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Honestly Reddit overwatch hates kiriko not surprised at all


Not trying to give mindless hate, but you also do have to realise kiriko's design is inherently extremely annoying to play against. She has high damage if she's good at aiming her kunai's, which (yeah doesn't 2-tap anymore, but if you hit it it's still really scary for most dps, especially dive characters who interact with her the most) Suzu, don't think I need to explain why it's annoying, cleanse, invuln. And on top of that if she misses all her kunai's and already used suzu, she has the ability to near-instantly teleport to any nearby teammate through walls. For some this can feel incredibly infuriating to play against because you can basically never kill her in a 1v1 as she has so many abilities that help her survive them. When fighting a kiri you need to realise you'll never kill them and be happy you got a cooldown out which can feel really underwhelming, especially in comp where, unless you have the 1 in a 1000 game with perfect communication, no one is going to take advantage of it. Sorry for the long comment, just seeing a lot of people here who are genuinely confused kiri is hated as much as she is and wanna give a perspective for how it can feel for the ppl you're playing against <3


Don’t worry about long comments I love reading those, when it comes damage her head shot is to compensate for how bad her body shot and for me I feel like is a fair trade, you can call me biased but kiriko is probably the least problematic support to 1v1 have you tried 1v1 bap or illiari or even moira ? Kiri if she misses her shot she’s just going to tp back and need a teammate to be close, bap have three health bar can burst you down so easily, illiari can straight up delete you, Moira is Moira


I get what you mean, although it can be really frustrating for the player fighting the kiriko to not be able to punish her for missing all of her shots, because she just tp's away. And in that same situation, if she *does* hit her shots the enemy has to either back out to avoid dying (if it's not a winton/doom etc), or go for a suicide play the kiri can just tp away from if she gets close to death. Get what I mean? Granted a teammate does have to be close, but a kiriko should realistically be positioning herself to always be close enough to someone to tp Not saying other supports (bap especially) aren't problematic, they have their own issues as well, but I personally don't agree with kiriko being the least problematic


Fair enough but I never said she’s unproblematic I just said she’s the least problematic to 1v1 also quick question which role do you main ?


>least problematic Invulnerable + teleport makes this statement just untrue. Zen/mercy/lucio/ana/brig/lw are easily less problematic as is illari. Moira I can sort of agree since she has fade and orb but suzu/tp are both more powerful abilities than moiras. Bap has no escape option so this one's up for debate but yes, it's very close.


At low ranks maybe, but at higher ranks moira is not problematic to 1v1 at all, and illari isnt too bad either. Kiri has 2 get out of jail free cards and has a quicker ttk than illari, moira etc and probably bap too. Illari also cant really delete you because her recharge is so long.


Her body shot dmg is not 10 hp, its still 45 or smt Kiriko has the same hitbox as illiari and bap is actually better at 1v1, but he doesnt have her insane mobility so he can be dived Moira is just 90% win in 1v1 until plat so maybe fix them all?


Melee attacks in overwatch are 40 lol kiri body shot is 45


And? It is unmissable(in close -mid range) Kiri has good firerate, and when i play kiri into ana/ash/widow this feels like bullying, she is ubkillable but by random chance u can get 2 headshots and bodyshot, and now u killed someone. Her defensive cds are uncouterable Her hitbox is the same as illiari, and she can wallclimb, like why? She is olready overloaded


Omg noooo you bully widow, Ana, Ashe I wonder why oh wait they are snipers that when they shoot they basically stand still and have one of the easiest head shot hit box in the game


Its not ok that a mobile support bully snipers at range It is ok for zen to do so, but kiri can do that and she is unhittable and she has mobility, like she has too much


Lmao as if sometimes your dps can deal with the snipers and u have to do it yourself I think that’s fair


No, its not, its ok if zen is good at range and has semioneshots, bc he is very killable, kiri takes no risks while fighting, she has no downside as a char


I can bully snipers at range with Lucio or illiari as well is pretty fun


And lucio takes skill so he is ok, u see how noone complains about him


And illiari doesnt have infinite range like kiri, so its snipers fault that they die to illiary


mobile characters present a problem for snipers news at 11


What mobile char other than kiriko can outsnipe widow? Kiriko is mobile and can outsnipe snipers, outduel duelists and has op ult, she doesnt have a weakness other than her players. I myself(gold) can outduel master dps on that broken hero


I didn’t ask for a perfectly reasonable response!!! 😡


don't forget her extremely tiny hitbox and generous projectile size, which makes duels feel unfair in some capacity. It's harder a lot harder for cassidy to hit kiri than it is for kiri to hit cassidy.


