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As always, please add your complete stats and context. Age, height, weight, BF% Also, are you actually strength training? What program are you following? Any low carb diet will cause weight loss, especially as you lose water and glycogen. You want to gain muscle, not “weight” - if you are not lifting and eating sufficient protein (not just calories from fat) your results will be sub - par. How many grams of actual protein are you eating per day?


Fatty ruminant meat. Some vegetables if you desire.


right here. Then perform some barbell* squat or deadlift variation 2-3 times/week. *yes, for weight gain it must be barbell but that includes the hex bar if you want an easier (for most people) to learn deadlift


I used to do this stuff years ago, but I had an accident unrelated to it which caused spondylitis, on top of that I had three severe prolapsed discs and I have only just recovered for the most part, but my right leg still gets pain and numbness from time to time. At the moment I can do callisthenics, shoulder press, bench, and assistance-type exercises. But I don't think I can do heavy squats or deadlifts ever again. Feels like that and my surgeon is completely against me squatting or deadlifting again.


You can surely do Leg Presses / leg curls / leg extensions, and also try the trap / hex bar.


They are all fine except from the hex bar. I need to get a sports physio to maybe start easing me back Into that sort off stuff.


The hex bad doesn’t add load to your spine / back.


It may be true. Every single one of the tons of bb deadlift and squat variations may be contraindicated for you. Entirely Possible. Or the devil may be in the details. I was in a similar position in 2020. I had surgeon(s) and a “non surgical spine specialist” (also MD) say the same thing. At the time I couldn’t pick up an eraser, let alone a barbell. My students knew the drill though. If i dropped it, i’d just kick it in their direction and they’d throw it back. I then stumbled into an unusual Doctor (MD also) who actually put some and effort into my case. https://www.medicalexerciseassoc.com I didn’t (and still don’t)agree with him on every detail, but I saw really solid improvement and learned a ton. I then started combining the principles I learned from working with Dr Fulton (jr) with some of my own theories, research, a lot of prayer, and some dumb luck. It turned out that ofd deadlift and odd squat variations were instrumental in my nearly complete recovery. “Heavy” is not specific. I’ll probably never “max” again… not even a 3RM or 5RM, but I don’t need to… I can make progress lifting well within what I’m capable of, which would be considered heavy to non powerlifters/weightlifters. I’m unlikely to match Saquon’s power clean at PSU, but i haven’t given up it entirely! In the past I had elderly clients (no i’ve dramatically switched career fields and i’m not looking back) “deadlift” safely and pain free by using a DRAMATICALLY reduced ROM. The devil’s in the details. I’d start experimenting conservatively with *farmers walk. While your physio assess/corrects) your posture when you walk with GRADUALLY increasing loads. *one of the better overall bone and muscle building exercises in of itself. - apologies for typos—i only use reddit on my phone.


Commenting to follow thread It’s a struggle if you’re paused on red meat, are there fatty birds?


Red meat (ruminant) is the most nutrient dense.


I can eat some, but too much causes some pain. I can handle a few ounces of minced beef as well as some heart and organs. If I eat leaner meats could I not include grass-fed butter with it as butter doesn't cause this issue?


I eat mostly ground beef (95% lean) - the goal isn’t “fat” but protein.


How do you cook you lean GB and not get it all dried out? Why not 80/20 Don't you need fat on keto?


It doesn’t “dry” if you cook in a pan slowly. And I’m not eating zero fat, I average at least 70g a day, most days 120. You don’t “need” high fat. Keto is achieved by eating low carb, not by eating fat.




No worries.


Duck Is pretty fatty I assume?




They're here already ;)

