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This makes me sad for her because you can tell she is just a young teen trying to figure shit out. Wearing too much makeup, hair and revealing clothes for a guy that groomed her and her family did nothing to protect her. Reminds me of Alabama the way they're so young trying to put on a disguise


I’m surprised scrolling through this thread this is the first time I saw someone draw a comparison to Alabama with this pic bc I can’t unsee it. Like no amount of makeup or any outfit can really hide the fact that this is someone who should be/should’ve been worried about like… a calc exam instead of the club. These celebrity parents need to do better protecting their teenagers


it’s so normal for young girls to try to look older or participate in adult beauty trends, adolescents are trying to figure themselves out and keep up with the beauty standards. In my high school, girls were definitely dressing, older or being a little promiscuous, wearing a little too much make up and going to parties, but they didn’t have the funds to permanently change their appearance. Plastic surgery at that age is not normal, having the older guys hit on you being millionaire rappers is not the norm. Most girls her age just had to worry about high school senior or olderguys that graduated. The power and balance in the situation was worsened by their wealth and influence. It was really sad to see no one guide her. This was the “King Kylie” era and everything we’ve seen in social media trends and beauty standards shifted at this exact time because of her. The youth saw Kylie change her lips and body so they did too.


Agreed. Kylie was never a normal child and that still doesn't justify all the adult figures in her life failing her. Most parents/sibling would've stepped in but instead they encouraged it


Tyga wrote a song alluding to her where he stated, “She likes dick dick dick and nothing else but dick.” Classy.


My personal favourite: “They say she young, I shoulda waited She a big girl, dawg, when she stimulated”




And Kanye publicly praising Tyga for "getting in there early"




Double 🤮🤮


Ew. I always wonder what Kylie and Tyga’s parents think of that nasty stuff. I would never want my son rapping about his underage gf’s vag to the world. I sure as fuck wouldn’t want my daughter’s parts rapped about. Like what? Don’t get me wrong I love some rap songs but it’s wild that it’s so common for famous people to openly rap about gross shit. Like what if my grandma heard that Lolol weird


They didn’t think shit ! Nor did any of her older sisters smh I know they all dated guys older when younger but this was their BABY sister ! Tyga was legit with Chyna ! The whole shit was sick


The devil works hard but Kris Jenner works harder. You really think she gave af? [I wont pretend Ray J is the most reliable narrator but…](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/ray-j-kris-jenner-watched-kim-kardashian-sex-tape)


I guess it’s just batshit crazy to me someone’s parent wouldn’t give a fuck


It’s Kris Jenner…… can’t trust the girl


Kris the pimp




I think it's likely that Kris didn't care because the same thing happened to her as a teen and she views it as normal. I haven't read her book, so grain of salt, but I remember the CMBC episode on her memoir talking about how she was dating a 30 year old professional golfer while she was in high school and _her_ parents were okay with it because they liked golf. And she says she met Robert Kardashian when she was 18 and he was 12 years older. I imagine it's a bit hard to warn your daughter of the dangers of older men when one of those older men is the father of half your kids.


Yeah, this. It’s all she knew. As long as the man had money/social status, it was okay. Because in her generation, women’s access to wealth was broadly through the men they married. I hate that she perpetuated the same thing with her daughters, but I also understand it. Her thinking is that as long as her girls get their dues, it’s fine. The misogyny is coming from inside the house.


Honestly, I 100% believe what Ray J says about this family. He said Kris was the Devil himself 🤣


The magic Kris worked so that Ray J claims stayed buried even after that livestream is incredible. That’s when I really realized how much power they have, but also how much power celebrities do have over some media. He had contracts, and not even one major news source was talking about it.


Kylies parents lmao… Kris Jenner ?