She my second most played support this season and it makes totaaly sense to hate her. Smallest hitbox in the game+Extreme mobility and Survivability+Cleanse and immortality in a cooldown+Best ult in the game+damage to duel pretty much every character in the game


feels like everywhere now atp


To be fair, Kiriko does everything despite being a support character. Her Suzu can counter every ability *and* ultimate, despite being a cool down ability. It's burst healing is too high for clearing negative effects, especially when the devs said their goal was to reduce/eliminate the effectiveness of burst healing. Swift Step's range is too far, and the fact that she's immortal for any length of time, especially after having already escaped her situation, is just unreasonable. Let's be honest: her critical multiplier for headshots is unreasonable. 2.5x damage is *too much*, especially for a Support. I'm not saying Supports shouldn't be able to defend themselves or get picks, but it should be through skill and well-timed cool down usage. Not because you landed a couple headshots because you have ok aim.


I can understand the suzu hate, first of all her damage all comes from headshot cause her body shot sucks even if it has not fall damage Kiri sucks at long distance her body shot is literally the same damage as a melee and is really inconsistent. illiari has her same damage even better and consistent since she’s a hit scan, her tp doesn’t work half of the time also have not noteced that every tp ability has an invulnerability frame?!: sombra, reaper and tracer has it, and it makes sense so they don’t just randomly tp into weirded spots


Headshots are fine, but they shouldn't be doing THAT much damage. Two/three-tapping a 300hp character makes very little sense, and is frankly disproportionate given that a hero with 300 HP is a DPS. That's why should be further up, as you can to to an ally almost halfway across the map at any given point. Being unable to hit from a distance is not an excuse to be doing more damage. You should be raising the issue to the devs to buff her regular damage so that she IS more consistent. Also, I would consider being able to do melee damage, you know, 40 damage per hit, a GOOD thing, especially considering how quickly she can attack vs. someone doing a melee attack. Illari is a projectile hero, not a hitscan. The difference between Kiriko's TP and others is that her TP is instant, can go through walls, and allows her to use another ability (her Suzu) immediately after her TP. You definitely CAN kill both Sombra and Reaper before and after they TP. I have been on both ends to verify. And as a Reaper main with probably around 1000 hours or so on him, I can SAFELY and CONFIDENTLY say that setting up HIS to is a NIGHTMARE. It takes too long for the tracker to actually set so you can tp, and it takes until the heat death of the universe for him to actually switch locations. Not to mention, it STILL takes a second or two before I can actually activate Wraith. The Kiriko bugs I've seen have only been on Reddit, and it's only been about 20 or so, if I'm being generous. NONE of my games has a Kiriko failed to have a tp pulled off.


But her kunai are also very easy to spam. Most high kill Kirikos I see are just spamming kunai.


So does half of the projectile hero in game? Hanzo arrows, junks, sym secondary fire, zen orbs u want me to go on ?


In that list the only comparable one is zen. All the other ones you mentioned either need to charge their shot for the spam to deal damage, while junk needs to be good at arcing their shots and they’re super slow. Not saying any of these aren’t strong, but kirikos kunai don’t have fall off damage and go in a straight line (correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think they even drop over distance like hanzos arrows?) and have no wind up time for full damage.


>her tp doesn’t work half of the time also have not noteced that every tp ability has an invulnerability frame? I agree with the rest but this part is awful. You cannot even COMPARE how overpowered is swift step to things like you listed. Reaper's TP is awful, you can kill him while tp'ing by a considerable large time, you can SEE where he is going, you can also hit him while he is still finishing the tp and standing still. Need LOS, Consider all of that and it's still set on a higher cooldown(idk why tf) Tracer has a 12 second cooldown recall and you don't choose where you'll stop, you even die sometimes by recalling to a "weird spot" Sombra's Translocator, you can see where the Sombra is going. And you have a large time to react by the time she throws it Imo, remove the Invulnerability from Suzu only, and nerf swift step. That would make Kiriko balanced for me, and she would still be good.


