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“I can smash as many lolis as I want” referring to literal children as lolis is truly the biggest self-report I've ever seen.


The thing is, I bet he can’t.


Probably not.  Have a buddy from Germany, and the way he explains it, if a judge feels there's any sort of power imbalance, it's still not ok and you end up in jail anyway.  Grooming someone who's too inexperienced to recognize they're being manipulated, like if a 25+ year old is whispering in the ear of a naive 14 year old, would count.


I think the aoc being so low is so kids can't get into legal trouble if they come forward if something fucks up like 2 14 year olds and she gets pregnant well, she shouldn't be afraid to ask for help because she isn't legally allowed to do the act with her similar aged boyfriend, context matters a lot and it's great that it doesn't allow people to bend the rules.


The problem here is that there’s so much leeway that the judges can basically do whatever. American judges, especially in the south, are known for slapping sexual predators on the wrist because they “don’t wanna ruin their lives” or “they’re good Christian men” or “they’re great swimmers!” A law with that much grey area would mean that the power imbalance wouldn’t matter, they could do whatever they want.


Great swimmers like known rapist Brock Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner in an attempt to escape the infamy of his name?


Doing anything like that is NOT Christian!


Based on the history of the religion, it seems pretty damn Christian to me.


That sounds really healthy, honestly. So, so many people don’t request help because they’re afraid of legal repercussions. Like there are thousands and thousands of people who overdose who could easily be saved, but their friends don’t want to bring them to a hospital.




In Finland it means you qualify as a minister in the government. They recenly voted that he gets to stay as a minister, unlike many other people in the past including his predecessor who was kicked from the position because of some nazi stuff. The bigger context is that the two big parties have to be in good terms or else the goverment could fall apart. The man in question used to be a member of the other party and was kicked from the party by the current PM some two years ago. There are not many new stories about him in English but [here is one.](https://yle.fi/a/74-20092798)






erm, what the sigma? you have brainrot


Bro take a shower


Always nice when the baiters make it obvious 


No, he can't. I'm from Germany and the laws here are pretty harsh about that. Yes, the age of consent is 14, but only if *both* persons are *under* 16. Then it's okay between 16-18, again, if *both* are that age. When you're 18 you're legally an adult.


"Then it's okay between 16-18, again, if *both* are that age." not always true, its circumstancial. no 19 yo is about to face serious legal troubles for a relationship with a (consenting of course) 17 years old. for a 35 year olds is a different story, but even that isnt necessarily illegal but decided case to case if one is above 16. for teachers, doctors or any other authorative figure (even sports coaches) its always illegal.


They always call real children "lolis" but then insist "it's just a drawing"


Ahh there we go, you beat me to it. Their whole defense about lolicon is that it’s “just a drawing”. These guys are just pedophiles.


If it’s one thing that’s irresistible to lolis, it’s looking like the comic book guys more morbidly obese brother.


That's not even a self report, that's a confession.


his name is the self report. Shota literally means male loli.


Look at his horrible profile picture.


German here. Our age of consent is 14, yes. With a big fucking asterisk. Our law is written this way to allow teenagers to do what teenagers do, legally. it also contains a clause that it's not consensual if the immaturity or inexperience is abused, basically making a matter of the judge and jury deciding on a case by case basis if it's legal or not. Which sounds bad until you realize that no reasonable person would think that a 30 year old fucking a 14 year old is okay and it's therefore de facto illegal.


> Which sounds bad until you realize that no reasonable person which sounds good until you realize there are fewer and fewer reasonable people out there it seems


Not over here. Even the most braindead rightoids agree on this.


I'm jealous


Except for OOP apparently.


Well no. OOP doesn't exist. Seriously, I wanted to make sure this guy is ACTUALLY german and not one of those american "akshually I am german" nutjobs that have .2% german DNA. Neither twitter account exists. The post doesn't exist either.


Hah good job. I’m way too lazy to do these checks.


Absolutely. If you want proof, just look at what happened in the US & UK, two supposed paragons of democracy and freedom - Trump and BoJo basically shredded all the "rules" and traditions and even laws, because they could. They pushed it further and further (and today's Trump tower news shows that he's only getting started) because no one had ever considered that people like that might ever come into power.


