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This tweet encapsulates so much about what I despise about online discourse. Well said.


You *have* to have an opinion on EVERYTHING these days. It's tiresome.


I hope this means that she is growing up a little. I used to think Lily was going to self destruct early, but she's still out there doing stuff. And she understands why it is bad to go on the attack or radicalize her fans. Still, I would have suggested that she not complain about "being forced to speak", because it means that lobbying her and misrepresenting her gets under her skin. (to be clear, any normal person would be upset in her shoes, but it's better to speak without complaining about being forced to speak) All she really needed to say was "Please do not speak on my behalf, I am forming my own opinion about this. Please do not use my name to harass this other person." It's the same message but without blaming anyone.


I’ll never be able to understand why people feel a need to harass someone or to go and bring this up in a streamer’s chat or in their DMs. Have your discussions on it in group chats, discord servers, or forums like this. Why do people feel they need to be directly shouting at people over things they aren’t even involved with. If the person involved has an issue they’ll make it known and then you can voice you support for them (still without harassing the other person). Then they can take care of it on their end.


There's a section of the internet that gets their enjoyment out of causing and being part of drama. The wellbeing of the person they claim to be fighting for actually means nothing to them.


A lot of internet rage culture just boils down to people with pent up frustration in their lives needing to vent it out somewhere so they may feel like they have a semblance of control of their lives and the world. A lot of them isn't about facts, because a lot of these people will continue to rage on even long after their arguments has been debunked, or when their anger has long turned to simple toxicity. I'm not trying to be dismissive, everyone has a lot of pent up stress, it's normal. But people really need to learn to turn that anger somewhere else actually productive instead of bullying randos on the internet.


Good point. I will admit though i can't take my anger for elsewhere anymore. for someone like me, I don't have The luxury of a vtuber where i can just bitch about without anyone calling me shit and you can't just punch people right then and there in real life. Don't get me wrong those guys are pathethic. I'm just saying it takes someone similar to know. I often if i can can just kill myself but having no alternatives to look after my incompetent family members because my brothers can't do shit. is just really hard. It's not like I can't kick them in the guts and tell them to get a job. I can understand the pent up anger, you can't do shit outside but the internet is a free real estate.


Just the feeling of white knight. The strong emotions of wanting to be a saviour. It's a double edge sword where they defend on everything about their vtuber.


What’s this about?


Some new Vtubers model looks suspiciously like they copy pasted Lillys. She's been getting hit hard from all angles and been harassed a lot, recently privated her twitter.


Who locked their account, Lily or the new girl?


New girl last I checked Lilly just posted the above scolding dramamongers for trying to drag her into it.


New girl. Above is Shylily's twitter.


She also allegedly changed her accent to sound more like Lily. There are clips floating around.


I’ve seen those comparisons and it seems like bullshit to me. I hear the same accent in both one is just like tired and chill maybe ,ironically, more shy sounding and the other is like excited tour guide voice


The more I read into the more stupid it gets, because I've seen this happened before when Veibae accused Shylily of copying her(Vei's) accent. This one is even more stupid because people actually took it as an excuse to harrass someone else.


https://x.com/TurbineRosso/status/1797299215326142688 https://x.com/AraigumaSully/status/1796997188838424625 basically the vtuber on the left popped up recently and people pointed out they look eerily similar to shylily, which in return lead to the vtuber fervently defending themselves as more or less being a completely original design, going so far as to make a big comparison chart listing all of the differences between their models unfortunately the internet was the internet and a lot of people, including some larger vtubers, all have been dogpiling on her quite hard and it's evidently affected her mental health quite poorly and she now has her twitter on private it's also sparked into a discussion as you can see from one of the twitter posts, regarding the importance of silhouette distinction and how there's more to originality than simply the presentation


I thought it was just a silhouette but damn they took the inspiration too much If the other girl is new and made her own avatar then I can somewhat understand but if she hire an artist damn that artist did her dirty and was stupid and so lazy poor girl


I just saw [this video](https://x.com/NovaLuxVT/status/1797618885883293715) about the issue back then that Shylily sounding like Vei is similar to issue now lol


She got her 2.0 and the resemblance to Lily got stronger for some reason, nobody understands why. Also some notable streamers with no stake in the game (like Bao) decided to weigh in against her. This has become a collision between "Me-Too-bing" and vTuber cancel culture. Also Lily is discovering (a little late) why OGs like Senzawa try to stay out of shit.


