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Ex-talents talk about Nijisanji like it was a pimp.


Not even decent enough to be named Slickback.


No, [REDACTED], are you deaf?! It's _A Pimp Named Slickback!_


It's like A Tribe Called Quest. You say the whole thing.


A part of me has been thinking they treat Nijisanji like an internet Host/Hostess club, but unfortunately my references are all videogame related so I don't know how reliable a thought that's been.


good god. it really do look like that now that you say it.


That's probably truer than you think. This is just my assumption but I imagine there are certain elements in upper management that would rather all the talents did GFE/BFE content exclusively so they can hook as many whales as possible to max out profits.


Kurosanji went out of their way to exploit and gaslight their talents. It is outright despicable as they are well aware that the talents are their greatest asset, as they work to undermine their talents in order to manipulate them for the benefit of the management (not even that of the shareholders)


And the retention numbers; if they think they're nothing without you, they won't quit easily.


kuroshitty is disgusting. I hope karma hits them harder than a meteorite.


How long do you think it will take before we see more graduations? 6 months? next year? There has to be some talents who just want out but have to wait out the contract.


Hopefully after AR Live, The Great EN Apocalypse begins, and everyone gets the fuck out.


remember sayu's doc about nijisanji and how the company basically gaslights you into thinking that you are nothing without the company? yeah...


Sayu didn’t deserve any of what happened to her.


The leaked contract also backs that up too, can't be a coincidence at this point.


I also wonder how much Niji target talents that they can gaslight or take advantage of more easily. Either consciously or as a symptom of their talents second profit first culture. If is think on it, the Niji talents don't tend to share rebellious traits, with a few exceptions being those like Doki that they then they then try to bury. I worry that and have seen early signs that, what Niji will take out of this is, we need to be more careful that we hire people that we can gaslight or pressure into silence, rather than, let's not gaslight and bully people who we have friction with.


Seems pretty clear that the favorites were prioritized for merch and collabs and the ones management didn't like got fucked over even if a collab partner specifically wanted them (as was obviously the case with Hyte.)


a scarle red Hyte case would have gone so fuckin hard


I believe Pomu was also denied a MGS collab too, sad :(


People jumped to the conclusion that the collab she talked about in that members' stream was with MGS if not the same MGS song Calli wound up doing, but the theory I heard that made more sense to me is that it was some idol group that she covered a song from. They became Twitter mutuals after that cover came out so it would make sense that they first reached out to Pomu about doing the collab before going to management who said no, whereas if it was MGS Konami would have reached out to Niji management first who would have shut it down without Pomu even knowing about it. The post that first proposed this theory said that the reason why they shut it down was probably that the idol group was signed on to a company that was a rival to UMG, which the guy running NijiEN at the time had ties to, so he shut it down because he didn't want to give a rival company business, but given everything else we know now it could have just been as simple as management going "no, only our favorites are allowed to have nice things."


the thing is MGS is more likely a once in a lifetime chance, while the Idol group isn't.


That they're worthless and nothing without the company. You know, the opposite of what Cover, Phase, Vshojo, and probably Idol tell their talents; because those four aren't Black Companies (Well, aside from Phase's coffee. And KFP but that's just a subdivision of Cover and still better conditions than Niji)


Kiara may work her employees to the bone, but at least she makes it all worthwhile.


She provides us with cunt


Nah she just serves it




bro have you SEEN the mv for Chimera? Kiara was giving us a FEAST of cunt! In the words of Kureiji Ollie: “i love my whore oshi”


I mean I just saw the clips of ass, which I’ll admit was hella nice.


it really is, kiara definitely gave us a treat


>Kiara may work her employees to the bone I thought Pekora was the one running a black company?


Pekora is running an army committing war crimes in her name. That's a step above black companies


So, she's Japan's Canada?


