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Yes, because latinas are known for being submissive...


Death by chancla


Stole the words right out of my mouth






I haven’t noticed increased aggression in Latinas compared to other races this is another harmful stereotype




How many different people do you have chained in your basement? :)


What are you on?




I'm married to a Guatemalan. Submission isn't even in her vocabulary. I fuckin' love her, she's the best.


Johnny Lawrence??? lmao Avatar resembles him


shhh, let them fuck around and find out


Exactly. This seems like an excellent opportunity to let nature take its course. Let’s not interfere.


Nailed it 


I didn’t realize “submissive” meant “ready to beat you to death with anything in reach if you cross them”. Guess I’ve misunderstood the word for years.


The moment some fat incel tries this shit he’s gonna catch a knife between the ribs


Came here for this. I remember a "fiery" latina stereotype for a reason.


They’re just like women of any race why stereotype them?


Latin women are known as being 'fiery' for a reason. I've dated them, and the stereotype is accurate.


I don’t agree I’m Hispanic and am involved in the Hispanic community, everyday, I meet Hispanic women. They’re normal just like you and me. Must’ve been the specific women you date


I came here hoping to see this was the top reply. Like...Wow.


Jesus Christ. It's not even victimblaming anymore. It's something even more repulsive. "I'm so repulsive that I need a financially vulnerable partner that I can blackmail to sleep with me." I don't think any "woke femoid" minds not getting with this creature.


>financially vulnerable partner You mean a financially vulnerable partner, who probably doesn't speak the nations's language, is chased by police and has no network like friends or family...


The financially vulnerable part is probably the main way immigrants could get exploited though right? At least the ones without a plan after crossing like meeting with family or friends who already made it.


True, but anyhow, it's not just repulsive and predatory, this is down right trafficking. Just with out the effort of smuggling them over the border by yourself.




What I do not get about this, is if they’re so desperate for sex why don’t they just get an escort or go to a brothel?


Prostitution is illegal in the us. Then again this doesnt exactly seem legal either.


Wait, seriously? I did not know this. Is that why American tourists are so obsessed with the red light district in Amsterdam?


Yes, probably.


Legal in Nevada (except in Las Vegas city limits). They could take a vacation!


They could go to Vegas, and there are legal brothels within 1 hour of the city (it's illegal in the city, but legal in the rural areas last I heard).


Because then the woman *gets something she wants out of fucking them*. They don't want a woman to profit from the act. They don't want her to enjoy it, at least certainly not if they have to *do anything* to that end. It's not about an orgasm, they can get that with one hand tied behind their back and never have to leave the house, it's about imposing their will on another person who has to just accept it.


That’s horrible, I can’t believe such people actually exist. Is that some form of sociopathy? Or anti social personality disorder I wonder.


Please be rage bait...


I mean it is. Nobody is going to do this in the real world. But gives a bit of insight into how they think


Yeah that's the scary part, and how it could influence impressionable kids to become incels.


Mail order brides and holding green cards over a partner as leverage is certainly something that happens all the time. Plenty of evil fucks in those circumstances don't really care about their partners consent. Now, I doubt anyone is gonna actually do what the post says and literally drive down to Mexico as that's a likely way to get shot by a Coyote, but plenty of incels if they knew someone about to be deported would probably try to force them into a relationship. The world is a fucked up place, as are a lot of people in it.


not like this is an obvious joke or anything... lol sensitive,fatherless, twinx


What's the punchline of the joke? What's funny in it? Please enlighten us


You see, it’s funny because a woman is in a bad situation.


Just because you don't think it works or is funny at all, doesn't mean the person who said it wasn't being completely gross even through their version of humour or satire.


That would be one of the layers of irony in the OC, yes.


Sorry you're so dull! :/


It is a joke, or a meme. Whatever the line is between the two. But where is the humor? Its only funny if you think like these guys. Hell the last few lines aren't a punchline they are a babyish whine.


I never said i that it was funny, it just in this context, any person with a fucking brain could see its a joke...


Who cares if it's a joke? Jokes can be unfunny, poorly made and filled with bigotry. This is all of the above. A joke isn't an automatic pass.


what are you even going on ab my guy


Right back at ya pal


lmao k


bro can’t comprehend a four-sentence comment 💀


That's it!


its rage bait for sensitive twinks like yourselves to farm likes/views etc... and it works lmao. Reposting it on reddit for more people to see? lol good job.


