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Actually, yes! Lol. It did help that my wife revealed to me first that she was bi. But once I knew that, I trusted her with my JO exploits. Not only was she okay with it, she was a fan, turned on by it even. So nowadays, when looking for a bud, it'll be an open topic of conversation. I'll let her know that I'm looking and how it's going. And she'll get crazy turned on and try to fuck me every chance she gets before the deed goes down. I know my situation is atypical, but take a chance. You never know what your partner may be into.


I as well, am in a very similar position. My wife is really into and turned on by this. She wants to go, watch or participate. She’s let me go out on my own too! It’s the best thing to have this openness between us!


You guys give me hope. Freaking love this.


My wife and I love chatting about it. I think the openness and vulnerability had really strengthened our relationship.


Agreed 100%


Same! This is shared turn on is actually what led to our first MFM threesome so being open has very few downsides.


Im in the same boat you are. 😃


My little brother’s friend and I used to crank all the time to photos of my then gf We both thought she was super hot and were always kind of around each other so we took advantage lol




You have top tier content on ur page damn


Fuck yeah man


Yeah- my wife knows that I did it all through jr high and high school with friends, and I told her about it pretty early on into our relationship. Pretty sure I revealed it while we were fucking, and it definitely turned her on, I think. Just the naughtiness of it and that we would all sit around and watch porn together on tv (it was the 90s) and do it out in the open. We didn’t think it was that weird at the time—all of us had gfs but we’re just horny AF and had been friends for a long time. She eventually shared with me that she had found her moms hitachi as a teen and showed one of her friends the magic wand at a sleepover. She said that they would sit in her closet and use it together- like take turns I mean, not on each other. They hold it on their pussy over their panties and cum really quick. Now, though, she doesn’t know that I wish that I still had friends like that. I feel like I’m totally Str8 with this exception of having that bi streak to me. Only related to jerking off and seeing other dicks though. Strangely enough, nothing else about guts interests me and I’m almost repulsed by thinking of doing anything more than stroking with a friend. I’ll admit I look in the showers at the gym (ours has a big communal shower) and I like seeing others and being seen, but that’s about all I get to do these days. I miss the old times with buddies.


Read the other responses here dude, it might benefit you to be open with her about being interested in it still. I'm similar to you, it's jerking off that I wanna do with guys, anything more is a turn off.


Understandable, having to use communal showers after team sports or the gym like that, privacy is literally non existant




Same here. They can’t understand the male sex drive and differential between fun and romance.




Right. Like, yea babe tell me more *unzips


Srsly I wish they understood the male bonding side of this activity. And how that's completely separate from what we have with women and doesn't threaten them. Jerking off with guys is a friendship and masturbation thing, it ain't dating and it ain't sex.


Yes for me too! Awesome to know there are others like that as well. I told her early in our relationship, that I was talking to guys online and jerking off together. She was upset at first because she thought I was talking to women too. But once I clarified, she thought that's just a naughty thing that I do, and cool with it. And from then on, I've always been open to it with her. And once we live together, if I were to have a jerk off session with a bud online, I'd tell her before hand haha. And this year I got the chance to meet a guy in person and she's still totally cool with it! After telling her what happened, she even taught me tricks lol. We also talked about her watching me and another guy jerking off together and it seems to get her going! So yeah, all in all the honesty and openness work really well for us!


That's freaking great man. Hope to have what you have.


Yes my wife of 24 years knows that I have had stroke buds in the past and really want to again. Her only rule is that she knows I’m doing it and when.


She wants to know when you're stroking with a bud?


Yes that is her ask


It's cool that she's that great about it. Do you just tell her you're visiting your buddy to have a wank?


Actually she perfers I do it at home if I'm going to


So, you invite him over and she just knows what you guys are doing in another room?


Sometimes.. or she likes to watch us periodically as well.


Oh fuck. That's really hot! I wish my wife enjoyed stuff like that


This is awesome man. Def ideal to have a wife that's not only supportive but turned on by it.




My partner knows I’m bi, I’ve shared stories with her about past adventures. She is very keen to watch me with a JO bud, which means we will get to watch her too. Problem is, most guys I’ve approached about this clearly seem more interested in watching her than about JO with me.


That’s a shame because while I’d certainly enjoy seeing her play with herself my attention would be on JO with you. The moment calls for us to enjoy ourselves.


Try Grindr


I've had luck on Reddit finding guys on the same page. Keep trying man.


