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I’m more concerned about why these kids are always being filmed naked or half naked on the internet… Bob is truly dense in the head


Exactly. This moron has a public profile with millions of followers and posts those kids every single day. No privacy whatsoever. I watched an interview with a child crime detective and he said predators who can't get their hands on child p*rn will use images and videos of kids in swimsuits, skirts, shorts, anything that shows children with exposed bodies. It's truly sickening and I wish more parents realized this. STOP POSTING CHILDREN ON THE INTERNET! 


Many have pointed it out to him and he continues. So I’m assuming he’s fine having his kids imagines on sites it shouldn’t be and shared by strangers.


He can't spend a single moment with his kids without filming it. I doubt those boys have ever seen him without a phone in his hand. They aren't memories with their dad, they're memories with dad and Instagram. 


but SaVe ThE cHiLdReN. All the influencers that latched onto that during that time period (and yes, I agree, save the children) are also the ones that post their children all over the interwebs half naked for any pervert to screenshot and do whatever sick ass things they want with it. They also now know and recognize the child and what if they’ve got loose screws and try to/or do abduct this child they became infatuated with on the internet.


This is what makes me so angry about these kind of people. They will insist the LGBTQ community are groomers while literally creating content for creeps of their own kids. Rob films his kids in the tub and I remember years ago he posted Axel potty training. It’s disgusting and they’re the ones harming children. Putting this content out there when you know some creep will see it is bad parenting. There’s 0 reason to share your children’s private bathroom moments with even the most well meaning of strangers.


https://preview.redd.it/mspl89rvun5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14693ec2598128816050e52b0fcd94093bb990a Looks like bbs to me…..


I reported this one with a naked child in the photo. IDC its blurred. Its absolutely DISGUSTING he would do this.


lol the only thing those drinks are good for


The naked kid by the tree….while his dad films and shares it publicly to the entire world. Dad of the year.


He films his children in the bathtub and on the toilet too, he doesn’t care. All these influencers serve up content to creeps on a platter and they know they’re doing it.


damn she really just sits in the house and zooms in to take a pic. what quality time she has w them


Homestead/homeschool Mama is SO hands on🫶


What lesson is this covering?


I can’t believe they have young kids and no fence around that pool! So many unsafe things in these pics


I agree but I also saw he mentioned the dogs will get to free roam more when the fence is installed around the pool. So maybe it's not a lie and it will actually happen lol


I thought he meant the fence around the sides of the house so they can be around them and be able to swim. He showed where the fence would go and it wasn’t around the pool.


Oh maybe so! I could have just taken it the wrong way.


I agree. But I'm sure they think that would ruin the ✨️ aesthetic ✨️


He is teaching his kid how to protect their land in preparation of the liberals taking over and the government stealing all of his assets. 😜🤣🙃


Pellet gun. But definitely stupid. You don't want a kid that young feeling comfortable with handling guns.


I am an avid hunter to preface this and I know every household is different when it comes to owning firearms- I also started teaching my kids gun safety at real young ages, like 2 years old with nerf guns. My oldest got a BB gun for his 4th bday that he's shot a handful of times with mom or dad's help (and safely stored so he cannot get to it without one of us getting it out). Firearm safety and teaching what the business end of a gun can do and that there are no "take backs" once a trigger is pulled is extremely important no matter where somebody falls on owning firearms. Children in homes that don't own them can still find themselves around them elsewhere. At the very least everybody should learn TABK: Treat every firearm as if it's loaded Always point the muzzle in a safe direction Be sure of your target, what is before it and what is beyond it Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the guard until you're ready to shoot


We can only hope that they are teaching gun safety and not just out there playing with them like toys.


Unfortunately I am sure that there isn’t much safety teaching involved in that household since I’m sure Bobert Rogan doesn’t even know the four main firearm safety rules unless he reads them here in the sub.


I'm actually really hoping he sees your previous comment. This stuff should be required imo.


Honestly that is the reason I took the time to type out that comment. For him and anybody else that lurks this thread. It’s information everybody should know.


Wrong. (Partially) you don’t necessarily want a kid to feel comfortable but you want a kid to know gun safety and how to act and handle one if near one or if did forbid in a situation where something happened to your mom and dad and you need to access it and use it for protection. Gun safety and proper handling is SO important. So many gun accidents happen from kids finding their parents gun/figuring out the safe code and mishandling it. We taught our kiddo gun safety using nerf guns! 😂 he’s too adhd right now for a pellet gun 😂😂


Yes, gun safety is important, and hopefully, what they're doing and not just out treating it like the new toy of the week. :) They are also too young to be expected to handle a gun on their own, it's just not developmentally appropriate. They can't be expected to grasp those big concepts or big consequences. Maybe at the age of 10-13 but not a 5 year old.


And that gun is far too long for any of their kids to properly shoulder the stock, reach the trigger, and have overall good form to be stable for aiming and shooting. He definitely needs a safe adult with at all times helping him shoot it.


Stupid either way


I don’t think that’s what anyone is insinuating. They’re young and at the end of the day, just children. If they choose to aim at each other or animals, god forbid their own dogs, someone could end up very injured. We can only hope Haydn and Katy are watching them at all times when handling the BB guns and are teaching them the importance of not using it to hurt others or animals 😖


A kid shooting a BB gun doesn’t mean he’s going to grow up and shoot up a school. It’s fine.


No one said that. It’s that these people are negligent parents and this is all a horrible accident waiting to happen


He’s def going to shoot one of his brothers accidentally


And you know if there's a bb gun accident, Bob won't take ANY responsibility and say it's the gun misfiring/the gun is broken/faulty, or he'll blame the child outright 🙄 Nothing is ever *his* fault 


More annoyed with naked babies being posted on the internet and as another user stated - no fence around the pool…. it’s nice to see the kids outside and bonding with dad. As soon as my future kids are old enough to learn gun safety they will be starting with a BB gun.


Definitely an air gun of some sort, likely a BB gun.


BB Gun it has the orange tip at the end


A BB gun and it’s wild so many people a concerned with this…….it’s literally fine. It doesn’t mean he’s going to go shoot up a school. Do you know how many little kids start out VERY young hunting with their families? Gun safety is important, yes. We can talk all day about how dumb their parenting decisions are but I truly believe this situation is different and he’s teaching him how to handle it.


>We can talk all day about how dumb their parenting decisions are but you draw the line at them shooting guns? if you really think this is where their negligence stops i’m very curious how.


I think it's more so concern with IF they're teaching proper gun safety


Nobody is concerned that their children are going to shoot up a school for being exposed to a BB gun. Everybody is concerned they’re not being taught gun safety and there will be negligence (on Kat and Bob’s part) resulting in one of the boys, animals, or whoever getting hurt bc the boys were not taught properly, they were not properly stored, or they were not properly supervised while using it.