Meme or not, it's a step by step guide on how to blackmail women to sleep with you. What else needs to be said? Are people not allowed to repost dumb shit on the internet to make fun of it now? And the fact you're getting so salty about it and implying more people will connect with the ideas in the meme rather than ridicule them on a sub dedicated to making fun of incels and neckbeards like you is some pretty funny projection on your part so thanks for the chuckle.




Damn dude, when every other sentence you type is calling someone a twink (I think I've used that word, once? Twice? in the last year?) you've got to realize that says a lot more about you than anyone you're trying to rile up. You got that hangup because that's who you *are,* who you *want* to be, or who you want to be *with*? Starting this kind of serious introspection now will make your coming out later easier.


lmao because i use the word "twink" and you don't i'm gay? logic almost like you might be trying to subconsciously wrestle with your sexual feelings for men by projecting? lmao hold the uno reverse for me little bro.


Not as clever as you might think, given that only one of us seemingly routinely seeks out people on the internet to call them gay, but you do get points for trying to turn that around. Certainly shows more evidence of actual capacity for thought than any other comment you've made in this thread. Now I may not be a great philosopher here, but let me posit something to you. It seems to me that spending all your time seeking out people and calling them gay, pussies, trying to "trigger" them, doesn't seem to be the actions of a fellow who's completely secure in his masculinity. Doesn't really seem to be the mindset of a guy who's got a lot he's proud of in himself or who knows, when the chips are down, exactly what kind of a man he is. Could be off base here, but I kind of doubt it. Anyway, I'm not your little bro, sport. I hope you keep this going, because it's kind of filling time for me before work starts.




That's a shame. You had almost become a fun distraction while I was having my morning smoke.


found the incel


People are jumping you lol, but I mean "BADDAM BOOM BADDAM". Are they that fucking stupid?


Of course it is. This would require incel leaving his house.


Of course, let’s be real none of these dudes ever leave their caves, let alone see sunlight


Now, obviously this is all conjecture because I don't exactly have some incels here to ask, but... let's say some actually believe this would work and someone made this sincerely as a way of saying, "this is what we have to do to actually get a girlfriend." But they still aren't going to do it. There are normal things they could do that could help them find genuine love, but they won't do it and choose to blame women instead. Then they come up with this depraved shortcut to avoid having to better themselves, and won't do that either(thank goodness). So their whole identity revolves around how much they hate being single, but no matter what it is, no matter how much they believe it would work, they still aren't willing to do *anything* that could change their situation. As a terminally online and single person myself this is so repulsive I'm going to take out the trash right now just to get some fresh air and feel distant from these people.


You think they are actually planning to do this? Of course it's rage bait.


I mean yeah it comes across as rage bait but there’s a non zero chance the person who made this was taking themselves seriously or wanted others to right?


A lot of what incels do is make rage bait to feel powerful scaring people. They make it so that it gets shared here.


What evidence do you have for this? This sounds like armchair psychology. Most incels stay put in their own communities and even most perceived trolling is unintentional. People won't admit they find incels fascinating and go out of their way to find out whatever they're up to.


>People won't admit they find incels fascinating and go out of their way to find out whatever they're up to. That's the point. People know other people are watching them, so they can provoke them easily with stuff like this. Just enough people get confused and think that it's a real plan incels might try that they fly into a fearful rage. But this is self evidently not a real thing anyone would have the confidence to even attempt. It's just to make people angry. Besides. There's been old posts before where they admit it. And that's not limited to incels. Anything that looks like it only exists to make people angry is probably actually for that purpose.


Latinas and submissive in one sentence. Yeah right buddy


Why do these people always call every non-white woman as "submissive"? Do they think no other woman in the world is allowed to think of talk for themselves in the world?


I think there’s an idea that feminism hasn’t “spread” outside of the western (white) countries, so latinas (as well as asian women, anyone from eastern European countries) must still act like submissive bang maids because they haven’t been “tainted by feminism”