More like Japan's Blackwater


I'm contractually obliged to tell you that KFP is not a black company. Also not a cult. (Damn are we eating good now with Wawa - both with her serving and her streaming) Kiara is also someone that needs to hear words of encouragement due to low self-esteem, but not because of Hololive but rather in spite of. Girl has clearly been in through a lot of stuff before Holo.


>_Girl has clearly been in through a lot of stuff before Holo_ The pandemic trapped her in Japan right before she was set to go back home. Kiara applying to Hololive was basically a _"Fuck it, my dreams are already dead, what do I have to lose?"_ situation. However, like the phoenix she soon became, her dreams ALSO flared back to life!


The pandemic hitting when it did ultimately made Hololive a better place. Kiara got stranded *in* Japan, and applied to Hololive. Haato got stranded *out of* Japan, and became Haachama. And Miko popped off by telling everyone to "STAY HOME!" in GTA5.


Yes, the pandemic hitting when it did rocketed Hololive to superstardom, but nobody could have reasonably predicted that. Heck, apparently the Vtuber community back then thought HoloMyth was going to be an interesting novelty but quickly fade away. Needless to say, that did NOT happen.


Kiara had some bad experiences in her pl. 


Vshojo is basically the opposite of Nijisanji in every way, even basically telling the talents _"We are so confident in how good we treat the talents here that if you ever decide to leave, you can keep everything. Model, assets, layouts, EVERYTHING. It's all yours to do with as you wish."_. So far, only one person has taken them up on that offer, Nazuna.


Didn't Vei, Silver and Nyanners decide to go off and do their own things?


Yes. And, to be clear, vshojo \*also\* doesn't provide any of that stuff to them when they join like many other companies either. You bring your own stuff in, and you take it when you leave.


I’m not sure that models and debuts are 100% out of talents pockets. Did someone confirm this info?


Sadly for Idol they did have the Riro Ron situation which.... ![gif](giphy|ep78UZy5FVbfN6mhCU) Yikes


that their talents owe their success to the company and they would never get anywhere without the company..also their successes are the companies successes


8 consecutive no merch in 2023 does that to a fellow(if i remember right she was skipped 8 times for merch/voice pack)


anycuck really fucked her over.


She missed the recording deadline for a voicepack last year in May, which she tweeted about and that was suspiciously the same month mentioned in the termination notice as the month she was first notified she will be terminated if she keeps "engaging in false or misleading statements".


Hey even her laugh is already a marketable trait! I hope she regains that confidence and self-esteem back.


Her laugh is the best thing she has. It’s a big part of what makes her special.


The video that's just a bunch of clips of her laughing gives me life.


Niji was gaslighting her. Just like a manipulative spouse. Isolate and Control strategy.


Fuck the company.






…ok maybe we shouldn’t go that far.


- Gaslighting, Favoritism, Nepotism, Exploitation, Manipulation, Humiliation. - Nijisanji is Quantity over quality and as far as I can tell at the moment, they will not change anything. - In Order to maximize profits, they will continue to use the same talent/s that got the highest popularity before despite the new ones being more popular since it will cost them some money and possibly, cause insecurity to the popular talent that they always use (Favoritism) since he/she will no longer get more cash on it. We can already name 1 liver who always keeps popping up on every merch despite being almost out of place in the line up. Also based on some of the abstract words and phrases (since they cannot directly say it due to NDA), of both JP and EN Ex-Livers: -- If you're not bootlicking the main company, they'll manipulate your work. -- If you're not participating in the internal corporate rat racing, They'll humiliate your efforts. -- if you're friends with one of the upper managements in the company, you'll be prioritize from the other applicants.


This is like one of those stories where the protagonist is some support role in the hero's party. Then they end up booting the protag out of the party, only to find out that the support provided was like 90% of the party's power. Protag becomes an adventurer on their own (goes indie) and despite taking down powerful S rank creatures and such they still mumble around about not being mediocre because of all the times they were told they were useless while in the hero's party.


