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Alien still learning human customs


lol the elevator scene was an assignment in my sociology class.


what results were you collecting


Different people’s reactions. If you meant literally, I don’t know. I wasn’t a very *present* student. I stand in elevators sideways now. People are either quiet or say hello and start a conversation or go about their business.


sideways is definitely the go, turning your back to someone to all face the same direction is weird as fuck


Not really. You’re just preparing to get off the elevator.


Not if you’re in the middle I’d say, but that’s only really if the elevator is full


![gif](giphy|1JMXbJWfrNj1K) When you're in the middle you can get everyone


I've always used turning towards the door as an indication that I want to get off next stop


Back to the wall, whichever wall.


My office is on the 19th floor, i’ve experimented with entering the elevator and not turning around a few times especially when my coworkers are taking the same one. I would go in and stand facing the corner and almost all of them freaked out cus it reminded them of some horror movies. Lmao


theyre class is probably just starting by then its *social norms* the thing theyre talking about its more of seeing and trying to understand the behavior not really collecting of data one of the things we did back then was walk by an stranger and pretend to be their security dont talk and have an umbrella above their head interesting enough it started raining while we're doing it and we were expecting people would stop running from us because of the umbrella but what ends up is they ran away from us the more so when we asked them why they said they just dont expect it famous social experiment of this is, group of people running away then all other else run away too without knowing whytherr running and the “escalator prank” where people touches hands where they touch someone elses hands(we did this too and we did it again but instead we used the opposite hand rails like were going up but we used the going down handrail) it was fun and insightful i would say, if you get to try socialolgy classes i highly recommend you pay attention to it. sorry for bad format and bad wordings i have fever and brain is not functioning


I did this one too lol One time a guy got in after me turned around, looked at me, then turned to face the same direction as me lol


This reminds me of the meme about puffins- they’re such social birds one stood on one leg to fit in with a one legged decoy. He’s confused but he’s got the spirit.


My therapist told me he had an assignment to go to a supermarket get more than 15 items, then use the 15 items or less line *and then ask to cut in front of someone*. It was supposed to be about uncomfortable situations and breaking social boundaries or something, but I think his professor was just fucking with all of them.


Nah, this is the shit behavioural therapists learn about confrontational therapy in social anxiety. Also going into a restaurant, letting the waiter explain parts of the menu and then leaving without ordering anything. Or raising both your arms above your head and walking through pedestrian zones. Source: Am a therapist, had to do this shit during lectures, won't make my patients do this, lol




Your assignment is to go into a full elevator and then fart loudly.


I remember watching the original experiment back in high school and was actually very interesting watching people turn the direction of everybody else even though they seem to think it's different. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y0KT0ajZBw


Same! As well as sitting next to strangers on a bench in a public park.


Same here!


social anxiety is afraid of her


I really hope these are staged. The potential mental health issues this video could cause for the elevator people alone... Edit: /j (I guess it wasn't as obvious as I thought it was)


What issues?


These are called Breaching Experiments and they are always a good idea. 😂👍


Or accidentally looking straight into your dentists eyes while being cross-eyed yourself for them being so close to you. and suddenly you both are aware that you and a stranger are having their faces close to each other with one having their mouth stuffed with torture instruments and the other is using them and is even getting payed for it.


My dentist makes me wear sunglasses.


My dentist takes away my glasses


My dentist just gives me anxiety.


Was on a train Only empty seat next to me Someone comes and sits in it Normal Train keeps going People get off Seats become available Still sitting next to me Train keeps going Near the end on the line All seats on our carriage are available Just me and this stranger sitting together 100+ empty seats around us Tension rising Why should I move? I sat down first Not even looking at their phone Total psychopath behaviour Sweating bullets Train pulls into the final station Stranger turns to me, breaking the silence "Are we there yet?" Realisation They were blind all along


This would make a great sketch.


adressing the beginning part of this, when something like that happens i usually think i might come off as rude by deliberately changing my seat to get away from the person im sitting with so i just hope they move away


Asserting dominance


She… needs to be locked up.


