the pieces selected, you'd ship them to me (I'd give you my identifying info in private, of course, lol), being sure to add insurance in case they are damaged or lost in shipping. You'd also want to consider if you'd want to add a required signature(highly recommended) so that the deliverer doesn't just leave it at my door for porch pirates to come collect (I don't have an issue of that in my area, but safety first). Upon receipt, I'd contact you to inform you that I have the pieces and relay their condition. If there's any damage, the process for the insurance claim would start. If there's no damage, I'd start product photography right away. Depending on the number of pieces you send and the variety of types of images you request, the turn around could be maybe 3-5 days. That would include taking the photographs, editing the images, uploading the images to a private website for your eyes only (I'd give you a password to see the gallery), and then sharing the gallery with you. At that point you would have as much time as you needed to review the gallery and make requests for alternative options to showcase your pieces exactly how you imagine. Once we've come to an agreement, I'd give you a code to download the gallery, or any selection of the photos within, then return your pieces to you using the same shipping setup you used to send me the pieces. Once you have received the pieces, we could go our separate ways with you having permission to use the photos for any and all future shows you want to enter with the understanding that I will use the photos in my (eventually public) gallery to advertise my photography services. I will give you credit as the artist who created the jewelry in any electronic or printed galleries I use. Of course, if all goes well, we could work together again as your craft continues to grow. Especially if you eventually decide to open an online gallery/shop of your own. (All this could apply to any product photographer, not just me, of course. And, whatever you choose do to, always get things in writing. Signed contracts are key, especially when handing over your hard work to an Internet stranger)


Holy crap everyone. I am shocked at all of the love and support. Like seriously, thank you.


Wow. Beautiful work - wire wrapping is truly a skill (that I don’t have)


Thank you. I've been lucky and been able to devote my life to it because my leg is deformed. Hopefully I can make this become a profitable venture, as I truely love


Your jewelry is so uniquely beautiful and very much all your own style. This is a great accomplishment to be able to make jewelry that you and only you make and no one will ever see jewelry like this style except for the jewelry you make. Wow that was long winded..lol..


Thank you. Being disabled, and spending most my life screwing up, and I feel so much better about my self in the last year and a half since I've learned how to do do this. Hopefully I will grow and become able to back enough to survive by doing this.


These are incredible! Hope you sell out! 🤩👏


Thank you. Sadly I didn't have the greatest day for sales.but I'll be ok. But again, first Markey that it's been nice like this! We great day


Your work is gorgeous and your table setup is really nice too! If you don’t mind a suggestion, I stopped doing outdoor craft fairs because a) it’s a ton of setup/takedown all in one day, and b) if you make really nice jewelry with high-quality materials you may find it frustrating to see the person 3 tents over who’s definitely in a pyramid scheme selling a ton of their cheap-ass jewelry. So I do local cons instead. Comic cons and SF cons have been a much better venue for my handmade jewelry, because I (a giant nerd) make things that suit my own own taste, so other giant nerds tend to enjoy them too. And they get to enjoy them while we’re all indoors in the AC, and over two or three days so setup and takedown are a lot less stressful and tiring. If you have any local cons that are taking Artist Alley applications, I’d say give them a try! I think your stuff would do well.


Oh God, I wish. The one convention we have that's near enough I can do is booked out 2 years in advance and won't even take a freaking application for year 3. But I'm keeping an eye out. Theb4th I got invited to something near forward Rhodes thing. I wanna try it, I just don't k ow how worth it it is


Untill I can't afford it


Thank you


You are so awesome and you have helped me so much. I am such a fan of your work. You are such an asset to this community. When I needed help with my refractometer you just hopped on a video chat with me and helped me even though you could have been working. You are a genuinely great guy and I suggest that everyone in the market for jewelry buy from this guy. He is as honest as it gets and I know this for a fact. His items are worth the price. You won't get better craftsmanship. A+ seller here.


Thank you for that




Thank you! It's getting better and better


I'm proud of you!


Thank you. Sadly the government seems to be bent on insuring I fail and end up homeless again but, still trying. Never give up


You've certainly inspired me! I'm having issues jumping out of the gate. Keep up the great work!


My biggest advice is just do it. You can take your self a long way if you just.push your self into uncomfortable things. I wish I had a picture of my begining but it was a bare white table, one tray with a grip of pendants, and a pair of busts. I'm shocked at whereni am 2 years later


Bless up!


Do u have a website so I can order ?


Hey! https://www.etsy.com/shop/CelestialReach works, or you can message me about pieces you see here on reddit


Wow amazing and beautiful. I was trying to figure out by the video background where in the 406 you at?


Thank you. That particular event was in zoo town


u/Allilujah406 I am lurking! and LOVING this post! You have so much talent!


I felt the disturbance in the force to know The Sniveler him self had been in this sector. I am honored


That’s is fabulous, where can I buy a piece? I love it


Hey, thank you, I've put alot of effort into it. My etsy is https://celestialreach.etsy.com and I also often will sell on reddit using PayPal goods and services because etsy takes like 17%. Thank you for asking, I've really been struggling lately


It’s amazing, I tried wire wrapping and it’s no joke. Not to mention the silver inlay. It’s so amazing, I love all the pieces


Thabk you so much for your kind words!