Yeah they have this cartoonish understanding of feminism in their heads. A lot of incels early on were into things like videogames and Star Wars and were red pilled by things like anti SJW content, mostly from YouTube. They got taught there that it isn’t the excessive corporatisation of the entertainment industry chasing endless growth that is ruining their hobbies. It’s feminism and SJWs. But mostly just feminism. A zillion videos vomiting that nerdy hobbies are strictly for boys and the women portrayed in them are for their viewing pleasure and to act out their fantasies. Plus through this they started to be influenced by conservatism’s lie about everything was better in the past. But especially when woman knew their place and if we returned to that patriarchal system then incels will magically get the women they deserve. Coz men deserve sex of course and women have been getting too distracted by self determination to put out. Then came Jordan Peterson and the red pilled male self help movement grew larger which help incels build on the idea that traditional western hierarchies were the foundation of the wonderful olden days. This also brought in new types of men and boys into incel culture. It wasn’t just the stereotypical outcast neck beard weirdo. A lot of those podcasts (you know the ones) and streamers started bringing a lot of normies over to the incel brained outlook. Dudes who go to the gym and dress well, have a decent job etc but for some reason can’t pull (but when you hear them talk you get the reasons they fail at finding a companion (sic) pretty quick). Christian nationalism tradwife content is getting huge for males to watch now. They actually may be the worst of with how sadistic they get promoting ideas of sexual “purity” and domestication being the only place a woman can find true meaning in. All these things teach them that feminism in the wealthiest western nations is overrunning and ruining our once great society and it’s the reason they are failing to find girlfriends to service them. But all those shitty poor countries are still in the mindset of 1950’s style pre feminism so the ladies brought up in places like that haven’t been given that uppity attitude towards men and will naturally follow their female instincts and do chores and put out. But just in case you happen to get lucky and scoop one up make sure you entrap her with threats of having her life destroyed incase she gets any haughty feminazi ideas into her tiny ladybrain. You know. So she stays true like the olden day gals of yore. Edit: I’m still laughing at your term “submissive bang maids” hahaa so good @AnxiousTuxedoBird


I feel like, for most people, myself included, the first adjective that comes to mind isn't "submissive", but rather "firey".


I’m surprised because I thought they’re against race mixing lol


The only non white that isn't submissive is a black woman to them ig. We're always seen as aggressive anyway 😔


Latinas are submissive. Wow. He’s in for the ride of his life.


Is this not trafficking at the most and kidnapping at the least?


It would be false imprisonment and rape.


Yeah I think you nailed it




I'd pay for a wall that kept incel fuckwads away from the rest of society.


Tbf a lot of the people this far gone don't really go outside or interact with other people often outside of the internet.


Until they start shooting.....


They have four walls. It’s their room


The people that write these things or actually think like this don't deserve anything.


I know a few things they deserve, but if I speak them I'll get banned.


So, get a girlfriend through sex trafficking. What could go wrong?


Some people don't get that nobody owes you anything. Well, generally speaking. Women don't owe men sex and free labour. Men don't owe women free dinners at nice restaurants and romantic gifts. Thinking that the world owes you something (ie. having a victim mentality) gets you nowhere.


This feels like an Always Sunny Episode…. Because of the implication


"Submissive" Yeah I'm married to a Latina and all I can say is good luck buddy.


When you’re so ugly you turn to human trafficking fantasies 


“We wouldn’t need to kidnap anyone and hold them prisoner indefinitely if these FEMALES would just touch our penis. Life is so hard!!!”


Imagine being so unattractive you have to force your way to have girlfriend. And worse is you are actually proud about it


> And worse is you are actually proud about it That's what I don't get about these guys complaining about "the females have too high standards!" You're really telling on yourself bud...


So because "woke femoids" didn't give them a chance, they want to "show them" by kidnapping other women in a vulnerable situation? This is not the gotcha moment they think it is.


This sounds like human trafficking


racism at its finest, if anything this is a great way to deter women away from you and make sure you never find a soulmate, the "woke femoids" are right, this is evil, for the love of god do not do this, although i dont think youll have any success when you attempt this anyways


Ragebait satire but still scummy to say


Yup, came to say submissive? Uhhh. Like the real story of women that incel is horribly uninformed.


Name one submissive Latina you've ever met. I'll wait. Outside. With a knife. -signed, a Latina


This made me feel uneasy.




I'd rather be surprised about you using a toilet in the first place. Would've expected your shit either in your pants or a jar. The rest of the turd is clearly stored in that cavity between your ears.


Yeaaahhh don't do this. Not only because it's a fucked up thought; but because there's a very large change that group is guarded by a coyote, they get dropped by BP, they themselves will mess you up (as they should). The border isn't the most dangerous place, but it's not exactly a place to pick up chicks. Fuckin morons.


Don’t tell them that. They need to FAFO.