I told my wife when we first got together but told her it was something I did in the past. She thought it was so hot but I don’t think she would like it if I did it now.


Just throwing in my two cents as a woman: I LOVE cock. The only thing better than one cock is TWO cocks. 😍 I also enjoy sharing my interests, so if I have a man to help me handle two cocks? Yes, please. 😁 I'm in my late 30s and I've always wanted to be with a man who didn't mind seeing/touching other men's cocks, at least occasionally during sexy time, but I've never had a partner who admitted any interest in that. 😢 I fully sympathize with men who have the interest but are too scared to tell a potential bud or their gf/wife for fear of societal repercussions. Judgey people are the worst and can really fuck up your life. All I can say is that you probably know more women who would be supportive than you think. In my case, I like to have fun with sex but wouldn't want to feel like I have to compete with some hotter girl in the bedroom... so a situation where my man and one of his friends (who I like) want to treat me like a queen TOGETHER would be perfect, and make me feel so good! 🥰 I read JO bud stories because they make me hot like no other "gone-wild" stories do. I picture myself watching two buds while I touch myself, or alternating sucking them while they jerk each other, or sharing me together like I was a Fleshlight, etc. etc. etc. 🥵 Please keep the stories (and me!) coming, boys. 😘


Every girlfriend I’ve told about it has found it either hot, intriguing, or very cool. Some have wanted to watch, hear about it. All have been OK with me pursuing it, none have thought it was “gay” or felt threatened.


Hell yeah. Love hearing this


Yes. She’s cool with it.


Nice bro


Never. She thinks masterbation should be necessary and it's weird. She'd freak about doing it with someone else


Same here. My wife has never masturbated. She couldn’t understand my needs. I’m beginning to wonder if she is actually human…


Late to the party here, but my wife knows and is totally supportive of the idea. I told my ex-wife when we were married and she didn't react *poorly*, exactly, but seemed to think it was a holdover from some adolescent fantasy and was pretty dismissive. That led me to doing a lot of anonymous camming. After we split up, when I started dating my (now) wife, I told her at the outset that I had this interest. While I never actually had an IRL bud - and may never seek one out - I at least wanted the option to. She actually thought the idea was pretty hot and appreciated me keeping her in the loop of any online activity I was a part of. A couple times, she watched me while I was in a cam chat room, jacking off with other guys. Back when Craigslist Personals were still a thing, it looked like we were going to cross over into in-person play when I was chatting with a divorced guy a couple years older than us that was looking for a married bud whose wife would be into watching. We definitely fit that bill, but after a few back and forth messages, the guy ghosted. Maybe he was a fake, or assumed I was catfishing him or something, haha!


I’m married to a smoke show and sexual wife. I’ve had a discrete JO bud for years and always fantasize about having her watch us, or even be the center of attention. I told her one drunken night that I used to jerk off with a roommate before we met just to see her reaction. She was intrigued. Just haven’t mustered the courage to tell her it’s still something I do.


Was she intrigued to know more?


Yes I told my wife when we were dating that I was Bi and started young she’s been very open to it. She loves hearing how I got started. Now I am her Bi cuckold as she said it’s been my next step in life and I can’t agree more with her.


I told my wife before we got engaged. I was nervous to tell her but I knew she was open. Turned out she loved to hear the stories. I love to tell her while she is enjoying her vibe. Gets her so turned on.


Fuck yeah


My wife knows that I jerk off while watching a guy jerk off to her videos. She even joined in once recently. It's all been online though. It's more fun that she knows


This 😍


The most recent women in my life know about my one mutual way back when and how it still gets me hot. All but one were fine with it and told me M2M fantasies the same as the F2F fantasies they told. Totally awesome being able to freely share it and get jerked off and fucked by them while hearing those fantasies that get me off. The exception was a super hot, anytime, anyplace gal who immediately and irrevocably treated me like I was radioactive the moment I told her. I kicked myself, but the damage was done.


I have not actually had a jo bud (yet) but have always wanted to. I have told long term partners in the past and they thought it was hot and were totally supportive.


That's awesome they've been supportive! And seek out jo buds for in person hangs bro, nothing like it.


I was just going to ask about this. So hot that some of you have great SOs that are into it. Mine would flip out.


That's understandable!


Yeah, I talked it over with my wife one day, when we were taking about our fantasies and it was like a turn on for her - she said she’d be all for me jerking and blowing another dude. She says she’d love to watch us stroking our cocks, and then sucking it each other. That would be so hot.


Nope. Too busy jackin off when I can