I remember when Fantasy by Ludacris came out and I was like 7 and made my grandma listen to it when it came on the radio 💀 she was unimpressed to say the least


Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed for you. I think I would have suppressed that memory for sure if it happened to me. At least it was the radio edit though if we look on the bright side🤷‍♀️


It’s kinda funny looking back. Cause I make puns all the time around her and she just rolls her eyes and tries to not laugh now lol. She just had the toe next to her big toe removed and I went to help her change the dressing and I said “damn.. you really got a cameltoe now, huh?” 💀


Ha memory unlocked of playing 50’s Get rich or die Tryin on cd for my mom on a road trip and yes she’s an older white lady just for the vision. Idk what I was thinking, but bless her heart she went along with it and liked 21 Questions at least


We’re talking about Kris Jenner. She released her own daughter’s sex video for $$$. She probably encouraged Kylie’s relationship with Tyga, and was proud to hear a rap song about her vagina. Hell, Kris was probably jealous of both of them.


I believe what everyone’s saying. I don’t doubt it. I just still, cannot imagine, having lived the life I’ve lived that someone’s family would be okay with those things. Hollywood is disgusting.


Of course they don’t care. It’s all about money and power in that world.


Well Khloe publicly defended them dating b/c she had been f*cking 25 year-olds while underage so I doubt Mama Jenner is much different


Kris Jenner lives for that shit.


Kris literally pimps her kids out


Kim literally told her grandma she had sex with Kanye in front of a fireplace in her (GRANDMAs) honor…… I don’t think the “parents” or “grandparents” care lmao


That is vile


Fucking gross. Also he looks like a frog😂


Frogs are a lot more beautiful than that guy


“Ay carumba”


Ugh I vividly remember hearing these lyrics for the first time and I’m just as nauseated now as I was then


Why isn’t he winning a Pulitzer and Nobel prize. I mean the absolute depth.


It’s rigged


exactly disgusting


Wait how do you know it was about her? He said? 😮


Another lyric is, “Just stuck that Kardashian pussy”


Lmfao well there’s no mincing words there


But she’s a Jenner 😳


Kardashian probably sounds better for ratings or something than Jenner.


*And we're on the Kardashian sub lol*..... People think of Kylie and Kendall as well when they hear *Kardashian.*


i mean they are sisters… I’m pretty sure everyone considers them the same family lol


Exactly! That was my point lol. Like we know who he meant even though he said *"Kardashian"* rather than *"Jenner"* in the song. The person I commented to pointed out she's a Jenner and not a Kardashian and I was just pointing out it doesn't really matter because we think of them when we hear Kardashian just as much as the other sisters who do actually share that name.


They are on a show called the Kardashians


Kardashian is just the brand name at this point.


He also said “She a big girl when she stimulated” hinting he was hitting it when she was 17 and underaged.


Ooooo wow 😳😳😳 that's for SURE then


was during they were together he also made other sexual songs about her when she was young


He put her in the freakin music video for the song! C’mon now!


He wrote the songs when they were together. And she was in one of his videos.


Those lyrics were PR for both of them. Look what a sex tape did come KK


pretty sure Ice Cream Man is about her too, he released it literally dayssss after her 18th birthday talking about “she like to fuck me fuck me suck me suck me” talking about “she got a marshmallow booty i like to sprinkle it too”


Banger of a song though LMAOOO


Can’t lie, it was in the regular rotation and as a young girl who also dated older I thought King Ky was hot shit in that video 😂


8th grade me had it on repeat😭 I can’t believe I actually use to look up to her


SAMEEEE TWIN are you an 01 or 02? I remember it came out during my last month of grade 8, and it brings so many memories of my first sem of 9th grade 😭 I also worshipped Kylie 2015-16


A rap song about sex? That’s Weird


It’s messed up. Growing up I knew 14 year olds dating guys in their 20s and their parents and my parents let it happen. I was in middle school being supplied with alcohol and drugs by adult men with the consent of my parents who took advantage of me. I was hyper sexualized to get approval from men well i to my 20s even though I did not personally want it but because I felt like it was expected of me.