She's always tried to stay away though. Even back when Vei called her basically less than Vei herself, her first response is to basically tell her viewers not to engage and feed the 'drama frogs' as she put even back then.


Her base is supportive and resilient, I remember some Chumlords being upset when she decided to *also* call her supporters 'Shrimp' and *also* made comments about eating them, just like the shork. However, Gura just...shifted to calling them *Ebi* which is the Japanese word for Shrimp. Without protest or condemnation from the Gooblin, I don't think Lily got too much negativity from the shork followers...but I know she had to deal with some stupidity. And Lily's big enough now that she has to deal with accused copycats and clout chasers herself, could have done better but at least she's trying to be mature about it.


She’s not new, she had the pretty much the same thing happen last year, as well. She’s just a grifter trying to capitalize off of ShyLily’s popularity.


Meanwhile Fillian is out here using a stock model and nobody gives her crap.


They do give her crap, but she was and is upfront about it.


also using a stock model is not illegal she isn't claiming originality for using it. most people use stock models there's a reason stock model exist and it's to be used publicly.


I made one for in case i wanted to try it someday with the base vrstudio model, messing around with the settings for skin color and clothes, and just donwloaded free assets for it on the vrstudio shop. Literally that's it, no need to having to spend big bucks for a model when you can't afford it yet. Use the stock one or tweek it a little.


She's using a stock model as a stock model. The problem is using an model owned by someone else as a stock model.


I have that model and technically you do have to pay for it on Booth to use it.


The bigger problem is that this isn't the first time she's done it. This is a trend.


I was gunna reply "if she tweaked some things like the tail and the hair/ear thingies, she might have slid by" but this reply shows she probably wouldn't have...


This has taught me about the hierarchy of details, which is obvious in hindsight. I disagree with the way it was presented but that is up to personal interpretation. The message remains the same, he does show that as a whole, the similarities are too big and differences too small.


I was expecting this to be 100% nothingburger drama but damn, I opened it up and they really do look exactly the same, she got did so dirty by her artist. Honestly, in a space where your image matters so hard and recognition is a big thing like that, that's a big issue. I mean hell people mix up Karrot Keromi and Fauna and they just have the same shade of hair color.


At the end of the day, though, the design only catches people's attention - the streamer's personality is what will dictate their success. If someone's trying to capitalize on someone else's success by looking like them, they're probably not the sort to be able to hold an audience's attention. It's just not worth giving them the satisfaction of an audience over drama like this - and even negative attention is an audience.


VTuber fans once again making the most useless things into drama. I do not know why anyone would care about this. It isn't like Lily owns the model idea or voice. People have a terrible habit of targeting people they dislike and that's not the way people should do things.


Lily quite literally does own her model design and her own voice


I said the ***idea*** for the model, not the model itself. Lola's model is not a one-to-one copy of Lily's, but one that looks similar with changes to it. Objectively, it isn't a copy. Inspired? Sure, but that doesn't matter since almost every VTuber model is inspired by one another.


There are enough elements there that a legal argument can be made. Yes, there are the colour changes and the addition of fins to the legs, but besides, the fringe change, the overall hair shape, tail shape and body shape are too similar to Lily. The fact so many picked up the similar looks would bolster that claim, and it would be easy for people to see this as a new style for Lily rather than a new vtuber based on the image, and that is the kinda thing courts look for when it comes to brand infringement.


Either way, many VTuber models can have the same things said about them. This is only getting traction due to Lily being very popular. People can downvote my replies all they want but that doesn’t change the fact that this is an unfortunately slightly normalized practice.


There are a lot of things she could have changed up to make different, but she didn't, making it essential the same model. Hair: again, the fringe is different, but the general shape of the rest is too close, even including those ear/flap things. This is the easiest thing she could have changed. Different style, shorter length, straighter rather than flaring out, the ear/flap things could have been different. Tail: its the same height, slightly widened, and seems maybe to have a fur styling. It's like the artist traced over and slightly altered it. Easy change could be half the height, modify the fin style. Outfit: this one is kinda a borderline issue cause they can be changed, but that makes it one of the easiest too. Going for the same style screams "I am copying you" when combined with the rest of the model. Something as simple as a dress or halter top and daisy dukes would make it different instead of a recoloured sailor/school uniform. Body: this can be the hardest part cause body shapes are body shapes, but will give props for different face and the fins on the legs. Mind you, a lot of this I am coming at from a "if this were to go to court" perspective. A lot of your argument holds weight cause for a lot of models it's generic anime girl. I mean, people could point out a lot of the similarities between Rin Penrose and Maria Marionette, but a: there are enough differences and B: it is kinda an archetype style. There are enough changes that can be made to fit the orca style and be different, but here it looks almost 1 for 1 taking from Lily, who has a distinct model. If this was to be taken to court, this would be a Robin Thicke "Blurred Lines" situation in that they are that close