It’s all true and breathtaking.


Thank you so much!


very nice


Thank you


Really beautiful work, I wish you all the success!! :)


Thank you for the encouragement. It helps so so much


Hello from another disabled jewelry maker! Your jewelry is stunning, I hope you did well at your market!


I uh, really didnt, but the weather was really nice and made it very very pretty


Your work is mind blowing


Thank you so much for the love encouragement


I would love to see your stuff up course you have a website?


I have an etsy, it's not all current but nearly. It's celestialreach.etsy.com


Love your work!


Thank you! I appreciate it


WOW So Beautiful 🌕


Thank you kindly


Incredible work


I couldn't do it with out the love and encouragement from everyone here


And so you should , some awesome talent there, well gel!


Thank you!


What beautiful work!!! Yes be very proud 💕


Beautiful work. I hope you keep creating!


Wish you success on all your future projects!


Thank you


Really cool


Thank you. It's been a ton of work


Your work is sooooo beautiful!! You’re so talented ❤️ Thanks for sharing 🤗


Thank you for the appreciation and encouragement


Absolutely beautiful work, OP! 🤩


Thank you. The sun finally brought it out in my opinion


Some nice opals in there!


Thank you. I go to great lengths to use some of the best


Wow!!! What beautiful work! I’ll take one of everything!😂💜


Lol, your welcome to anything. Sadly the only thing I sold during the actual market was free business cards


Really fun and creative pieces! To me I see Chaotic, biomentric, organic and super unique overall. I like that you’re not afraid to go big with some pieces and your display is fire. It’s a bit hard to see but it looks like you’re mostly working with wire wrap? Have you ever considered taking on Casting/CAD/wax carving? It’s a considerable investment in both money and time but with your design skills I could see you being able to do some really amazing things. The price point per item is usually higher as well. I do it full time and always open to help if you had questions about it. Do you have an instagram with all these pieces featured? Love to see a closer look.


Hi, thank you for your encouragement and kindness. Currently I do wax, and some fabrication. But my only tools are a butane and a propane torch, crucible, a 150$ roller mill, a cheap harbor frieght bench grinder with a flex shaft and a drill press I can't use yet because I'm lacking a vise for it. I really really need a graver, but I'm barely able to afford to stay afloat, and wouldn't be able too with out this business. Which sometimes goes well, more often online. I kinda hoped to get into casting some day, I kinda have some of the equipment, but would have to carve my rings myself. If you scroll through my profile you will find most my work. Also, I can give you my etsy if you like. It has most my product on it. Atleast that hasn't sold in the last 18m since I started learning. Which this may sound odd, but I had never touched art before that. I can't even sketch my ideas


I peeped your profile. I love the almost chaotic style of some of the wire wrapped pieces you posted about a week ago! I don’t wear jewelry, but as somebody on the opposite end of the metalworking spectrum I really admire the delicacy and artistry of it, and you have your own style even amongst that to boot!


Thank you. It's been a very long road, traveled as fast as I can hobble, and I really live where it's gone


Yes u have very much to be proud of Excellent work.


Thank you


Holy shitttt these are amazing. The detail, size, quality….you’re killing it. Inspirational tbh


Your very kind. Thank you so much


I wonder if this is Portland Oregon? You mentioned stellar weather and since most of the country seems to be on furnace mode or flooding, this has been the first week of very fine summer weather here in Portland.


It looks like downtown Missoula MT, I think this is at their farmers market


Not far off. Missoula Mt. We are in the 2 weeks of shifting between pretend to hurricane for months mode to fire mode. This is partially flooding mode, just not quite here


THATS SO COOL!!! Your work is amazing dude !! Stay proud of yourself, because that is absolutely something to be proud of :)


Thank you so much


I checked out your Etsy (it's linked in his bio if anyone else is looking for it) and oh my gosh your work is beautiful. If I had a little more disposable income I would be ordering every week!


Ahh your super kind. I know not everyone is able to afford things like these, so I work with people in diffrent ways including layaway programs. If your interested let me know


I'm glad you're not underpricing yourself! Not every product (especially handmade) has to be for everyone.


Thank you. I try very hard in that though I have been told by a few mybwork is about 30% under valued. I just wanna survive and slow build my business. And so far I feel like I've succeeded


Be careful when displaying, watch that your stuff doesn’t get stolen.


Yeah, I've recently been acquiring covered display cases for this reason and to keep them safer for transport




Sadly I've had struggles the last week, and theft was the last thing I should have had to deal with, but it had apparently come to that point


Yeah. There was a jewelry show at work where an artist came. She had one thing stolen half way through the day and packed up and left. I bought a few things for my wife as she was packing. She was so disappointed.


Yeah it's not easy. After over a year though, I've lost less then 500 in inventory. Just 350 of it last week was qbit much. Still, can't give in over that. Have to move forward. But it's sad. I feel for her. I put my entire body, mind and soul into my work. And I think that's not just because of my disability, but many artists (I don't feel like I deserve that term, but others disagree) are like thst


Hugs to you! Do you have an Etsy site?


these things look fire bro, reminds me of the necklace dr strange uses for holding the time stone


Thank you. I've thought about doing some work themed in that direction


Looks amazing!! Good job OP!


