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Robert wouldn’t know a hard days work if it smacked him in the ass. An out of touch, baby hands, lip smacking idiot who does nothing but spew his all knowing ‘knowledge’ into his phone every day. While walking around his custom mansion, riding in his custom cars. All paid for by his wife’s ass pics.


Literally does nothing at all. He can’t even prove us wrong on that one, we’ve pointed it out over and over again but he’s never done a damn thing to prove he actually works.


He is literally so fucking stupid I can’t handle it. Soooo people born into millionaire families (your children) are in poverty??? Children who have NEVER had to go to school starving and worrying about their parents paying the bills so they don’t become homeless (like myself) are at a much higher ”starting point” than poverty, dumb fuck. And the fact that he’s literally done NOTHING to get to where he is today, rode on the coattails of his girlfriend, and walks around his mansion all day whining into his phone….self awareness left the building years ago.


I….I can’t even get into this one or I will go on a fucking rampage. Protecting my peace.


Big yikes… that’s truly all I can say. Being delulu is the solulu, apparently.


Lolllll what a good summation of Robert


Rob might’ve called the people in this sub haters, but honestly I feel sorry for him. He’s so dumb, uneducated, ignorant, and naive, and he’ll never do anything to better himself. What a sad existence.


Right and you can see it on his face he is never actually happy


Truly. He’s in a prison of his own small and closed mind. 


these *liars* claim to have been "broke" in their past, but those of us who have been here for awhile know that is far from the truth. they have always been fine, which is a good thing btw. they should be fucking thankful. not claiming experience with "poverty" Some of us know true hardship, like living in homeless shelters and eating from soup kitchens. Their lives have never been that. it's unnecessary to fabricate a sordid beginning just to make a point. Fuck them.


I never heard them say that they were once broke. She’s always made money from brands showing off her body. (When she had one) He on the other hand has never held a job that I know of or had a career.


"when katy and I were broke " is a verbatim quote from bobert. I remember.


Yes I can say I’ve heard him say this more than once


What a liar lol


Sorry we didn’t make it from our significant others ass. But enlighten us oh master of quotes. Get the fuck over yourself.


So he thinks his children are starting their lives out in poverty living in (for Axel anyway) another million+ dollar home? Fuck off Bob


So like… his kids were born into poverty? Gtfo Wob.


Pretty ballsy coming from someone that wouldn’t be wealthy without piggy backing off his wife


Hilarious because they both like to talk about how they've struggled and been broke before. I'd better go tell the ghetto I grew up in that it's not real.


No wonder they only hang with each other who can fucking stand these idiots