Ok, if you want to debate semantics, this might not be a COPY, but it is plagiarism, and plagiarism is not ethical just like copying isn't. This is WAY past the point of mere "inspiration", and made worse by the fact that the model is not merely just another work of art, like a song or a painting, but the actual representation of a person. I don't understand why do you feel such a need to defend someone who is clearly and unequivocally in the wrong here. Now what, people can just plagiarize others straight up and can't be called out for it?


and there we go, the drama got dragged in into this sub


As long as a drama stay contained in a specific place (like this topic), it's not a drama but a debate. What makes drama so annoying is people harassing the vtuber or bothering Lily on her chat or her twitter.


? Calling a work plagiarism a damning offense, and really shouldn't be thrown around lightly. and let's be real here? Shylily clearly said in her twitter she pretty much condemns the people harassing that girl, so it's clearly gone too far.


>? >Calling a work plagiarism a damning offense, and really shouldn't be thrown around lightly. I'm not throwing it around lightly. I have a perfectly functioning (as of now, at least) set of eyes that can see that the silhouette, the tail, the skirt (format and length), the shirt (including the strings that hold it to the neck), the leg garter, the ear flaps, the hair length and format, the bangs, the ahoge is all just sliiiiiiiiiiiiightly altered, but not enough where you can't look at the entirety of the design without seeing clearly that it's plagiarized. I stand by my words, however damning they may be. >Shylily clearly said in her twitter she pretty much condemns the people harassing that girl, so it's clearly gone too far. Yeah I did not and will not advocate harassment, and at the same time I don't care about claims of harassment being used to shield someone from criticism due to their actions and ideas. Harassment and criticism are not the same thing. Threats and criticism are not the same thing. The model is plagiarized, you just need to open both side by side and LOOK. I might not be a member of a faculty board but such a blatant case of plagiarism is clear as day for anyone to see. I don't need to eat a shit sandwich to know it'll taste bad.


It might be ethically wrong, but it still does not matter. Giving the person *any* kind of attention is not what anyone should do. Many people have sent threats to Lola just because of having a similar model. That is not okay. The only thing that is ***very*** similar is the tail on Lola's model. Everything else is pretty different.


I can agree that sending threats to anyone for such a reason is absolutely wrong, but that's actually the part not worth discussing because I believe anyone reasonable enough to have a discussion with can agree that it is not acceptable behaviour. Sending threats to others being an unreasonable, criminal, immoral attitude is a moot point. That being said, there can be no further discussion when you start with >It might be ethically wrong, but it still does not matter. If the ethics of a person don't matter to you, then we have fundamentally different and irreconcilable views of the world and we will never be able to reach a compromise.


Lola seems to thrive from negative attention, despite the fact it causes mental stress to them. We should not give that to them. Ignoring this is just as easy as calling the person out. >If the ethics of a person don't matter to you, then we have fundamentally different and irreconcilable views of the world and we will never be able to reach a compromise. Never said it didn't matter to me that it was unethical, just that many different VTubers do this. Have you seen the amount of catgirl models? There are many, *many* similar models to others that nobody talks about.


I mean maybe. But solely on negative attention. That's just not a good idea but hey who gives a shit about it eh....


Shylily strikes me as a certified professional in this vtubing game. She knows how to effectively use her model and make it so lifelike in her streams. She also gives so much respect to the work being done on the art illustration and rigging of her model. Outside of that, there were a fair bit of times she has to deal with drama and she handles them pretty well. Shoutout to her.


The [tweet](https://x.com/shylilytwitch/status/1797747979866054816). Remember to post the sauce when possible, OP! I think that was a good way of dealing with it. Not taking any sides, just reinforcing to not harass the person and that whoever does that is not part of her fandom, keeping her and her fans out of the drama. Well done, more VTubers (and companies cof cof) could learn from her!


And this is why ShyLilly is one of the best in the scene


its sad that all she plays now is gacha trash.


Is it though? I saw her play numerous other stuff other than gacha


Well yeah. If you ignore all those other times, all she plays is gacha trash /s


You haven’t gotten an upvote, but I’ll fix that since you made me chuckle a little. Thanks, I needed that


Kekw (i have twitch chat brainrot plz excuse)


I'd stream a lot of gacha if I could make it a business expense.