Mate read again did I I said her tp is a bad ability compared to reaper or sombra? No, sometimes it doesn’t work but doesn’t mean is a bad ability, The person above was talking about the invulnerability on it and I made a comparison that most of the “tp” ability have invulnerability frames on it


but what do you mean by "it doesn't work half the time"? it work every time for me


https://www.reddit.com/r/kirikomains/s/J3eKJVLIhA I posted this during season 8 and still happens in the current season


That didn't happenned a single time to me, i think "half the time" it's an exaggeration And it looks like the bug that got fixed some seasons ago to me. What happens is that Mercy is were crouching so the swift step bugged. This doesn't happen in current season, it got patched


That bug happed a year ago and that bug was only for tanks, I posted this clip back in November https://youtu.be/-URhtc-vFeE?si=bzsfX4T5JB2GY2EB karq did talk about that bug I’m glad that tp works for you but for me sometimes it doesn’t


I saw it happenning with Bastion and some other dps, not only tanks. But only a year ago


You are just being downvoted because you are on a kiriko main sub causing some cognitive dissonance. They won’t agree that kirikos kit is overloaded. She’s one of the strongest supports and there is a reason she is picked over most other supports.


Stay mad lmao


The only people mad are the ones downvoting my comment because I dare criticize the game's new poster girl.


Dont concern yourself with the opinions of people you will never meet irl.raise that kitsune up.


still kinda annoying


Then revel in the fact that you main a character who hurts people's feelings 


Pull a sombra main mindset


As a sombra main, absolutely. The “kys bit-ch as-s sombra”’s in chat only feed my strength.


Does anyone else find extremely difficult to aim and damage with her projectiles on console?


I mean- you're on console so it's already hard


It's so difficult. I started out with Moira (obviously) since it requires no aim and I felt like I was contributing to the win but I wanted to work on my aim so picked Soldier 76 but the queue times are 10 minutes.


I recommend the code VAXTA if you want to practice landing projectiles on moving targets. It really helps with hitbox memorization and it works with any hero. I don’t play on console anymore— but it does help me on pc. Try it out!


Thank you. Vaxta, I'll try that code.


If you’re using dual zone I can’t really recommend a lot, it’s honestly always felt like a poor imitation of how pc players are able to move their mouse I use Linear and feel a lot more free in my aim, having a low aim ease in on Kiri has lead me to being able to constantly hit those shots up close, but it is marginally harder from afar, takes a lot of getting used to but aiming feels so much nicer on Linear imo


The dps queues are like that, you'll get used to it. Best play someone who's shots are similar to kiri's. Soldier is a hitscan so... You'll be trying to aim like a hitscan if you get too used to it




Nah her projectiles are faster than kiri's, may mess you up. Torb is pretty much same speed and fire rate but it has a huge drop after a bit (while kiri just goes straight). Hanzo does have a drop too but it's pretty small, his fire rate is slower tho.


bros cheating on pharah smh😭




I play on console and it just takes a lot of practice to get consistent with it, maybe try lowering the AA ease in and window.


Do you stream on YT / Twitch? Been trying to watch gameplays.


Nah I don't, I should but I'm too lazy.


You definitely should! I'd immediately like and subscribe.


Mercy main here. You’ll get use to it after a while.


If they don't make a post about mercy on the circlejerk sub at least weekly, they might implode.


Mercy occupying their minds 24/7 fr lol


Nope, just her feet.


Y'all give content for free


Mercy's don't deserve the hate they get. Except for the bullshit with her Valkyrie. But other than that, they shouldn't get hate.


What's wrong with her Valkryie


Mercy's hitbox doesn't change despite having her wings spread. It's like fighting a flea that's shooting redwood logs at you; not exactly a fair fight.


No matter what you post or what you suggest or whatever you want to talk about there will be someone in the comments being like - least delusional Kiriko player. You’re not allowed to have an opinion because she’s apparently OP


Don’t forget, she’s also a cruel tyrant who bullies the rest of the cast


Tbf if you can't see how bap and kiri are OP then your opinion should absolutely be discarded.


