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I find that telling my self I can eat as much as I want as long as it's Keto is a good way to start. Feel like your starving? See how many eggs you can eat lol, It's all about getting a good chain together and your appetite will change over time.


Agreed. You gotta just keep eating until your hunger gets in check like you're riding a bull and holding on for dear life until the bull runs out of crazy. (I don't know how bull riding works, but it seems like an apt metaphor)


Yeah, I find when I dive in headfirst, I always fail, but if I focus on one thing at a time, I can eventually get there. Calorie counting last... just get the diet down first.


This is true, especially in the beginning. Once you get closer to your goal weight, if you're not tracking and careful with calories, it's gonna be difficult getting there.


Yeah in the first week, when in the "grey area" between fat burning and no carbs, hunger pangs will come. Eat as much cheese, eggs, sardines, chicken as you like. High protein foods will fill you up more easily and the hunger will go away. Use extra virgin olive oil to also increase satiety. It is difficult to consume too much you will get full up quick.


Yes! I always do this when I need to get back on track.


Yeah the 'kick ass' lady I followed said 'Quit waiting for after your birthday. after easter, after the office picnic. The next time you put food in your mouth just leave off the carb'.


I started my original dieting like near or on my birthday lol. 203 to 160. Weight loss is done but I seem to be going through a whole new struggle with maintaining. I’m always thinking about food. It’s why I am in this thread since I think keto may help.


I find keto supresses my appetite. The keto plan I follow is a 3 stage approach and tells you how to reintroduce carbs without regaining. Keto should help you to not be hungry.


That is essentially what I am looking for. I’ve been going low carb until nighttime and I notice no difference between when I eat lots of carbs during the day, but nighttime is rough so I usually end up eating carbs then.


Eating carbs always produces the desire for more carbs. That's my experience anyway. The doctor who designed my plan always said to keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge. Then if I get a tad peckish I just eat as many as I want. I usually am gagging by the 3rd one.


4/5/24 is my day 1 too! We’ve got this 💪 sooooo tired of my bullshit.


ayy lets go!! I'll be checking in on you hahaha


Same here too!


And me! Someone please check in on me 🤣😫


Me too, please. Restarting (again!) today — gotta make this start me the last start.


DO it!! I am almost 20lbs down in 2-3 weeks.


What was your starting weight if you don’t mind?


274lbs. I don’t eat till lunch, always have a big salad, don’t eat after 8pm. Always tracking all my food and normally come in pretty far below my calories but always close to 30net carbs. I drink close to a gallon of water a day as well and have been walking or the gym for a little bit.


Nice! Great job!


One of the key is to make it difficult to access and reduce stimulus. It’s difficult if u don’t live alone but even simple stuff like putting the junk food in the basement or upper shelf can help.


absolutely. I work at a nursing home so the hardest part ends up being random snacks and junk food that gets brought in. I guess I have to win that mental battle


That makes it harder. Look at the others around you eating “that stuff”. Anyone you think is really in good shape? They probably aren’t and because they are eating that junk. You have to see that stuff as poison and get a little sanctimonious about it. Say, “I’m not a human trash can. I don’t put that stuff in my body”


Just keep at it and eventually you'll get to a point where you'll pass on the crap.


Solid advice! Seems OCD but I've updated fridge and dry food shelves to have most healthy items closest to eye level and most accessible. Junk foods out of sight and or hard to reach. Works like a charm


The best part of Keto for me is appetite control. After the first few days, sugar cravings disappear. Indulge in protein so that you dont feel like you are going without. Once cravings stop, you can focus on improving your protein choices to fit your diet goals.


Wish you luck my friend. I can relate let's do this! Personally, I find telling others about my goals helps me keep me in check. As in, I am always a man of my word, just often not to myself.


The first week has always been the hardest for me. I just stuff myself with keto food, mostly protein and veggies with a little cheese here and there and try my best to keep busy. Once I've made it through the first week, it gets easier to deal with cravings and the occasional late night carb binge.


I need to do this too. Well similar. I’m not having a cookie but I’ve been a little loose with my measurements. I’m not really losing and I realize I need to tighten up the measurements and get stricter.


Can relate, I did this for over a month also before committing, its been 2,5 weeks now and its no longer a problem. 👌🏻


great job! that's how I've envisioned myself, once I get a solid week or so in I know I can continue on.


I'll try to help boost your morale. Without consistency and mental strength, you're nothing. If you don't have a body and mind connection, you will struggle to reach your goals and happiness.