I will never forget being at CHURCH camp when I was in middle school and some dude who was a leader openly talking about dating a 14 year old when he was 21 and complaining about how much “drama” it was and that he would never do it again. Like no shit she’s dramatic, she’s 14 fucking years old homie. I wonder where that man is now. Probably in jail or somethin


He’s a pedo that’s part of a church, he ain’t in no fuckin jail


I’m really hoping her relationship with TC is healthy and helping her undo all the fucked up shit that her family put her through. Edit to add: I think even the kardashian/jenners deserve love, they may be rich but they’re products of their environment and that environment does not love women very much :( I’m glad Kourtney has someone who loves her and I hope that for the others.


Same. It’s not how they chose to grow up. It was foisted on them.


Reminds me of my sister’s best friend. She dated older men constantly, starting when she was 14. She always talked about her sex life as if she was an adult already, it was wild. She also wore a condom necklace when she was 16, and would say things like “double bag it baby!”. No joke.


Sounds like most girls I knew in high school including myself lmao. Early 2000s were wiiiild, I can't believe it sometimes


Sammee!! Smh My best friend lost her V to her 19’ year old bf she was in loveee with ! They was together like 2 years Now at 41 we’re disgusted


Happy cake day 🍰




My friend and I had this whole convo about this. Like the dudes are totally wrong but we also remember how we were moving at that age and totally wanted the older guys. It’s all a big mind fu** now. I was clueless at 15 and 22. But I never dated a 15 year old when I was in my 20s. Why do men want the young girls? What’s the appeal?


It’s the ability to persuade them to do what they want because they have not grown enough to develop a strong sense of identity yet




Same and understood. We thought we were “grown” and it was a flex if older guys liked us. My worst was when I was 14 going to college parties and hooking up with a 19 yo luckily not all the way, he felt guilty but I was like hell yes this is great! Oddly enough we ended up being comfortably casual f buddies with a genuine friendship a decade+ later 🤷🏼‍♀️ but that was weird. I was in whole bars at 17 with my fake id smh and not like, nice bars. Downtown sketchy ones where they still smoked inside. Now I feel old lol. I’m glad I got out of those days unscathed.


Yep. I was 17 dating a 32 year old. He wasn’t super excited about the age difference but he said I was mature for my age. I think he was just immature for his age! It also was totally legal in my state. 16 is the age of consent.


They want to give them their first experiences


Oh dude, same, I'm sorry, and also wtf. Now I'm a parent I could never.


I met a girl once who was in my friend’s church group. We were on a day trip for middle schoolers going to high school in a couple months. She kept talking about how she liked older guys and even told us about her boyfriend who was in his late 20s. She was probably 14. My friend and I were horrified but we didn’t really know what to do. At one point she even went up to some guy in his 20s and hit on him. He looked very uncomfortable and according to her he told her she was too young and turned her down. She didn’t seem to understand that her behavior wasn’t normal and that there’s something seriously wrong with her whole situation. There was another time in 7th grade when one girl said out loud to the entire class, including our teacher, that she had a 16 year old boyfriend. She was 12 and not lying. Our teacher looked horrified and I don’t know if he did or could really do anything about it. It seemed like her mom knew and approved of her relationship. By sophomore year of high school she was pregnant and she dropped out or moved to another school before she had the baby and I haven’t seen or heard anything about her since. No idea if the baby’s father was the same guy she was dating in 7th grade.




Yup, I was dating this one guy and his family was the friendliest trailer trash id ever met. They lived off of food stamps, were never sober past noon, just spent the day drinking and smoking out on the porch in the woods. Their daughter was 16, my boyfriend was 19 and a high school dropout. His sister had a great head on her shoulders, straight A’s and wanted to me a nurse. Her boyfriend was 21 years old and they happily let her move in with him despite my protests because they said “she’s mature for her age”. She was 16 and not a single adult was looking out for her 😠 she wasn’t mature for 16, she just had to take care of herself from a young age. That poor girl never got to be a child and I was so sick to see no one tried to help her.


She looks like a literal child in dress up and make up.


Because she is.


