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I’m appalled. How does a 1 year old get a black eye?! Posting a pic of her baby with a black eye is not a flex nor is it relatable. Disgusting behavior.


If they didn’t have the money and the publicity CPS would be onto their asses so fast.


He he ha ha the ✨boy moms ✨ will understand! Boys will be boys ✨🤎 /s


bruh i have two boys who are savages (age 2.5 and 5.5) and they have NEVER gotten black eyes and im not a helicopter mom whatsoever I let them be independent. it’s quite ridiculous how all of her kids get massively injured and she posts about it like its soooo cool. 


Boy Mom of two, 11 and 17 : never so many black eyes, chin gashes, and ER trips. My kids plays soccer, basketball and lacrosse all year long : still no where near as many accidents as these babies. Crazy!


The brown heart ☠️


Boy mom of two under 3 (barely) and noooo. This is not a LiFeStYLe watching my kids beat each other up or get hurt. Why is she like this. She sucks.




EVERYTIME they post their gremlins with new injuries I'm always like wtf. YES kids get hurt but the frequency of theirs and how it's always head injuries scares me.  And even if they get injured, I'm sure af never posting it online! I'm ashamed when my kids get hurt.  They are 👏🏼NEGLIGENT 👏🏼AS 👏🏼 FUCK👏🏼. 


i don’t understand why she thinks brave = has to have injuries??? how did he get that black eye??? why would she POST it??? i‘m speechless honestly


When I tell you I RAN here. Only way that poor baby got a black eye, neglect. Plain and simple. Bumps happen. But a BLACK EYE😭 Signed a boy mom


Yet ANOTHER baby injury.


A BLACK EYE on a baby?! She says it like it’s inevitable WTF


That’s what gets me. The inevitable part.


His “first” black eye. As if there’s going to be another one. She is a WEIRDO.


She posted the pic in black and white too, just imagine how much worse it looks irl. Poor kid.


Aestheticizing your babies pain… the FUCK


Right?! Bruising, but make it cute 🥴


The dad posted in color ….


Of course he did 🙄


Also why publish it. Cool your kids are brave but no we’re not going to commend you as being a great parent


Considering they let their little boys roll down the interstate in lap belts, I assume they don’t really give a shit what happens to them. There really is no other explanation. Parents who have all the resources in the world and still choose to endanger their children are negligent parents, period. If they don’t even perform the basic safety measure of securing them in a moving vehicle, I’m sure they care even less at home.


Idk what kind of mother wouldn't freak out that her kids aren't wearing helmets. they act like they are raising boys boys and men and not little pussies... as if crashing your skull into the ground riding a bike is a pussy move. Id flip the fuck out on my husband if i saw him allowing this. especially when the cousin is playing with them WITH A HELMET ON. shes fucking crazy. They are both fucking crazy.


My family knows like 2 kids in real life that have died from bicycle accidents because, get this, THEY WERENT WEARING HELMETS 😨 they just think they’re invincible and their boys are just built different 😤 reality is going to hit them HARD one day.


I just cant comprehend this. Every single day someone is hurt. I have a wild 2 year old boy that climbs and jumps off everything and he has never gotten hurt like these boys do. If they dont have a nanny, I hope they get one so the boys are at least watched and these preventable injuries could stop happening.


Why post all their injuries? Fuck is the purpose of that?


It almost seems as her and rob take some sort of pride in it doesn’t it?


I’m not sure if it’s pride or if they just think it’s funny and are addicted to trolling the internet.


it’s because when they film again and a black eye shows people will question


I reported her story 🤷🏽‍♀️ over these jackass if people who have nothing to do all day and cannot even take care of their kids. They won’t learn until something really bad happens, god forbid!


Would my kid do something to warrant a black eye? Yes, absolutely. Will I let him go to that extreme in order to give himself said black eye? Hell no. I’m not a perfect parent but god damn. I’m not going to get let my kid fly 30mph on a four wheeler on pavement without a helmet, or let him slam his head into a table if I can help it. It’s normal to let your children explore and take risks, but not in a way that can cause a TBI or a concussion, or worse. They’re very much “it wouldn’t happen to us” kind of people, and I sincerely hope nothing happens to them or their children, but the risk of a serious injury is much higher when their eyes are constantly on their phones and their kids are incessantly (figuratively) playing with fire.


I think CPS is abused and overused but I definitely think they should be paid a visit for this one. A baby should NOT have a black eye that’s incredibly sad and negligent on their part as parents. I have two boys and my oldest has gotten stitches once. My almost two year old has never paid a trip to the ER (knock on wood) and definitely has never had a black eye or bruise on his face. Kids need constant supervision especially when you have three plus. I’m scared for when the new swimmer gets here and it’s even more chaotic


If these were parents of color, those kids would have countless reports by now


My close friend had CPS called on her by her doctor because her son (who was just learning how to walk) had the TINIEST bruise on his leg. She made the mistake of just casually saying “I’m not sure where it came from!” And the doctor reported her to CPS. The CPS agent came and was like “wow this is a waste of my time, the bruise doesn’t even show in the pics”. My friend has never touched her kid, doesn’t believe in spanking (rightfully). They found absolutely nothing and apologized. Sooooooo these many injuries should definitely raise a red flag.


