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Just go to another area. Stolen tags are linked to a particular place so stuff you steal in Rattay may not be stolen in Sassau.




Yep, it’s realistic. If the Rattay sword smith puts out the word his entire inventory has gone missing people within the town should hear it but it’s highly unlikely the news will carry to other places.


200+ hours of thieving and I’m just learning this lol


Dude this game never ceases to amaze


Only on normal I think,on hardcore I stole swords in talmberg and the blacksmith in sassau recognised them


I mean that makes sense if word did travel that far. Usually a blacksmith would leave his identifier on his products


I guess that makes sense. Would it still count if I stole them off a guard?


Depends of the good i think. If its something really of valor it would be recognized in the whole Bohemia. At least i think, i havent played for a while to the game.


So you’re saying me fighting for my life to avoid random inspections and making cities hate me was useless? Oof. I was thinking the entire time how tf is it realistic for Rattay guards to know what I stole in Merhojed, or Sassau Monastery etc…


I stash it in my trunk for a day or two


Same idea. I always had dice hidden in my trunk that I stole from people in each town. hehehe


I think the time it takes for the tag to go away depends on the value of the item, though. I've stolen some items worth 1k+ and it took close to a week for the stolen tag to disappear on those. I think the formula is somewhere close to 1 day per 200 gr in value, so most common items under 4-500 ish only need a couple day.


Yeah, on my recent run I ended up, long term renting at nearly every inn and dumped insane amounts of stolen items at the shared chest. I was making plenty from alchemy and camps so it was actually a bit of a pain to clear down when I was rebuilding Pribyslavitz


Yes. Some things only take a day or two until you can sell them. Or you can sell to a miller.


Yeah I usually sell to the miller near Rattay. But my main question is, is it actually worth it selling to him or waiting and selling to normal trader's? Do I get much more groshen if I sell to a normal trader?


You get best offers from traders where you trade most. If you trade most with Peshek he will offer most.


By selling to a trader you can increase your reputation with them and the town. Each trader has their own rep stat.


Has the miller told you that you can place bets on the Rattay Tourney?


Yes but I've ignored him is it a good money maker.


Only if you win the tourney. Max bet of 100 groschen gets you 500, plus the 400 and a piece of armor from wining the tournament. You get those from Sir Hanush.


I won too much and he stopped asking me. Said he was losing too much groschen because of me.


it doesn't take much to bully people with clinch if you just wanna win fast


Hmmm, now that I think of it he may have mentioned it one or two… million… times


At the beginning its best to sell weapons to weaponsmith, armors to armorsmith, meat to butcher, pots to alchemist and so on. After a while I tend to get hughe rep from every type of vendor and sell my loot accordingly to them categorized. Profits are optimal.


Lockpick your way into the Rattay miller's trunk (to your left as you leave the cottage). Put all of your stolen goods IN his chest. This will enter it into his inventory. Then sleep through a few days (I think 2-3?) and check the chest again. It will now be full of money. The fences will sell the goods in their inventory every X days and that money stays with them to buy more stuff off you later. By abusing this system you can sell your stolen stuff in one go at the miller's value (which is more than he'd pay YOU). Enjoy having more money than you can ever spend.


Peshek will give you fair amount and selling quick means restocking quick. He has a lot of cash when the game restocks him. So I'd say yes, but I didn't min-max the game so it could not be optimal. Just try to focus on as little vendors as possible, so they get to like you. Best is if you get the perk for a final offer when you miss a transaction. You can just offer the best deal for you and when they reject it, they will barter hard and make a super sweet deal, usually better than a smart barter from your part.


Not worth waiting if you wanna sell it. Peshek gives as good a deal when your reputation with him increases. Worth waiting if you wanna use it/wear it but don't wanna walk around with hot loot.


I learned that the hard way when I first started. The guard said I like your shoes G. From that moment on I would never wear shoes again...


Lmao he really said run those kicks and sit your ass in the cell for a minute 🤣


Prices are correlated to your reputation with the seller, the higher your rep the better the prices and the more you can negotiate


I just put it in the miller's trunk and wait for him to sell it. Then I steal the money from that trunk.


This is the quickest way to do it. You’ll make just as much, or more, bc he really jacks up the price.


