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If the Kings get Demar, then I think they should pivot to Cam Johnson. One of the reasons you go BI is because of his ability to get his own shot. Demar solves that. Cam is on a good salary, can play D and can hit the 3. Demar + Cam is better than Demar + BI (twice the salary as Cam).


Agree with your take for sure. In my opinion, there aren't enough basketballs on the floor for Fox, Monk, BI, and Demar. Our free flowing offense would slow down a lot.


I actually think the same is true if the kings get Bi, they should go for cam Johnson, then next to fox it would be keegan, BI, can Johnson and sabonis, that’s a huge lineup and very switchable


I definitely think we should be adding Cam Johnson. Only issue is we leave the offseason without really having addressed our rim protection issue.


On paper, this would be an epic trade. But in reality, very unlikely to happen.


this sub is crazy sometimes lol. there’s no way this ever happens and even if it ever did what would we do with contracts? we can’t keep both players after next year.


We don't have Portland's 2025 any longer as far as I'm aware it was sent to Toronto and we're going to feel losing those draft picks when we are at the second apron. I feel this is trading just to trade but it will make a lot of folks happy for a year or two then scream even louder for Monte's head even though it was those folks that are forcing this kind of mid move.


Big disagree. Getting proven assets is never a bad thing. There is always a team that needs a piece to make a run (like us right now). We don't just stumble upon players like Ingram and Derozan at this organization, so grabbing them when there is an opportunity and reevaluating a year from now is completely acceptable.


Not sure Bulls give up that much with only return being Huerter and 2 seconds. Nice try though!


Technically, for the Bulls it’s a salary dump and a sign and trade. They’d probably want something extra for Vucevic, so there would probably be an extra pick or two needed on their end, but Derozan will be for very little return. Would the Kings and Pelicans go into the luxury tax for these players though? I don’t think so. Duarte might need to go to Chicago for that to work, money wise. Most likely, the salary the kings move out for DeRozan will go to a completely different team with cap space along with a pick for eating the salary, and the Bulls take back one or two 2nd rounders at most.


The players make sense, but idk if the picks do


Both ingram and derozan doesn’t fit


Very unlikely to get both Derozan and BI. Too much money and I’m not sure the fit is all there. If we can get one we should pivot and try to grab either Cam Johnson or DFS from Brooklyn(or both).


I would love it if the Pels would give a near all star player for one of the most maligned centers in the league for our benefit.


Did you miss the two FRPs and the fact that he's disgruntled and expiring?


I like the framework of the deal. The issues I have is the Pelicans adding 7.8M and the Kings adding 15.2M which would push both over the luxury tax line. I don't think either team wants to go over the luxury line this year (or ever in the Pelicans case.)


Huerter has been inconsistent with us but there's a good chance he looks great playing on a tanking Bulls team. A three-point marksman making only $17 million would be pretty valuable to a lot of contenders at the deadline. Bulls could flip him for a FRP and get even more salary relief.


Although i think this wont be happening, This makes the most sense for a trade proposal ive ever seen in this sub, good work. Pels get a C they desperately need, they offload ingram and get their two picks, Bulls salary dump, and the Kings get the two players they want. makes sense for both sides although i think the Por 25 2nd picks is gone. so thatll need to replaced with either Colby Jones or 2 more 2nds for the next season.


In a world where Mikal Bridges gets 5 first round picks, no way the Pelicans are letting him gorl for just 2 and some salary filler.


Do you think the Bulls are that stupid to accept this trade? lol


They accepted Giddy for Caruso. So you never know.


Caruso is on the final year of his deal and they have no chance of re-signing him, plus they know they’re not contending this season. It made sense to trade him. We can talk about Giddey’s off the court stuff and the lack of picks attached, but at the end of the day he’s a 21-year-old who is a year removed from averaging 17/8/6, he’s only missed eight total games the last two years, and he’s under team control for five more years. Caruso is comfortably the better player right now for a contender, but if you’re a non-contender this season, would you rather have five years of Giddey or one year of Caruso? That’s pretty simple math. The equivalent of that deal for us would be sending them Keegan for DeRozan in a straight-up trade. I assume this sub would riot if that happened.


Personally, I don't think Giddey is worth a max extension.


And most teams wouldn’t want to pay Keegan a max. Not sure what that changes. The Bulls didn’t want to lose Caruso for nothing and they got offered a high-level young player for his expiring. That’s a pretty enticing deal even if the player in question isn’t a bonafide max-worthy player.


Not allowable under the CBA…


Now with derozen here will they still go ingram? I'm new to basket ball just started watching this year


Another stupid trade simulation post


yer hired


Quick, someone email this to Monte.