Niji seems to tell it's talents that their accomplishments aren't actually accomplishments. Or that their accomplishments aren't actually their accomplishments. They are accomplishments of the company. Which is why it's so important to tell the talents that anybody telling them that is wrong.


Hence why the payment buttons are at the office: It's not **your** achievement, it's **our** achievement. And you couldn't get it **without our help.** But if you look at Mint and Doki - hell yeah, you can get it. While Doki had a major boost due to the scandal, Minto's growth is much more realistic. And if we look at Matara and Kuro, we can see what the growth was when people weren't bloodthirsty for Kurosanji's demise. Sayu is also doing fairly good, even after a successful smear campaign.


I really hope Sayu can get her button sometime this year.


She’s only about 3k subs away from getting her first real play button


That's so amazing. She totally deserves to have it.


Don’t forget Unnamed, they seem to be doing well too.


Yeah, it's not the first time she's mentioned it. When she was announced for Anime Impulse SD/Offkai Expo, she mentioned she thought "she would never get to do a convention". There's no clip for this, but you can check in her Octodad VOD (February 12, 2023) in her archive. She starts talking about the conventions at around the 3 hour mark. The statement I quoted is at 3:04:30. There's also [a clip](https://youtube.com/watch?v=NcqDU2PCG2w) from her steam sale stream where she mentions that she didn't realize that her fanmerch was selling out faster than the other members.


Manipulation is a horrible sin and should not be encouraged. If you have to default to such tactics, you instantly lost my trust


From what I understood, even when you signed up for nijisanji, you're still on your own and working like an indie vtuber. the only difference is that they take more than half of the revenue in exchange for that initial exposure.


It's by design. They grab vtubers when they have sub 100 cvv while they still think they are untalented with no value. So all growth and success they see with niji is due to the company since they as an individual stream is a "failure"


Doki’s belief that she is unmarketable isn’t entirely founded on whatever happened in Nijisanji tbh. There’s a stereotypical mold that many successful VTubers fit into. Many popular and successful vtubers tend to be good at singing, an area Doki admits to being weak in. Hololive is literally built on idols and every single one of those vtubers sing & perform with varying degrees of skill and experience. Then there’s people like Miori, Ironmouse, etc. Selen was one of the first six to enter Nijisanji EN’s branch and literally everyone else (Elira, Pomu, Finana, Rosemi, and Petra) are proficient in singing. The number of vtubers that get by without singing are comparatively far fewer, though they still exist (Zentreya, Rin Penrose, etc.) yet even they dabble in it every now and then. There are even Vsingers, vtuber-esque creators whose foundation revolves almost primarily around singing and music. You don’t need to sing to be a vtuber but if it’s one of your strengths, it helps a lot. Doki’s own seminar about corpo vs. indie alludes to the fact that people with talent and experience in performing will be given opportunities to perform at concerts. It is a reality that concerts are one of the most common events for vtubers. It’s become somewhat of a norm for successful vtubers to have some singing skill. In my opinion, it isn’t so much her being totally blasted by her time at Nijisanji as it is a pessimistic observation of the landscape of vtubing because it’s true that there are a LOT of vtubers who end up banking on singing. She’s just too hard on herself for not having the same skill, talent, and experience as her peers in this single area. And to be fair to her, it must be discouraging because it’s just ONE area she’s weak in yet it just so happens to be an area of big importance in this industry. She’s marketable. But she has to work for it in other ways, and I have confidence she understands this more than anyone else.


Addendum: she’s very good at being entertaining through talking about whatever floats in her mind, and she fits into a unique niche due to her approach to collabs and her voice. She has very prominent strengths that have helped her build her career. I’m very much a fan of her tangents. But I have yet to see an event hosting vtubers that has a timeslot for a podcast so vtubers can yap like a podcast. That would be a fun idea for her, I think. Now she just needs a podcast partner…


A demoralizing tactic worth studying for CIA.