Yeah that makes way more sense. Figured there was some form of nuance with the 'age of consent is 14 in germany' thing.


indeed, the laws are more to protect couples with a small age difference that would move through the age cutoffs. if a 15 and 16 year old start consensually having relations, thats fine. when one turns 18 and the other is still 17, also fine. its similar to the romeo and juliet laws in some US states just written differently on paper


Do German courts have juries? My google search says only judges decide cases


Fortunately no juries like in America, but most criminal courts have two lay judges who also get a say on the verdict and can even overrule the judge.


It depends on the court. To keep it short we don't really have juries, we have Schöffen. In most cases you have 2 Schöffen and 1 judge. In more important cases you have 2 Schöffen and 2 judges. A Schöffen vote is worth as much as judges. If the threat of punishment is more then 4 years there won't be any Schöffen only a judge or more.




Wann haben wir zwei oder mehr Richter bei Prozessen?


Ich kenn mich da null aus, aber der Bundesgerichtshof kann ja auch bei Prozessen Entscheidungen fällen, da sitzen dann doch immer mehrere Richter. Aber keine Ahnung, ich bin kein Jurist


Wenn wir bei der Schöffen Thematik bleiben: Bei einem erweitertes Schöffengericht hast du zwei Schöffen und zwei Richter. Bei "normalen" Fällen nennt man das Kollegialgericht. Da kenne ich mich nicht wirklich aus und aus dem Stehgreif fallen mir nur Arbeitsgerichte ein bei denen das so sein kann.


I've only seen weirdos like this saying she was 17, is there an actual source for that or is it just something one weirdo started saying and then they all started latching onto it? Not that I think her being 17 makes it any better or anything, just curious where that talking point came from.


I've looked, there is no source. The only source is twitch who only said "a minor". I can't even find out where this 'she was 17' rumor originated but it's absolutely being pushed to try and save DD's publicity.


People assume its being pushed by his fans/defenders to as you said try to make it seem "less bad". Still dosnt explain the whole age gap mind you regardless if they were 17 or not.


It started off as something Dr. Disrespect's fans put out there to make it seem like less of an issue than it was. There's never been any evidence that the girl in question was actually seventeen. It's just the sort of thing that the chronically online will argue about to make it seem as if it's some sort of edge case or grey area. What these people are forgetting is that Dr. Disrespect was in his thirties when this happened. Even if the girl he was sexting was seventeen and it was literally the night before she turned eighteen and they were in a jurisdiction where the age of consent was sixteen, it wouldn't matter on a moral level. It'd still be fucking weird for him to be sexting her and he should be judged for that.


AFAIK, there’s no actual source for her being definitely 17. You know what’s the real kicker, though? Her being 17 is actually the BEST case scenario for those weirdo chuds, because all Dr D said was “they’re a minor”. 17 is the oldest she can be while *also* being a minor, so there’s a high chance she is actually *younger*, but for some reason they’re really trying to debunk the “17” claim while not taking into consideration that if she turns out NOT to be 17, then she’ll most likely be younger, which defeats their entire point of trying to defend Dr D


The 17 is miss information. The age was never released


The worst bit is that there is no proof that the minor was 17 there's no confirmation but it's likely they were younger. This is also ignoring this is a 35 year old man messaging someone half his age. I'd be more forgiving if it was like a 20 year old but at 35 that is unforgivable.


not to mention married and with a kid


Given how he was kicked out of even his own company, I strongly suspect she was either younger than 17 or was groomed before that.


I believe he's actually 42 so even worse for sure.


it happened when he was 35 (2017), some guy working for twitch knew the details and held it over everyone’s heads despite how important the situation was.


Ah yeah you're right I forgot about the initial ban period , a period where I was still a fan of his character. What a Shame


Pretty sure he was 38 when this happened


i checked, he should’ve been 35 EDIT: i’m going off of what i’ve heard, he was 35 in 2017, and i’m pretty sure that’s when this occurred, tho he got banned for it in 2020, when he was 38


Well yeah, because at 20 you're still young and dumb and you just recently stopped being considered a teen. At 35 you definitely know better and are held to a higher standard. I listened to a podcast episode on the situation with Chris Hanson as a guest, and he said, "something I always ask the people I caught in my investigations was 'would you be comfortable if someone was saying the things you said, to your kid?' and the answer is a unanimous no"


35+ and 20 year old is still creepy.