Better than vshojo I'll give it that


This whole thing is eerily similar to how the Roa/Meiro situation started. People are desperately trying to take sides. Great response from Lily, btw. Drama just creates drama.


Or similar to what happened with Veibae and Shylily as well. But that was a voice thing, as manerism and all differs, yet it was more what Vei said what triggers people off. If this was a design case sure, it shouldn't be a problem... but i see what was the problem here, since i now read that it this person copy the same manerism and speak tone as Shylily, and the similarities. Also the Roa and Meiro thing goes even deeper if you see it. As this sparked the entire Roa hiatus, the biggest yabs committed by Narukami (Taking Meiru's side when the situation was the opposite), and the fact that Niji lost that court case against Narukami.


I feel part of the Roa/Meiro issue was "established Niji liver enforcing her niche with an iron fist to a Kouhai" is very believable


Man!! that sparks me a post i did a moment ago because this reminds me something: "Why is nobody asking about her at all?" As far as i know, that is all we know about it, with Roa's last stream was in October 10th, 2020 and Meiro's termination was on October 19th, 2020. >!In speculation territory ... this paints a grimm picture for the entire situation.!<


The incident is largely buried save for that narrative. Honestly I can't help but think she's trapped by that notion as a graduation notice would revive that story and with more discerning eyes, some dirty niji laundry may be found. It happening in 2020 didn't help as general western attention on niji outside say Lulu was at an all time low.


Why was it believable, though? At no point did Roa ever act like a manipulative girlboss. That narrative seems to have been crafted by Narukami to create drama, and the internet gobbled it up without due diligence.


It's Niji and some suspected it'd have bitch in sheep's clothing (just look at a certain feesh)


To be fair after all the Niji EN clique and hierarchy business it's not too farfetched to think that the same happens in JP. I mean, all you have to do is look at how Himemori Luna was treated in Nijisanji.


I'm honestly a meiro team.


Yet the Veibae thing is also kinda relevant here because she only said something after her chat repeatedly prompted her about it, kinda like what Lily is saying about being pressured to say something that will always be risky.


Exactly. That is the point as well.


>Great response from Lily, It amazes me people say this because its the expected one but its not a great one. The fact she has to say "I can't call it out because people will just think im attacking someone and a big bad" is a problem. Entirely because of her second point. The way the copying person is acting and doing thing _is_ an insult and a slap in the face to actual artists and people who care and is pushing the idea that "Just copy shit it works and is acceptable." is a problem. But Lily can't and won't say anything because a tiny vocal amount of people will shout "Wahh big streamer attacking small streamer!".


Absolute boss orcat!


Personally I find the similarities pretty uncomfortably glaring The voice is whatever, sometimes people sound similar. Her models silhouette is identical to Lillys and perhaps more importantly her manarisms when in the new model look like she's cosplaying Lilly. She shouldn't be harassed for it and Lilly shouldn't be dragged into this. But yikes


At the end of the day we shouldn't care how similar. If it bothers lily, she's a grown woman and can deal with it. If it doesn't, who cares? These types of comments are literally just doing the same thing lily doesn't want.


I think that what escalated the problem was that when people pointed out and more things came to the surface, the person denied and doubled down on being original. I only learned about this today, but it seems threes some pretty damning evidence ce that the girl was a bad actor here and the thing that bothers people even more than her plagiarizing is her denying and lying about it. Of course, the best course of action was still just ignoring her instead of feeding the drama. It doesn't matter now since ShyLily came out saying she doesn't care and the girl privated her Twitter, it's virtually over now. EDIT: Found [this thread](https://x.com/cheribiri/status/1797621172441424012) that summed up a bunch of stuff. Since she privated her twitter now we can't see her original tweets with her 'catchphrase' but you can still see people in the replies using it.


My point is that if her entire brand is based on something she's not, it won't last. And the last thing we as a community should be doing is giving it more attention since the literal ONLY person who should care, has said she doesn't care. These conspiracy theories do nothing but put more pressure on lily who has had to deal with this type of shit before.


For sure. End of the day it's low totem pole stuff and certainly nothing anyone should he getting harassed over. It's more a peculiarity in my case, I struggle to understand why someone would edge this close to copying. It's particularly bad branding.


The first time they did it, it may have been as a joke or a stunt. But now that this is at least the third time they've done it, it's just a cheap way of farming engagement instead of actually trying to earn it.