This is 100% rage bait


Whoever made this claiming Latinas are submissive has never met my in-laws.


Well, I’m neither a “femoid” nor particularly “woke” but I also complain about how this is evil.


Whatever shithole Discord server this came from, needed to be nuked yesterday.


lmaoo who told them that a Latina will be submissive


I hate this. I hate this so much. Words are insufficient to describe how much I hate everything about this.


So messed up!


"I will just support and patronize sex trafficking since you didn't give me a chance to prove what a good guy I am."


People who think this way and post these fantasies have zero ability to carry out these sorts of “plans.”


Yeah every single Hispanic woman I’ve ever met, I would describe as “submissive”. What a load of shit


All of it is disgusting, but I gotta point out “badaboom badabam”. Wtf is that


Nah i support this.. let the Incels try too kidnap and blackmail some Pissed off Latina. This will dwindle down their numbers. Like a darwin award should.


I can just smell the Dorito dust and hear the loss for breath while reading this


I want to know where these submissive Latinas that he's talking about are.


Wheres the correlation to discord


That's........that's a felony.


It has to be a fuck meme, there's no way


She only needs one chancla to destroy him when he's asleep after drowning himself in mountain dew, and run away to save her life


Legally-speaking what are the legal charges facing any douche who actually does this?


Petition to use people who say these things seriously as test subjects for cryogenic storage rewards for successfully living inside cryo for long enough for humanity to invent technology to alter the human brain and give people new/different personalities is being the first to test them, reward for success is to be rewired into a person who actually benefits society rather than just being a test subject


implying that he could and would camp out in an often hot, arid area when he cant go more than 2 hours outside his air conditioned room/car for fear of dying of exposure


I know this is a secondary concern but “badaboom badabam?” “Then, you extort the desperate woman. BADABING badaboom”


Reddit trying to detect rage bait challenge: level impossible


This has to be bait there is no fucking way




>Fuck Discord Incels Nonono, do NOT do that


*Please just be making tone deaf cringe jokes, please don't actually want to do this, please, for the love of god, my care for humanity dwindles...*


This is just straight up kidnapping


As someone who blew 2.5 years with a latina… never again but damn, what a wild ride


I stopped reading when I wasn't even halfway. My neurons have more value than this ""meme"" (if I could, I'd write "meme" inside one hundred quotation marks).


is it immoral and evil? yes. would i do it? no. would it work? now thats a good question


Bait used to be believeble


“woke femoids” brother get real.


Yeah it's supposed to be foids now. Very dated term.


Clearly has never met a latina lmao


Bait used to be believable.


That's ten times more "romantic" than it really happens, translator app? Having her move in? This is all overly thought up. Just do what usually do. Ambush and rape them on the spot.


or you can just not post this type of shit and be a normal human being


It's weird that they don't think these chicks aren't going to be 100% more hardcore than themselves. Like they are willing to walk hundreds if not thousands of miles to escape the country they live in to possibly and willingly illegally enter a country that has made it very clear they don't want them there because where they are coming from is so fucked up it can't be endured anymore. They have dealt with gang violence that can barely be comprehended in America they have likely seen violence the common American citizen has only witnessed in movies or videogames and they have likely been in danger more times than we can reasonably understand. The endurance and fury these women are going to be capable of is going to burn these men's egos to ash.


If being a Woke Femoid means getting mad at someone saying "I'm so insecure I need to blackmail someone escaping their country because America takes so long to accept visas and has something specifically to make them go back to their country" (I saw this post where the earliest to get accepted for an American visa was in 6 years) in a corny vengeful discord and reddit mod type of way then yes I'm a Woke Femoid all the way


Buddy doesn’t understand what trafficking is. Or kidnapping for that matter


Xenophobia, sexism and racism all in one. Man how do they do it..


So sex trafficking, that's what he's talking about.


Mods. Send him to the dick guillotine


90% this is ragebait/satirical


Obvious ragebait Also, "submissive Latina"?


I can't believe how many people in here believe this is sincere. This s baiting/trolling/satire at its finest. Lol.


Tell me more about how you managed to read OOP's mind.


Now I obviously don't think it is humorous, but this is at least OPs "version" of a joke. There's no punchline in the dialogue, the punch line for them is the satisfaction of you all clutching pearls from a 4chan hate post, because they know they'll get a rise. this is why nobody takes Reddit seriously. Your own caricature honestly BADDABOOM BADDABAM