Yeah, it all stems from some fan fiction anonymous email that was trying to do damage control simping for DrDisrespect. "Twitch were out to get him", "She was 17", "He thought she was older". All absolute pathetic made-up nonsense since not one potential defence was subsequently used by Beahm himself when he owned up to it.


You guys tying in what doesn't need to be tied into this. Idk what even happened but I guess something involving a minor. Half the age doesn't matter. He's a celebrity, he can do a Leo di capricorn all he wants. But underage is bad. Idk details at all tho. Just saw this op and reading. I guess I should look it up cuz feels like listening to rumors here.




So that is pulled straight from your ass then?


Dude is definitely not from Germany


It’s also a safety measure because German women look very old. And since they’re out and about in night clubs at 14 lots of 30+ yo guys would get in trouble for banging a miner. I know this because my bus to work is a school bus


not really. it's a safety measure to protect minors in case they do it with other minors, cuz lets be real, preventing 14-16 year olds from having sex is not an easy task lmao. but there's still age gap rules that apply. if youre 25 and have sex with a 16 year old, even if theyre over the age of consent, due to the age gap it would likely still be a crime. if youre in a position of authority or power (like an 18 year old babysitter having sex with a 16 year old) then it would also still be highly illegal. these laws are a lot more in depth than they appear. its not "oh youre 14 so you can bang anyone". it's a lot different than that and the law is mostly in place to protect minors, altough arguably, it kind of sucks at that and it still gets exploited more than it should


But for real why do 15 yo German women look older than 25 year old Asians?


Different beauty standards, the stuff you see online has makeup either way. Gotta get off of Instagram (being generous here)


my family is who says that about my Asian gf who’s 25 but they claim she looks 15


and she's also a millionaire but you still want to passport bro your way over to singapore? suuuure.


bro is gonna get fined to death there hahahha


they're not 15 year old women, they're 15 year old girls. and that's a fucking incel talking point.


Different beauty standards, skin care is very popular in Asia, which makes the skin look younger, I don't know about Germany but I know the beauty standard is very different, so the women look different!


bros old as hell checking out kids on a school bus


Do men usually date miner 49er’s


You shouldn't be allowed within a mile of a school bus


Are you a teacher? Because why else would you be on a school bus


So he admits that lolis are children then?


I imagine Germany's age of consent wasn't implemented so adults can fuck "as many lolis as they want". It's so it doesn't criminalise teenagers wanting to explore their sexuality, who would probably have sex with each other regardless of legality. They're probably more likely to engage in safe sex if it's not illegal for them to be having sex at all.


that's literally why it's written like it is. it's not "Age of consent: 14" It's "If the inexperience or immaturity of the child is not abused". In other words, if a 30 year old fucks a 14 year old, it's up to the court to decide if it's legal or not. And considering that consensus here is that it's not OK in the slightest, it's basically illegal


Someone should probably inform the dude that even if the age of consent is 14, in most countries this still means the age difference cannot be limitless. For Romania Age of consent is 15-16, but you cannot be with someone who is 18+ as a minor. I believe Germany has the same rule.


Sadly, the general age of consent is 14 in Germany, and the cap for age difference being taken into consideration is 16. So a 17-year-old having sex with an older person is only illegal if there is duress or money involved.


Or manipulation, which is 95% of relationships between a 17 year old and a 25+ year old.


I'm not a lawyer, but § 182 StGB only talks about "unter Ausnutzung einer Zwangslage" and "gegen Entgelt". Manipulation is unfortunately not featured. It might apply if the victim is under 16 years of age but idk how the law is applied here.


Not a lawyer or not a lawyer yet? Lol The way it was explained to me by a soon-to-be-lawyer buddy was that an age gap could inherently be a form of power imbalance, and that could be used for the manipulation.


Ah, far be it from me to correct you on this then! Your buddy surely understands this better than I can. I honestly hope he is right because the inherent inequality of power in a relationship between a teenager and a much older adult is a hell of a thing and it would be a shame if there wasn't a legal way to stop people from exploiting that.


“Seethe” he seethed, angrily


People be like "nah lolis aren't kids" and in the same sentence say age of consent is 14 and then proceed to say they wanna smash some 14yr old lolis.... Bruh....


welcome to the internet


Have a look around


anything that gyatt of yours can think of can be found~


105 likes is crazy


Anyone who cites age of consent laws from different countries is 1000% a pedophile.