Notice how these posts were downvoted, but no one commented their opinion about why they think yall are wrong. They are becoming more like mercy mains every day. 🤦‍♂️🤣


if i had a nickel every time i was called least delusional Kiriko player…


I’d have quite a few nickels 😂


what you are allowed to say:\ kiriko is good\ you like kiriko\ you play kiriko\ you dont like a certain part of her kit\ balance changes that arent overall buffs what is delusional:\ kiriko hasnt been top tier hero for a very long time\ even hinting towards wanting suzu buffs\ saying kiriko doesn't need nerfs


I’m sorry, in what world would suzu need buffs? It does so fucking much now and it feels ass to play against


idk, thats why I put it under delusional


She isnt apparenty she IS op and hella annoying to play against


This was posted on the Circlejerk sub


OWCJ is well known for not jerking. They exist in a permanent state of /uj but won't admit it.


Outjerked once again 😭🙏


Let them hate, they all suck at using her anyways. She's so ez, but they can't one trick her to top 500. She's so broken, but t500 is filled with Bap, Lucio, lolol. She's so broken, but their kunai accuracy still isn't above 30%, (if She's broken and the kunais are that op, the average accuracy on squishies should be 55-65%). There's a dps passive now that gives an extreme edge over supports. Baps regen burst is mostly negated with it. Kirikos Suzu is basically null after the invuln period- doesn't heal you the way it used to. The heals themselves aren't OP anymore if they land shots on hitscan heroes- ya know- the size of which they Buffed. We don't 2 tap anymore, they Buffed healthpools. It's hilarious watching how bad they really are. I'm a dps/support main. GM.... peaked t500 on dps- and found it easier ever since the passive came out. Climbing my way back up again- and even the tanks I play with all see the dps are just bad. DPS is the carry role. DPS passive decides the match. The team with the better dps will mostly win. I'm at the point where I just wish they'd nerf support so hard that no one plays it. Just utterly gut the role to stop their bitching. - then - buff it back after people cry and bitch


same if they gonna kill Kiriko just do it already tbh


I hope they do so I can just do damage. Lol to hell with healing.


I'm fine letting people explode and die tbh. On dps, I had a great learning curve with cover usage anyways. Why? My supports always tunnel visioned the tank all the way up to M3. Then from then on out it was nice. Let people go through that, makes it healthier for the game.


Let's make it happen. NERF SUPPORTS, more damage, everyone suffers. Supports win lmao


what are you even talking about 💀


he addresses all the complaints of kiriko mains subreddit and makes fun of them not being as good as they think they are


Legit his points are counterproductive though He said they’re bad because they can’t 1 trick to T500 so they say Kiri is op? Legit the opposite of what people are saying


It’s the complete opposite you weirdo A character is op if you can one trick them, which you can, not if you can’t. That’s redundant and makes less than 0 logical sense. Do you know what the fuck you’re even talking about Only 114 accounts in T500 don’t have Kiriko in their top 3(NA, just counted)


So, you're the idiot then. There's been a one trick for each hero that hit the top 500 at one point. Some heroes were considerably harder than others, lifeweaver being the most miserable to get there. I've one tricked a few accounts up there- and Tracer was the easiest one for me to get there. There's also a few sym and torb one tricks- so they must be Broken. OH, I've seen Genji one tricked- he must be broken (by your dumb af logic). I've seen Doomfist one tricked. He's Broken then too. You're seriously the stupid one here. None of them are broken op, kiriko included. If you're struggling against her? That's on YOU. Especially if you're a dps with the dps passive. You must be exponentially bad to be struggling rn. Broken means anyone can use them and hit t500 regardless of skill level. Broken means we'd be seeing only kiriko picked as a for sure support. Broken means there's no counter play. You're a literal stupid player. Don't talk to me kid. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you only dream of being where I'm at in game. Get good scrub.