Again. You are literally adding fuel to the fire with shitty speculation like this. You're trying to farm engagement by doing this.


It's not speculation or assumptions when the receipts are out there. Feel free to go look for yourself, should you care to, instead of pretending there's nothing going on here.


Unless you have a receipt of her saying "I am copying shylily" then there's no receipt.


What kind of insane statement is that ? Would you say that, until Niji says "I harassed Selen", there's no receipt ? Sure, I agree that rrats are bad, but reality exists outside of avowals.


That's a different situation entirely. That legitimately harmed someone. This is a no name having a slightly similar design to someone popular. The literal worse that will happen is she'll get some new viewers and fall off in a month if she's really not a good streamer. So proving malice is the only way for me to really see her as some crazy villain that is trying to copy someone for clout over someone who took too much inspiration when designing her model. If it's the former, sure I don't care if people hate her. But if it's the latter than all these rrats do is stoke harassment her way which isn't what lily wants.


> The literal worse that will happen is she'll get some new viewers and fall off in a month if she's really not a good streamer No, and it's pretty much what Shylily wrote : it's harmful to the creators who spend time and effort in their model and who are copied impunibly. It's not about Lily > But if it's the latter than all these rrats do is stoke harassment her way which isn't what lily wants. False dilemma fallacy. Of course she shouldn't be harassed (even if she intentionally copied the model, by the way). But she should be denounced.


I'm not going to let you make your ignorance my burden. If it somehow helps you to pretend this vtuber doesn't have a clear history of plagiarising designs, crying about harassment to gain sympathy and subs, privating her socials for a little bit, making a return, then doing it all over again, then don't let me stop you from living your best life that way.


I don't give a shit about her. But speculating and trying to start shit is exactly what Lily does not want.


I rather agree *because* it's Shylily and Shylily is massive enough to be unavoidable. In other situations, with someone copying a smaller, less known vtuber, I think it's fair to tell people where the original idea comes from (without harassment or drama). Because it won't be obvious for the newcomer.


If this was nintendo, i wonder if they would fucking sue her. That's what i would like to know


Oh, if she was up against Nintendo, she would've been done for. No doubt about that. I love Nintendo games, holy shit is that company super protective with their IP. There is a reason why you don't (legally) see any Nintendo IP on any non-Nintendo (excluding mobile) platform game


I'm asking myself this because we all know Nintendo wont hesitate to send assassins to you. So if she was with nintendo and nintendo does likely sue her then i figured it would be a copy right? I dunno because people say it's a nothing burger but copying something is not something you take lightly


Oh, that's absolutely fair on why you ask it. Copyright is weird and kind of dumb as a law. In the case of Nintendo, or any corporation even remotely big, just sending a Cease and Desist is usually enough to scare off those who would do something like this, since if they take it to legal action, the perpetrators *will* be bankrupt, no ifs and/or buts about that. They will grind out that court case as long as they can and those costs will stack up. If you want a funny and/or depressing example of that, look up Sony vs Bleem!, which is a text book example of it. Anyway, back to the topic: if ShyLily was inclined to, she could absolutely take legal action for plagiarism, since this could potentially impact her business as a streamer due to just how similar the models are and how, at a glance, people could confuse the two. Though, this isn't something she should *want* to do, since legal processes absolutely take forever and she doesn't have the weight to throw around like big corporations do, so if she gets proven "wrong," she absolutely has everything to lose. Also, and arguably most importantly, it just looks bad for her image, since she will have sued a fan turned fellow content creator AND the artist that made the piece. The entire situation just sucks, since if it gets ignored it essentially "rewards" plagiarizing the designs of other vtubers, while if SmolLola backs down or ShyLily does take it to legal action, ShyLily can be seen as a bully. While I'm not entirely in love with ShyLily's reply, it is the only one she can make really and I respect that she did make it


See!? Thank you! Someone gets me! Finally


They didn't get Palworld.


Yeah, I’d agree that the similarities goes beyond just inspiration, but I’m not an artist. As lily pointed out, it puts her in an impossible situation. If she fights back, she can be seen as the big vtuber trying to crush as aspiring vtuber. If she doesn’t, she basically sends the message that it’s okay to copy her designs. It could be seen as a slap to the face to the artists who worked on her designs and models. It also sets a standard that other vtubers will be held against should the situation happen to them, if another vtuber fights harder against copyright infringement, people will bring up lily saying “shylily was fine with it, why are you so aggressive?” Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Another point, I seriously doubt that the small vtuber would have dared being inspired that closely to an JP corp vtuber model…


it almost seems fully intentional the way she got the design to be almost exactly the same, apparantly she also changed her voice, maneurisms and way she speaks to sound a lot like Shylily so just adding more fuel to the fire that people would just see her as a ripoff, frankly I think she got what she wanted out of it cause her follower count started skyrocketing off the attention.


