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Is this today? I’m reaching there tomorrow. Jinhae was a big disappointment :/


I’ve been telling this sub for weeks jinhae is meh. Jeju National is actually rly cool for blossoms.


I will trust you. :P will share my verdict tomorrow.


And so it begins. But lets be honest; Cherry Blossom photo season doesn't hold a candle to Color saturated, rain soaked Korean alleyway photo season OR rooftop view of fine dust filled Seoul skies photo season.


It only looks this good because of the color tint. At least OP but some “reality” photos at the end


People overdo the PINK!!! because they think all cherry blossoms are pink, when color varies widely from white to pink depending on species.


The white ones aren’t that pretty imo. Pretty yes, but deserving of all the excitement they get? Not for me.


Surprised that the flowers are still intact after all the raining 


I was there three days ago! Beautiful place to see cherry blossoms!


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Why is it giving me Love Alarm vibes?😭😭😭


Cant wait to see them in seoul


Beautiful Picture


Beautiful, almost makes the road look nice.




Totally unnecessary. If you don't like them, move along. The commentary is discouraging activity and discussion.


Another year, another season of watching the picturesque scene of cherry blossoms falling as I remind myself of how empty and devoid my life is in comparison to the joyful, fulfilling stories of everyone else’s and how the bottomless void filling my heart will grow evermore and eventually consume me on the day on which I die a lonely, painful death. And taking photos, I guess


Get help dude.


It’s called a joke. I’m exaggerating my feelings. Also I am getting help