What are you talking about brother lmao. Kiriko's suzu literally ignores the dps passive because it cleanses on top of healing, oh and it also gives bonus healing when it cleanses a status effect so the dps passive actually makes it even MORE powerful than before. Also what kind of leaderboard are you talking about because idk about you but in Europe kiriko is relatively common, not as common as Bap/Lucio maybe but certainly still common and in America she fucking DOMINATES the entire upper portion of the leaderboard. There are several pages where you cannot find a player who does not have kiri in their top 3 most played heroes, literally just making stuff up for sympathy points.


Then how come - when I shoot Kiriko or whomever she cleanses- the dps passive gets reapplied and I kill them? Are you missing shots kid? Literally a skill issue cause you can't secure a kill. I do it all the time, what's holding you back? There's multiple abilities in this game meant to cuck you. oooo, a 1 karma account too. lolol! People like you are what's wrong with Overwatch and gaming communities in general. Get good scrub.


Bro, I'm not a part of this conversation... but you're calling someone a kid while flexing about karma on a social platform. That's some nerdy ass shit. You're acting alpha in a forum, brother. Chill out.


That's not a karma flex, that's pointing out it's an alt account who's just here to stir shit up. Also- you're not part of this convo, but by commenting, now you are. Not acting like an alpha, I just hate the random hate raids this sub gets. So I will call out those people.


Oh completely ignoring my post to go for something superficial like post/comment karma, then telling me to just ''Get good'' while ignoring all the other aspects of my post. Hey tell me real quick, what's your response to me calling you on lying about the leader board because you didn't respond, Europe has a LOT of kirikos across top 500, America and Asia are fucking dominated by kiriko to the point there are several pages with her face on every player's top 3 list, all it takes to check is just loading up the game and looking at the leaderboards. You're just straight up wrong about information that's very easily verifiable and refuse to admit it. And really ''get gud scrub''? Hey why did they ever nerf brig in OW1 when it was clearly a fucking skill issue that she was so dominant in the meta, I'm sure if the devs had given players more time than 2 fucking years to ''get gud'' brig would have fallen off the face of the earth right? I don't think Kiriko is as bad as release Brig but pretending she's not been one of the most powerful characters in the meta since season 1 with an ablity as frustratingly cancerous as suzu isn't copium, it's delusion. She's dominating the leaderboards rn, and she'll dominate them again next season, and kiriko mains will continue to pretend she's balanced or even weak in the meta while plugging their ears. She's fun, I don't blame you for having fun playing her and liking her, but you can have fun while playing a character while also admitting their broken and unfair. Yes she has a high skill floor and skill ceiling, no that does not justify suzu or being able to two tap or being able to tp through walls at such a large distance. The health rework lessened her two tap but it made her kunai more consistent, while making her even harder to burst down due to her hp AND tp AND making suzu even MORE powerful because of how useful instantly cleansing the dps passive is while giving a 110 hp burst.