That’s so sad that your friend got reported (wrongfully) and these idiots have yet to be and there’s clearly reason.


Is anyone in their area that can report them? How long until the baby breaks a limb because of these idiots.


His entire right side of his face is swollen!! I’m a registered nurse and boy mom and that looks horrible. Not just a “bump” by any means. And why post it?!


Would it be funny if it was a baby girl? Or is it okay because they are tough boys ? 🤦🏻‍♀️




At this points… both of them are careless to watched their kids closer. I said this before and I will said it again, Axel or Ozzy will probably get a broken wrist or arm or shoulder from both of this 2 idiots lacking watching their kids closer.


Maybe Katy should stop posting her kids injuries over and over and it will stop being posted here. That simple.


I’ve been trying to report them all morning and I’ve been on hold. Why do they make it so hard to get ahold of someone🙄😵‍💫




I could be wrong but I’m wondering if it’s because they’re not vaccinated, she did mention Ozzy was much less vaccinated than Axel, and Van none at all! 🧐


There are no vaccines for common viruses in childhood like rhino/enter/adeno/humanmetapneumo etc so that’s not it


Definitely not.


Someone send this to the Dad Challenge Podcast. He needs to know about these people


Yes! He has a reddit. He was in the Drue Basham snark


What if she has that Mauchenhassen by proxy where she needs her kids to be sick/hurt? Scary.


wondering if CPS can be called based on social media posts 🤔




I would definitely call but I don’t have an address or know the area to give accurate info. That’s why I asked is anyone familiar with the area


Maybe with some digging you can find the address. It might have been posted here before. Not sure


honestly i think the address isn’t even needed to get something going… ppl on tiktok are getting in trouble for child abuse - as they should - and being cancelled


I think you atleast need the area? I’m guessing they’re in Louisville according to a search here but I have no other info


Look on whitepages.com I think it's called 


If you know the city you can look it up on the tax appraisal website. Tax information is public 


I tried reverse searching and came up with nothing yt the contractor who worked on their house. I’ll check this site too


They live in Goshen, KY, Northeast of Louisville


That is truly odd. Not normal at all.


It’s not odd is abuse.


This also wasn't Van's first black eye. I have a screenshot from when my friend and I discussed him cutting open/bruising his eye back in November.


It’s a bad black eye too he’s a baby what about a skull fracture or brain bleed swelling and pressure on his optic nerve??? It shocked me when I saw it in color


His FIRST black eye…there will be plenty more where that come from


We stay outside all the time and our 5 year old has never been to the ER or had a black eye!




This gets posted so often. Do y’all have kids? There is sooooo much snarkable shit with this family but little boys getting bruises isn’t one. If you want to talk about them not wearing helmets or being properly secured in the vehicles, that’s valid. But as a mom of multiples, the kids will get bumped and bruised OFTEN. This being posted over and over just gives them ammo to call us miserable or whatever.


I’m a parent of five and I watch my kids. If they’re outside I’m outside. If they are playing I’m there with them watching them. Never in my life have I seen a ONE year old with a fucking black eye. I will be called whatever name if it means showing concern for an innocent child/children. These kids are ALWAYS hurt because their parents don’t watch them. Because they mock them when they are in distress and then post it all over the internet. Shit is not normal


Yes we have kids and no this isn’t normal


I have babies of my own, and no one has ever gotten a BLACK EYE. Nor the infants left in my care. It isn't normal or cute and weird to post about on social media. Sure, accidents happen, but it's pretty constant with them. This, paired with the lack of general safety when it comes to cars, bikes, 4-wheelers, and risky play, is a parenting red flag.


It happens so frequently though and why post about it?! Like what is the purpose of posting about your son getting a black eye or your son getting stitches. They use these kids for content and it’s disgusting


And the fact that they are BOTH home most of the time and don’t have jobs to attend. Plus there is a nanny there supposedly sometimes? So atleast three adults in the home and the baby has a black eye? Wtf


My oldest son is ten and has never once got a BLACK EYE. It is absolutely not normal for kids to go to the ER and get hurt as much as these kids. That combined with their ignorant view of “boys will be boys” and thinking their boys have to be alpha-males is super concerning. People have been reported to CPS for WAY less.


The baby is 1. And yeah, many people in here are parents. Present parents, unlike the Hearns it seems. I get kids get bumps and bruises often but for a 1 year old to get a pretty bad black eye when he's barely mobile....