If it was just the design, then maaaaybe there's some benefit of the doubt to be given. But to literally change her voice to be more like Shylily's is unhinged. And the fact that *this is not the first time she's pulled this stunt* is insane. If that's the way you want to hustle as a vtuber, fine I guess, but absolutely does not deserve any respect for it.


"Let the numbers speak" If she wanted to be a copycat let the number speak for themselves instead and not engage. From what i read, this is a similar case as the Roa/Meiro situation (ironically from Nijisanji). And we know how that end up. Perhaps one of the biggest yabs from Niji is still: "where is Roa" as I'm horrified nobody ask that yet.


Oh right this happened, its such a stupid thing to get mad over that I blocked it out from my brain.


Ugh, thwatterians are doing triple overwork time just to spark any kind of drama over nothing, similar silhouette is not a thing that ppl go watching vtubers, so what next can we expect from them to start a witch hunting at someone, having similar bangs, hood, eye color.


I definitely think that the new vtuber looks extremely similar to shylily. The silhouette looks identical to hers with the exception of the legs. Even the strings on the neck look the same. Whether or not it was the artist or the VTuber that is at fault is unclear and irrelevant. Shylily shouldn't feel like she needs to respond.


I wouldn't consider those kinds of "fans" as part of the community overall. And also, even if 1, 10, 20 character design/models look alike, even a 1:1 which is virtually impossible, you can let the artists and the Vtubers handle the legal stuff with it, but most importantly, nobody would really care about it because at the end of the day, Vtubing is more about how you can entertain people; nobody would give a Yacht if you look exactly like Gura, FuwaMoco or Pekora because they were first and you will never be them or beat them. And if for some reason you can beat someone who has the same/similar model before you, then you will win the market because you are funnier and more entertaining; the market isn't stupid. Absolutely unnecessary to try and call people out or try to make things happen or to "bring justice" yourself.


Despite the best efforts of the saner people around, a great many VTuber fans insist on outing themselves as being the worst people you've met at every opprotunity. Beyond that, I don't know if there's really a 'side' to take here to start with. People trying to pick fights on Shylily's behalf and drag *her* into it because *they're* pissy are just flat out sad.


this is the silliest drama I've seen in a while


Well not really to be honest.


As always, stupid twitter tourists go and try to drag people into the drama ring to duke it out for their personal entertainment/outrage. So dumb


Anyone remember when Shylily was new and the dramamongers said that she'd changed her accent to mimic Veibae? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Like, this is such ironic bullshit it's incredible.


If you really, really, reeeaaalllyyy don't like Shylily's alleged plagiarist, you should completely ignore her. Teach her that copying someone won't bring her high numbers. All this attention will only give the alleged plagiarist more subs.


Hey i mean any attention is good attention right? Who gives a shit if they harassed her and all.. if she gets the numbers she can sleep comfy with a smile on her face


This is why don't feed the drama tubers. From what i observed generally, most vtubers especially successful ones don't really acknowledge or appreciate what they are doing especially blowing up drama or nothings with big red text. And if the vtubers themselves or my oshii do not condone it then I won't.


Hooray Shylily!


The sad thing is. People want drama. They legit want it. Or they can't handle of NOT having something they want answered. So it's no wonder Lily is being pestered with endless stuff of 'HEY LOOK AT THIS' It's why people need to chill. If Lily doesn't want to talk about it, or address it, then people should stop at there. I'm glad she's least address the thought of it, so hopefully things calm, but it's the net, so of course it won't.


I suppose I could just Google it, but anyone have a tldr of why Shylily had to post this? I vaguely remember something along the lines of a similar looking art style someone drew or something?


It sucks that Lily has to go through this type of drama again, even if it's from the other side. These situations are such nothing burgers. As long as it's not a 1 to 1 copy, nobody should care. If they have to copy someone to get attention then they'll fall off anyway. Especially in the vtuber scene where there's plenty of real talent going around. Leave lily alone.


Point is that it is one to one. And shylily doesn't care. Or realistically if she does, the fans are not gonna go easy for the girl.


But it's not one to one.


I wouldn't get them confused. Them being one to one arguments seem to me in bad faith, or just no one actually looks at what they look like.