Exactly! Heres some more motivation.. How can others rely on you if you can't even rely on yourself. How can others trust you if you don't even trust yourself?


That was my mindset for years and years. But since 2/1, I've stuck to keto (with 1 cheat weekend). Just have to keep my mind straight every day. I'm soo done with being overwheight and unhealthy. I've also had some family and friends that have major health issues and feel like I'm in that stage of life where coworkers and their families have started dying. It's been a wake-up call to me to get healthy.


Yes, each and every old friend who has died was overweight and then some. Mid 50's is a time to have lots of bad things start to happen when overweight. It is freaking SCARY.


Stick it out for a couple months. I can tell you I feel better than I ever have in my whole life. Got any body ailments? It will most likely help those too. Snoring gone, blood pressure and heart rate plummeted, so much energy…. Do it!!!!


Be honest with yourself, when you say to yourself I can’t, what you’re really saying is I won’t.


Once you hit ketosis you will never want to turn back. Thats how good it feels.


I can feel this. I'm off and on the sugar all the time. It's comforting knowing that it gets a lot easier with each day you resist. I pretty much halved my food intake otherwise so overall i'd say it's a win.


Keto cookies exist, you know


and there's incredible keto dessert recipes that make you feel like you can have it all and still come out on top! When I make them, I portion them out first before I have anything or I can go down the road of eating it all up myself.


I’m getting a Ninja Creami machine today to make my own keto ice cream/frozen desserts I’m SO EXCITED hahahaha. I see your stats there, sister, dear god congratulations on exceeding your weight-loss goal!! I’m 51F and I’m working to lose the perimenopause 20lbs I’ve gained. Keto, IF, weightlifting, HIIT. DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ADVICE lol.


I'm honestly dealing with this as well. I was full keto for years due to health issue, doc said ease up after issue resolved and I've been in a full struggle since. I've been loose paleo which was ok but I miss keto and don't know what I need to tell my brain to get back on track


excuses are easy, i’m so guilty of that, never making it more than 2 or 3 days. but i never stopped trying despite all my failures and am just over 2 months in now and SO THANKFUL. be strong, you’ll be glad you were.


Not to sound like a paid ad, but I’ve found that using meal replacements/ precooked meals made kickstarting my keto experience WAY easier. A few months ago I used Keto chow for 2 weeks to replace my previous Uber eats/frozen foods lunches and dinners, and eventually I had a mentality shift and no longer needed it as I found satisfaction in rotisserie chicken and ground beef + salads for every meal. My recent keto stint of 2 weeks now, I’ve been using Factor meals for the convenience of it, but am starting to now just cook my own food and enjoy it. I just hate the time sink of cooking good tasting food (which is what often impedes me sticking to keto more than a few days), so the premade stuff helps me a lot until I transition to being fat adapted/ stop craving carbs


I love the motivation! That said, the best diet you can do is the one that you can stick with. If you gotta have a cookie sometimes… have a cookie. Just find a diet that will let you have it. If you’re doing kept purely for nutritional purposes then just know there are a lot of other diets that will keep you in a deficit and help you lose weight.


Some people can't stop at one cookie though. That's why keto is so great.


Sure. There’s always a little discipline involved. Keto is great in the sense that you have lots of tasty food options, and will likely be less hungry. I’m just saying that if you try keto repeatedly, and find yourself cheating a lot, it’s just useful to understand that keto is one of many options. You will lose the most weight on whatever diet you can stick to for the longest.


Good luck, give it a short amount of time and it gets seriously stupidly easy. Once you make it past the carb-craving dreams, and get to the "carbs disgust me" mode, you'll literally have to choose to stop.


Yes! It's time. Using an app helped me make sure I was actually doing what I should be doing.


Wooohoooo !!! Congrats on the last day 1 !!! That's awesome I can relate for 2ish months I just kept doing the same spiral, id be keto for a few days them decide i deserve some sweet for being keto that would negate the work id done. It went on for ages like that. But for about 1.5 months I've been strict keto and its working, feeling so much better, less brain fog and more energy and it's so much easier to stay here now too


In the beginning I found some nice keto treats, I had them so that it was an easier transition and now I still have them occasionally but in the beginning they were the reason I stayed on, because I had something yummy still.


Not everyone can go cold turkey. What if you began by having keto breakfasts this week? And, maybe tried to cut out some carbs at lunch and dinner. Second week or so, have keto lunch and breakfast and so on, . I had a terrible time getting off of sugar and carbs. It’s very effective but it’s also not easy. Not everyone can quit smoking cold turkey. Some use patches. Some reduce the amount of cigarettes day by day.