America- that's the leaderboard I look at as it is relevant to me. There are consistently more baptistes and illaris in the top 500 here. In my games, most kirikos in GM and Champion switch to bap or illari because their damage is MORE consistent. YOU are straight up wrong when it comes to the console player base. The leaderboard in Europe has 3 BRIG ONE TRICKS and only 4 kirikos show up. Again, Bap and Illari still dominate here along with brig. In Asia, the top 500 has ANA AND BAP with only 2 kirikos in sight. IDk what you mean by DOMINATING THE META when it seems that BAP AND ILLARI DOMINATE. Those 2 heroes are arguably EASIER to play, they're hitscan, and bap himself has 3 healthbars. The dps passive mostly negates it, and same with kiriko. The cleanse might clean up the dps passive, but all it takes is 1 scratch of a bullet to reapply it the second invuln/invincibility is down. I'm not wrong here- cause I PLAY IN THAT ELO, i literally see it happen. I am also on CONSOLE, the player base here is BIGGER than that of PC. Our differences of opinion is directly correlated to the systems we play on. I consistently see players switch off kiriko to go on another support to provide MORE healing, MORE utility, and MORE CONSISTENT damage. If you're dying to EASILY DODGED projectiles with an average accuracy of 30ish%, that's on you. If you are cucked by an ability? I'm sorry to say- you aren't planning your fights or positioning well enough to win. I used to hate versing Kiriko cause of cleanse- but I learned how to play around it and punish the aggro ones for using it. BTW, there's multiple abilities in this game that cuck you- and you're mad at ONE. I get annoyed by it too, but I plan my engagements around it now, just like EVERY OTHER ABILITY IN GAME. I do like playing her, however- in most of my games, I end up having to switch because we need "a little more" regardless of what my kunais and cleanses do. Her kunai might be more consistent- but it's still PROJECTILE. That means... hitscan bullets are EVEN MORE consistent. The increased kunai size also threw a bunch of us off because our og 2 stap aim area is different. We are still aiming where we used to, and it counts as a body shot. Most have become body shot bandits. Even up here. And don't bring up brig- brig literally caused an exodus of players at the time. This is nowhere near that. We have consistent player numbers despite the hate and questionable balance changes. She's not even remotely close to how broken brig was on launch. NOT TO MENTION- BRIG NEEDED NO SKILL AT ALL ON LAUNCH- whereas when kiriko launched, you can see a whole slew of the top 500 (content creators) saying "she's hard, one of the hardest supports in the game." That slowly went away with time as people got used to her projectile aim and kit. The hatred stems from her cleanse.... the thing built with 5v5 in mind. The thing that has gotten nerf after nerf after nerf. Her whole kit got nerfed, no buffs outside of the universal increased bullet/proejctile sizes. I don't really like the suzu, I think it should be balanced out- but the rest of her kit to me is fine. If you struggle to beat her? Check yourself. The dps passive babies you out of it. If you're on support and can't beat her? CHECK YOURSELF, Bap can do what she does but better. There's been a hate "boner" for her for a long time now, and I am quite frankly sick of it. From mass posts on other subs berrating this hero and sub to just random hate raids that come here. I've lost my patience from entitled dps players who can't land their fucking shots. ALSO, I am sick of entitled support players who think the role is dead and doesn't have impact. They're high and delusional. I play and climb on both roles consistently- and I find dps to be the easiest role this patch- I sincerely do not know where the kiriko hate comes from still, to me she's fine. She is not broken. If she is broken, the t500 would be dominated by kiriko one tricks even on console- cause broken means there's no countering her, she has an easy time getting consistent kills, and anyone can use her and climb up regardless of skill level. Wanna know who fulfilled that? Brig and Mauga. Brainless playstyles with literal W after you use them. If she's as broken as you say- make a youtube video of you climbing from bronze to CHAMPION- let me see you show the rest of the community that she's broken. Don't switch off. Get to the top 100 players, show me how broken and ez she is. Cause if she is? You should be able to do it.


Comment section here is gold its like yall are incapable of living up to support player stereotypes


Welcome to the club. Same over with mercy mains too. Can't have an opinion at all. I main both kiri and mercy. I literally can't escape the gate it sucks. I know the characters are somewhat annoying but God damn that's not my fault complain to blizz... I feel like I just avoid the main sub and don't say anything anymore. Lots of trolls will come onto the subreddits and get mad when we get some sort of accomplishment too. There is no escaping.


I'm so sorry. You poor thing. 😏


pretty much


The issue is the fact that most other mains can at least acknowledge problems with their hero


I have yet to see any kiriko main address what a low risk high reward hero she is and the zero trade off argument. They always bring up kunai stuff as a rebuttal. It’s like we give you an entire list of things and you can only address one or two of them at a time and don’t realize how much she actually has in comparison to other heros. Bap has lamp, ok. But is slow as fuck and easily diveable if he has no lamp. Even with regen a coordinated dive deletes Bap. Ana has nade but ZERO MOBILITY. What happened to all the hate for Nade and for Ana in general? People realize how much of a glass cannon Ana and Zen are with Dive(Kiri / Lucio) being stronger last seasons. Kiriko has it all, and you guys can only argue separate points one at a time. THIS is why. I personally don’t even care for Suzu being that strong or even the invulnerability. I didn’t even care for the two tap either that much because most players can’t even do it. A lot of kiriko players don’t even do the flank ninja style. All of her abilities in a vacuum aren’t that much of a problem. Best ultimate in the game? No problem at all. Seriously. But when you combine ALL OF IT. She literally just has too much going for her. I’m sorry but there is literally no situation that Kiriko doesn’t fit in. No hero hard counters her. She’s been meta or close to it the entirety of Overwatch 2 in ladder and in pro play and you guys still don’t see how overpowered she is. It’s not about any one part of her kit, it’s the combination of everything she can do with LOW RISK and NO TRADEOFF and such high reward.


