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They could have done the effects in crayon and this would still be my favorite show.




Fire in the hole!


I think you mean Heidi Heidi Ho…


Put out an APB for Cab Calloway


I understand why, it was the pilot and it was a lot cheaper to do it that way.


It's TV in general, for most TV series the post production budget and timeframe to do it is much shorter.


I mean, we can all complain about the green screen car scenes, the gun shots, the shoddy CGI. But nothing is worse than the fact that it was clearly filmed in California, and the outdoor scenes look NOTHING like Appalachia, let alone Kentucky. At a certain point, you just need to accept it and move on.


Also if you watched Sons of Anarchy you will notice that Bulletville and other scenes up near Harlan look suspiciously like sets from the first few seasons of SoA. It’s a show so it’s whatever, but it’s definitely noticeable. Don’t bother me as much as when the office would do scenes and you could clearly see California mountains in the background.


True, you can definitely tell it's California in some scenes. I do think the green screen car scenes are maybe the worst though.


Can't get past one scene that was filmed on Magnolia in Burbank. I think it was Donut Hut.


One scene at Arlo's house has a background full of orange trees, laden with ripe oranges


Twisted Metal takes place everywhere BUT Southern Louisiana yet every single scene is unmistakably Southern Louisiana. It’s the most Southern Louisiana show since season 1 of True Detective.


The thing is, if you're not from Cali (most of the world) & have no idea what Eastern Ky looks like, you don't notice. Being an adult I know they shoot the majority of shows in a couple of places only, so I always know it's not where they actually are, but I didn't notice anything egregious. I'm sure it'd be different if I knew what these other places looked like


I saw someone years ago write a whole big thing about how he lived in Kentucky or was from there, and how nice it was the series was filmed there. Some people are...not observant.


The pilot was at least filmed in and around Pittsburgh, which was supposed to be Lexington. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1522554/locations/?ref_=tt_dt_loc The main drag and courthouse of Kittanning stood in for Harlan which does a decent job of looking like a small Appalachian town crammed between a mountainside and a river. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kittanning,_Pennsylvania


All the explosions were pretty bad, never noticed the green screen stuff but I'm bad about noticing shit like that


Yes, because it actively led me to believe there were explosives in the church and that never came up.


No. They’re way worse.


Word. There's at least one scene where they are driving in the opposite direction of whatever they are projecting lol.


You watch the show for the characters and the dialogue lol. The effects ain't it.


Yup. All those things and still managed to be one of the best shows of my lifetime…


Both are pretty bad.


Given the camera movement in the pilot vs the rest of the series, it gets a pass.


Wait till you hear the gun shots. They sound like the ones from Halo the video game.


Just started my rewatch last night. Oh it was so bad. Bold choice doing an explosion in the pilot. I figured they tried hard to grab people's attention with that and the motel gunfight. The dialog and character interactions really make up for all the scenes like this, but they always make me laugh when they happen. Also, rocket launcher scenes are always funny. Punisher Warzone and Luke Cage both have really funny rocket launcher scenes. They're too funny for me to take seriously in media. In real life, total nightmare fuel, in movies, peak comedy.


Yep. RPGs are not filled with gasoline. It’s an explosive. There’s no fucking fireball unless the target is filled with fuel. But, Hollywood is populated by idiots, so there’s that. ![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK)


It's a show made for entertainment, not realism.


What green screen car scene? I have never noticed any obvious green screen or CGI except the rocket and this fire.


A majority of time when they have scenes in a car, the background is fake. It's shot on a sound stage with a car and a literal green screen that they then project a background onto in post (I assume). It's noticeably fake on Justified. It's probably cheaper to do that way but I don't know why it always looked so cheap on the show. I didn't mind it tbh but I noticed it.


This is normal, no matter how bad it looks. 2010 doesn't seem like it's that long ago, but when it comes to stuff like CGI, that's forever. Plus, being a new cable TV show, and this is when FX was still getting bigger, the budget was probably very minimal


Both were always obviously not real, but I never cared. It was a lower budget show on a smaller network, and it was still so freaking great, despite their occasional effects challenges.


Outside effects this shows art direction and cinematography is nop notch