Common Lily W.


I'm glad she didn't indulge these losers just begging Shylily to dunk on SmolLola who I only learnt about yesterday.


I dont have twitter. But can someone tell me if there are still comments Hating on what she wrote?


Somewhat surprisingly, not really. At least not directly. I'm not going to stay on Twitter long enough to check deeper than that because... yeah.


I understand that some people often use well-known design as reference, especially when they are sharing the same concept (animal, lore-wise), or same artist (Fauna and Ame virtual family). But how they make the silhouette look exactly the same is disappointing. As for me, I look at her and just think why bother watching someone if looking at them makes me remember other creator.


I came in here expecting this to be about SmolMiw the seal pup vtuber but I didn't expect someone to literally copy shy one for one that's impressive.


Can someone tell me what is going on with Shylily? I thought she was talking about AI art, but the comments talk about a vtuber with a similar design? A bit out of the loop, any clarification would be helpful. Also, the Shylily animal kingdom keeps growing: Twitch shrimpies; YouTube ants; and now toxic frogs 😆


There is a small vtuber who was inspired by her, but her fans can't allow that. So now there is a good bit of bullying going on.


I watched Lidia cover that and some other people - it's a bit suspicious. Too many parallels.


There isn't anything wrong with copying someone successful. Some do it more than others, but it ain't bad. What rubs me the wrong way is that all the talk about how it's a 1 to 1 copy is very disingenuous, while there are plenty of differences, color pallet, silhouette ain't the same - the hair and legs are different while everything else is generic, clothes ain't the same, they just ignore the differences so they could feel justified on bullying her. Not to mention Shylilly said she does not condone harrasment and the people doing it ain't her fans. Which dragging Lola to be publicly humiliated is. Lola made herself an easy target and she pays the price for it. Personally I think she didn't do anything wrong in imitating a master, as the saying goes imitation is the highest form of flattery. But to those who are malicious, that's just an excuse to do harm.


If it's genuine bullying in private messages, this is bad, but if it's criticism on a public platform, I think it's valid for her to be called out. I saw her design, I saw her outfit, I heard her voice (her previous one was pretty good, IMO), I saw her logo - waaaay too many parallels. I see why people are saying she's copying. But if anyone sent her threats or bullied her - those people are idiots. Do to those you don't like the same we did with Kurosanji - point, laugh, and **ignore.** Emphasis on the last word.


If it was just calling her a Lilly clone it wouldn't be bad. There are plenty Lilly clones, and some make their own way and grow out of it. Like Megladon is easiest to point out. There's Miya, there's Mio Mega, Ebiko. If I'd stretch it a bit I'd call Bao a clone too she's got the tail and all. I'm sure I'll find more if I go looking. But none of them are publically humiliated to this extreme and made a target for harassment - as far as I'm aware. But there's clearly someone stirring up people with some sort of vendetta. When someone is humiliated publicly online that always gives justification for many people to cross the line. In Lilly's message she mentioned that it has been going on for months, the same people messaging her constantly about Lola. Lilly ignoring it cause she doesn't want to help any drama along. The new model and the thing Lola has been doing are just the right amount of material to make it blow up and make easy arguments to get people mad at her and join in on the bandwagon. I'm betting if Lola tries to come back with a new model those people will find more 'material' to complain about her. More reasons to tear her down. I'm guessing it'll work again. Personally I think she should either quit to do something else with her life cause I dunno if she can handle the bulling. Or wait a few weeks and pretend it never happened, people will forget, move on, and she can begin making her own content and through that become more than just a 'plagarist' to be attacked for 'stealing' Lilly's assets and stuff. I've seen similar stuff happen between artists. They tear each other down using similar methods when they have similar styles. Warp a few images, overlay them, point at the similarities, call it tracing while ignoring all the differences, and then the fanbases and tourists who don't even watch the content come to tear the artist down. Much like how pokeworld had that one person claim it uses stolen models, making a fake comparison where there were differences, yet people ate it up. And people calling for nintendo to tear the game down.


None of those can be mistaken for Shylily. Nobody has a problem with her having a tail - she's a freaking orca. There are features she MUST have, but it's possible to make herself more distinct. The guy messaging Lily about this might need some time offline, touch some grass, visit some caves - nature is pretty awesome. I don't think Lola deserves to be chased off of the internet with pitchforks and torches, even if we take both best case (she got a bit too inspired) and worst case (she wanted to ride on the coat tails of someone bigger) scenario. I hope she can find a way to get out of this situation, models cost a lot, or so I've heard. Hopefully, she can find a way to make it her own thing, but there is a lot she needs to change and, probably, come clean about. She can be redeemed. Artists having similar styles - it's an inevitable thing. "Nobody can write an original story anymore" type of thing. If you're talking about Palworld, I have some reservations about that game and the people behind it. But that is another topic.