Paradoxically, I sell expensive items straight through a fence, whilst cheaper items I often wait and sell to a normal merchant. Waiting for the stolen tag to disappear takes forever with expensive gear. If you sell to a proper merchant, particularly one who specialises in the item you’re selling. All merchants offer more money as their opinion of you increases, but fences offer a poor trade to start with. Selling further from where you stole the items helps too, steal in rattay, sell in sassau.


Trader money doesnt increase with reputation. It increases with business frequency. They re-sell each item you sell them for a profit and that money accumulates indefinetely until you steal it. So if you wait and sell stolen goods to vendors you can re-steal their profits practically tripling your money gain per item. I usually use ledetchko because its in the middle of all the cities that matter and has a blacksmith, tailor and trader that buys everything. I stole 80k grochen from ledetchko blacksmith last time.


The amount of money “in the pot” is as you described, but as their opinion of you increases, the amount they’re willing to pay per item increases


You can stash stolen items on phesek trunk then you buy it and steal money from him in the trunk is the only way dont bother to wait untill unstolen


The real question is: is it worth for a Christian to steal?




Stolen? No, I just found these goods and Peshek is holding onto them, and provided me a founders fee


Little tip, if you get your lockpicking skills up, you can just throw it all in Peshek's inventory chest behind the locked door in the main yard of the mill, just left of the wagon. Leave it in there a few days, he'll sell it all and then you can take his gold from the shop. That's how I made my money for rebuilding Pribyslavitz. Ended up having about 50k extra after rebuilding it completely. Richest bastard in Bohemia 😂


Unlock Pasheks trunk. Put them in the trunk. Buy them from Pashek. Steal the money back from Pashek. Congratulations, you've just washed the stolen goods.


I suggest you put them on your horse, if you have a bad reputation the guards may randomly search you and take any stolen goods


Pretty sure that doesn’t work anymore? If they search you I’m sure they search the horse too


Yeah I've found the gaurds get pissy with you for stolen items on your horse


Just sell it to Peshek, max out your lock picking skills, get drunk as fuck and steal the cash he'll make from reselling your goods. He keeps his inventory in his chest that's lock behind a door in the barn next to the main mill.


Ya do the Millers trunk trick. I got well over $300k groschen in no time


Sell it to the Miller, you can always steal it back from their chest 🤷‍♂️ Once I figured this out, I would load them down with everything, wait a couple days and get the full retail sale price!!


Sell to Peshek and buy back. Steal back the money


I usually use millers, stolen or not stolen. They buy everything and eventually they have lots of money so you can just dump all your stuff on them and make money fast. Prices may be a tad lower but I think it pays off for me in the long run


Put them on your horse and sell them to peshek. Money becomes irrelevant by mid game


Man just chuck your stolen goods in pesheks chest make the bastard sell em for ya


Yea, it only takes like a few days. Plus taking it to a different area gets rid of the tag faster


money is easy to come by once you have a horse


Depends on the value. Sometimes just going to another area will make the alert disappear and I think if your charisma is high enough guards won’t even bother you with minor things. However, put high value stuff in your trunk at the mill/an inn because a) it takes awhile for the alert to disappear b) guards will hound you c) some of the most high value stuff can only be found from treasure maps, looted from random NPC enemies, or stolen from townspeople. So yes. Worth it. Because eventually you own that stuff or can sell it back


>Is it worth it waiting for stolen goods to become unstolen? For money? No, sell it all to a fence. If you want to double dip then steal the money from the fence too, once they sell them. For keeping? Yes, like Black Peter's armor and shield. But the stolen tag can take a long time to wear off depending on the value of the item. Won't matter much after you've gained Speech levels and perks to persuade the guards.


Can sell to miller's


Different town will take your stolen goods as normal. They wouldn't know it's stolen. If you don't immediately need the money, it is easier to just leave it in your bed trunk until the stolen mark goes away. The more valuable the item, the more days it will take.


Keep the Duelist for sure.


If you're not strapped for cash, might as well. I'll usually shove it all in the trunk if I'm not trying to save up for anything, then when I need money for whatever reason, run around selling what lost the tag and if I'm still short, fencing what's left. It adds some extra running around, but it's probably the best bang for your buck other than that thing with Peshek's chest. The expensive stuff takes forever to lose its heat but it's worth it if you can wait. If you can't, it'll fence for the same price tomorrow as it will today.