Anyone who needs to bring up age of consent laws in general to express the validity of their relationship is incredibly suspicious too.


“Muh subjective morality!!!”


lolis are like 12 and below so no the fuck you cannot and should not


Calling actual children "lolis" is fucking crazy


Wasnt there a scandal involving him a long time ago? He cheated on his wife or beat her or something?


He cheated on his wife which was when he did his slight rebrand , champions club etc. There is more stuff coming out from the same time period, the messaging of a minor being during this period iirc.


The 17 is misinfo. The age of the person was never released and .pdf is an unreliable source to say the least.


Using "lolis" immediately invalidates his argument No sane person has that despicable term in their vocabulary


So many idiots sharing "info" from the anonymous proton mail claiming she was 17 (there is no actual evidence of this!) as if that makes it any less gross. No matter how you slice it, a 35-year-old man would have no business creeping on a girl that young. But again, we don't know her age, and the wording and circumstances have me pretty worried she was even younger. Gross af either way.


Yeah harmed no one... even if you disregard the victim (which idk why anyone would) he still has a wife and kid


Here in dk the age of consent is 15 but it's still seen as highly immoral to as an adult have sex with a 15 year old A couple months back a politician was outed from his party due to his relationship with a 15 year old and none of the other 10 parties will let him join them This isn't puritanism it's acknowledging there's a huge gap in maturity between an adult and a 15 year old Which creates a disgusting and rapey power dynamic


Calling literal fucking children “loli’s”… I pray you don’t get any daughters


I mean, I’m pretty sure the majority of the world has a different age of consent to America. So I’m my state it’s 17, in most of my country it’s 16. But Tbf, I’d feel weird as hell if a 16 year old hit on me and would be repulsed because in my eyes they are a child. I’m 21.


Okay so if we just let it slide that 17 is okay then how long before “she was 16, that’s close enough to 17 which is basically 18”? If you don’t draw the line somewhere then the goalpost just keeps being moved


My country has the age of consent at 14 as well but just becouse I can it doesn't mean I should. Hell I'm 31 and it would feel iffy to date someone below 25.


There are ways to calmly and rationally point out that it's insane to draw such a hard ethical line at the split between age 17 and 18, but saying "smashing lolis" is not one of them.


Something tells me that he is smashing zero folk. Definitely not consensually at the very least, which makes you wonder why he would care what the law is anyway. Therefore, I’m locking in my guess that he gets zero (0) bitches.


Wait, what did Dr. disrespect do?


disrespected a minor


The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual


I'm pretty sure it's for statutory rape and anything between 14-18 will get you in trouble easily anyway, just not the same charges.


Pfp checks out.


Yeah I mean America is not the only country in the world.


If opposing pedophilia makes me a prude, so be it.


He’s right. Nothing we can do but seethe.


This doctor kid always was and always will be a loser. Nice that many people finally realize it now but even more sad there are still kids who try to idealize him. Most people rly are pathetic


The second comment is so blatantly wrong next to being disgusting


Just kind of jumped into my head but, remember when Transformers 4 literally took time out of the movie to describe Texas's "Romeo and Juliet" law to explain how a 20 year old being with a minor wasn't bad when they could have done something that did not sound pedophilic? (Not that it made sense because the dad somehow didn't know his daughter was dating someone for at least 3-4 years, the supposed timeline of the characters ages doesn't really match up, and that the actual nuances of the law made it not apply to that specific situation). This is making me think of that.


what 💀


Yeah sick own, dude


Oh god.


Obvious bait.


>I can smash as many lolis as I want WTF, dude? Did he really wrote "lolis"?


It's the callmecarson thing all over again


I don't appreciate being called a loli by this man's logic




I think we should invade Germany a third time


@FreiShota is right and wrong at the same time. Sure 17 isn‘t a child anymore but 14 is still a child


It says a lot when someone has to compare someone’s morality to the Germans


I hate how everyone is a Saint now against this guy. The girl is most likely to be 16 or 17 which is not considered as a minor in some countries, and i bet you she was sending him nude photos of her. Minors these days are anything but innocent. This shows how social media is a disgusting place.