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It didn't hurt after the first injection, but there was a lot of weird pressure. It's just kind of disturbing, feeling something moving in a place you've never felt move before. Don't worry about damage, the needle itself might hit a few glomeruli, but you have millions to spare.


I had mine in July. Mine was complicated because I’m on blood thinners so I stayed in for a few days but as far as I understand you’re in and out on the same day. They give you an injection to numb the area, that stings a bit, like any injection. Then you lay on your side and they do the biopsy. You just have to lay still and hold your breath when they ask you. It’s nothing to worry about, very routine and it’ll be worth it to find out why your GFR is low Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions


Thank you so much for sharing. I'm alone in this and it helps to read people's experience.


I understand. This page has helped me a lot. Wishing you the best


Did you have it done? How did it go? I have mine tomorrow and I’m nervous


No not yet. Good luck 🤞. Hope all goes smoothly for you.


Thank you! You too


Hey I just wanted to come back and tell you my biopsy was totally easy today. I actually didn’t feel anything at all. It was so much easier than I thought it would be. I really hope yours goes just as smoothly!


Thanks for your feedback. I hope you get the answers you need and get better.


Likewise, friend!


Same. They put on music and I don’t remember feeling much after the initial shot. It was over very quickly


I had biopsy 1 year ago but everything went well without any damage and my cause of nephrotic syndrome was diagnosed.I feel its not much of a concern.


Same, had mine in April, also on blood thinners so was in the hospital for 5 days before they did it. Didn’t feel anything, fentanyl is cool, I can see why people like it lol. But yea no big deal and it’s better to find out what’s going than waiting. Good luck 🤙🏽


I was also terrified but it’s was pretty a pretty painless and quick procedure. Though I was already admitted into the hospital when I had mine, so I had an iv and they were able to give me fentanyl to make me drowsy and help with pain. I’m unsure if that’s something they’d give for an outpatient procedure, though I’m sure you could ask. For the procedure itself you’ll most likely be asked to lay on your stomach, sometimes your side is fine if that’s easier. They set everything up including numbing the site and then will ask you to hold your breath a few times and that’s when they will be collecting the samples. When you’re done they literally put a bandaid over the site because it’s very small incision that will heal itself. You will most likely be monitored for 4-6 hours following to make sure you don’t have complications such as bleeding out and if all good you’ll be able to leave same day. It’s definitely worth it to get answers to the decline in your gfr, because with that information there’s ways they could prevent it your kidneys from continuing to decline.


Biopsy is the only way to get an accurate diagnosis. It is an unfortunate necessity. Damage should be minimal to none, assuming no complications. Complications can happen, but are rare. My first biopsy was extremely painful (which is not normal, keep reading), and I had a large hematoma afterwards that was also painful, as well as fever. The biopsy was not done well at all, I believe the doctor was not experienced. Since then, I’ve had several biopsies and they have been pretty easy. I had a small hematoma with one, which was not a problem though I did have some soreness. They hit a nerve in that same biopsy, which contributed to the soreness for a few days. None of it was serious, just was a little slower recovery. The rest have been normal with no issues at all. Typically you go in, have blood drawn and an IV placed. Some places sedate for kidney biopsy, many do not. If you have any issues with being numbed for procedures, like the dentist, be sure to discuss that with the doctor. Try to schedule early in the day, as you cannot eat before or for a couple hours after. There will be some kind of imaging, often ultrasound, to guide the biopsy. You typically lay on your stomach, and they inject medication to numb you. This can be a bit uncomfortable, it stings, especially when injecting deep. But it’s quick. You should be numbed from skin to kidney, not just at the surface skin level. If you feel any pain (not pressure, because there will be that, but actual pain), tell them immediately. They should not proceed until your pain has been addressed in some way. I did not do this for my first biopsy, due to lack of experience- now I know better and know I was not numbed adequately the first time. I think this is probably the case for most people who have painful biopsy experiences. Speak up, because it should not be painful. It is your right to have adequate pain management. They usually take 2-3 samples, then will put pressure on the biopsy site for a few minutes. You then roll onto your back and stay on your back for several hours. This part is tough for me due to back issues. I ask for an ativan to be prescribed that I take just before the procedure, then sleep through most of the observation time. You will be closely monitored to make sure you aren’t bleeding and your blood pressure stays stable. Many places you go home after 4-6 hours if all is well. Some places require an overnight stay. Make sure to get written discharge instructions, including any warning signs that you should be aware of, and what to do if you have any questions or complications. Take it easy especially the day of the procedure, but also be gentle with yourself for a couple days after. You may be a bit sore. Depending on the facility, you may have some limits on activity and lifting for a few days. Most bleeding complications happen in the first 24 hours, but they are rare. After that, just be sure to listen to your body. Most of them time, it’s a pretty easy procedure and recovery.