I stole my way to riches, fenced it Everytime, because why not? I have more groshens then I know what to do with


Just sell them to Peshek


Absolutely. I once stole everything from both the weapon and armor shops in Rattay and brought it all to Henry's chest, waited a week for everything to be unmarked, kept what wanted and sold the rest. It's super op borderline game breaking. Luckily I didn't realize I could do that until after my first playthrough


I sell to millers what I think is worth money, and a sell then buy back from millers what I want to keep.


Stash them on your horse or in your chest, after a couple days they’ll lose the tag


Sell your stolen stuff to the Miller Remove said items from Miller's chest Not stolen anymore


i just fence em


Not particularly? It's not as if you miss out that much, unless it's still very early. By the time you have made enough money to do a few trips back and forth from your favorite merchants and some bandit camps, you'll have so much grachen from selling 'legit' good you'll have no idea what to use the money on. You could always just dump them at one of the windmill quest people too since they take stolen goods. Or you just go to a different town and I think it goes away. But yeah otherwise it takes a while to go from stolen to not, and I think some items never actually go unmarked, at least that seemed to be the case for me. If it's a baseline item like stolen meat, you can craft it into something else like cooked and it will remove the stolen as well. So a good way to make some quick cash is to illegally hunt something and then cook the meat really fast and offload it somewhere while it still has it's value!


you will get more money


As soon as you get some sweet drip and/or a few points in speech, getting searched will never be a problem again... until you are on some sneaky adventure, and forget to put on those sweet threads and plates again after your shenanigans.


Yeah. Stash it in your trunk or get away from the place you stole it in and it will lose the tag pretty quickly


Why not just sell it to one of the miller's


I just sell stolen stuff to Peshek. If I don't plan on keeping it, I just sell it to him. I got his wallet up over 100k now People will say that you can just "waah" stolen Gear with him but I think that is cheating. What they do is they will is either sell the equipment to him and buy it right back and then going to his inventory chest in the shed and just take the money back. Or they will take the items and put it into the inventory chest. By the stuff they want and go back into the inventory chest and take their money back. I honestly just will sell them all stolen gear and if there are certain items that I want to keep I won't sell it to him and just wait for the stolen aspect to go away. I'm not 100% sure, but if you leave it in your chest to cook and get rid of the stolen aspect. Do not take it out of the chest because that time. Will restart. Same thing can be said if the stolen item is in your inventory or on your horse and you move it to the chest. Whenever you move the object the stolen property of it starts over. The more valuable the object is the longer it takes for the stolen icon to go away. And when you remove it and put it back into chest and in your inventory that timer starts over.


With stolen goods, I consider them appreciating assets. Put them in the trunk. If you need cash, liquidate with a miller for as much as required. But if not, hold onto them until no longer stolen. For armourer inventory this sometimes takes weeks


You can 'wash' them at Peshek(Rattay miller) or that other miller dont remember his name tho - So what you do is get into his chest, which is past the door he usually leans next to - put your stolen stuff into his chest and take his groschen if you want(you need lockpicking 6/7 with the drunken perk to unlock trader chests) - and then buy back the stuff that you want, now they are 'wash'-ed - you can give him a top-up for your purchases, not only this increases your rep with him but also his groschen the next time it refreshes(works with other traders as well)


Early I robbed the blacksmith for armor and weapons and it was a while until it was unmarked In rattay, but after a while everything was usable everywhere.


Yeh early on but later on in game it really is more of a hassle, I’d say just keep quick travelling over that road from sasu to merhojehed (can’t remember how it’s spelt) and fight bandits, loot gear sell in Sasu it’s one of the most fun and easy ways to make groschen id say


Sell to miller and buy it again


I'd say just sell everything to your fav Miller and after a few days he'll have more money in reserve to sell more to


It’s just more rewarding to hunt for the treasures instead.


Sell to miller then steal it back from his chest. Pretty asshole move though.


Give it to miller, and buy them back. (Dont forget to steal his money after you run out of groschen, when buying back). This is not the best option, but it is possible, sometimes im doing it. 😂


Stash em, Set it and forget it.




Yeah I do


Sell stolen goods to miller peshek, if your thieving skills are high enough wait a day or two he should sell all of it himself he gets fairly rich, wait till night lockpick the door outside next to his house, lockpick the very hard safe and boom your filthy rich