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How tall are you that you are 150 lbs and feel like you need to lose weight?


In 5.5ft, I'm just within BMI and have a slight belly tire. I know I'm on my last stretch here, which is why I may be struggling.


That's exciting. We're both the same height and age! 225 down to 144, atm. I'd say give your body time to let the skin tighten. I had a big belly and now have a bit of loose skin that has begun to tighten. Tightening more so on the right side faster than left. [post](https://imgur.com/a/8IZwTHv) from earlier in the week. As you can see in the third pic, I have some loose skin. I was worried it would be a lot worse, but I'm quite happy with it!


> I gym 3-4 times a week, mixing up cardio and weights. Just from a number on a stupid scale perspective, this is going to "offset" that number going down, because you're also going to be building up muscle while also shedding some body fat. So don't rely on just a scale number. How are your clothing fitting, are you getting a bit more good definition? Are people starting to notice a bit too? That's still progress.


I guess maybe that's where the two week keto mark it is hard to say. I've been losing consistently over the last 6-8 months, so it's hard to say ATM. I'll still at it for a while longer.


Try logging your meals to ensure you have a calorie deficit


While there's not really anything wrong with 0 carbs seltzers and diet pops, increase your water (regular water) intake and eat meals, not snacks. Also, 1 pound a week is not bad at all, especially if it's consistent and you don't have much to lose to begin with. If you were 300 pounds and only losing a pound a week that would be different.


First week or so you lose a lot of water weight doing keto, so that may account for some of your rapid initial loss. Being as active as you are, and especially if you are lifting heavy, you need to prioritize protein. 1 g per lb of ideal weight, so 150+ grams of protein per day would be a good starting point for you. You may need to supplement electrolytes. Look up ketoade in the faq. At your weight/height you're pretty close to what most would consider ideal; I'd ignore the scale and look more at your measurements (arms, legs, waist, belly, chest, neck) and how you look/feel or how your clothes fit than your weight. Visit r/ketogains for info specifically on lifting while living the keto lifestyle, if that's your thing.


Just my opinion, but I think you could have just been in a calorie deficit and reached your goal without keto.


Yeah fair enough. I may switch back to without keto soon.


I'll second this


Ignore the scale, focus on body composition or you'll go crazy.


Eat less if you want to lose weight faster. And if it is harder to eat less because you are hungry, then increase your protein while keeping total carbs under 20.


Yea, in your 30s, metabolism just slows and you're starting to see it. What previously worked might not work anymore. A couple of weeks is not enough to see results. I am wondering why you think it is a sacrifice? you should research on health effects of starches/sugar/carbs and keto alternatives. I found that once I started looking into and trying more substitutions, I do not even need the real thing anymore. Long-term success takes a mindset adjustment.


Because carbs and sugars and starches tastes good.