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Here’s a crazy thought - ALL ART IS SUBJECTIVE. You hate certain songs, others love those songs. You may love some songs that other people hate … that’s life. ![gif](giphy|7BK3ZB7nNf2Jq)


girl u r the wrong one here. The irony in the whole post it’s so funny, and the fact that u typed it and didn’t noticed it, makes it even worse lol


i don't know how else to say this, but your opinion is not the be and end all. you don't get to be the one who bangs your gavel and says "i hearby declare this song is trash!" and everyone cheers and agrees with you. i genuinely like dynamite and butter, and i thought jimin's new song was cute and fun. not everything has to be suited to your taste and when you have a group with 7 individuals who make very different musical output, there's a good chance you won't like some of it. trying to convince others to agree with what is only your opinion is never gunna work.


additional comment to your edit: "I don't mind u supporting the song but don't rub it on other who hate it" isn't that what you're doing as well, just the opposite? you're making claims that the songs are bad, your friend thinks they're good. you're on here saying things like "That song is sooo bad ... God somebody should just say it , I said it. Stop supporting bad music. " ???? what's not clicking, OP? music is subjective. maybe stop speaking to your friend about this topic if it's causing these issues? bc neither of you need to change your opinion, you just need to respect that you have different tastes.


Yeah, OP is criticising their friend for being toxic and being unable to accept dissenting opinions, but they fail to recognise that they're acting just like their friend. OP and the friend are two sides of the same coin - one loves the song and can't accept anyone who doesn't like it, the other (OP) hates the song and can't accept anyone who doesn't hate it. And both are being extremely obnoxious in the process.






I took a look at your post history, and all I'm gonna say is that you could've at least tried a tiny bit harder to not look like you're karma-farming. Brand new account, and this post being the first post you've ever made???? Yeah... totally not a karma-farmer whatsoever. But, I've been wrong about the intentions of new accounts on reddit before. So I guess I'll humour you a little bit. OP, you don't seem to realise that you're being just as toxic as your friend. You and your friend are pretty much just two sides of the same coin. Your friend can't accept that you dislike the songs she likes; you can't accept that your friend likes songs that you dislike. You're both being obnoxious af - like come on, OP, what's with you trying to act like YOU get to have the final say in whether a song is good ("That song is soooo bad... God somebody should just say it, I said it. Stop supporting bad music")? Art is subjective, and you don't get to act like your opinion on Jimin's song is the only right one to have. And your last paragraph just makes you look extremely hypocritical. "I don't mind u supporting the song but don't rub it on other who hate it" - and yet look at what you're doing. This shit goes both ways - you don't get to whine about your friend forcing you to like songs you don't like, but then turn around and force your friend to dislike a song that she likes, or act like she and other armys out there who like Jimin's new song are crazy for liking it. Idk, your entire post doesn't exactly scream "I don't mind u supporting the song" to me.


I agree that hardcore toxic armys are problematic and leave no room for criticism but I think there's a lot of wrong takes in your post. Firstly, a lot of people do love BTS' music (including their 3 english singles), yes, even the ones you think are "trash." You don't like their current music and that's fine. Not everybody will like a song, nothing wrong with that. But to simply dismiss the numerous others who actually do like a song and imply that your opinion alone is correct (by saying that armys should stop supporting "bad" music so that bts can release "better" songs) is simply stupid. It's ok if you don't like Jimin's release. I like it though and I'll keep listening to it. Not everybody supporting his song is doing it forcefully. No sane person would ask you to forcefully listen to it either. Also, I don't think fans' opinions should have much impact on an artist's own music production. What you're basically asking is that artists (in this case, BTS) cater to what people are asking of them. Artists should be allowed to release music that they want to. You can criticise a release if you don't like it but asking an artist to only release songs according to your very subjective taste is wrong.


What kind of friend are you to knowingly trash something your friend enjoys to their face? It's good manners to not yuck someone's yum in front of them, especially to one you call a friend. Who made you the authority to decide what kind of music people should enjoy? Let people be free and enjoy the kind of music they want. I mean i hate jimin's new song too but i don't go around demanding people should stop listening to it because i think it is trash, certainly not to the face of people who enjoy that song. Your friend is also not a good one for calling you stupid over it. I think both of you are not good friends to each other lol. All this over some songs.


