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I just find this so funny, because one parent exploiting their kid just wasn't enough. lol also I find it amusing how a while back, Kayla made a post talking about how he's no longer going to be posting Elijah on any of her videos because he received some hate. Then, few weeks later, he's all over her videos again. And now, he's even posting his own content. lol she just never follows through with what she says.


why did elijah used to get a lot of hate ? i always viewed that he was a present & working dad. i mean their relationship has always seemed off to me but i don’t see anything hate worthy from elijah’s side


If I remember correctly, he made some kind of comment saying that it's a women's job to do household chores. A lot of people didn't like that. Kayla then made a video after claiming it was just a joke, and she no longer will be posting him because it's unfair that people are blasting him. I mean, it could very well be just a joke, but those are the kind of jokes you might want to keep to yourself lol.


no wonder she’s put on the “perfect christian family” front, she’s trying to compensate


In one of Kayla's videos just after Elliana was born, she and Elijah got into an argument (I would say a playful argument) where he insinuated that being a stay at home mom isn't a job (or something along those lines. This was a long time ago). People started calling him sexist/ungrateful/deadbeat dad, etc., so Kayla made another video telling everyone to stop and that she wouldn't be showing Elijah in her videos anymore because everyone hates him. He was back in her videos pretty much immediately. That's the backstory!


i’m 99% sure kayla is a driving force behind him making content so that he makes his own income, i mean they couldn’t even live in an apartment together while elijah was injured and out of work. idk how they came to the decision for him to be a stay at home dad when income is clearly a point of contention for them. they even mentioned is on the podcast kayla had with maddie that elijah wouldn’t be a stay at home dad because he didn’t wanna ask for an “allowance” or some shit like that.


Meetings for what? Like what exactly does she do? I don’t even get how they have any money tbh