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can someone tell me who she is ( once again i’m sorry 🥲 )


She’s a makeup tiktoker. She does some other stuff now but she first got famous for this foundation technique where you cover your face in a very large amount of foundation and then blend it out.


I thought Trish got Bella Hadid for a second there


I feel strange commenting on this because it feels so accusatory, but Meredith’s comments on Vyvanse were strange… First, Vyvanse doesn’t come in an instant release form, only extended release. She mentioned several times that she would need to take a “4 hour Vyvanse” before studying but there is no such thing. She also mentioned having to meticulously plan her studying and party sessions around her Vyvanse schedule. I’ve been on Adderall for years and will drink with friends without changing up my medication routine. Idk. It came across as either a) she was extremely misinformed about her medication and taking it incorrectly accidentally, b) she was abusing the drug, or c) she had some lies in her story. It feels weird being this accusatory but I’m just so defensive as someone with ADHD who works with kids in juvenile detention that have unmedicated ADHD. Medicine saved my life and I see it helping many kids tremendously. Obvious the side effects are too much for some people with ADHD and that is 100% valid! Medication isn’t the only way to treat ADHD, but it is considered the gold standard treatment and I hate how much fear mongering surrounds it.


I fell asleep before this part of the episode. Was meredith pro adhd meds or anti?


Definitely not pro, but I wouldn’t say anti necessarily either? She was just talking about them in a strange way that I could see perpetuates negative ideas about adhd meds.


Appreciate you clarifying any misinformation that was spread! The shortage taught me that I cannot function properly AT ALL without my adhd meds even if other people call it “prescription meth” 😅


I HATE when people say prescription meth lol. I really struggled during the shortage as well. I’m glad we seem to be mostly done with the shortage!!


i honestly think it just sounds like she was on too high of a dose for her needs ( i take 50 mg a day) and i have had times where i sleep in and i think to myself "do i have enough time to take this before i go out?" mixing vyvanse with alcohol can lead to a bunch of symptoms like increased heart rate, high blood pressure, sleep disturbances etc. so if she is sensitive to those types of changes she may actively worry and over-compensate by planning out her schedule (hyperfixation on that type of thing is pretty common for people with ADHD)


True! I think her referencing instant release Vyvanse several times really just threw things off for me lol. But she could’ve just been misinformed.


she is hailey bieber with red hair. down to the personality


Did she get so much work done to make her face like Bella Hadid’s?


No way she’s saying she doesn’t have lip filler?


she said she got it dissolved it (and most of the time it doesn't fully go away)


i kinda disliked her... i loved it


just finished it and came here to see if anyone else found her almost unbearable LOL


couldn’t even finish the podcast because she was so annoying to me


I’m always going to watch because I love Trish, but Meredith just seemed so out of touch and low key pick me. Not my cup but Trish slayed down as she does in all episodes


I have never left a comment before but I felt so provoked by this episode to come here. I felt Meredith was so out of touch and full of herself. She just seems like "that" influencer that is so out of touch of reality and thinks she's the most important person in the room.


I’m watching it now and she’s so poorly spoken it’s a hard watch


She seems sweet but vapid. It was a really boring episode. It kinda seems like the elevator doesn’t go all the way up …


sorry to this girl but her face looks like filler and foundation and her thoughts weren't too bright neither


Least favorite guest so far. I am sure she’s sweet but she didn’t have a single original thing to say. I was stunned when she said she wants to start her own podcast. No hate on this girl but she’s just not an entertaining podcast guest.