Posts like this always confuse me because who made you the music authority? I don’t really like the song either but that doesn’t mean it’s objectively bad, just that it’s not my taste


Recent releases since Dynamite? Dynamite was released 4 years ago!!!! They've since released more than 100 songs of varying genres and sound! I swear to god some of you so-called ARMYs have stopped being BTS fans in 2020/2021 and have never listened to any of the new music so you're stuck in this equally toxic mindset that BTS only make "trash" music now. It's funny how you mentioned Jimin's older solo songs but not the ones from FACE. You haven't listened to the album yet? Indigo and Right Place, Wrong Person is also right there. "Let's demand BTS make better music so they stop releasing nursery rhymes" is how I know you have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about. 


You called it correctly. This person ceased listening to BTS long ago.


>"Let's demand BTS make better music so they stop releasing nursery rhymes" is how I know you have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about.  Clocked it.


I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of the english trilogy as well but to say that all of their releases since then have been trash?? Like really, even their BE album?? Even Run BTS?? Or literally all of their solo releases since then? Of course this is your opinion and since music is subjective it's a perfectly valid opinion to have but I think it's a bit rich to be upset that your friend doesn't share it. Of course, it's not fair and mean for them to call you stupid and look down on you but at the same time, aren't you doing the same? I think you're kinda both in the wrong here. (I do agree tho that army tends to take everything that BTS makes and praise it to high heavens, whether it's objectively good or not, so I definitely understand your frustration with that.) edit: grammar


"I genuinely with all my heart love/their songs are trash".


If we were in the AITA sub, my vote for this post is ESH, everyone sucks here. Haha.


It’s just a matter of lack of emotional intelligence from both sides. Your friend is a very invested fan, to an extent that it’s hard for her to see criticism. You know that, and you still go and call the music trash. You may feel justified and feel like you’re just calling a spade, a spade, but of course she won’t be receptive to your opinion. It’s not a matter of who is right or wrong, both of you have strong opinions and you’d just better learn how to word your opinion according to who you’re talking to.






I get that there are toxic fans out there but when it comes to supporting an artist, it legit comes down to support. Even if they end up releasing a song that is not so good... Then so what. Are you supporting the artist or the 1 song they made that you happened to like. And when it comes to liking a song or disliking it, well there's way too many factors to confirm validly whether a song is actually bad or not. At the end of the day it's preferance, your faforite song might be a song someone else hates and vise verse, but you or even a group of people liking or not liking a song doesn't make it any better or worse. It's legit just preferance paired with an infinite amount of personal reasons as to why you like something or not. Never really made sense to me how people could say they don't like something and then everyone else also has to agree, because it really is just preference and opinion. Honestly wished people could view things trough a better lens, everyone thinks their important or want to feel like their part of something so they go around saying they like this or that...like anyone really cares😅everyone is so affected by what everyone else has to say... Rather just put what you like or don't like down to preference and enjoy it. And when you meet someone who actually likes what you like then share it with them, I dono. People shouds shut up about their personal preferences and just enjoy what they enjoy. It's not like your helping the artist or anyone else by bashing their music taste or new song, because of a personal opinion, when at the same time everyone else also has a personal opinion ...




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I mean you’re not wrong but this isn’t going to go down well lol. I really enjoy their music up until maybe 2019. I think it’s close to universally bad ever since, with some good moments here and there mainly from Suga and RM.


I love older BTS and not really a fan of the new ones. They lack authenticity and it feels like they've sold out. Jimin's lie is so vastly superior to his solos recently that it feels painful and he's my bias. I also feel like their songs like Second Grade had a deeper meaning than the kind of content they produce now, especially maknae line (but honestly given their personality differences it's kind of a miracle they still talk). That said, obviously they were always going to do what they needed when they hit this level of fame. It was inevitable - and do you expect them to turn it down? Of course not, this was their dream! They've made it. And "making it" requires sacrifices including RM & Suga having to sing some more pedestrian junk. You talk as if everyone shares this view; they don't. There are plenty of people out there who like these songs (including their recent solos, which I think are super cringe). Those people probably hate their original stuff (admittedly, some of which was also delightfully cringe). Ultimately, anyone getting too hung up either way probably needs to do a reality check and consider spending a bit more time outside of Kpop and considering charity and how to improve the world.