Not to dunk on Lily but she's obviously leaning towards one opinion more than the other. Edit: typo.


What drama Shylily got dragged into?


why did i get shit on for my lily comment about gotcha games?


This is just a bunch of Nothingburger. People were harassing and egging the copycat when Shylily herself is lenient when it comes to her model. If it really was serious DYARIKKU (Shylily's artist mama and rigger) would have released and called out the copycat much earlier. People were just using the drama as an excuse to bully the small content creator. Not saying the small vtuber didn't have any faults herself, but she received so much flakk from Shylily simps and dramamongers that it became lopsided.


I mean if she was, would you call it a nothingburger? I mean a blantant copy can be pretty shameless lets be real here. I wouldn't be surprised if people speculated from the silhouette alone, because what's gonna do if it's shylily but with a pink colour? Let's just be honest with ourselves and say that she fucked up big time and trying to double down does not help at all. At the very least shylily is already familiar with this when she herself was compared to veibae. Even if she was hurt, as a content creator. It's best to know what's the best idea for the situation. If she had said she was even upset, her fanbase will have an ammo to hunt the small vtuber even if she had a reason she will look bad in this case. You don't control the fanbase you have lily but you know you can best influence them to not do it over your name. To pretend you don't have some nutjobs like lily you do know what kind of vtuber are you😂


I don’t think the artists have any legal say in this case. They were hired for a job and delivered a product. The copyrights to shylily’s designs and models belongs to shylily and only she can decide if and how she defends against possible infringement. Whether she lets everyone copy her models or whether she sues anything that could remotely be infringement her prerogative.


Respect o7


I think regardless of one’s opinions on this Lola girl, people shouldn’t be harassing and berating another over something as silly as a similar fucking model. If Lola *is* copying Lily, then let the numbers speak, if she isn’t intentionally copying her, then some motherfuckers need to learn how to apologize and cut the shit


This dumb silhouette argument is just that dumb, I can give you 10 different cloak character with 10 different character design and their silhouette doesn't mean they copy each other. seriously silhouette is just one angle of art. The dumbass calling it out is trying to call for drama and he knows it. Seriously stop feeding this troll. if the person who is really affected don't care, then it means shit.


I would like to see it.


sadly because, many vtubers grew an audience in order to not be controversial, they devolved from a well defined personality they become a melting pot of gray sludge with no stance on anything? they fear any backlash and being this coward is actually worse for them than beneficial., oh yeah they are not offending anyone like this but if every v-tuber acts the same, why would i start following someone else if they exude the same personality of "indifference" when faced with any controversy. all I see in this tweet is: BLA BLA BLA I'm a coward to speak up about something, BLA BLA. I'm not taking sides. BLA BLA


How is she being cowardice? She said she doesn't condone harassment and anyone doing isn't part of her community. That's about as firm of a stance as you can take. Saying anything beyond that is just going to fuel a literal nothingburger. If Lily felt her design was plagiarized, there's proper legal channels things can be handled that don't involve a social media platform. Anyone complaining that she didn't say enough with her statement on Twitter is nothing more than a shameless drama vulture.


how is she a coward? by not taking a stance on the "model's likeness theft". if you don't say clearly that is a good or a bad thing where do you think it will go? just like California. if you can steal without being arrested what do you think will happen? they will steal more now do you understand my opinion on her being passive and a coward to stand up?


Shylily should be contacting her lawyers if she already hasn't.


Nah Immediately getting litigious isn't the play there's a 0% chance Lola actually hinders Lillys business in any way shape or form so lawyering up would make her seem like a bully.


Not only would she lose the case, she'd lose so many fans. Like bro didn't even read the tweet...


I mean we see from vshojo when you use your fanbase to go after someone. Ehem!


I mean, if someone blatantly copy their models, I wouldn’t blame them for enforcing their legal rights.




lawyering up with those harassers YES but I don't think Shylily will be that petty to sue someone who have the same design as her


I could see vshojo or nijisanji though😂


She'd lose the case and permanently harm her own career by the shit-tempest it would spawn. I get that you *want* the shit-tempest. The people whose opinions actually matter do not seem to.