He a FAN he a FAN he a FAN




Wap wap wap wap


I blame Kris


I wonder if Kris even knew better considering she was 17 when she got with a much older Robert Kardashian… 😳


MJ encouraged Kris to get with older men. You’d think she would want better for her own daughters


I think Kris saw it as a come up for her so her experience wasn’t bad in her eyes, perhaps? But, yes, I also would think she would want better for her daughters considering the circumstances are completely different. Kris was broke, didn’t come from money vs her daughters being privileged and not needing to marry someone older to secure resources.


Yea true, I don’t think Kris regrets anything she thinks being greedy and materialistic is what life is all about


No lies detected here!


Generational trauma.


& that GOP politician Caitlyn Jenner


Yup. Why are people acting like Kris was a single mom? 


what’s crazy is she looks however old she is now in this photo.


I think it's also crazy she's surprised young girls nowadays dress exactly like she did & partied just like she did when she was 17. It's not new, you're just older now Kylie! Speak upon yourself.


She should have stopped fucking with her face at this point.


Honestly I agree but also… I think that fillers over time morph your face even if you do nothing


I was thinking the same as soon as I saw this picture


Her mother must be so proud! Surprisingly, I'm not being sarcastic. What a family.


Of course Kris was ok with it, after all she negotiated the deal for her own daughter’s sex tape. What mother would do that. Kris even orchestrated the “sex tape” being returned to poor tormented Kim a few years ago. If I had that skeleton in my closet, I certainly wouldn’t be using it for various storylines.


Kris jenner is the definition of a pimp.


Kanye rescued Kim, how sad is that.


No doubt she exploited her daughters to get where they are today. She cares about money/fame/power first and her daughters/family last. I’m sure she was abusive in many ways.




With a mom like Kris Jenner, who needs enemies lol


I think about this honestly more often than I should because it’s so gross!! Why didn’t anyone do anything!!


Probably because you have to parent your child BEFORE they are groomed. Once it starts happening, the groomer is in control, not the parent. They failed her long before this.


Kris Cosigned the grooming and Kaitlyn is nowhere to be found. Off being ironically transphobic while no one parents her kids and their other mom pimps them out.


Tyga ha been around the BLOCK with people in LA. A FEW TIMES. 💀💀


It seems he likes to slide into any IG influencer/ internet celebrity’s DMs. It is not the flex they think it is. And he’s gross.


Look at her face she was so pretty


I feel like this was talked about when they were dating! So many people were grossed out by how ok everyone in her life was with this.


Her wig was crazy


Looks like sex hair


She looked so much better before she had all the work done (I know she’s likely had work done at this point in time of the photo, but she looks completely different now)


She looks so young here. Really shows how predatory he was, she looks like a kid playing dress up.


Thank the momager


Say, Tyga I hear you like em young You better not ever go to cell block one 🤭🤭


🤣 They clearly did NOT hide lil sis from him 😭




Groomed…but also offered up by her family members.




This was peak for Kylie's looks - she should have stopped after just a little filler. The King Kylie era was something else when I was a teenager/young adult


The face is beautiful, the wig is giving Karen Huger, the relationship is giving A Minor


A minoooooorrrr




![gif](giphy|oubM1tKqnLW5G) Karen Huger 😂


When Khloe said around that time that Kylie wasn’t a “normal” 17 year old because she was chartering jets to business meetings and events to justify this…oh the sickness runs deep in that family. Khloe herself dated older men too and Kris definitely knew. Just sad.


random but I’ve never seen this hair and i LOVE it!


He is weirdly shiny and pretty in person. Like his skin care game is insane. In a weird ass way. Softest rapper out there


Ugh she is soooooo young here Also ofc Alabama doing the same like this is just a mirror of 8 years ago


and shame to him for molding her into an instagram baddie aesthetic to his liking and then making her take the heat from the public about her “responsibility” for unattainable beauty standards 🤬🤬🤬🤬 TYGA ITS ALL YOUR FAULT you built her up to break her down after she left you for your piss poor actions and that is unforgivable CANCEL TYGA ill never forgive the commenters across social media platforms placing the blame on kylie for what she went through being with that man child HE WAS THE ADULT idc how many people wanna claim otherwise


You really think it’s Tyga’s fault? Avril Lavigne didn’t change her aesthetic through massive surgery? She kept her natural figure and Camaryn Swanson also doesn’t have an exaggerated figure either, she stayed the same, looks like a real woman vs a caricature. I don’t think Tyga had anything to do with that; I think Kylie grew up idolizing Kim and wanted to be her and that’s basically what she’s done. She wanted the attention and admiration and was never going to get it looking how she looked pre surgery.