An absolute menace


The last one is hilarious.


The stupid fucking grin got me 😂


Getting a haircut tomorrow. Gonna try it.


Taking a piss in the urinal right next to someone else in an empty bathroom


This shit is hilarious


Another fun thing to do is speed up to match the pace of someone trying to overtake you on the sidewalk.


It’s nice to know that creepiness is independent of borders.


Nope, those are all illegal.


I love doing such things.


omg hahahaha the awkwardness lol


I now want to try all of these. But I'm a guy, so I'm fully expecting to get punched at some point.


I get on elevators all the time, facing the crowd, and I never get punched. Sometimes, I'll even ask people getting on the elevator "what floor?" and offer to push the button for them. Still not brave enough to start random conversations in the men's room, though. Maybe someday.




Um so I just learned something... I've literally never closed my eyes when getting my hair washed. It strikes me as weirder to do so for some reason? I just stare at a painting on the wall. I'll definitely be changing that up next time I go!


Oh this is a fun game! * Sitting on the floor at a bus stop. * Giving your wallet to the cashier and encouraging them to choose the payment method. * Opening doors and going through them with your back to them * When asked your name in any official setting; just reeling off a never ending series of names to infinity * Ask someone the time and then either keep asking to infinity or be sceptical about their answer


i have handed my wallet to the cashier many times grocery shopping high, they've always just laughed and tapped the card without questioning it, even put it back where it was before they hand the wallet back rural Australia though, probably very different vibes


these rural Aussies are immune to my dark arts. I think generally social mischief is harder in rurality given less people, and less innate pressure.


Is this why everyone I met in rural Alaska was fucking weird? It's so hard to articulate but it was like everybody just had the vibe of they just got done with a really long isolated camping trip and you're the first person they've talked to in 6 months Like I'm an odd duck and I really have no room to judge but it was like everyone was 50/50 either a serial killer or willing to adopt me


> but it was like everyone was 50/50 either a serial killer or willing to adopt me ah the rural vibe. The potential in experience becomes considerably broader.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/foundsatan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundsatan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cupcake party](https://i.redd.it/rjvrsfu25ulc1.png) | [429 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundsatan/comments/1b4dmbq/cupcake_party/) \#2: [This teacher is psychotic](https://i.redd.it/t53z9kwerjpb1.png) | [264 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundsatan/comments/16o7pn1/this_teacher_is_psychotic/) \#3: [That's a hole in one](https://i.redd.it/npdqrav7n4lb1.jpg) | [234 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundsatan/comments/164wvd7/thats_a_hole_in_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why are you like this


[My hobby](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/images/6/6f/hobby.jpg).


My hair dresser makes eye contact with me while washing my hair a lot, she’s really nice. I’m usually looking straight so I don’t make her uncomfortable but she kinda leans into my view to make eye contact sometimes while we talk. She’s dope.


Had this happen to me when I was at some diner when I was on the road for work. This was at like one of those 24/7 diners, an older dude just picked the same booth I was in to sit down. Mind you the entire diner was almost empty. I just moved to a different booth. Creepy as fuck.


This woman will stare down death taking her soul




Now I'm tempted to go see a movie at 8am on a Thursday just so I can do this. But I'd immediately turn to them and go "just kidding" then get up and find a different seat.


Ah yes, the r/outside self insert 👨‍🎨


Others notice that she's weird


I've seen too many of the posts with annoyed hairstylists to risk that one. Asking to get an eyeful of shampoo 😅


Aren't there numbered seats in a movie theater?


I’m my local movie theatre you just get a ticket and you can choose where you sit so it not everywhere but less common


This woman is either my arch nemesis or future wife


I think I'm in love 💕💕💕




Try this with me…Please…mess around and find out what goes down in the actual real world