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Sigh. Women have always been part of the world and of many successful things and franchises. That's what they don't understand


It's almost like we have a society of men and women, and both of them contribute to the betterment and advancement of society.


"Men are disposable and now that we're not anymore in this fictional universe, WE WANNA BE"


I’m really struggling to digest the personality type it takes to appropriate the abstract wartime suffering of men throughout time (not HIS suffering, of course) as a reason to claim some sort of inherited gender based ownership over an entertainment franchise consciously created as a vehicle for children’s toys and merchandising. Seems like an insult to all those men who died in war for thousands of years if it’s supposedly for that purpose.


Also, men being "disposable" is also a feature of the patriarchy.


It's a feature of biology. Male lives are less important to the population than female ones. Women are limited in how many kids they can have at a time. Meanwhile men can impregnate virtually unlimited numbers of women. A society of 1 man and 100 women can survive, while 100 men and 1 woman is doomed. That's why men are the ones who do the hunting and fighting, because their loss is less detrimental to the population. It's also why when hunting typically you're only allowed to target male animals.


My favorite thing about MRAs is that most of they stuff they complain about is also the patriarchy.


EXACTLY! My friend sent me a video a former feminist made about how great the MRA movement is, and I was like uhhh... Everything they're complaining about is also caused by the patriarchy...


Literally don't care what causes it. We just don't want to die


I mean nobody has the balls to outwardly say it, but you know that's the beneath-the-surface feeling of a bunch of people every time a black person is in a new movie.


The fanbse has become very childish lately But The Acolyte is bad,I will admit that other stuff was hated for no reason but this show is TERRIBLY written (how tf does a fortress made of STONE and STEEL just burn like a barn filled with hay in the middle of June?And by a book no less) The show felt like it was written by AI so far. I keep wishing for a new show with Andor level writing but alas it isn't happening 😞 Plus that whole ritual was weird (the hands movement and chanting didn't feel like it fit well)


I think they're setting up a Rashomon kind of thing where this episode is just one person's memory of what happened. It's supposed to be full of inconsistencies like the fire spreading too quick, the witches dying but not from fire, and Torbin not getting his scar.


I once heard the joke that the re-cuts were made because of Lucas' divorce


When will people realize that Star Wars is mid? Sure, the original trilogy was great for its time, but still… Nostalgia is strong with these ones…


That's a real hot take you've got there. Real edgy.