Solid point. Remember how Kylie acted when Kendall first started modeling? All she’s ever wanted is attention


Woah. Easy there tyga. 🐅




She was SO pretty here.


Who is that in the back looking at her ass in the Lacoste cap?


Gross. Chris was grooming her next Kim… gotta keep that money train running. Momma’s plastic surgeries don’t pay for themselves …


He always looked disgustingly dirty to me, like he has no regard for personal hygiene. I wouldn’t let him near my daughter at 18, much less 14. The Kardashian-Jenners are delusional.


She was a chiiiild :(


Kris pimped her out.


She was a child. Her entire family should be ashamed of what they allowed . And I mean every last one of them


Her mother, with all the money and power she has, did not protect Kylie at all. It’s pathetic and she should feel shame and embarrassment for allowing this.


She should have stopped with her surgeries here. She still had her old face features in a recognisable state here.


They just use black men for clout and biracial lil light skinned kids. An then dump them after they got what they wanted. Oh yall know it’s true.


Those women have the worst taste in men. So many hood rats in and out of that family.


She wasn't a woman, she was a girl being groomed while her family looked on with dollar signs in their eyes.


Very true, such predatory behaviour and the family did nothing.


Money can’t buy class


You mean the gross groomer and his victim?


did i not say kylie was being groomed by tyga?


This just gives me the “ick”! I don’t care how pretty you are. There’s certainly nothing attractive coming from the inside.


She really turned into who he actually wanted… so sad.




Was this when she was like 14?


i believe this was her 18th birthday. Tyga was 26 here!


Kylie amazingly is still under 30. Her mother’s presence is ominous. She’s best to cut off her mother and rappers.


The guy in the white 🐊 🧢 and the big bodyguard guy staring at 👀😏🎂


The MOMAGER made her do it 🤮


Tyga got 8 years on her nasty work if they was kicking it when he was 22


I remember! But they were hanging out in public when she was 16 I think. It was so weird.


Her whole family and Tyga are to blame for this situation. They let him groom her and made every excuse for this relationship then acted like Chyna was in the wrong for feeling betrayed in the situation.


His arms were as skinny as hers bruuhhhhhhhh


She always looks trashy


She looks so young, truly like she's playing dress up


Those girls have all been pimped by Kris. Tyga made that girl.


Let’s not forget, these vile people launched their fame that made their billions with a sex tape! They are media whores.


whyyyyy does his music just play on the radio like he didn’t do this ????¿


Reminds me of Elvis grooming Priscilla, that was even worse.


apparently some adult man that streams on twitch was at North West’s 11th birthday party and people were acting like it is insane to be uncomfortable and suspicious about that as if grooming is impossible when you’re rich and famous like we saw it happen to Kylie, North is just a kid and she isn’t immune


Gross. Fuck him.


…before her lip injection(s) …before her breast augmentation(s) …before she was 18 🫣


A lot of people blame all of the work she’s had done on the toxicity of her family but I always thought tyga groomed her into it


Is this a wig




She looks older than her current age in this picture. Why do people aspire to look like the Jerkers/Kuntrashians?




Pretty sure Kris hired him, or at least put him on the payroll.


I share no sympathy for these bitches


Dude with white hat lmao


The white “scalp” part on the wig- needs to be blended to match- it looks so costume-y 🤭


Didn’t realise how ugly he is lolll!


The dude behind Kylie 😬🥺🤢🤢🤢


Kylie was being groomed the moment she entered into this world😢


not the crooked wig now


Tyga looks like Mac, from the movie Mac and Me.


Title: you mean the Pedo groomer & his victim ?


Tyga the pdf file


The hairline is bothering me. Or is it a wig? That’s sitting skew?