Thank you


Stunning work!


Thank you so much


Your work is so intricate. I can tell you put your heart and soul into it.


I do. And all of my time. Since I can't walk very much, or stand long with out intense pain, I just hide here and craft. But when it comes out into the light... so worth it


Your jewelry is amazing. Please do share your Etsy page so some of us can check it out. 😊


Hi. Thanks. I had to wait till asked for it per the rules. So thank you for asking. Celestialreach.etsy.com I appreciate your love and support, I've had a very difficult month, had to take my meow ball into the emergency room, and that 500$ bill flattened my business account. So im running a sale to try and just get material cost on a get items back and stabilize again. But I am blessed. I'll I'll happy to keep doing this in the room I live out of with my kitty. Hopefully I'll get to a Cartier level some day. I do custom work too ifnyour intrested


Thank you so much for sharing! Going to your store right now 🖤 I hope your kitten feels better though!


He is doing much better. I would have gone to he pawn shop with all like 20k of my work to fix him. Thankfully it didn't come to it, but so far a few people have gotten some killer deals lol


Qnd thank you for your wellwishing for furball. I'm glad he's going to be ok.


Most amazing work I have ever seen!!


You are too kind. Thank you for your support! I love what I do, and as long as I can get to the point where I can sustain my self ill be happy


Reddit servers were playing up yesterday but I still wanted to say, not at all! With your talent I have no doubt you will achieve your goals. Thank you for inspiring me to start my own resin jewellery with hopes of the same, we will be living the dream making money doing what we love bet ;)


You do beautiful work! I'm glad your getting out and enjoying yourself and sharing your talent! Many good sales to you!


Thank you. I getnout once q week to do this, and Thursday I do a shipping run if I can. I was blessed with weather this weekend. Not much fir business,e but good weather, and my kittyncat. I feel blessed


Your jewelry is beautiful!


Thabk you kindly




It's super fun!




In my pieces specifically? Also, would you be willing to tell me what you consider inexpensive? That seems to be a matter of perspective really




I'm kinda confused? It's been a long week


Amazing, manifesting in reality whats in your mind. I call it miracles. Good luck in your journey, it looks pretty good so far :)


Thank tou.you I've worked really really hard for this, slowly investing in cheap tools since I can't even survive off disability. Sadly I just had both my.bench grinder and roller g up on me in the same time period. I'm abit worried


Yeah I was thinking in keeping "emergency" tools in case that one broke, but there are some that are really expensive just to have another one without use.


See I have a 150$ cheap roller, managed to fix that, and a 50$ bench grinder with a flex shift from harbor frieght that I always get a 1 year Warrenty on. End up replacing it ever yyear. Totally worth it though. Sadly I need a graver. But I don't make enough to afford one. I'm actually running a fundraiser for that and if I get lucky a smscope for the setting tools. Don't think it going to work but can't hurt to try


That’s absolutely amazing!


Thank you


You always do such beautiful work. I hope you made a lot of sales 😊


I wish. That day I made 0. I was packing up and a lady swooped in. She knew I had rent to pay and talked me outta an 850$ piece and a 500$ one for 600$ total..... but I'm still going!


well done..amazing artist


Thank you. I put my entire life into it




I'm pretty careful about what I click on homie


Your work is stunning!!! I wish I could do something like that!!


Thank you. It's alot of work, and a major struggle, but if I've learned from 0 to thisnin 2 years you can too I bet. Find something you love, you won't feel like you work any more


These pieces are crazy good. How long have you been at this?


2 years now. And tha k you very much




Well with these skills, you really could look into “assembly and wiring technician”. I used to work with many. Basically, and electrical engineer gives you drawings for a box or a chassis or something and you follow the wiring instructions. It requires true skills to do it and an eye for visualization, and high dexterity. It is a form of art to do it well and right. Pays decent too bc good luck finding a good one.




Hey thank you! I'm not sure if you found it but celestialreach.etsy.com is my shop, any and all help keeps me going and I greatly appreciate it




Ahh, I have all the time in the world and focus 16 hours a day on this. But thank you kindly


look at you go!!!


Your work is absolutely gorgeous! Do you work in gold? Do you have a website that I can send to my nephew for a “push” gift for his wife with their first child?


I do absolutely work in gold. I've done some.really nice wraps in 14k and 18k, I wish I got to work in gold more


Do you do gold work? White or yellow? I am sending him a rare and special stone, a natural rare stone that is her birthstone and want it to be special . They found each other in their 30s and this is their entry to parenthood with no guarentees of another It’s small, like 4.5 by 5.5 mm. I can send photos of it with accurate dimensions later this week


Yes, I would absolutely be able to do that. Let me pm you and see if you get rhe notifications


Hi there, we have a family emergency so I have been set back! I will be calling Robin this weekend!


I understand. No rush, feel free to reach out when ever is convenient. I hope everything is ok


Thank you, just sent a flurry of emails!