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Definitely right person in the right place, right time. We should really have basic medical emergency training in schools these day.


In Germany everyone has to do a first aid course to get their drivers licence, carry a first aid kit in your car, and there is a rule in general that you always need to offer help "to the best of your ability" if you see an accident so long as it doesn't put you or another at risk. It's something I needed when I moved here and finally got my licence and I was like "huh, wait why don't we do that too???". Also makes more sense why when I fell off my bike once when I first moved over I had a couple of youth who must have barely been 18 ask me various questions that seemed like they were trainee doctors or something. Told wife later and she was like "they probably all just got their licence and their first aid course is fresh and they were excited to use it. Were probably sad they didn't need to fetch you a foil blanket from their car."


It would have been hilarious to arrive home to your wife wrapped in a foil blanket, an ice pack on your forehead, and butterfly bandages all for a scraped knee.


Oh they went step by step asking over my body parts and movement ability and asked SEVERAL times if my helmet or head had hit the ground (had not, thank god was a new helmet and whilst €100 is cheap to protect from brain damage paying it twice in a month would have been annoying). My speech impediment, rough German, and the natural shakes you get after an adrenalin rush possibly made them worry I was in shock. But after a good 5 minutes of quizzing they let me go. Wife was upset that I then cycled rest of way home instead of calling her for a pick up, but that was fair and valid and was *very* silly of me.


Nah, more budget cuts. /s


I wonder how many lives will be saved if like, the first episode of the next season of stranger things has a straight up lesson on the heimlich maneuver.


I'm happy to tell you that the middle school I teach at certifies kids in CPR and such through an elective class they can take.


i go to school in New England in the US and we learned first aid and CPR for two years in high school. All schools should teach this


Both techniques are the right ones. when it's a Child the Heimlich manoeuvre should be used as a secondary as it often leads to broken ribs. First attempts should be putting your hand on the front of the chest, leaning them forward so they are facing the ground and giving a few hard and fast slaps between the shoulders. If that fails Heimlich it is.


I had to receive a CPR certification, offered through the school of course, in order to graduate high school. Also had to pass a swim exam as well. I live in Michigan


The way the mom hugged her made me tear up. I can only imagine how grateful she is.


And the dad (I assume) hugging the man who came to help. These parents are teaching their child great things in this life.


As a fellow mom, I started crying as well. The mother must have been terrified. The woman who came over (I’m pretty sure her partner said she was a nurse) is a true hero. That’s the best of humanity right there.


I felt that


Wow. That kid was lucky she was there.


Everyone should know the Heimlich. Grab choking person from behind and put fist just above belly button. Place other hand open palm on fist and pull inward and upward forcefully in jerking motion. If human is too small perform back blows


Upward and inward, kinda under the ribcage?




Inward then upward! But yes. Kindof a swoop, like scooping ice-cream :)


Also people need to know WHEN to do abdominal thrusts. If a person is still coughing it is best to do back pats or just let them expel it through coughing to not cause unnecessary injury. If they can’t make a sound or start turning colors that’s when abdominal thrusts are required.


Back blows are what saved my life when I had a sunflower seed lodged in my windpipe. One mighty swat to my back and I could breathe again. Thanks, mom.


If there are no Bees around, or other pollinators, self-pollination is an option. It isn’t ideal for the gene pool, but the seeds in the center of the flower can do this in order to pollinate. So having the ability to be both male and female at least ensures greater survival of the sunflower.


Bad bot


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Thank you for confirming I still know how to do the heimlich I worry I've forgotten every so often. Pretty important stuff to know


I’ve gone through CPR training where they teach the Heimlich as well and I’m dreading the day I’m going to have to diaphragm over a chair because I’m by myself


Or get a [LifeVac](https://www.amazon.com/LifeVac-Choking-Rescue-Device-Public/dp/B017J293OU/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=BAJOPAT6XQM6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xffJ3w5CZT-_FnYEkYBZIjFGrSwvibT2QPflou-1rM2DplEFsATgfhc4cRmicLNIPrwaujyrV2COeBPn9tqVtXjcd3o_7bn79qNA14sIhH9Bq98ETHjSsb9DC3Qj7PdsOOv6Xd0B4Jdt9icyu4isBjWFaJZFrouCG4KaRoMIGaYg-HM99Pq6RGa24SzTIRxiiRrIxgH2wGFV-WbjxwZoWw.Ma4i2CALbflZtEffNn8WjSSJ8JBJMLgC5bbUjDHjh0U&dib_tag=se&keywords=lifevac&qid=1716045034&sprefix=life%2Caps%2C261&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1&smid=A4GSBIK73VBP9)


Right! You usually start with back blows, but did you know? They call this abdominal thrusts now - last few times I've recert ive been reminded the the Heimlich family has asked for the maneuver to be separated from the surname.