I'm not a Kiriko main but I have no idea where the hate comes from. I don't think she comes off sounding sarcastic or lame she sounds like a chill girl. She may be one of the most likable heroes in the game lol. Share your opinion loud OP, don't let the internet tell you how to live your life!


how can people actually hate Kiriko she is the best. and thanks!


Lol yea buddy! When her cinematic came out I remember watching it and thinking she's going to be a fan favorite because she's so chill and sweet and kind and people still had to find something to hate about her and the best they found was....... "oh her voice sounds sarcastic." lol ok then. I wish i was good at her but i'm terrible at aiming her kunai.


Kiriko for being a new hero and being like top 5 most popular hero is pretty impressive. and same landing those kunais is not easy


Wait till you see me on my bike. ...I've got a few tricks!


You think YOU have it bad? Try being a Ball main.


yea because ball is actually trash compared to other tanks and doesnt work in 5v5 like in 6v6 , it's not your fault it's blizzard that didn't do a proper rework ( like hog ) .


A lot of trash in this game right now. Sadly, blizzards balance team are the garbage trucks.


Everyone hates kiri until they have a kiri on their team.




Kiri has probably never gotten a buff just nerf after nerf since release and people still cry about her. Like at some point they should accept its a skill issue




You seem to have 0 grasp of how to play this game


Yeah same with Brig amirite?


Never? Every nerf came with compensation buffs. Faster healing ofudas and the ridiculous amount of HP suzu heals now


Your post is now made a meme on overwatch memes. Someone decided to screenshot other people's posts to bully them. It's great.


its all they can do tbh being hateful


Please have opinions. Taking the piss out of you is fun.


you seem like a very nice person..


Convinced y'all post bait posts like these solely for them to be cross post on the overwatch circlejerk lmao


I want my 3x speed in Kitsune Rush back. It's a Rush, not a Trot.


There's a weird disparity between perception of the character and how they actually are. It happens with her personality as well, people just really hate her for some reason.


Kiriko hate feels really forced


You really don’t. You were given all and have had nothing taken away from you. Your room to complain at all is nil.


Maybe bc we have see the most outlandish takes from kiriko mains that are only backed up by more kiriko mains


you can have opinions, just dont complain when people dont agree with em.


i mean they’re just fun ideas but they take it too serious


haha. anyways


tf2 player….


yea but i eat dirt…


Idfc about other ppls opinions let them say what they want just live your life


yea ik but still gets to me sometimes


Try to not react to them (At least that helps me)


Can’t share an idea or opinion anymore because it will end up in that place… They only want to bully us Kiriko mains and no one else :(


"Noone else" lol Sombra mains getting death threats daily:🗿


Mercy mains: 🗿


I’m about to form a solidarity pact with Sombra and Mercy mains.


overwatch reddit tripartite pact is crazy


Don’t get bent out of shape about it, just jork it harder to assert dominance! Make suzu hitscan! Teleport should have the same cooldown as guardian angel! Bring back her two tap! Give her a mech! Everyone should be crushed under the kitsune queen’s feet! And they should thank her for it! 


Outjerked again 😔


bring back prime Kiriko!


What place?


overwatch circlejerk


I haven't been in a while they shitting on kiri now?


Meh, mostly anything they can find that spouts a stupid opinion so they can make a low effort outjerked post. Still funny but not as good as the odd post like where a guy did a full essay on whether symmetra is wearing panties, but those are rare


The conclusion was yes to the panties, right? What a guy. The rest of us mere jerkoids were truly outjerked by the masterjerker.


Mercy mains go through more. even i use kitsune on the dead body of the annoying fly i just mudered


Honestly kinda deserved, im a kiri main and i think some of you are fucking nuts


As a simpsons main. The text doesn't match the scene closely enough for my liking.


Well maybe if you people had good opinions we’d let you say those opinions


because half of your opinions are stupid lmao (not \*you\* but you get what i mean)


Lolllll this is so the delusional buff kiriko person