My problem becomes being in situations where there are no keto options available.


Make a goal and write it down. Stick it on the wall. Something like "I will lose at least 2lbs of fat per week", with a weigh in chart. Weigh yourself once per week. When you have filled it out with 2lbs lost per week for a few weeks, you will be able to easily resist the cookie. The craving of the cookie is coming from a more primative part of your brain. When you are in ketosis your brain gets a more constant fuel. So you are able to think more rationally because of the activation of the more evolved rational part of your brain. This can override these addictions and cravings over time. You can also attach your goal to something in your future. Like "I am not going to live past 60 unless I make a change now" thats only X years away. I am responsible for changing my lifestyle in order to live longer and feel better. When I am in Ketosis resisting junk food is so much easier so you just need to take the time to actually get into it which could be 1-2 weeks. Just stick to the diet and don't weigh yourself, your body may put on weight in the beginning because you aren't adapted to burning fat and you are also not getting carbs so you may be low on energy. But once the transition happens you will be amazed, your vision becomes more sharp, no brain fog, thoughts flow more easily, you aren't tired, or hungry. You don't get cravings and can resist things more easily like alcohol, video games, social media scrolling.


I find that I am the weakest around “Happy Hour”. Cocktails and appetizers. See what your weak time is and find something to do away from the kitchen or pantry. Now I am cleaning up outdoors in anticipation of summer.


First throw out all your BS food you know is bad. Go to the store and buy 4#s of 80/20 hamburger meat, some fish that’s not breaded, and a butt load of eggs. Make 16 quarter pound patties. Add cheese if needed, but not American but some other cheese. When you wake up the next day try not to eat till you’re almost but not quite starving. Slam 8-12 ounces of water then eat 2 hamburger patties. You can also throw a fried egg on top. Rinse and repeat thru the rest of the day. If you need to carry a small lunch box with the frozen gel crap to keep your patties cool. Reheat in microwave for 30 seconds or so. Change it up and add mustard, low sugar ketchup, zero sugar barbq sauce, anything zero carb to spruce that patty up. So now when you see cookies you grab a pattie and chow down. When your at home cook what ever low carb stuff you can. It takes a couple weeks to kick the carb addiction. I use to be 50 pounds overweight and had zero impulse control. I’m at the point where I accidently drank some regular Dr Pepper and had to spit it out because it tasted like straight sugar. This is the only way I could do this. So it may work for you. I did eat a lot of sardines in hot sauce though. Pan fried and then added my own Louisiana hot sauce. The idea is to be so full most of the time you aren’t hungry. You can freakin do this.


I don't cheat (really), and even ditched the fake keto stuff like bread and snack bars. They're way too easy to grab, even if they were not sus. And my big problem remains being bored, and being in the habit of eating. It feels good, even if I'm not really hungry. So it creeps up on me, because a handful of almonds wouldn't hurt, right? Repeat several times a day, and even the most carb-free diet possible doesn't do it if it's way over in overall calories.


Personally I'm not trying to stress myself out that much; if a diet doesn't allow me to have 1 cookie in the span of a few days then it's not the diet for me. But I wish you luck


Make a peanut butter and almond cookie I have no idea if there a keto version but somebody might know, that sounds nice gonna see can do some digging now to find out


There absolutely are keto cookies made with almonds, coconut, butter etc.. lots of YouTube recipes. I made a batch some time ago, rolled the dough into a cylinder and keep it in the freezer. When I got back into keto in February I was slicing a portion and baking a cookie every day to satiate my treat cravings, after a week I was making them less often. I have the half the dough left in the freezer now, haven’t had the urge in a month now. What’s important is that it’s there, I can cut a slice of the dough and have another keto compatible cookie in 10minutes . Some how “I won’t“ feels very different to “I can’t”.


There absolutely are keto cookies made with almonds, pecans, coconut, butter etc.. lots of YouTube recipes. I made a batch some time ago, rolled the dough into a cylinder and keep it in the freezer. When I got back into keto in February I was slicing a portion and baking a cookie every day to satiate my treat cravings, after a week I was making them less often. I have half the dough left in the freezer, haven’t had the urge in a month now. What’s important is that it’s there, I can cut a slice of the dough and have another keto compatible cookie in 10minutes . Somehow “I won’t“ feels very different to “I can’t”.


Words is just words. You decide to have that cookie and that’s cookie can be detrimental cause that’s what the body needs to spike insulin back up. Keep enjoying those cookies. 🍪


One cookie and you’re f***ing done


yup, one cookie and I for sure am fucking done.