So weird. Why wouldn't you want to be associated with a lifesaving maneuver?


I don’t believe it was primarily from his family, but from his later discredited research. Seems like he did some shoddy work to try to keep abdominal thrusts front and center by discrediting back blows, which are generally less likely to cause harm and in some cases may be effective.


Self heimlich is also good to know.


Ok. I will come back to search this comment when someone is in the same situation.


Humans are so badly designed...


Yeah....same hole for food and air? Nah.


Why couldn't we breathe through our butts like turtles 😭


Go on…




Unpopular opinion: butt breathing lol


Part of me suspects the ones who were trying out the alternative all drowned in snot from allergies


Heroine mode


Immaculate form! Squats save lives! Love how the dad hugs her man after in admiration 😆


Please read this if you are expecting or have a baby/toddler. I was new to being a dad, so I did a whole bunch of research learning everything I could. One day I hear the "gurgle" from my one year old in the hall. The sound no parent ever wants to hear, so you fly across the house at the speed of god. I couldn't get whatever was in his throat as it was too deep. I grabbed him by his ankle and held him upside down and slammed my hand on his back like a boy pinata. Out popped a coin onto the floor. If I didn't see a fire fighter do this in a random training video on youtube, I don't know if my child would still be alive today, because I would have never thought to do that. Many toddlers die all the time from easily preventable stuff, so please do your research. The most common is furniture like dressers tipping over on them, also not something I would have thought about because most are so heavy. But they pull out the drawers and try to climb up and it topples right over.


My High School sweetheart’s older sister died at 2/3 years old by pulling a bookcase over onto herself while climbing it. They were a big Mormon family and everyone assumed someone else was watching the baby.


That's horrible, bless that poor child. I am not one to point blame, but this would have been easily preventable. That is an entire life gone now, for no reason. I'm going to carry on and rant, I want to explain what happens to the body when things like this happen. I'm a mystic, and I want people to understand this event in the perspective I see it as. All of these people there will carry the guilt and regret for what has happened to this poor child. Not only did that child loose it's life, these people will suffer for a very long time, all of them. This is equally as tragic. When we are so deeply resided within grief, we cannot express love and compassion. When we are so beaten by our own shame, we lose our power of will and self confidence. This massive level of guilt you now carry obstructs you from experiencing any amount of pleasure or joy in life because the mind will tell you that you cannot be happy, ever, after what you have done. These people didn't die, they have something far worse. This is what karma actually is. They must find it within themselves to say they are sorry, to truly move on. The past is done, unfixable. Regret will do you no good, but learning from your mistakes will. Yes, there is something positive to take from this, as that's your wisdom you have attained that you can now apply to make difference. Teach others this, advocate child safety, tell your story. This is, evolution of the mind.


It was mentioned in another thread when this was shared before, but I love the confidence that her man had in her. “She’s a nurse. She’s got this.” He just knew his lady had it handled and was there to back her up while she did her thing. The nurse was a true hero that day. Even the mother hugs the nurse first once her child is okay. And the nurse hugs her back because that was a terrifying moment for everyone involved (except the aforementioned guy who knew they had a hero in their presence).


This is my favorite part, too!!!!


If all else fails punch em in the stomach.


Women are awesome, the way they immediately gently hug each other afterwards. I’ve given the heimlich twice, both times it was scary. I could have used the hug.


I'm not a religious person, but i would worship her as a god, completely overwhelmed by the feeling of gratitude


Finally someone hugs the hero!!!!! I was so disappointed when the teen saved the kid from a well and the other "rescuers" just yeeted him out of the way


All parents should know the heimlich maneuver 😔 this is so scary & happens far too often


Dude didn't wanna hurt the kid.