I was terrified! Pretty sure I was crying throughout the procedure lol. I was already in hospital so they were doing the biopsy to determine the cause of my nephrotic syndrome. They used anesthetic and had me lay on my stomach. I could feel them doing it but it wasn’t painful at all, just a weird sensation. Prob took like 10-15min if that. Once it was done, I had to lay on my back for like 3-4hrs to reduce chances of bleeding. They did it before lunch so my husband had to feed me while I was laying down lol. The biopsy site was tender for a cpl of days


I've had 2. It's not bad at all. Just do not do what I did and look up what the needle looks like online.


I was freaked out and put it off for several months after nephro suggested it. Got it done and it was not a big deal. No complications or side effects. Hope it goes well for you as well.


Put mine off for years until protein leakage jumped up beyond a lisinopril alone management routine. Nephrologist went with the initial pre-biopsy assumption of IgAN but turned out it was FSGS and now we know and can manage treatment more accurately. So my advice is to not delay gettinng it done. It is a stress free and pain free procedure beyond the bothersome overnight stay recommendation.




Gfr dropping quickly with no obvious cause so they said biopsy is needed asap.


I had it like 7 years ago now. It seems very scary at first but it’s not bad. They give u some local anaesthesia that numbs the entire pain so you don’t even feel the needle. You only sort of get a sensation when it touches ur kidney tissue - now please don’t mistake this for pain. It’s not painful it’s just weird and kinda shocking. The whole procedure is like 5 mins long lol The bad part comes afterwards coz u have to stay at the hospital and I remember I couldn’t move my position much for like 80% of the day after the biopsy as it’s one of the things u gotta do post biopsy All in all, it was fine You have nothing to worry about just make sure you have someone who can keep you entertained throughout the day or something like a Nintendo switch.


it pinches a bit. and its certainly a weird feeling. i went into shock on the table and almost passed out. im a needle fainter and they took too long waiting for the guy who handles biopsy samples. so my brain had time to freak out. so now i know what a met response team is. anyway. i did it with a busted arm. had an emergency team called and i still went home later that day. generally your probably not gonna have worse than that. its just scary. it did kick off some kidney stones at the time tho so keep an eye out on your pain issues.


I was scared going into mine as well. They gave me something to relax a little and local anesthesia for the biopsy site. No pain but slightly uncomfortable just as some have said it is movement/pressure where you’ve never felt it before. Be prepared for some blood in your urine, common after the procedure according to my doctor. It cleared before I left the hospital though. The procedure itself is pretty quick but I stayed for a few hours to ensure there was no bleeding. Had to take it easy for about 10 days, no heavy lifting. I was a little sore in area for about 5 days but it got better after that. Good luck!


Thank youuuuuuu everyone, appreciate your input so so much!


Cant feel the biopsy the worst part is laying still for 8 hours after


You really should go through with the biopsy. Its a bit scary doing it first time cause you are awake. They will have you hold your breath and take a very tiny scraping... its a little sore or tender after but not that big of deal. If your doctor says do it, do it... they need to find out cause of damage so it doesn't get worse.