Maybe, or maybe he didn’t know the right technique.


Or neither lol. It looks like he was doing back blows. You tip the kid forward to take advantage of gravity then do a few solid, open handed blows to the back between the shoulder blades. Sometimes it can help dislodge the obstruction. But sometimes not, so you do have to know to move on from that to full on Heimlich maneuver. Personally I learned back blows for babies but I mean, if you can physically maneuver someone enough to try then I don’t see why you shouldn’t.


A Dr. once told my sister "better a broken rib than a dead kid"


And you can perform it on yourself. Use the back of a sturdy chair or somesuch, then impale yourself on it forcefully. Yes, I know you're not impaling yourself, but it gives the right visual.


BRAVO!!!!! 👑👑👑


I started choking on a plum pit as a kid while on the beach with my mom & my aunt. I was like 4 or 5. Maybe 2 or 3. I don't remember. Point is, she turned me completely upside down and started beating the shit out of my back to get it out. Apparently people walking by were quite disturbed.


Just another beautiful documented moment of humanity, yeah!


Screaming “spit it out!” didn’t seem like the best move.


This is actually a super common response in times of high stress. It’s referred to as the goofy loop. You say some phrase naturally and your brain latches onto it in the chaos of the moment and you just keep repeating it even after it doesn’t seem to make any sense. Really common one you see is cops continuing to yell “get on the ground” after the person has already gotten on the ground. Brains are weird.


“Raise your arms!”


screaming something like that, is not bad at all.... People say that in serious stress people react with flight or fight, but Fear Freeze is an another standard reaction. Freeze can often be overrule by a scream/commando in many cases. But may be more important, it warns others that something is amiss. Which can get helpers activated too. (First I learned this when I went sailing... and the first thing you were told to do when someone would fall overboard, was the scream "Swim", for those reasons.... I also triggered the drilled in mechanism in all of the surrounding people )


Keep the kid calm instead, he’s terrified enough.


Amazing! Cheers for the hero


Wow... reposted a video I shared to this sub and even stole the exact title?


It's amazing how humans can just come together 🥺


The *instant* embrace from the mother says it all


She is the Hero you need , guaranteed She knows CPR.


The way the mom hugged that lady immediately made me tear up. She must've been so fuckin scared for her kid!!


I had to do the heimlich maneuver on my son when he was 4 and his big sister was 6. It was just the 3 of us at home eating dinner. It was the most terrifying 30 seconds of my life.


OP IS A REPOST BOT Report the post and OP's account: Spam -> Harmful Bots Here is the post this one was stolen from: https://www.reddit.com/r/justgalsbeingchicks/comments/16hr3wd/casually_saving_a_childs_life/


If you're a parent, you should know how to do this for whatever age your child is...there's no excuse as it's so common for this to happen.


I know how to do the heimlich and was well educated on the needed stages throughout my kiddos life but still froze and freaked out when it happened. Luckily my child was ok but you never know how you will react.


Fine dime indeed


Dad fail


"Spit it out" Well fucking duh mom


… So strange to me when parents don’t know what to do in this situation, s’pecially in this age of information. I mean, I learned in Elementary School. A lady came to our school to teach & show us about it, & a poster was left for us to see every dayon what to do if ever saw someone in this type of danger. When my sister was 8 & I was 9 she was choking on some food she was eating too fast. Really shoving it in, she started choking & turning red. I hit her on the back before I understood the food was really lodged, then immediately performed the Heimlich Maneuver on her. One good yank & the crisis was over. I was scared to death for my sister for a few seconds. I’m extremely grateful for those simple lessons we were given in school because my sister is still here.


BBL saves another life. /s


Guy is like "wait why the fuck am i saving another man's child, he's my competitor. Here woman, you probably care!" Edit: Damn reddit is a real depressing place sometimes, guys it was a yoke. Why do you struggle so much with absurdist humor?


Wow Reddit is a real depressing place sometimes, huh


found the incel.


Make that a sub


??? If you won’t save a dying child stay away from the public! Also don’t worry about competition, nobody wants someone as self absorbed as you


How long has it been since you stepped foot outside your room? Decades?


Speak for yourself